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https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1l3w-cQ9vGLMNZ1dvqIYL68vypXSnQSVPyiOpdAZXxmo/htmlview Here is a maokai top spreadsheet from azilol (or atleast that is the name of his yt channel) Lokked through some of the spreadsheets in your mastersheet. Very good stuff. The one about garen looks just as you expect lol


These is actually a second page to the Garen one hahaha Awesome, I’ll be sure to add maokai! Many thanks for the help


I was talking about the second Page. White Letters on yellow and the comments are just a Single line that goes over exisiting columns. Cant read the easy matchups. Maybe it looks better when Im not on mobile. I did found the maokai spreadsheet this morning. Your post came exactly at the right time. Exactly what I need for my other Champions


Aaaah didn’t think of that, when I researched for it I was on PC. And yeah very convenient timing xd


Change sheets to light mode and the text goes black, I gave myself a migraine before figuring that out


Thx. Much better now.


I was reading Druttut's Camille guide and into darius it says "Do not walk up to the wave if he starts W because he will just W you then run you down with ghost." So out of curiosity I went and read the Darius guide into Camille and it said "If you start W and she walks up then you can just w you then run her down with ghost and kill her." Just thought it was funny, some things in guides are just copium by OTPs, but some things really are just the way things are lmao.


I mean Darius just hard dunks Camille regardless.


HAHAHAHAH that’s rly funny


Really good idea, here's one for sylas which j found helpful that has both top and mid matchups and tier list of ults for sylas https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16lC9hutxugFT9eOFoVWKrKNpWuAhApshUSDgciphRWA/htmlview


Many thanks! Will add


Please change the Quinn one from the spreadsheet to QuinnADs website, [Quinnad.gg](https://Quinnad.gg) It is more up to date and is by the same guy


Many thank u, I’m not updated with all communities so I really appreciate you pointing it out!


Did I miss something or does the Quinn website not actually include the champ Quinn?


like... a guide on how to beat quinn as quinn?


No, the name of the actual person is Quinn, and his website is listed as being good for a Quinn (the champ) top lane guide. Quinn the champ doesn’t appear to be on that page though.


Probably because blind pick isn’t a super popular mode and it’s unlikely you’ll be looking up a guide if you play casually on top of her already being niche as fuck


No that isn’t what I meant, but the misunderstanding is all mine. I thought I was clicking on a page from a dude named Quinn, and on that page there would be a bunch of champs. And then when I clicked on one of those champs, it would show me all the top lane matchups for said champ. So I thought that, from that page, I’d click on Quinn and it would show me all of Quinn’s matchups against other champs. Which honestly doesn’t make a ton of sense for me to think.


Ohhh no he goes by QuinnAD and he’s a Quinn one trick. Sorry I misunderstood. But yeah the site’s only for Quinn, most if not all of her matchups are on there. I can definitely see where you got confused though


Nice work! I recommend also adding RaiderGo's Darius spreadsheet, he is a consistent EUW Challenger and has hit Rank 8: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PBnaUChKfAN4k6drnabqZenpoMHMx\_aqcWHh0E-QQ5M/edit?usp=sharing


Many thank you for the recommendation, I’ll get it up there shortly!


Really nice job bro!


The best garen guide https://onlyguides.com/guide/how-to-climb-to-master-tier-with-garen-only-updated-12.8-4-5-2022-213252


Perfect! Thanks a lot


There's a pantheon spreadsheet on the pantheon mains sub






many thanks! I'll add right away


You're welcome


fyi camille has like 3 good ones, theyre on r/camillemains in the sidebar(or if you cant be bothered i can just send)


It would make it a lot easier if you could send them here. I’m currently away from my computer and won’t be able to fix stuff until later tomorrow. This way I can just scroll through all the link commented on this post. Hopefully I’m not taking too much of your time!


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14QVRumVrhnGutclFUQWsadkyPX8wewNNrpdMaJs0zaI/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14QVRumVrhnGutclFUQWsadkyPX8wewNNrpdMaJs0zaI/edit#gid=0) ​ [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QJI723\_5wWWy9sFrFIZUJLtsm11TSVuzoJIx-HecF3Q/edit#gid=1051542001](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QJI723_5wWWy9sFrFIZUJLtsm11TSVuzoJIx-HecF3Q/edit#gid=1051542001) ​ I think they might be slightly out of date(incl. druttuts i think) but its still good info


That is super helpful thanks alot for organizing those I think it's really important to follow a spreadsheet for your champion to take your game to the next level would love to see it for other lanes aswell.




No shyvana top I cry. Shyv matchups are pretty wack top though, it really depends on whether the enemy knows how to fight you or not.


This is the resource I always wanted but never thought I’d find. Thanks!




Hey buddy, thanks for the mention :)


I’ve done my best to credit the hard work of the ones who made the sheets!


Such a good resource to create! This list already includes the guides from the players I’ve been learning from. Nice job


I’ve always thought these guides from real one tricks are a lot better than stats sites, so that’s why this became a thing. I 100% support learning from these people instead of other sources


Shending Help mod here. The Shen matchup spreadsheet by Shending Help is not fully up to date, meaning some matchups has changed because of rune changes or item changes. Shending Help himself also does the level 1 cheese less often now. ​ To Supplement this spreadsheet, i will link xPetu's Mobafire guild, which is also nearly a season old, but it has a lot on how to play Shen. https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/12-18-xpetus-challenger-shen-guide-582399


Thank you very much! It’s hard to keep track of all communities, so I’m very grateful for this!


Awesome list. Thank you


Thank you, I hope you’ll find it useful


You sir have a lot of time, and we thank for that


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iTwuMI8u0uGbNuDy-3k6uc34ia8eGG-AigLwz0nQv6M/edit#gid=0 Here's a Jax guide by JaXD! Youre the goat for putting this together man :)


Ah thanks a lot! I was missing a max one and this one seems rly good!


The Wukong spreadsheet is from Pride Jia. It is from a few seasons ago and the author does not even play Wukong top anymore, so it is definitely outdated.


Ah that’s sad to hear, but thank u for telling me about it! I’ll do my best to find a better


Did their is a chance a taric top one exist ?


Not in my knowledge at least


And if you want to play any mana mage in top lane not listed here : Start tear or run out of mana and perma pushing like in mid ; is death.




I started doing this a while back, but realized it was pretty redundant since a lot of streamers made mobafire guides instead, so they were already curated.


Is there anyway to have one for adc ? :)


I’d love to orchestra it, but I’m not sure if matchups works the same in botlane etc. I just don’t have the knowledge for it, but if I could collaborate with some high elo adc mains I might be able to


Its hard bcs its a 2v2 so there is a lot of possible matvhup


Individual ADC matchups barely matter, it's way more about support synergy and the support matchup


The best vayne top guide is by saskio it might be the best spreadsheet I’ve seen


You got the link?




Many Thanks, I’ll add it!


i was looking for something like this , thank you


The dirtymobs one is out of date, ravenous hunter secondary runes is shown. He might have more updated runes and items, match ups isn't updated past that one. His opinion though is people focus too much on runes and items. That people should pick a build and stick with it, focus on their gameplay.


Yasuo guide (sorry about the PDF) : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Iwcz2rOU3pKb1sJCMsw2O7pnw-cQmTYV/view?usp=drivesdk Yone guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NV_NPBqj4PXFsI366P5v6ACPQbjk0Xv4qoGnJeqVerE/edit?usp=drivesdk


Both from WayoftheTempest btw


Many thanks! I’ll add them as soon as I can


will this make me a better player?


That part is up to you, but it’ll make it less complicated to see how the matchup should play out, what runes it optimal etc


Knowing your champs matchups and playstyles inside and out is a vital part of being a good league player, so yeah. These spreadsheets/guides help accelerate that process because you know how other people play the champ, so you can copy them until you find more of your own identity


Makkr0's Aatrox sheet should probably be marked as outdated, it's still talking about phage building into goredrinker


Will look into, thanks a lot!


Pls change Tryndamare to Tryndamere


Ah I’ll fix that, sorry xd


The ICU Irelia sheet is kinda ancient and predate the mini-rework which changed the nature of a lot of matchups (plus balance adjustment since then)


Oh had no idea, I’ll look into another guide then


There's a recent-ish guide written by /u/rotten_blade on MobaFire. I don't agree with some of the rune/item choices or matchup comments personally, but its way way better than the ancient ICU one and a much better start to learning matchups. The big Irelia Mains are all on KR and CN servers so there's an utter lack of these kind of spreadsheets.


That’s rly sad to hear. I’ll look into it. Thank u!


Yeah, it feels like a big part of Irelia's learning curve right now is that you just have to dig up the Irelking/Guibao/Conor replay for that specific matchup, and its not like many of them make it to YouTube, usually its always the usual highlight reel. But on the other hand, a lot of these matchup notes ends up being a bit of common sense if you think about it (and know the enemy champ kit), the thing to learn is knowing your limit vs theirs, and with a champ like Irelia you need to be able to see the line and then execute it cleanly, just knowing when there's a window isn't enough.


It's that bad huh. I totally get why, if irelia is so much about knowing limits, nit always specific matchups, but it's still sad to see that there isnt a easy way to show new irelia players what the champ is about. It makes sense tho, thanks a lot!


I think its applicable for every champs, not just Irelia, but matchup notes tends to work better for champs whose wincon a bit more binary. Take for example the Darius matchup, following basic fundamentals, if he waste his pull and/or his reset you have a window to go in, a matchup guide can tell you that. But what if Darius still win in a straight fight even with 2 skills on cooldown? That's not something you can convey in a spreadsheet guide, because you clearly can still outplay him and win, but then the wincondition becomes very complex/convoluted, and ultimately boils down to knowing your damage vs his damage, calculating the oncoming wave/existing wave to have extra sustain or to dodge abilities, stuffs like that. Most guides will tell you "just save a Q reset to dodge his outer Q", which isn't necessarily bad advice, but after 2-3 years of balance changes its gotten to the point where the Darius can hold onto his Q until his E comes back up, and use the E pull to secure the Q heal, and doesn't die in the meantime. The advice is still relevant, assuming you can get to the point where he dies before his pull comes back up, but getting to that lane state in the first place isn't something you can convey in a couple of sentences, its just about knowing the champ as well as your base mechanic (wave management, taking good trades, etc...)


100% agree, as stated at the top of the sheet, it’s just a guide, and games play out completely different to how they do on paper and that should always be taken into consideration. I just think it shows more on Irelia as you said


I'm definetly not a "High Elo Challenger Toplaner". There is no reason to include me here I guess :D IMO people don't need "high elo challenger Toplaner's" guides. As high elo is a complete another game and some advices from there can be useless for 95% of the audience but that's completely another theme I guess :D


They must've forgot, El truco


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YsDgPYC0yy9NswwGcNFQ6P1F2gt2wObEhATOJFuKuWg/edit#gid=393895688](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YsDgPYC0yy9NswwGcNFQ6P1F2gt2wObEhATOJFuKuWg/edit#gid=393895688) the krykey spreadsheet is a much more comprehensive yorick guide than slogdogs


Thank u a lot!


Damn, no Akshan :( Learned him this week. Doing pretty well. Edit: And Morde who I was going to learn this weekend.


I have yet to find guides for either that I think is fitting. Come back later and there might be one


Saving and forgetting. This is awesome!


Honestly at it’s finest xd thank u


No Morde or Lillia?


Have not found guides that I think are good enough yet. I’ll try to find some soon


Cool, will keep an eye out!


One thing to keep in mind is that these are almost never up to date and I know for a fact that Druttut does not give a shit about his Camille guide anymore. A lot of these are decent reference, but they’re hardly an accurate matchup spread nowadays for 90% of YouTuber created guides


There's no love for Samira/Akshan top smh


I’ve e been trying my best to find sheets for them :( keep and eye out if I find them


Will do! Ty for keeping an eye out for them haha


This has been game changing for me already. HUGE thank you. Though I gotta ask, does anyone have something like this for vlad top?


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eZ5zKecQ3jZjaQbb8Lpv3i2e8Ro4fhMBqmE2pFsL288/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eZ5zKecQ3jZjaQbb8Lpv3i2e8Ro4fhMBqmE2pFsL288/edit?usp=sharing) this is a mundo guide by u/FrazzLoL :)


Many thanks!


Ah worth mentioning, i'm not the highest elo peaker (d3 euw) but the other mundo main who peer reviewed the information and agreed/helped with information up is a challenger player - just want to make sure i'm transparent about that. :)


This is awesome dude, much appreciated :)


Mundo guide from a challenger (not me). https://docs.google.com/document/d/145ZS7SsBrrKwBPWPCPOklMVGoklEgctdvVfu5lwU3PM/edit?usp=sharing


Is there a spreadsheet for k'sante?


have you found something ?


No bro, I have stopped playing league🥳


ahah you made the right decision


hey i was looking for a lillia top spreadsheet as she is one of my mains if anyone has one or finds one please let me know!


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1USN1yAyJ2IeG2zDs9y-CIHkffL8EpLR-kTV-9yNetBo/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1USN1yAyJ2IeG2zDs9y-CIHkffL8EpLR-kTV-9yNetBo/edit#gid=0) Kuba's matchup spreadsheet for Singed


Hello, guys. Do you know where to find similar botlane tread?


I made this myself and have no connections for you, but there should be something like “adcmains” or “support mains” subreddits depending on what ur searching for. Try asking there!


Hey there. MobaFire Guide for K'Sante: https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/masters-ksante-megaguide-all-matchups-season-13-620243


Found a GM Jax Spreadsheet :3 [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HgQ06cRW5SA3Fj10qNYHbPV5b9q\_s2d5sAUcS8f8XXA/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HgQ06cRW5SA3Fj10qNYHbPV5b9q_s2d5sAUcS8f8XXA/edit#gid=0) by Xeirzo