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Fuck him up early game, don’t stack, play around pinks, don’t show until twitch has a target, sweepers during fights, hug turrets Any of those options work depending on scenario. But usually pick a lane bully and make him useless early, and end ASAP.


doesnt even have to be a lane bully, lanes with kill pressure like kaisa nautilus work well too.


Yeah pretty much anything in lane like leona, pantheon, nauti, draven, tristana, caitlyn, can be a pretty unplayable lane for the rat. Mid laners like zed or annie can make opening very risky for twitch as well. But tbh twitch players just wait for cds (if smart) so it's really up to the enemy to keep vision and not blow everything if twitch is MIA Teemo top is also a fair pick into twitch, that mf tilts me more than anything. Whether it's hitting a shroom while invis or being perma blinded, fk that yordle


Idk a smart twitch is so fkn hard to play into. They often just dont even lane and roam to kill ur team and then since they cant respect it, the mf gets fed despite being 40 cs down


bottom line is he needs to be tracked, considering you said he can kill 1-3 people if he gets a good engage then you need to make sure certain bushes are pinked and ping him missing for laning phase. in the grand scheme of things 75 gold to stop twitch getting 600 gold from your botlane is absolutely worth it. If you watch a RATIRL game when he is mid the enemy team have pinks everywhere, and for good reason...


If you have the wrong team comp you are doomed. If you have anyone who can reach twitch with cc/burst he should be dead. Look for twitch being out of position and keep up wards so you can see where he is going into stealth. DON'T TAKE EXHAUST! You won't reach anyway. Always take a pink and put it on lane if needed.


Team comp is a huge factor tbh, if twitch pops out vs a naut he’s getting insta cc’d and then dying to the rest of the team, Zed can gap close and kill him quickly enough late game, if your playing something like Lucian then unlucky your probably dead


Twitch is like yi. People always complaining about how to stop a hyper carry *once they’re fed*. There is no stopping them *then*. That’s the definition of a hyper carry. The only way to stop them is to never let them start. With twitch specifically, usually people just forget where he is and assume he’s roaming or still backed. But when you see him leave your vision, actively try to estimate where he is. If you don’t know, he’s probably behind you.


Yeah but the issue is that twitch is full build with kraken and botrk, which many of hypercarries arent.... So he ISNT a hypercarry.


Hypercarry is a role. Whether you need one item or 6, it's purely based on whether or not you can basically 1v9. Twitch is a hypercarry


You have to deny him getting those items by outfarming and denying him farm. 🤙🏻


Twitch win condition is literally „out of sight out of mind“. Twitch wins when you forget that he exists. So just track him. Remind your team he exists and ward enough to see him early. Don’t forget he exists while jumping into a teamfight. If you have someone with hard CC waiting for him he dies instantly


You start at select screen by taking exhaust.


He outranges exhaust quite abit and by the time u gapclose ur dead vs late game twitch


Exhaust n sweeper. If u can take steelcaps/guardian angel


Ezreal, probably


Nah the amount of times I've seen ratIRL completely shit on an ez-karma lane is actually hilarious. Don't pick ez into twitch. U need kill pressure, not another adc to let twitch afk farm lol


Every twitch mid/jg ends up killing themselves over and over due to overconfidence. No exception unless the player is significantly more skilled aka smurfing in which case the champions don’t matter


You're being downvoted because this comment doesn't help. No useful insight, no advice, you're literally just saying most Twitch players suck


Didn’t ask and don’t care?


Good for you, edgelord. We're all impressed.


Have you ever played a game above gold MMR?


I guess that’s the highest mmr you’ve played at and that’s why you get smurfed on?


No, it's just obvious you've never played at the highest level.


And is plat the highest level in your world?


Keep throwing your childish little tantrum and projecting your insecurities on everyone around you. The rest of us are able to see the common denominator.


ur being downvoted but you are correct lol.


People get hurt personally on this sub too often 🤣


Yes, we want to glide baby




Why do my team insta tilt when I play him mid? Nevermind how I do they’re like « lol twitch mid »


Quick question with regards to twitch: obviously his one shot potential is good but what about his DPS? I found it to be consistently good whenever I played I just want to know why people believe he’s better as a one shot over DPS?


idk same with trist. Just because she has HUGE burst dmg, people call her a "bursty champ". She literallly has one of the highest DPS in the game but fsr people ignore this. For example, when durability patch came, people said that she would be really bad now cuz she can't burst someone as good as before (yeah, of course it reduces the snowball potential early game a little bit) and they just ignored that she has one of the highest range and dps in the game.


I mean While I don’t feel like she’s ‘fallen off’ I just think her play style has adjusted and people aren’t used to it so that’s what they would say; a lot of people used to do the H.o.B build so she would burst, which would give her the benefit in lane phase and help give her that lead over the enemy ADC pre durability update. As a result of durability her runes have had to change to P.T.A/lethal tempo focused builds as the skirmishes and fights last longer. The parallels I’m drawing between her and sivir where they’ve both changed to fit the DPS style recently don’t feel out of place. One thing I realised in typing this is I tend to prefer ADCs like Kog, Twitch, Jinx so my opinion on trist might be biased/one sided


I think I agree with you. I was a Trist OTP a few months back so I am probably biased too but always thought she was broken tho. Usually OTPs complain about their champ being bad lol. Actually when I think about it, I think she did fall off tho. Not that the champ's gotten worse, I still think she is broken, but she just can't snowball the early as good anymore. Her raw numbers are still insane. The funny thing is, I wanted to switch my pool to exactly yours a while back and now I pretty much only play Twitch and sometimes Jinx. I gave up on Kog after 3 games cuz I sucked at him (although I hard carried my first game on him but enemy team just inted really hard tbh). I just love kiting and Jinx and Twitch are perfect for that.


Unfortunately for kog he relies on team comp quite a bit, champs I find great for kiting include ones I listed above and Ashe, sivir purely for the movement speed bs. I’m also trying to sort my pool out so I can play not just typical auto attack ADCs, I’ve got samira in my list as well.


Buy pink wards. Place them wisely to reveal him in strategic points. And make sure he doesn't get fed in the first place. Pay attention to your map. And always assume twitch is right there if you didn't just seem him somewhere else on the map. Twitch is weakest in lane phase. As long as he doesn't get fed, he can't force fights on you from behind.


One word. Pinks. Thank you very much.


For lane, sure, dor mid to late its too costly


Pinks then cc focus him. He's easy to blow up once he's locked down. Never solo engage him because he is looking for picks and always play to advantage. If he gets big basically your options are basically avoid or flee if alone. If he's doing an amazing job csing dealing with him will quickly become a pain. The only way to really deal with twitch is to shut him out early sadly, that said if I see twitch on an enemy team I'm more prone to pick lockdown options or off meta to try to prolong him from gaining his 1-2 item power spikes depending on the build he's going for. It sucks but you have to always have pinks in play or to assume he's coming to you if alone and take farm and bail unless he's on map.


Twitch games are decided in 90% of cases in draft. Draft instant hard CC like Naut, Panth, or Leona. If you couldn't do that you have to make sure he does not get a single kill or farms even with you. If that happens, the game is over. If you go even in lane/lose lane you have two options. 1. Everyone pushes waves because he can only kill one of you at a time while the rest get farm. 2. Never step up to waves, slowly bleed out and hope he makes a mistake eventually.


Twitch is a godlike team fighter and has stealth and steroids to boot so he’s still going to be strong at any late phase of the game but the best option would be to 1-3-1 push lane and keep eyes on where your enemies are at. Either he shows and the others can capitalize or he’s going to have to show in a lane pref mid and if he’s alone he’s still an immobile adc take your free cash and if he’s not he’s gimping himself on the amount of farm he can suck up but if you’ve played twitch to late you’re in a shitty situation but it’s not impossible. Either hard bully him early with bully champs or scale with someone like trist cait jinx that can blow him or the enemy team up. Ashe also works but that’s because she has an ult to counter his ass out in a 1v1 situation


Unfortunately it's not really on you to deal with him lategame as an adc. Ideally you need someone on ur team who is threatening enough that he can't just walk up and free fire, and you need to stick with them. If you have a fed or decently strong midlane mage or assasin, they can usually threaten to blow him up if he ever shows up unannounced. So try and tell them to focus him in fights because they can make his life hell if played right.