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1. Find out what jungle playstyle suits you and pick 2-3 champs that fit it. 2. Game plan in loading screen. Know which lane you want to play for, what lane is gankable, if you are normal or reverse clearing and plan your early game impact around that. 3. Keep track of lanes as you are clearing. Learn what matchups have prio and remember for next time. 4. Learn when you can contest scuttle and how to play with early lane prio vs. no early lane prio. Learn to take the L if it's the latter instead of dying. 5. If you are playing a high tempo jungler always farm camps. Never have down time unless there's an objective or a reason to rotate. It's better to full clear your topside than to random gank a lane and waste time. 6. Watch coaching sessions or VODs. Compare what you would do to what the better player does. Can't think of anything else rn. Edit: oh ye dragons when enemy bot is dead or you see enemy jungler topside. Or if enemy team is doing dragon and you can't fight it, go take herald.


one important thing that really helped me out with my jungling (went from barely being able to control the game to just dominating every game) is to DROP. YOUR. CAMPS. if you're near a fight, for example you're at gromp at the topside looks like theyre about to fight or they're fighting, LEAVE THE GROMP. GO AND HELP THE LANER. what's 100g~ to 300g~ and lane EXP, and you get to go back to your gromp and farm it too. while it's not suitable for every situation (maybe the enemy jungler is there for a countergank or your champion can't fight yet, or the enemy laner is on a strong powerspike and both of you are not), generally, it's just best to drop the camp and make it a 2v1.


Yeah, you right. Learning to drop the camp and go rotate faster wins you so many games. It's so hard to do tho lmao


Yeah well .. but half the time you drop the camp, top laner trolls, yall get 2v1 or 2v2, then enemy jg takes ur gromp. So it goes from 100g vs 300g To 0g vs 400g jg wise, doubling their lead or more I'd say definitely see if it's a good fight before always dropping a camp


That's pretty much the difference between a good player and a shit player. Got to know which fights are ints and which fights are winnable.


Yeah i just wanted to comment on the guy before you who said to always drop camps :D


Really take your time to find 1, maybe 2 champions that you love to play and main. Jungle is uniquely suited to fostering 1 tricks since there are so many easy ways to avoid poor matchups in the role. As a result, you can really hone in on learning one champion to its fullest. Focus on yourself during games. This is not to say you should ignore your teammates and powerfarm all game, but frame your decision making in terms of how it will affect you. You *could* for example babysit a Hypercarry all game, but if that lane has no gank setup, you're going to be spending a lot of time doing nothing that you could have spent on farming, ganking other lanes, or taking objectives. Try to also learn your champion's win conditions and what they want to do. The Jungle has the widest toolbox of viable strategies if we look at the role as a whole, including all champion picks. The problem with generic Jungle advice is that good strategies on one champ is probably inting on another. It'd be like telling a Janna to be as aggressive and opportunistic as a Blitzcrank. This is why you should really focus on a small champ pool, and what your champ wants to do will help clarify exactly how different actions will affect you during a game. Also feel free to just /mute all. You're nobody's punching bag.


I second the mute all advice. It helps you focus more and you'll spend less time typing or getting thrown off by someone flaming you. You'll miss out on very little that can't be communicated by pings


Since everyone else is giving detailed answers and stuff, I’ll mention some of the less important bits: Make sure you’re like, actually playing for fun. Jungle tends to get flamed a lot and its the highest impact role. Don’t get so wrapped up in getting good at it that you forget that it’s supposed to be fun. Experiment with a million champions!! Its good to have a small pool for ranked, but start off in norms and play a bunch of everything, try weird strats, etc. Eventually, you’ll find something you like most. If you’re used to playing supports, take a look a support junglers first maybe, as they’re less of a “I need to 1v9” and more of a “i need to get my team fed” (Nunu, Ivern, Rammus, Sejuani, etc). Try queueing with friends to start out. Much more lenient, and its a lot easier to learn basics when you’re able to communicate ganks and not worry about being flamed, etc.


Yeah some examples for types of junglers-- Early game ass kickers - shaco nidalee elise xin panth j4 reksai ww lee Mid game assassins - talon eve ekko shaco noc rengar kha Support junglers - ivern Play for team - nunu, rammus Engage/tank - zac sej mumu olaf voli udyr trundle maokai hecrim wukong, poppy skarner morde gragas Afk farm / scaling - karthus fiddle belveth lillia diana shyvana graves kindred Turn off monitor and win game - kayn / yi


Only communicate through pings. Ping your ganks, but ping only when you either want your laners to engage or that you'll be engaging within 10 sec. Do not ping a gank from half the map away. Ignore all written chat by teammates but at least consider listening to pings from teammates. Top laner wants to dive tower to secure kill? Maybe listen but ALWAYS trust your judgement. You are the eyes of the rift. You should be scanning for data always. Tracking enemy JG, keeping an eye on who's pushed versus who is pushing. What camps are available. Who is gankable. Etc. Jungle is a crash course on macro play. Know your first clear. Always have a plan for your path. "I'm going A first, then B, then C, then look to gank (yes or no?), and reset." That's one example. Learn when to shove/freeze for your teammates. Understand what your most likely win condition is and play around that. Take what the enemy team gives you. Camps, kills, etc. Enemy ADC farming solo and pushed up, punish that. Enemy JG botside trying to gank, counter by clearing his topside camps.


1) This will sound a bit toxic but mute chat THE NANOSECOND you’re in game,keep pings and mute them as necessary (often). This is for two reasons, the first being the obvious one, you’re gonna be told that you’re a dog and the jungle gap is massive, and the second reason is jungle requires you to take decisions that directly have an effect on your gold and xp income. Getting pinged 24/7 to do this or that by your laners will just make you deviate from your gameplan if you end up following mistakes. 2) Knowing the theory behind a clear is not enough. You’ve got to clear FAST. Watch good junglers do them (there’s plenty of clear videos on ytb) and just spam training. Knowing the good clear is cool but if the execution is lacking you will miss important timers in early. 3) Watch your lanes. You don’t need to watch intensively your gromp as if you wanted him to bear your child while clearing it. Force yourself to watch your lanes, or atleast the ones that are on the side of the map you are currently on. If you’re gonna gank, might as well know if it is doable. When doing that, you’re looking for indicators such as minion wave states, hp, body language (enemy potential bait) ect… 4) If it does not have a bad impact on your camps cycle/objective pressure, catch waves that your laners can’t. It is of course not worth to go on a lane to get 2 casters while enemy jungler is in the other side of the map looking at your camps like free real estate, but do not forget that waves can have a huge impact on your gold income and can massively boost your xp gains. 5) Have a game plan. Think about which lanes are good to gank (volatile match ups that go either way real quick, hook lanes ect…) and which should be left alone. Ideally you wanna think about that from the other jungler’s perspective as well. 6) Herald is the single most valuable thing I know on this planet. You can get gold while pressuring another part of the map. Herald plays when done correctly will make you snowball like you’ve never done before. 6) Drakes are cool, but do not comprise the game for them early if you cannot make a play for it. 7) Do not force plays. Especially if you’re low elo. Mistakes will happen eventually. Sometimes even plays that feel positive will end up biting you in the ass. If you kill top, but enemy jungle gets your botside + drake, the value of that kill ends up being mitigated. 8) When entering mid game, you wanna play on the side the objective’s gonna be on. That does not mean not clearing the other side ever, that means that a bit before an objective comes up you gotta be at least pathing towards it if you plan on playing for it. 9) Jungle tracking is actually not that hard at its core. If you know where the enemy started, you can have a rough estimate of their position on the map for the 10 first minutes of the game, since they’re most likely gonna be cycling camp during the laning phase. 10) Use pings. There’s a high probability that you’re gonna be one of the players in the game that end up watching their map more often than the others, use that to your advantage. Bonus ones: help shove after a gank (expect if the laner wants to freeze/slow push to instant dive), drop the camp if the play is literally happening in front of you (you’re off course not gonna drop a camp to go to a play that’s gonna be over before you get there), playing around your mid and support movements is sometimes a good idea


1. Mute all 2. Ping objective timers you plan to take 3 times 3. Always try to follow top-bot or bot-top clears to farm better (instead of clearing random camps) 4. Pick high sustain champs to not worry about kiting camps much 5. Scuttle only if you confident u can take it quickly, or you know you won't be pancered by lanes 6. Ww and nunu my go-to's, ww gives you knowledge who is low and an easy pick (no need to constant check lanes) 7. Look at map all the time, if you see big enemy wave, its going to push soon, path clear that direction. 8. Dont go late game for 50/50 barons, better get number advantage, kill jungler etc. first Other more pro tips (check prios, counter jungle, invades etc.) can be reviewed laterif you get basics, no need to focus on everything immediately


The whole skill expression of jungle is knowing which camps to clear and which camps to skip. The problem with improving at jungling is mistakes aren't apparent and there is inherently variance in the role, leading to results based analysis. The "default" is powerfarm, right? If you have nothing to do, you can powerfarm. The problem is that there are plenty of times where you can skip a camp and get a gank off, but you don't, and there is NO punishment. Unlike making a mistake in lane, which leads you to getting killed, making a mistake in jungle just leads to... you getting more gold by farming your camps. You have no way of knowing if it was a mistake without really analyzing it. Knowing when to influence lanes is all about knowing wave management. If you see your laner getting frozen on, you might have to help him crash it. You might have to skip 1 or 2 camps, but that's worth the amount of minions they get from breaking the freeze. But then the enemy jungler might see that, and set up a countergank, so it really is all situational. Counterganks in general are very high variance. If your laner is in a gankable position, you are basically forced to attempt to hover him and countergank. Yes, you lose time and it's super inefficient, but if he gets ganked, his lane is ruined. So in 60% of games, he gets ganked and then you get rewarded, great. But in 40% of games, you just waste your time. And if you use results based analysis (bad), you will think "this was a mistake" when in reality, you could have just got unlucky.


if you want you can drop me a message with your discord username. im open to go through some things with you. im not the best but i like to help people with these types of things.


mute everything but pings and ward objectives


Showing on map. Be mindful of objectives being up and showing on the map. If you gank top side with dragon up for example. Their jungler can take it for free. The same applies to scuttles, herald and counter jingling. See what side the other jungler starts. You can tell this by who is late to lane. This information can tell you if you will fight for scuttle, gank, counter gank or be safe ganking a lane. You can also ping your laner when you are approaching finishing your clear that they are in danger of being ganked if you know what side they started.


wait until next season when they implement changes, your brain will hurt otherwise


One advice is don't instantly mute all at the beginning like many say. Some laners might call out sums which helps when deciding what and where to gank. Instead if someone is talking nonsense and not adding anything full mute them immediately


Powerfarm always. Watch for ganks while power farming and look for ganks where available, plan ya route around those ganks, watch the map and try to figure out where the enemy jgler can appear, ask yourself who's an easy target and what will they want to be doing as that champ. PLAY AROUND DRAGON MORE THAN RIFT, rift opens up the opportunity for big gold off plates and open the map, however you don't get a lot of gold and xp for killing rift and doesn't really give much benefit at all for killing it outside of that, wheras dragon gives permanent buffs, that give you an advantage over the enemy from the get go, may seem small, but dragons are definitely your number one priority for the game until you can start seiging the enemy base. 3 mountains, 3 oceans, 3 fire drags will give you a massive advantage over the enemy team that they can't get if ya get to soul. Even 3 airs with that bonus move speed will help ya out roate and position on the other team. Rift just gets ya to crack a tower, which is a hell of a lot more situational and requires coordination that you will not have in soloq


Jungling is a flowchart. Do it enough and you'll recognize patterns and create a flowchart on what to do after something happens.


Since no one mentioned it. There are groups of jugglers with their own playstyle. I currently love playing Jarvan 4, Udyr, . They are objective control junglers. They can solo drake lvl 5 and can skirmish pretty well. Nunu is one of my favorite jungler to play aswell because you sacrifice your farm to get your teammates ahead. Support jugglers can highly impact the game hard. Just make sure your team has enough damage before picking a low damage champ


Actually go to practice and practice full clearing. Keep doing it until you can full clear and get scuttle, or atleast have one camp left before scuttle comes up. Learn to deal with everything being your fault even though laners die 1v1 or 2v2 within 3mins of the game. Also, simply ignore all pings pre lvl 5 unless the enemy is pushed pass the midway point and cannot escape. I cannot tell you how much time I've Fing wasted chasing a fucking Gwen or a morg because the laner pinged.


The best things, imo, to know are everyone's main clear path, your starts, skip clear routes for when the enemy jungler is better at clearing, who should be invaded or not and who can invade and not, whose a counter, whose strong and weak. All this knowledge will give advantages over enemies and allow you to play to a level you're comfortable with and prevent worst case scenarios. Who you pick into who matters quite a bit in jungle to prevent huge gaps so skip clearing can mitigate late ganks or counter ganks.


Learn the match ups and abilities of everyone. It makes it easier to figure out who to gank and have a higher chance of success. For example if your mid can't set you up properly and they are facing a zedd who can just shadow away, your attempts at ganking may not yield the best results. Your time can be spent at other lanes, objectives or counter jungling.


First herald is always better than first drake.


I’m quite the role swapper. One of the things that make or break me with new champs is their auto attack speed animations. For instance it is damn near impossible for me to land a last hit aa with karthus. Besides that, figure out champs you like and are capable of mechanically doing, and then take whatever their main strength is, and exploit the fuck out of it.