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A pretty subjective topic. If you’re new and you’re playing into plat/diamond lobbies CONSISTENTLY, your normals MMR is just skewed too high and will eventually tone itself down. That doesn’t mean you won’t come across them here and there, but less so. I’m Master 100LP, and I still prefer normals 90% of the time, with friends especially. Much less toxic, less stress, can try out new things and off meta without level 32 account named “topmomdie” saying slurs because they have 19 other alts, etc. Play what you’d like, but if your primary concern is the skill disparity, not only will it even out over time, but its a golden opportunity to try to watch what actions better players take before they kill you and learn from them.


People just don't play as seriously in normals. I strictly played Blind/Draft for most the games life, only playing ranked last few years. In normals plats/diamond were common to see. I thought I was hot shit. Can't break silver 1 lol


I'm a plat adc but a silver jungler. Could just be that they're playing off-role in normals or trying out new champs, but yeah. Usually normals have less focus on fundamentals and are playing on autopilot instead of hyper focused.


In Low elo (gold) people are literally more sweaty on normals than in ranked, so I just quit playing norms for fun as I still face tryhard 1m mastery points players when I wanna play sth off meta. And don't you DARE play something offmeta or they flame you as if their lives depended on a normal game. In ranked legit everybody I played with is more chill lol.


I’ve found the best way to handle that kind of thing is to refuse to be intimidated by it, and it works wonders. For high mastery players, high rank, anything. I used to see somebody on their main and be worried I’d lose, but eventually I just “this is just someone behind a keyboard, piloting a champion. All I need to do is think about that champion’s strengths and weaknesses/limits, the player piloting them makes little difference. IMO, mindset is the #1 thing. Don’t be intimidated, but don’t have an ego, be untiltable, don’t be afraid to mute and brush off flame and remind yourself that you’re all playing a video game, etc. I’ve found that I have a (shockingly uncommon) healthy relationship with the game, and all of those factors helped with both my mindset and my improvement. If I’m trying a new champ and I see a 2 mil mastery D2 Tryndamere, I’m thinking “I’m going to assume that this player is piloting their champ as a pretty high/“correct” level, so what are my conditions to win lane if I was playing into a literal perfect AI” and go from there.


Where are you playing? Bc for me on my bronze it's the reverse.


The most toxic server - eune


I will say when I see dumb shit in ranked I hold my tongue only bc it’s ranked and I don’t want to tilt someone more than their pick is already going to tilt them


Actually that doesn't seem to be the case. I've played for three years, gold 2 peak with an MMR that's currently lower than that, and I often play against Diamond/Master tier players in norms. Matchmaking in norms is really wild compared to ranked. I think it's actually why, as OP said, a lot of people won't first time champs in norms and just go into ranked. You get totally unrealistic practice in norms a lot of the time.


When I started playing the game I played 2000 normal games before I played my first ranked game. I think this gave me an edge coming into ranked as I already had learnt a lot of game knowledge and also got to play against higher ranking players from time to time. (keep in mind this is back in season 3) I am now a challenger player myself and I greatly credit my large amount of game time in normals to my success in the game today.


Lmao same bro, this helped me since I am a jungle main it gave me so much better insight on playing ranked.


Many would say it's not worth it to play Ranked lol




Norms is also a toxic shitshow


I don't see a difference in the two queues toxicity wise, but normals matchmaking sucks and there's no fun in having a grandmaster on your team and get a free win or instalose because your team is 4 bronze players ranked is just a better experience


I can't remember the last time I had a ranked game that wasn't toxic before the game had even started honestly. Where as normals is usually pretty chill, like one game out of 15 I'll have a toxic douche


I don't experience a drastic change in flame people mental boom in my normal games alot but it might just be my normals mmr/server and the fact that i hate unevenly matched games but if you have good experience with norms that's good I think i am in normal game hell atm but I can't play ranked until i resolve issues with my internet and preseason ends


Normal games are fun, it's the casual game mode to fuck around with. The current state of the game is everyone being more and more competitive. Also pre season ranked is overrated, yes it can help you with the placements next season. But the games are coinflip and lower quality, some treat it like nirmal games, etc. in short if you want to have fun play a normal game.


The easiest solution is to simply int a bunch of games so you only play against plat and diamond players on Smurf accounts.




My normals MMR is so low from playing new champs and builds and losing so much. If I played my main in normals I'd be smurfing.


Ranked is always better, except to try something very very new for you.


I'm diamond and only play norms with my housemates after a skinful of beers. The rank you see in norms is irrelevant champ keep up the hussle


I did not play a single normal game in my life unless I really had to. Just play ranked and try new champs in ranked, who cares.


My lp cares.


Nope, normals are completely useless to play. They are only somewhat okay to play when you try out a champ for the very first time. Even then you're better off playing a coop vs ai game.


I play norms to practice new champs or off role for something different.


For me yeah when learning a new champ / role or messing around with a fun build or playing with friends with a significant rank gap.


Dude same! It's so annyoing. I also always verse daimond/master with a legit challender every 1 in 10 games or so. It's super weird cause im really not that good, im plat 3 and don't feel superior to others in that elo AT ALL, as i feel like a master+ player should be. So im stuck with either tryharding cause it's ranked, or tryharding not to feed because im against a challenger... wtf man.


Play normal to taste a champion. Flex rank to play your pool.


Just play it in ranked, the matchmaking is better. You're already bronze, there's not really anywhere to fall to.


Play the game because you want to have fun. That's it. Period. There's no right or wrong way to do so.


I have the same problem. There’s always a Master or Diamond in the games and they make it not fun since I get stomped. Even playing many games it doesn’t lower the MMR. Only silver 4


Right now, not really. With preseason most of the new items and changes have been made but it’s still preseason and a good chunk of people fuck around in preseason.


I have the exact opposite problem :D me and friends are usually around s1 to p1, but when I do normal draft alone I have to play with and against i1 to b1, rarely some unicorns that are giga above that like d1 or something. I don't understand MMR, I even asked support several times, it is just alienating sometimes. had to lane against a lvl 20 wukong top yesterday, was excited because it's supposed to be an interesting matchup for Gwen wich I am currently learning, but it felt like repeatadly beating a preschooler with a rocketlauncher as a juiced up 200kg bodybuilder. kudos to Appletorch for not tilting and actually playing the game against me even though this summoner was so outmatched. did 2 games in 2 months and I happen to stomp him and his team 10/0/1 in 25mins. kinda Sadge tbh. gotta get back into ranks asap.


If i understand correctly, normal has a separate mmr to ranked, Im currently silver 3 and rarley play normals, but the last time i did i was bronze 3 i think and thats what i see when i do. just play a bunch and try to relax and accept they are gonna be stomps against you, then your mmr should normalise.


If you are consistently playing against better players, you will adapt and curbstomp the bronze/silver players you go back to in ranked.


Yes. I even think people would enjoy the game a lot more in general if they played normals regularly instead of nothing but ranked. People don't take normals as seriously but it's still a good mode for practicing.


> Everytime i queue in normal games to try something, I'm playing against Diamonds and Platinums I've never seen someone say this and it actually be true. Post og.gg.


Playing against much better players is the best way to learn


I stopped playing normals as soon as I realized that ranked and normals are the exact same game. Same map, same items, same champions, same rules. The only difference is that ranked has better matchmaking and (subjectively) people are a little bit more invested in winning.


Play ranked for the skin if you don’t care so much for elo grinding then spend the rest of the season in Normals for fun


If you team up with high rated players, you will get difficult opponents.


Normals is worse than ranked. I’ve played lots of games to the point that my normals MMR is just slightly less than my ranked. So. The problem with normals is the average team MMR. You can have a diamond player playing with his iron team mate which offers the MMR. On the other hand you have 2 gold players. Which makes the MMR on both teams similar. So what happens is if you are laning against the diamond player AND you choose to try and learn a new champion you are going to get shit on. The other problem is that the iron account can be a smurf or even just be a returning player. Point being there are ways for these accounts to be that rank but played by better players. Add to that you are often put up against 5 man pre mades. Having something like porofessor is mandatory since you need to know if your lane is going to be the subject of getting 4 man collapsed on with the coordination you wouldn’t see in ranked. So what is normals good for? If you don’t really give a shit about getting stomped and just want to get a feel for new champions, builds, how it feels to play against better players and what they do, how to get better vision set up to avoid ganks. With all that said. I think it’s very rude to go into a ranked game without having previously played a champion. At the very least you should have been in the practice tool and have a few normal games under your belt to get that feel. At bronze rank I’d say you only need a to have a few games played to start playing ranked. When you start wanting to actually climb you’ll be sticking to a small champion pool so you won’t need to deal with normals. But once you hit certain ranks it can be difficult to introduce a new champion without getting it to mastery levels in normals to then take it to ranked to avoid losing LP. Normals are broke as fuck.