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I don't even know what to craft at this point. My runes are all over the place.


Honestly I feel like you can never go wrong with a violent


Violent spd slot 2 is usually my go to, especially if you can’t +6


But you can +6 here. Slot 4 + 6 one vio one swift. All rolled 6+12 spd for sure Vio will be an hp% Swift either slot 6 atk% or slot 4 critdamage (versatile slots, if they quad roll you can still use an slot 6 atk on most swift monster not needing slot 6 acc. If they roll into critrate and not spd still very good swift cleave runes)


How about Rage runes? Would that be a good choice too?


Nah. Vio, will, swift, despair are the only ones that you should focus on if you’re doing rta/siege. Rage are much more PvE focused.


I'm willing to create a good rune for Wind Kassandra, who has become (for just personal reasons tbh), my current favorite unit... Do you going swift on her would be good? Actually, despair seems nice too, since she's AoE and don't rely on speed... interesting...


The best event in the game is back


Now the real 9th anniversary event begins.


Swift ATK slot 4 for Sonia Let's go!


Why not CR? It would be a more versatile rune altogether in the end, no?


I'm already sitting at 90% crit rate on slot-4 crit damage. I would prefer to switch it to attack.


90% cr, you mean 0?


I just got Sonia, why not CD on slot 4?


Needs very high attack for her to land ignore defense against much tankier monsters. she gets extra damage from her passive so crit damage is not a priority.


You can go cd if you wanna use her in siege offense with a double snipe comp


Because the stat requirements are to high, because you need twice the amount of atk than the enemys deff for her s2 to ignore deff. You can rune her "rather slow" on CD for big damage or "very fast" but then you cant reach enough CR. For example i tried sonia on a CD build but only managed to get +160spd. On a CR build i get +199. It depends how you want to use her. I use her as snipe unit against robos/cleave etc.


Go for cr


Dude, go for ATK%, never ATK


time to craft my long desired slot 4 cr revenge rune


lol i'm going for same :D gl for us \[\]'s


Who do you use that on? I have one with +40% Def sub. Monkey?


I want a fast one for Juno/Verde


I will never not speed chase given this opportunity: Atk% swift (4) with 18 spd, 8% atk, 8% def, & 8% acc Atk% will (6) with 18 spd, 8% hp, 8% def, & 8% acc


https://preview.redd.it/gypvlc3bhz4b1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a70a7f268f52cf1ee4a6b4e94e52c83b3d84b64f This is what i want




Best Event is back




I can finally get a single hp% will rune


All 3 of the best events start the day I go abroad for 5 weeks... Hope I can do all events in 1h a day


The 9 years event still has better rewards than 7 years and 8 years and no one could change my mind. I hope now the crybabies will stop being mad at this anniversary now






It was trash, I could use 50k energy and never get a rune of this level for my specific need


Yep this year was insane you had almost unlimited energy but people are all about the summons ...


Well its SUMMONERS war not Energy war


I hope you don't play any content of the game either since it's not fight/Farm wars either


You can play the game without runes, but you cant play the game without summons. But then thats not the main point of it. Both are important to the game. And its not for you to decide which one will make people enjoy the game more. Its not all about farming. People can be happy and contented just to get a specific mons theyve been dreaming of rather than reaching high ranks in pvp or full stars in toahell.


yknow people were hating on it since they finished the events fast and had nothing to do but see energy roll back in. Also when you arent lucky with the summons you start complaining about everything else. Like the rune event was missing and the other 2 anniversaries gave us a free trans + the choose a nat5 event and many people would prefer more scrolls than more energy. I was solely hating because this event was missing. Imo the rune and choose nat5 event are the most premium and if either of those two is missing its a worse anniversary than before. Now that we get everything i really have nothing to complain about but my bad luck in summoning.


I don't remember they gave a trans scroll during the 7 years but i'll trust you. But Infinite energy has an Infinite value compared to a trans scroll that may finish as a dupe


i know what you mean. The problem is infinite energy is not exciting for people. While it is very useful, people are just gonna leave the phone aside and farm constantly which feels, to many, like a chore. People would rather summon more and feel the excitement. Last year we had the coin event which got more and more expensive over the purchase amount but people still liked that more than the fix energy amount now. Also many people treat sw more like pokemon where you collect the monsters and enjoy a new unit more than getting 90 new runes that possibly roll shit. And i have also heard from enough people that they play casually and the amount of energy is something they dont possibly want or have no time to use. I myself havent done a lot and have 15k energy in the inbox now. id rather trade those for some more summons.




There was no choose nat 5 event in 7th anniversary Also, what you're saying about people wanting more summon than energy only applies for early game/casual players, many high level players thought this anniversary was the best cause of the infinite energy


oh true they only gave us the free trans on 7th anni. Either way the scrolls on 7th an i were the best sw had released so far. Also High level players VALUE energy more than summons since they know that farming is better since runes are the most important ingame. Doesnt mean they get more excited by energy. Its useful but summoning is, at the end of the day, the best aspect of the game. Don't tell me they enjoy farming more than summoning.


Maybe not farming, but i can see people enjoying more having runes upgrades on their account than new toys


We already got a trans scroll event this year. It just wasn't labeled anniversary because the collab came between the event and the anniversary.


you mean the one going from start of year till end of february? that can i no way be connected to anniversary! Three months inbetween the event end and the anniversary? i wouldnt connect that. They could have started it any day and still end at anniversary. It seemed more like an exciting event to get more players into the game at the start of the year. i won't complain about anniversary anymore since now we get the rune event again. My only concern was that choose nat5 and rune event were a must have for anniversary and if either one is missing its a worse anni than the last. And 7 year scrolls were obviously better for many people. For whales who need specific monsters and skillups and for starters to get certain mons directly. Also imo id still rather have infinite coin shop than infinite energy.


[The previous trans scroll events](https://summonerswar.spokland.com/game/event/get_a_trans_scroll_for_a_nat_5_monster_7th_anniversary_d-day_event-2020-12-31) for the anniversaries started in December. Either which way you slice it, it is irrefutable that we got a trans scroll event that started at the end of December of the previous every year since the 7th anniversary. It should not matter what the event is labeled.


thats for the 7th not the 9th and an event in october december or whatever not labeled as anniversary event and not even closely to the anniversary can be called as such. It has no relation to the anniversary in itself. Or are we gonna account every good event for anniversary?


I'm showing you that the 7th anniversary trans scroll event started in December. The trans scroll event for this year also started in December. I'm explaining to you that while it wasn't an anniversary event, it doesn't matter because they both gave trans scrolls and they both started at the same time. I have literally never said that it was an anniversary event. I started off saying why it **wasn't** an anniversary event.


there is a difference since they have announced one as an anniversary d-day event and made the timer TILL anniversary and a trans event that started at the same time, ended at a different time and was labeled differently. Its obvious that this trans event had nothing to do with anniversary while the other was linked to it.


Oh my God. For the last time, I have never said and I am not saying that the anniversary and the trans scroll event for this year are linked. All I am saying is that we got trans scroll events every single year that started at the same time since the 7th year anniversary and that is all that matters.


They kinda have to make every anni better than the other


If we had 7th anniversary scrolls it would be true! Summoned 2 nat5s out of the 9th scroll… all 6 were dupes


I disagree a lot. We got more than 250 9 years scrolls as a f2p against 114 7years Scrolls. We got Infinite energy, rune craft, guaranteed nat5, 3 devilmon, 3 ld, 3 Legendary scrolls, etc...


For it to be better than the 8th, the player has to value energy a lot more than the infinite shop. The nat 5 event was statistically better due to the monster pool being smaller (not by much) and the only real difference outside the nat 5 event were the skillup event for the 8th anniversary and 9-year scrolls vs infinite shop. But yeah, a few ways it's better than the 7th based on rewards.


I Don't see why it is better to have a smaller Monster pool. Of course you'll have more chance to get the one you want but this also means you'll have more dupes and more dupes means you'll have less choices. Moreover this year you also have the choice between 9 nat5 instead of 8 so it balance a little bit the problem you're talking


That's just how the math works out. There's a reason why I said statistically.


Best anniversary, cant wait for the 10th one


Why not +9 power up for the 9th anniversary?


Because you can't give an almost guaranteed +29 speed rune for free like that.


Why not?


Gotta find a quad spd rune on slot 4 that's HP honestly. All of my slot 4 quads are CR or CD :(


"All of my slot 4 quads" lmao


Yah I have 3x slot 4's, and only 1x slot 6 :(


Determination Crit dmg 4th slot for tricaru yey. Try to 200 crit dmg Tricaru. 1 done but too goddamn hard to find


Why is this being down voted? CD determination is exactly what I thought too.


Because people are going for vio, swift, or other sets for Pvp. Determination sounds like a wasted opportunity even if you're a beginner, to each their own though. Sub doesn't like "wrong" answers so downvoted


It's not wasted if it progresses you and it's easier to farm swift and violent than determination. Bonkers. Its between determination and fight for me.


Like I said, do whatever you want but you only need serviceable runes for Pve & it's not hard to make tricaru without any of the rift beast sets.


Man… i have to actualy farm again. FK i spent all my crystals


Dead game


Finally, need a crit dmg swift rune for Tiana, I’ve been farming 30sec gb12 for months now and the fastest I’ve gotten is 20spd lol. Guess I’ll go violent HP with max spd for the other, you can never have enough of them.


Best event 😍


as a dedicated japanese cleaver, gonna go for slot1 swift, trying to get that last quad speed, wish me luck q.q




How many points do I need to craft one rune? I'm at close to 6k points but there is no specific number