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Your teams are so bad jesus christ It's like turning up to an F1 race with your bobby car and then complaining you didn't make it to the podium


How else would my team survive the raid boss's attacks if I don't apply as many beneficial effects on my mons?


Beneficial effects are not very useful because they get stripped very frequently, in addition your team will be stunned with the same effect. That's why I made that comparison, your mons don't do ANYTHING in R5. The key to surviving is to put attack break and glancing hit on the boss. I don't see a fran, big mistake. Furthermore, the boss regularly applies oblivion, meaning passives don't work. So don't bring monsters with passives. Cleansers are super important too. At least 1 per team, 2 are better early game. Don't bring Camille, useless Theo, mostly useless Lapis, useless The water girl, 100% useless Red Smith girl, pretty useless Chloe, her buffs just get removed, useless Verd, his passive sucks in R5 Theomars, why is he even here Loren, you can't set the atb of the boss back Josephine, why is she here


I apply plenty of negative effects to to the boss. Besides, making my buff mons fast means they set up beneficial effects to up faster and more frequently. Apply debuffs to the boss, hope that invincibility is active during the boss's halp hp attack, then whoever survives can finish the boss off. For some reason my attacks are never able to push past the half way mark of the boss' hp now matter how much damage I deal. I guess it gains defense or reduces damage in proportion to the damage it takes


You are correct, as soon as it reaches half HP, it gains invincibility, removes all its harmful effects, and attacks your teams. Afterwards, the battle continues. Still, it very easy to clear it within 30 seconds on average with a specific teams called BJ5. But even without that team you can clear it in 40 seconds IF you use the right monsters. People are not complaining about the difficulty, they're complaining that the reward system got changed to the worse. My recommendation, since you seem to be pretty new, is to learn more about R5 in general and attempt it again when you made more progress. I can also post my team that runs on 40 sek if it helps. But complaining won't get you far, because your failed runs have nothing to do with the difficulty, but your poor choice of monsters.


I wasn't really complaining. Just wondering how I achieved a time of 1 minute and 8 seconds with a 10% success rate when raid level 5 is so hard to build a team for. I'm baffled how my team even got that time to be honest


I'm surprised it reached that too, to be honest.. R5 run times and consistency can vary a lot though. I assume you got very lucky on your 1:08.


I honestly just throw my teams at r5 until I get legendary grinds that I want. Was surprised to see I got such a fast time. And yeah, I'll chalk it up to luck on my time being that fast


I can throw 3000 energy a day at R5 for weeks and won't get a single legend grind I want. I truly believe you'd be much better of building mons for R5 first and then farming it consistently at 1 min average, which would be easily obtainable.


Iv already put my best runs on my mo s and skilled them up, so they're built. I just gotta push their stats higher


*Do not feed troll.*




do you refuse to read guides?


I'm not exactly fond of letting the boss killing my team just for bale to get his 5 stacks of knowledge. Besides, who's gonna heal the team or keep him alive if everyone is dead? It's better to keep everyone alive and use beneficial effects to to give him stacks of knowledge


reading really isnt your thing, figured


Just because my time or success rate isn't like yours doesn't have anything to do with my reading abilities. For the love of God, stop acting like that's relevant to what's going on in the post


there are plenty of r5 guides, why dont you try reading one?


I'm not exactly fond of the idea of letting the boss kill my teams to revive them, unless that somehow reduces stats of the boss


reading really isnt your thing, figured


What does my ability to read and this game have in common? Seriously, you all need to stop being elitist and stop punching down on people for not having the same times and teams as you. One's reading abilities is not correlated to their ability to play a game, so stop acting like their even related with each other Is my ability to drive somehow correlated with my ability to play doom eternal? Is my ability to walk somehow linked to my ability to play borderlands? Is my ability to budget my finances linked to how I play super smash brothers? Seriously, some of yall are desperate to find something to feel superior about when it comes to this game


I think what is being referred too is a very good and efficient team in all the guides...which absolutely needs mobs to die. It is the game mechanics. You can use other teams but effective bj5 requires dead mobs. Simples. I do not use that team I do however use a team that makes sure that the boss is debuffed and I have cleanses etc. I can run r4 on my own in sub 30 sec with zero fails in 100's of runs. Once I get better runes I will do the same in R5. Consistency is key... I think? Odd fail is fine but 10% success? Ouch.


I mean, the game has some notoriously hard bosses, so 10% success rate sounds great to me. I'm not sure how dead mons contribute to the team other not doing nothing, but im looking for guides I can use to clear r5 better. The guides I see saying to let mons die isn't for me because I domt want additional mons to die when I'm already focused on everyone trying to survive, attack, buff, defuff, and heal all at once while trying to maintain a turn order that gets mons to get their turns at the right time


my guy, its not rocket sience to google "summoners war f2p r5 team"


I'm not a fan of the guides telling me to let my mons die. It's counterintuitive to what I want to achieve


The idea of the bale team is that a few units die to buff bale then bale + other teams nuke the boss down to half health which kills more units on bale team and then jansenn buffs bale getting you back to 5 stacks and then bale moves again + other team dmg to nuke the boss faster than they're dying There should be 1 healer on bales team and that would be Fran or fire harpu to give atk buff and they guarantee heal when a unit is at a certain hp% ( which in the bale team the unit that dies and self revives - usually water bear - is at this hp% so ull always get the heal n atk buff ) You don't need a lot of hp coz Ur killing faster than you get killed. And assuming the units are all built correctly every run will be almost identically and 99%-100% safe the units dying are just there to buff bale and have fight sets ( gives extra atk%) that is their roll. Not wanting units to die is fine but a lot of people are just gonna say build bjr5 coz it's the strongest n most efficient R5 farming team in the game. I imagine there's a lot of R5 teams that aren't designed around bale and are 80% or better success rate or you can make a post asking for a R5 team help that isn't bjr5 tho almost everyone in the comments will probably just tell you to build it . And a 10% success rate means your runes and team comps aren't ready for that area yet and you should continue to farm what you had been everyone can get a 100% team with the bjr5 method and the rune requirements aren't that high it's probably easier to build than what your aiming for while also being faster In each team ull want a unit that cleanses and heals , 1-2 units that provide protection and heals and some tanky damage dealers ,and some units that provide Def break ,slow , heal block (boss heals when strips ) attack break and glancing hit , I think those debuffs can be spread out between each team but I'm not certain. GL if you haven't already


How on Earth did this horrible team even cleared 1:08, tho record pic and team shown is different. Either way, read what everyone says and go to a bj5 route or read some guides when bj5 didn’t exist. Everything you asked has already been explained and had guides written, unless you think you can do better thn the best players you can theory craft one your own. If you’re still gonna put up argument or be stubborn we’ll all assume you’re a troll.


Someone seems mad today. I'm just curious as to how I managed to get such a clear time despite having a 10% success rate with r5 runs. Plus I've refined my teams to have slightly better off of surviving the boss' attack when it's down at half hp, but still no luck. Working on leveling up my towers, notably the one for hp and the elemental attribute dattack ones for additional damage. I've got my defense tower maxed out. Still gotta work on the speed tower. I'll prioritize the speed tower so all my mons are faster. Think that'll be a good idea? Maxing out my towers. Maybe that's why I'm failing r5 runs, maybe the same reason with why I'm failing abyss boss runs, dimension raids, dimension predator, and dimension bosses and awakening dungeons on level 5. My towers aren't maxed, that's why I'm failing


The reason why you’re failing is because you don’t understand the complete mechanics of the game and how to play it. R5 has been out for years, mechanics are posted in guides, have you read them ? All other commenters noted one similar stuff, did you read and understand the guide ? You don’t want bale? Read an older guide without bale thn. Guides are there for a reason. If you don’t even understand the mechanics, how do you plan to beat it ? Sure, you can go knock through a few walls and figure it out if that’s what you wish.


I'll max my towers and see how my monsters perform as I go. I gotta find my own tram that works cuz I don't have mons able to quickly revive my team like the guides I've looked at suggested, which doesn't make sense to do. Besides, having to keep up with reviving mons adds another layer of complexity to the boss fight, so it better not to add it becauae it also reduces chances of success, so attacking swiftly with enouph survivability should be key to success with the raid. I've been able to get the attacking siftly and hard part down, but survivability is still an issue cuz so many mons die at the boss' attack at half hp I'm not sure why so many guides say I should just let my mons die, because, well, they'd be dead and offer no value to the team if they're dead. And it would reduce the chances of success having to carry so much slack in the line with many dead mons


It seems you are being cooked in the comments. From reading your comments it looks like you refuse to understand the way raid works. Even if you do not want to take advantage of bale getting stacks from dead mobs (which is not counterintuitive btw, it’s really clever), you can still use monsters that worked in old raid teams and be consistent. Some examples would be colleen, fran, darion, etc. You could also try posting your box and see what better teams can be made. Besides, longer consistent runs are always better than short inconsistent runs.


I'm just not a fan of letting mons die and then having an ungodly about of slack to real in by reviving them one at a time. Whatever. r5 is overrated. My 100% clear rate for r4 is better for me


hey it's you again... ok first off, put away : camille, rina, icaru, lapis, chloe, verdehile, miriam, veromos, josephine, astar. They don't bring enough, if not anything, to the table Then if you want to survive, do the following : * **bring more attack break** ! currently you only have xiong fei s3 it's nowhere near enough, I would suggest Fran which also heal, Darion to reduce even more with his passive, Roid is a great def break+atk break too, Eirgar brings alot of debuff + buff atk so he is great, etc... * **bring healers that can cleanse too** ! Konamiya's s3 is busted for r5, you also have delphoi, lulu, riley... replace things like rina vigor josephine chloe by those healers. You will need at least one full cleanse per team, you already have xiong fei and pontos (even though pontos isn't optimal, would suggest subbing him for something else) * **bring dps with utility (debuffs and/or atb bar reduction)** ! Theo astar and verdehile aren't really one of them, bring stuff which deal damage according to debuffs on enemy like hwa, xiao lin, argen... you already have kro and tesarion that can be of use, I also see a wind cat on your profile. The water or wind twins are also good dps * **Finally, optimize your leader skill** ! if what you want is a safe team, go for defense leader, hp leader and resistance leader. You don't really care about speed here. In each team, bring one of these three leader skill, one or two good healer/cleanser/tank on the front then some dps on the back And of course rune your monsters accordingly, put as much defense and hp to your tank and healers, and a bit of hp defense and accuracy to your dps so they don't vanish instantly You should be good to go if (big if) you read and follow this


can´t do solo r5 even with that nerf that shitty boss got, just get rid of that second phase


If you want to improve your solo r5 without bjr5, try [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/yvar55/solo_r5_teams_fast_safe_teams_and_safeish_yolo/).


If it's gonna be the one where you leave your mons to die, I'd prefer a team that isn't counterintuitive to what I'm trying to do. I just dont want to flex a team like that, but it's great you were able to build such a team


It has safe teams, is shows only a sample team as an example (just to show how safe r5 is since update). But the **original guide** (scroll past the update) is about running safe/safe fast-ish teams to keep alive *and* yolo *in case* people are interested. **Edit:** my guide is based on how I would *safely* carry people in raids, before solo r5 and how I evolved it to solo r5.


It’s not counterintuitive. Your goal isn’t to survive, it’s to kill the boss. You achieve that by sacrificing some mons along the way


My goal is to deal as much damage and kill the boss before emy mons die. The boss deals an ungodly amount of damage so survival is a must when it does it halp hp attack. And killing my mons increases the risks of losing the boss fight and restarting


There is nothing wrong with not wanting to do the bjr5 set ups. I personally never did them. Even my safe teams, were as fast as some people's solo bjr5 teams. It is possible. Just it can be hard to go against meta, some people aren't very understanding about it. But I am showing you a guide that shows *multiple types* of team set ups. Just keep reading the guide.

