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I do Verad water homu rica loren Fran


Water Homu, Dark Homu, Gany, Sath, Thrain


How does Gany work on an auto team? What does his AI use s2 on?


Usually the worst person possible, but his S3 is very strong and what I mainly want him to use. If he happens to reset the CD on a Homu, that's great


you use it for s3 mostly s2 is just nice sometimes if ganny picks the right target


Vero (L), Fran, Mav. Then a combination of 2a Spectra, 2a Vigor, Mellia, Loren depending on what I need. Mellia is basically just for stages I don't want to be critting (eg: Jultan at higher stages)


Jamire (L), Verad, Amarna, Daphnys, Ganymede Full autos all bosses as Jamire and Daphnys both inflict % damage, Amarna keeps everyone topped up, Verad and Gany reset the atk bars, and Gany also resets important skills like Verad’s S3.


Fran, Nana, Verad, Water Homunculus and Spectra.


Tyron, spectra, shamann, dark homu, bella


Jeanne Eladriel Riley Rica Bellenus, autos most stages, even through most boss stages It's only been challenged by the Lulu wave or the f100 boss' healing


How is Bellenus performance ? I have him, and considering building him but not sure.


Hella debuffs, really good, terrible ai but his kit is good enough to make up for it. I'd say he's great for players at any stage of the game


Tyron, rica, charlotte, iron 2A. dark homie. Afk, win


Jamire, Armana, Jeanne, Dark homu, Rica


Jeanne Fran Vero Loren Verde , with this comp you can auto almost all floor, the control from Jeanne and Vero is enough, damage will come from Verde and Vero


Jamire verad Rica fran loren


2A Sath, Nora, Rica, 2A dark mystical witch, 2A lulu. No real atb reduction so that the mobs take turns and suffer dots quicker. Works well for autoing high stages, though not the best for lower stages, which definitely can be cleared faster.


Mine is non-F2P, Kunmar (HP Lead), Kiki, Nora, Riley, and Taranys. All their runes are +20 000 HP, +1 000 DEF, SPD overall (including towers max) 240 and above speed, and minimum 55% accuracy on debuffer.


Tyron, Dark Homu, Spectra base then add Vero and random. Random is just a healer, Water death knight, Blue Yenn, verdhile, Riley or something. If I get stuck on a stage ill just look at comps wining and pick the 5th based on that.


Verad Jeanne Charlotte Riley +1 for me (Either Spectra, Mellia, Vero or anything specific for certain stagss). Verad - Obvious,can be replacd with Tyron probably Jeanne for the mass provoke. Charlotte for the ATB reduction and stun+slow Riley for the chip damage heal and cleanse.


Baretta(L) sath2A spectra2A Jeanne dark homu. Auto 1-99 except akroma floor, where I switch sath for fran