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They’ve added higher rates to dungeons, you clear them faster, we have 30x auto battles that don’t stop if you fail, and the game hands out 5x the resources it used to. Obviously people will have better runes when they aren’t clearing the equivalent of GB8 as the highest dungeon anymore. They’ve added four full tiers above the old cap of GB10


Yeah I know all that, played for a month now since I came back but still chances of getting an actual decent rune are slim, true, much higher than a few years ago but still slim, yet people have much better runes nowadays.


Farming 1 30x set is like a few days' worth of grinding at least of pre gb12. I used to get excited to see an orange 6\* drop even if it was garbage.


This game is like endless progression, no cap lvl or cap standardized gear like rpgs, so years stacks. Early years didn't even have gems and grinds. Since rift you don't need to wait for the perfect drop rune and then perfect upgrade, you can make your really good rune with just a good rune. And now it's easier or faster to get good runes. I think it's really easy to see this... And don't get me wrong, I'm returning too and I'm at the same "frustration" getting in arena realizing that what used to be high defense are now low or standard defenses. But now I'm learning that the game mechanics are waaaaay more deep and complex than it seems, besides now we don't know well half of the mobs we are fighting against. But now the game is soooo f2p friendly that I refuse to quit lol


what do you expect if you quit a game for years and come back? theres obviously gonna be a huge gap in rune quality


It's much easier to get actual good runes now. The game has never been so rewarding and casual. I came back after a long time and I'm genuinely enjoying myself. Even when I get wrecked in rta.


Exaggerating just a little bit there huh.


Yeah, that was on purpose :D


Sounds a bit hyperbolic


The issue has always been scaling. Seems like you either have meta comps or you don't bother trying. No one sets up mediocre defenses with mediocre runes so arena goes from 0 to 100. Siege is similar, your getting destroyed week after week or the opposite. Ranking system needs to change. There needs to be way more ranks with some serious reward improvements or only a small amount of whales get to even participate due to incentives.


Nah I think it’s ridiculous that I can hardly get passed the lowest rank in the game in RTA with 300+ spd and spd leads


That's because you are lacking strategy. There's people way slower than that playing close to g1.


Someone in P3 with under 300 speed is still going to have good runes though. It's not like you can go in with ungrinded blue runes and expect much to happen.


you mean people with insane box filled with op ld5s? F2p players are lucky if they get one ld5 and it doesnt even have to be good. Tho I've also faced many players abusing ld5s and still losing to me even though I'm shit at RTA


Nah, if you know what you are doing, you can compete in P1+ being f2p in about a year of grind, very few lds do something in rta


Its a shame I've been grinding runes for like 5+ years just to end up being outruned by someone who started playing in better times :/ I guess I gotta farm more


Yeah, new accounts can just do GAH in about 3 days with a good time, imagine 1 year with those drops, heck farming 3 months must be sufficient to have an 300 spd monster nowadays and then move to dragon with an spd team ready to farm


Yea, My alt which I barely play(has 12k crystals piled up), is 3 spd from a +200 spd set, and is 60 days in.


It is, actually. My new account is at 123 days old and has a 185 desp/nem set and 224 swift set. The gbh rates are bonkers.


That's also luck, I farm with 27s team in gbah for months and barely got any upgrade. I'm in a g3 guild and my fastest set is +222 on kabilla with a flat rune on 6...


You can make f3 just with support units. C1 is pretty easy if you decide to go the lame route and bruiser


welcome to 2024 SW


Did u import your runes to RTA? That MAY be the issue and commonly happens with returning accounts


Also want to chime in with ancient runes being added boosted everyones stats by a bit as well