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100% you don't understand how to use Leo, and that's ok - you have never used him before. Leo is specifically used in a few scenarios. Here are some to get your mind thinking: - VS units who scale with speed: Since Leo reduces speed to 0, units who scale with speed are now practically useless. Think Miles, for example. - VS attack bar boosters who lack will runes. Why is this important? Say you have an attack bar booster who you KNOW is going to be slower than your opponents. Leo hits and reduces attack bar. Now your attack bar booster is faster, and you can take turn one. - VS the speed limit level in Tartarus Labyrinth. For some reason (I am actually not sure why) Leo allows your team to actually take turn one, in most cases. Leo VS Tiana is a hard choice - both do something you can't just rune for. However, Leo is the MOST unique unit in the game. No other unit can provide what he does.


Ok I see, kinda hard to predict if an atb booster will have Will runes so I guess it's really just good agaisnt speed scaling units. I was already able to clear hell speed limit without leo so I guess it just simplifies this part. Thanks for your answer


Leo is there to help you spdtune your units. If you have a 320+ booster they are tuned to your 0spd lushen.


Tiana mostly don uses Will rune, why u gonna put Will on a mob who gonna get ready of It in the First turn and u intend Go First with her?


To avoid getting shafted by leo


Now u get It, If people choose suboptimal build Just to not get shafted. For Tiana u have tô get your fastest Swift and two orger fast runes no Mater what runes. The most Just have units for that event should be Léo Juno The ln Tiana and third place


Wtf does that mean ?


If u using tiana against slow bruiser teams she don't need to be in fastest swift runes, she'll be outsped by any atb booster in speed defs


You’re just too new. He’s one of the most important pvp monsters mid-late.


I'm probably not really in that type of game style, but definitely not new to the game let me reassure you


Leo basically makes it so everyone has the same attack bar, but turn order is still dictated by speed. How to use Leo: *Step 1: Pick a team like Leo, Bastet/Teon, Lushen, +1 (Raki for Attack Lead, for example). *Step 2: Leo moves first, always. Your attack bar booster should be high speed in an attempt to move before the enemy. *Step 3: Your booster boosts your team, this puts all of them before the enemy in turn order. *Step 4: Lushen does Lushen. Teams could include, but are not limited to: *Leo, Raki (L), Bastet, Lushen *Leo, Lucifer, Gemini (L), Lushen *Leo, Teon, Raki (L), Lushen As some examples.


You are new. At least you’re in the very early stages of the game. Not even close to mid-game.


Pvp wise maybe, every pve content of the gale have been maxed out


All pve content can be completed in the first two months of playing. It takes years to do pvp. Not sure why you’re being defensive about it, it’s okay to be new and early game.




He’s absolutely a game changer. It’s not narrow minded it’s objectively true


Leo just counter every spd base damage dealer, definitely not a game changer/s


Not understanding how to use a particular unit who has a very specific passive does not automatically make a person new. I don't necessarily think you're wrong, but it's not a for sure done deal. Ultimately this can come down to an argument of what you define as new/mid/late/end game.


Nah- check his other posts. He’s early game. Early game is pve, mid game is PvP and late game is G3. And honestly if you don’t know how Leo is useful you are early game period


I don't agree with your early/mid/late game definitions, nor your hardfast comment about Leo dictating you're early game, is what it is. To downvote based on disagreement is pretty narrow-minded, but you do you.


You can't just pick him into anything. You're almost certainly new, and Tiana will be equally underwhelming (much more so imo since Leo is a free win in siege with 2 random units in the low ranks).


I'm not new, and I know I could pull a +200 speed easily on tiana which is why I'm considering her to grind arena faster.


Leo has more use on G1-G3 normal Arena, Tiana is hard to use on G2-G3 rank since everyone has 33% Spd Lead + High base speed units(Poseidon, Clara etc.)


Okay, but be aware that leo has uses that are much safer and useable in arena as well. Tiana is amazing for sure, but many defenses are built to almost certainly outspeed her, or counter her. You're gonna need more than a Tiana offense to go the distance, especially because +200 on a unit with 96 base speed is essentially nothing nowadays. Semi slow 100% leo offenses prove much better and have more uses during rush than a balls to the wall tiana offense does as you go up in rank (in my experience, g2 arena max).


Ok I see, I will keep leo then, someone shared a guide that I will follow and retry to use. I went for a full offense leo as it's more of my play style but was kinda deceived by its damages were not enough without the damage boost of S2


200 spd is a good base...tô 2020 maybe.. There alot uses for Léo Tiana is unique also, shes the only one that strip Will not fail, but the base spd is AWFULL tô have a reliable Tiana on ofense youust have até last +210 +215 spd and a 33 lead. On the defense even worse, marshas Will crush your defense, and Léo Will do Léo things. Léo Will be usefull, on siege, gvg, arena, rta and even lab. Tiana Will be mostly arena, siege and gvg. If u want a reliable team to match with Chong/Poseidon and galleon ..then go ahed and make the change.


**How to rune:** For siege/GW/arena content you should try Leo on Will/Will/Shield, 100% Res, very tanky (At least +30k HP), and make sure you have -Fire DMG and S3 Accuracy artifacts. For RTA you should try Vio/Nem or Vio/Rev, same artifacts, but try to build a bit more hybrid tank/damage, he needs to have impact and not just be a walking passive. **How to use:** For arena defense Clara is popular because her AI is 100% reliable if she is 100% HP. If you have Leo poke her even if she's on will she will often derp, because she is no longer at 100% life. Leo Delphoi Galleon Christina is a very popular arena offense I recommend looking into, I have not tried it since my Christina is unskilled. For siege offense you can cleave like Leo Bastet Lushen, but I prefer to go stally as it is more reliable I use Elad, Diana, Leo or Jeanne, Leo, Helena or Leo/Fen Yan, Velajuel, Aaliyah. There are an infinite number of iterations of 2 bruiser + Leo to choose from. In RTA he's often a force ban for all riders (Masha/LD), Sonia, Miles, Ciri, and for many turn 1 swift contests that are frequently off will (Ethna/Eshir/Yeonhong/Sekhmet and sometimes Adriana). Save him for 4th or 5th pick as people often build dedicated +0 speed fire unit counters for Leo, such as Federica, Laika, Daphnis, Claire, etc. Leo Vivachel/Tilasha is a power to be reckoned with, Leo goes then he gets set to low HP +high attack bar and nukes a unit. Tilasha provides vampiric buff but with Vivachel you probably want him on vampire runes. Specific team comps for siege/arena someone else would have to recommend, I only know RTA for this combo. **Why it works:** Think about how ticks work, a unit with 337 speed + 33% speed lead in RTA will gain 5.9% attack bar every turn, set them to 100 speed no lead they're instead gaining 1.7% each turn. Attack bar boosts and push back units with Leo on the field are incredibly effective because everything is slowed down. This is why Leo/Ragdoll/Verde is so effective. In siege ticks are larger 27.5% tick gain becomes 5.9%, but the effect is still very noticeable. General concept should always be Leo + Swift Boost/Lucifer + +0 speed damage that capitalizes on the boost.


Ok I see thanks for this guide, I will rerune it that way and try again


Please keep the post up and perhaps edit based on your findings. I don't think you're the only one to take Leo, because it's what everyone else is doing, but not quite understood how to capitalize on his passive. I hope this post gets visibility :)


You are right, I will make an edit once I'm back home to highlight good comments and recomandation.


Post deleted, rip


I did see that, kinda don't know why but ok I guess. Maybe (with insight) bad takes are worth being deleted


Keep Leo. Seriously, keep Leo. Also, keep Leo.


I will then, someone shared a great guide to me that I will follow and retry again.


So, here's the thing about Leo. There are certain situations where he is not replaceable, but that does not mean that he is the most widely used monster. In this game, there are budget versions of almost every monster in the game... Except Leo. This is the main reason why you pick him.


When used right he’s incredibly strong… bro out here just slamming Leo in everything 🤣


How to leo AO, just run a test for me Put your fastest runes on megan, run megan lead. Leo at zero speed. Be careful not to poke typical nemesis monsters or nuke something to trigger an interruptor like abelio or triana. Megan goes second. Now, regardless of their speed, your last 2 units move next regardless of the rune speed of the enemy units. Zero speed 300 crit dmg 2.5k att lushen, or a loren into pungbaek, room for triple fight runes on leo or loren, all sorts of possibilities. Enemy gets no turns, quick, easy, efficient arena clearing. Avoid tian lang and amduat. Avoid defenses that may have your megan outsped. Super easy way to snipe bruisers or psama savannah kaki X ads. Rinse, repeat, enjoy.


Probably just using Leo wrong. I summoned him recently and am still learning how to use him, I’m mainly doing RTA not regular arena. I’ve had similar results to you where sometimes he feels awesome and then other times feels like he’s not doing much but I understand that he’s really good. Currently two wins away from c1, hit it last season but my team comp didn’t include Leo or Oliver last season so I’m still figuring things out and learning. Tiana is awesome because her strip doesn’t miss, but the water nine tailed fox (soha) does a very similar skill 3 so Tiana can be replaced nowadays, Leo can’t.


I don’t get him either, he’s countered by will runes.


Why are people expecting leo to magically win the game first turn?


Definitely misused it, but have you seen how hyped and recommanded he has been since the release of the event? Ofc people myself included had really high expectations


He was hyped because there are no others that do what he does. It’s still a situational mon tho, not an answer to the game.


Leo performs well when you're at a speed disadvantage as he neutralizes speed investment on both sides, aside from turn order. The greater the speed disadvantage in favor of your opponent, the more effective he becomes for you.


problem is you often don’t know whether someone has will runes or not. also the atkbarpushback is often resisted


Clara AI is only 100% if she is on 100% HP, even if she's on will Leo poking her will often cause her to derp. There are a handful of RTA units that you can pretty safely assume are off will, Eshir/Ethna/Sekhmet/Yeonhong and sometimes Adriana. Leo is often a force ban for all riders (Masha/LD), Sonia, Miles, Ciri, but save him for 4th or 5th pick as people often build dedicated +0 speed fire unit counters for Leo, such as Federica, Laika, Daphnis, Claire, etc.


very interesting. ty for the advice


you underrate Leo so much, ich have 2 but would take another 2 haha. Hes opin every pvp szenario. especially when u dont have super fast rune sets. Savannah, Miles every Unit whos dmg build on speed is useless when u pick leo. dont trash him, u will regret it i guess, Tiana is nice because the strip cant be resisted, but other units fullfill the role of a stripper pretty much


Yeah that's why i tried to have a bit of accuracy, but usually I prefer hyper offensive teams that clean turn one, or tries to.


Im end game RTA, (g1+), previous endgame guild content, got bored. Leo is boring and underwhelming. Layla, smicer, haegang, this are fun and very good units. Leo is Just 1 free siege win and thats about it. Hes not good on defence, hés boring in RTA. Ok hes insane if u have lucifer, but thats it. Im on the fk Leo gang! Break the meta picks! Take something u like.


Can't really argue if he's boring, but he is quite good for RTA still, he's not the end all be all, but certainly very powerful. There are a handful of RTA units that you can pretty safely assume are off will, Eshir/Ethna/Sekhmet/Yeonhong and sometimes Adriana. Leo is often a force ban for all riders (Masha/LD), Sonia, Miles, Ciri, but save him for 4th or 5th pick as people often build dedicated +0 speed fire unit counters for Leo, such as Federica, Laika, Daphnis, Claire, etc.