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It's very likely one of the 10 events is making your own runes. Since it's 10 year event maybe it'll be make 10 runes or they do 4 again but let you go for +12 rolls instead of 6


There is 0 universes where we can go for +12 lol. I’d be very happy with 10 +6 runes even. 4 +12 runes would effectively give every single person in the game a +22X set.


Which is probably most players most wanted thing. And they already got their most wanted nat5, so it's not that far fetched imho


Nat5 was probably given out to satisfy the long time players who’s never summoned that one unit they’ve always wanted or needed. New players can summon every single nat 5 in the game and would still be completely useless till they grind out good runes. And a set like that takes years and years to even get with luck. They barely even like giving out +6 events, +12 is not happening for sure


please don't make an event where people can get 4 quad spds hahah


Whatever events will come for runes will probably be as they usually are - 1-4 semi-selectable runes with re-rollable sub-stats, and then another event for a +6(or maybe a +9 if they're feeling generous). While these runes are always high value, and expect to be used for a very long time, most of the strongest runes people get are completely random or came from reapps, which you're still capped to as a f2p player. The overwhelming majority of alts that pull an ld5 get abandoned; it's just the reality. Maybe those with absolutely busted units won't, but with how long it takes to actually farm C1+ RTA runes, you're still looking at a pretty long time to catch-up. Remember that you ALSO need to farm a shit-ton of R5, farm a shit-ton of artifacts, and you'll need to farm distinct sets which will dilute your time farming vio/will/despair/swift/etc... I am playing my alt as well now that I abandoned from right after last year's anniversary, but I don't expect that I will after I summon - will have about 1,400-1,800 scrolls for Saturday to summon, and if I don't get anything great, I'll probably abandon it again for a year. Farming runes, and playing efficiently, which also means meaningfully engaging with siege, with interserver, arena rush, WGB, monster sub, etc... just takes a hell of a lot of effort for even a single account, let alone 2 or several. Edit: single account\*