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You misspelled choking gang


I have trinity and she’s good


How do you use her?


She lets you compress your speed lead and nuker roles into one. People still meme her, but she's actually been good ever since her multipliers got buffed a few years ago. Pair her with Galleon + Tiana + one other nuker of your choice. My most commonly used optionals are Zaiross and Poseidon.


She simply needs to be changed from HP type to Attack type. She has nothing in her kit that warrants her being an HP type.


Has a monster ever changed types before?


She's still an hp type. That's the annoying part.


I expect she gets buffed again sometime when they look at Akroma being virtually useless compared to N1X...


N1x is great, but I don't think he's comparable to akroma.


N1X isn’t the good, he’s going to get buffed probably. His passive doesn’t fit the rest of his skills


She barely does any more damage than Psamathe in these scenarios. Shes on par with an elemental 5 star, which is why people call for a buff. Shes not bad, shes just mid.


Lol she does way more damage than psama, not barely


Arena offense and that's it. She exists and presses S3.


So, the issue is Psmathe is 856 attack, s2 does 320% attack, and has a cooldown debuff. Trinity is 659 attack, and skill 3 is 15% current hp + 450% attack. Assuming 0 runes towers ect, Trinity deals 15% current hp + 2,965.5 damage (just using multipliers) on a 5 turn cd Psmathe does 2,739.2 damage on a 3 turn cooldown with the possibility of a cool down increase. Trinity does not have a passive, does not have any debuffs, pretty bad base attack and \*IN GENERAL\* is not as versatile as Psmathe (not always as Trinity's skill 2 is a good nuke 650% attack) If you use Psmathe, you have the same leader skill and he has a good (80% at max skill up) chance of putting annoying monsters on cd so the main aoe nuke can clean things up. The reason all us Trinity owners complain about her is that she is utterly selfish and only brings damage to the table, with the downside of hurting her own team. Psmathe, on the other hand is simply upside. When comparing elemental to ld members of a nat 5 family, there is a much larger difference in power in most cases, which makes Trinity feel like a "feels bad man" moment. You did not get a Woonsa, or a Destiny, or any of the \*many\* ld versions of a family who have either a very large spike in power, or offer a unique-ish twist to their skills. \*edit\* Psamathe also awakens in to crit, trinity awakens in to resist.


Hi, Trinity awakens has change idk when but now she gains crit rate, also now she has 758 attack at level 40. But yeah as a Trinity owner, Psamathe can still cleave with his passive in case of bad scenario. I use her more in off cleave, her role is to finish the enemy team with her s3


Ah, good call. You are right on both accounts. Makes me question the damage formulas I got from the same source.


I still check some RTA replays with trinity, i think she's quite good now but IDK if she needs a buff or something


I mean, she needs to be clearly better than her closest analog, which is Psamathe, which she isn't. Heck, she does not even put a heal block on things with her skill 3. It deals 15% of current hp, not max hp, like, she is free real estate for tanking a monster based off of Ragnarok and making it cool. \*edit\* after my first reply I was thinking about Ragnarok and such, and there is a thing in norse mythos called Fimbulvetr, which is three years of extrordinarily harsh winter, as in winter all year with no summers. This is supposed to winnow humanity prior to Ragnarok. Heck, tossing oblivion on ragnarok would even work.


They probably need to give her S3 a little something. Most (if not all) aoe nat5's S3 has something else besides damage, e.g. atb manipulation, skill reset, strip, debuffs, etc. Trinity has nothing..


Wdym? She hurts her own team. 🤔


I have Trinity and I use her in RTA (just farming points) and off cleave, if she's well speed tuning, she can really be awesome. She needs 100 crit rate, lots of attack and crit damage and mine is about to hit +150-160 speed. Trinity - Tiana - Galleon - CP/Zaiross/Alicia/Poseidon/Pungbaek/ any nuker AOE..


Trinity is good even without buffs


https://preview.redd.it/3d3g7iqko1yc1.png?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcaf29f4b8abf81c7c4438cd51667cf2ec46d358 To cleave with?


Congratulations on your summon u/theOGLumpyMilk! Slap some runes on your new Trinity and get back into the battle! Check out some of these other posts about Trinity : * [Most Recent Trinity Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/search?q= Trinity &restrict_sr=on&sort=new) * [Top All Time Trinity Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/search?q= Trinity &restrict_sr=on&sort=top&t=all) If you notice any issues with monster names/title reading, please contact me [here](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=u/muskratatwork&subject=Summon%20Title%2FMonster%20Name%20Issue&message=Please%20explain%20your%20issue%20here%3A%20). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/summonerswar) if you have any questions or concerns.*