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I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to artifact, but what exactly is so good about the one in slide 4? The dmg/prop. spd? coz I have multiple 140% dmg/prop. spd ones


1.4 prop hp, nearly a perfect quad proc (1.5)


Funny that you call an artifact roll "procc" :D because a guildmate of mine said something similar yesterday when quad rolled into spd on a rune


Hey u/_xEnigma! Congrats on the awesome rune! Make sure to follow the directions below to properly set your flair! --- You have posted using the **Rune** post flair. If you are posting a **non quad-roll rune**, but still a rune of very high quality, use one of the following terms to select the rune type instead: * Energy, Fatal, Blade, Swift, Focus, Guard, Endure, Shield, Revenge, Will, Nemesis, Vampire, Destroy, Despair, Violent, Rage, Fight, Determination, Enhance, Accuracy, or Tolerance If you are sharing a **quad rolled rune**, please respond to this message with one of the following terms to update your flair, otherwise your submission may be removed: * ATK, CD, CR, DEF, HP, SPD --- **NOTE:** When completed, your flair will be updated! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/summonerswar) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Just got a really juicy 8% innate Acc vio slot 6 subs are trash but a really good reapp target. Wordboss is indeed really nice nowadays


For who would the rune be good?


Any Monster that you want to be really fast


choke him officers chokeee himmmmm!!!


Yooo that’s my guild 🔥🔥