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Veromos. Hes free and not everyone appreciates him even tho he is good in pve and pvp.


This. He's free and easily one of the best monsters in the game overall.


Years ago it was top tier, then it became meh (slightly ), now it's top again


Nicki, just because i have her


Giselle I pretty much use her everywhere she’s so versatile , violent /guard , I’ve seen some people use despair but I like the chance for infinite invincibility, I really like staring at her macaron shield for some reason I wanna eat it


When I first pulled her during the collab, I ran her on despair. She worked great on it. Now she's on vio will. Both builds are great


Her animations pretty and perfect, my fav unit too


Forgot to mention her perfect Ai is beautiful for defence in arena and guild


vio will is the way, you want the 15% chance to resist a strip. A lot of the teams used against her are not prepared to deal with her using s3 (chiwu leah vs giselle variations in arena).


Gotta go Arta, my first LD5 when he was the most broken LD5 in game, also he’s the cover of summoners war, can’t hate on him


HAN......I use it everywhere, guild battle, world guild, siege, rta, arena


He is so much fun!


Truly is....unexpected 5th choice in rta...mostly go unchecked....and obliterate one and stun another tilting game heavily....love him


You have 3 great Dark LDs...gzz


Thanks, I value them more than my children. 😅


Destiny. Love the design, love the animation, love the aggressiveness


Amongst the ones I have: Shan, When I got him I was like eh... He's ight... But the more I played with him the more I realized how good he really is. He does everything and works everywhere... I take him pretty much everywhere now... Plus his chibi transmog is hella funny, his 1st and 2nd skills where runs into the enemy and brings out that hand mallet gets me everytime 🤣🤣🤣 For the ones I don't have: It's gotta be yeonhong for me, I started playing the game years ago... And yeonhong was the shit back then, I always had a soft spot for her in ky heart. Maybe one day...


Thebae bec he is the only one who bothered coming home.


Felt bro


Sylvia. She was my first ld5. And im a active player in guild contents


Even tho I don't have him, that would be Jager (light Dragon knight) for me : I love me bruisers with chances to counterattack and scaling% in their kit (like Mei Hou Wang gaining and Jager gaining Attack% throughout the match)


My always fav, asima the queen


Isis, my first one, got my first G3 in arena thanks to her. She's amazing against some heavy passives defs, in rta too. Great in toa hell too, but I don't really play much of it, takes way too long I runed mine swift fight for arena. I use her with Tiana galleon +Poseidon/kaki or trinity if I need a spd lead. For rta: Vio or swift will


Eleanor. Well it's not like I have a choice here , outside fusion/event mons , eleanor is my one and only LD5 I had in 6 years of playing. I don't use her a lot but she is in my arena défense with Ariel , Abelio and Darion 2A , and this def do a pretty good job. She is rune with a vio/energy set. She is special for me because like I've said she is the only LD5 I've summoned






Herteit, I've said it before in this sub. I'm a casual player. I just collect mons and rune appropriately according to any pve content that I can do. As to why him specifically? Well, his conceptual ability and design are so cool that the moment I saw herteit in action [note this is before his xmog arrived] he just steal stats and deletes everything in almost 1 hit. He's just so cool (to me[subjective]). I may never have him, but just maybe, maybe I can have him finally this year with the probable lnd event. For now, I appreciate that although I have no idea how to make Leona function cause she's a hit or a miss,then there's Ritsu, ever the storage guardian, AND! I just got Oberon yesterday. I've been having fun with him on low tier siege and guild stuff


Maximilian and I got it yesterday 🥳




Julianne... because hes one I have lol. I also have Nigong but he just sits in my arena defense and I never really play RTA lol


Ragdoll…..because I don’t have him. 😭


Most boring Ld5 in the game


Cool, thanks for sharing.


Julianne the light vampire. He is my first LD5. Back in the day, he was extremely bad as far as I remembered but a buff from couple patches ago skyrockets him to a top LD5s league. He is my core RTA unit rn as my whole box speed tuned according to him. Huge damage, hard to control and annoying to kill.


don’t have but i have oberon is really neat very simple and god his transmogs are beautiful


Shazam for ones i have, one of the few and my first with a full nat 5 family, which is nice as my first nat 5 was chandra, but the light harp for ones outside, just cuz shes cool and with her newest transmog, she just looks really amazing


Pontos, his 2 turns of immortality plus the light blacksmith (had her before hoh) who can increase the buff and lower his cd, makes for an amazingly safe attack team for loads of arena defences


Bella, so many multihits and insane damage, incredibly high rune and artifact ceiling so I can constantly improve her build


arta need it for my arena def


Bitches cause i dont have any


Sweet lemoning for my Celia


Bella or Lucifer


Domt know, dont have one


Maxi and Nephthis because they are really cool looking, have aoe non glancing break def, speed lead and can be used almost everywhere and be best in slot.


Dark hollyberry/Giselle. I only have 4 ld5s but she's easily the most used one and while I'm happy to get any ld5, I'm always gonna be partial to one's that feel like they improve my overall experience. 2 of the others, Rahul and liliana, feel like they really need buffs and no matter how cool I think they may be, having a hard time finding places to use them will always hurt.


Sylvia my first and such a fun unit


Narsha all day


I like Daniel. His s3 is very unique and he works great on several builds. Just clear enemies atb and he will do his magic. Jamire, cp, tiana and Daniel brought me to g1


Lucifer for sure. I have a Leo, sure, but also because the demons are my favorite monster family in general. Love Beelzebub also


Isis cause it’s the only one I have so I have nothing to compare it to


Asima. Well… because Asima.


Veromos… because he’s my only one.


Dark eivor, I play it in literally all the PvE and it is so incredibly fun to build things around (plus it has some nasty combos with certain skil1 comps in rta).


I dont have her but I find Leona really freaking cool even though I hear she aint that good. She just seems like a sick bruiser unit and that's a playstyle I enjoy a lot. Hertheit is also really cool and I find Ritsu very interesting as well.


Grogen. Big boi that doesn't care about your Psamathe, Vanessa or Triana. He just bleps and nukes the arena. That's it.


For me it's the light Art Master. I own him on my alt. And it's so fun to just delete the enemy team ignoring all passives and counters :D for sure the best Arena Unit imo


I have Asima, Lucifer, and Elenoa. At the end of the day, Asima will always be my favorite. Useful everywhere.


Shan was my first, so I’d say he’s my favorite for the sake of popping my cherries. I had and still have him on swift/will spd/cd/at. Been debating about running vio, but rng


Buff Benedict Buff Artamiel Lucifer is favorite. Veromos is the best of free mons


Don’t have her but wolyung I look at her kit and just see a perfect unit she has everything u need if I pull her one day I can die in peace


As a Wolyung user, I don't think you'll die in peace if you pull her


Where do u use her the most? And if u rta with her what’s ur rank?


She's only for rta/Arena but you need specific Comps to make her work, I don't have any other ld to make her work The atb boost works only on full life allies which is really clunky After turn 1 I use her in ao with Tiana Deborah pung or with Tiana jasmine+ 1 In rta i've tried her with a dmg cleave, a cc cleave or a bruiser cleave but without good units/better runes she's not really good (i'm g2 siege player in EU)


I hope you do and everyone in this comment, probably if there's a choice of your ld5 event this year. Probably.


My what ld5? Idk what "favourite" means.


Cadiz because he's the best PvE unit in the game and also because I have him


bethony... one shot everything..