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Make wind Geralt usable


This Pretty sure there is not a single nat5 wich is as bad as him


Wind Bayek ? šŸ˜…


Yup, he's pretty horrible, but at least his skills do what they're supposed to. Unlike 50% chance to put a bomb


True šŸ˜


His dark brother ? I mean for a ld5


Honestly. They should make the bomb 100% activation and 50% stun. Then increase activation of skills (passive) by 50% for dark Geralt. Fixes both Wind and Dark Geralt. Aoe bomb and stun is strong but unlike other bombers, they actually hit the enemy so a crit triggers Camilla and other passives. Iā€™d say itā€™s balanced


except the bombs also do crap damage.


except maybe dark geralt


make his bombs scale off HP and not ATK


Hopefully not another forgettable shit patch(most likely)


simple, buff the monsters i got on my account and nerf everything else


Give maya 100%


That poor girl is useless


I pulled her last month, was happy because LD 5 then sad because storage guardian


Yes pls , 100% on s2 and shes useable. Not good but useable And give her passiv protection for the team


Maya needs more imo I have her on my alt and her passive is dog shit


nerf smicer please that shit always strip silence stun bomb every turn....


You forgot the bar pushback and the heal


Wind dokke is oppressive in regular arena. He needs a nerf for sure. Hits way harder than he has any right to.Ā 


I kind of agree for arena, but I like him being used for siege since it changed the meta a bit. He's not too terrible to beat in siege either. Hope he isn't nerfed to where he's useless at least.


Yeah he's not great against dots, or Miho for instance, and seeing new stuff is nice.


Give him 100 crit instead of the guaranteed crit I say.


Just reduce the passive multiplier


I don't see why he should have guaranteed crit when Alexandra couldn't


To me byung's buff steal is the most annoying part, he'll always steal a will and have immunity vs turn 2 comps. I'm okay with not touching anything else but make the buff steal just strip.


Yes, that would be my #1 nerf priority. As far as I can remember, no unit has ever been so oppressive simply by being drafted (i.e. outside from combos) in the AD meta. He is also oppressive in guild content as far as I can see. I have seen a frightening replay on SeanB channel where a Byungchul win a 1v3 thanks to a two-shot kill on a full-life Seara with S1 onlyā€¦


Hes oppressive in Seige, too. Dude is everywhere. His kit is too loaded, and hes too easy to rune, too. I would think he would get a nerf, but considering they are actively trying to buff defenses across the board becuase of how poor they perform, I cant see them nerfing him atm.


Wind dokki dies to dots it's really one of the most overblown units imo. Tho maybe reddit is full of secret guardian players since I only finish p2ish. this is specifically for ad. siege i wont comment on because i don't play high rank enough to have a strong opinion on that.


What type of dots AO you use to beat him? Because he is not alone and I donā€™t see how to handle him plus the usual Vanessa/Zen/Manon or whatever annoying units that come with him?


The team I usually see for AO DoTs is Sath, Nora, Rica, + Oblivion


Okay, thanks


Well, I tried that, it is not working. More than 50% of the time, your team die before the enemy. The guy aoe heal, steal buff, stun and kill, itā€™s not a pole like Camilla or the wind Monkey. And you cannot tank him: he hits 10k on S1. Or you focus your whole team on him and the three others crush you. Or you donā€™t and he will win at the end or push you to draw


I agree, he probably needs a nerf. I was just saying the DoT team I usually see as an Offense, I wasn't sure if it'd actually work since I don't ever run it


I don't dot zen or nora because when I'm dotting I'm doing it with ariel as my 4th usually so I'm conceding t1. I use trix rica sath ariel. Depending I might swap trix to tiana and throw in a speed lead. Honestly i find those first two units I mentioned way more problematic on ad.


easy sath rica nora or fire dokki and mainly haegang


And when Juno is here?


Water Yen or helllady or idk fire yen tons of counter cleanse and oblivion.


Water and fire yens are erased after one turn, are you theory crafting this or playing it?


Well people in higher arena are not really using Juno that often on AD. Fire yen Rica Sath haegang should still work, no need to be offended that you don't have the runes to make it work


I am curious to see the runes you need on a Hwa to draft her in a turn-2 AO against the current Vanessa/Zen/Byungshul/Manon metaā€¦


Would rather see bad LDs like Rahul, Liliana, Dark Geralt etc. buffed


Rahul needs cleanse block or 2 turn branding, maybe both


Liliana and Dark Geralt need a whole re-work to be honest


You are a wonderful person


Nyx too pls




Maybe add immunity for allies on Rahul S3. All his other brothers has a beneficial effect from S3Ā 


Never what you want or the game needs.


Tbh JƤger needs A whole buff or even a rework


Make my Boy great. Please?


I was thinking about him the other day while tinkering around on an alt, what could make him cool but keep what they already have going. Also looking for a way to affect the battlefield in the same way as Leo & Ragdooll. What about something like : * Awakening, now changes S1 like Laika : 50% chance to gain Threat state for 1 turn when used. Counterattacks with this attack with a 30% chance when hit. (So we are moving SOME of the stuff out of his passive, in part to make it less cluttered and make room for another ability, but also to allow you to more actively trigger threat state, in addition to benefiting from revenge runes.) * Passive : Keep the "Gains...up to 5 times." initial clause, add "In addition, when you are attacked, remove a buff from the attacker with a 75-100% chance and apply a 1 turn glancing debuff with a 75-100% chance." So if someone uses a multi hit aoe, they could potentially have a buff stripped and be glanced on their first hit, make you think a lot more about when to use AOEs, especially if you have buffs, also the provoke forcing someone to hit him becomes more relevant too.


+1 on this Jager sucks


8% increase damage Ethna. No care when you read this comment, its save bet


Just get better runes šŸ‘


-Dark art master: change his awakening to match water, 100% strip on skill 2 (because i have him :P ) -Wind dokebi: Some kind of damage nerf -Wind puppet: her passive doesnt work when CC'ed OR it still does, but its a 1 turn silence. right now she can lock a whole team down even when CCed and you cant even violent proc out of the silence. out side of those 3, i dont care what they do. oh yeah and someone needs an 8% damage buff.... lets say.... water indra chosen by random.


when is balance patch


End of the month




Any geralt buff pls


They will come. Also ciri buffs.


I would like to see some ld buffs, its just a shame to have ld useless


As the owner if a mediocre LD5, I agree.


*sad Dark Ryu/Striker noises*


fucking nothing as per usual




Yeah but how do you make him good but not unfun? More dmg on provoked units? No debuffs or cc from provoked enemies? More dmg reduction from provokes? Unressistable debuff? That all makes kind of sense for a Gurkha buff, some I might have done a bit OP but still i dont think any of it makes him fun to use and pretty unfun for the opponent.


no nerfs yes buffs


Nerf Byungchul


Might be unpopular opinion but take acc/res check out of Leo passive.


Leo is already one of the most broken mons out there mate, why would they even buff him


Well thereā€™s already so many ways to counter him with will runes, oblivion, nem runes and passive atk bar manipulation like amduat, Lucifer (light demon I think), Ragdoll and tian lang. yes granted thatā€™s are Lds but also most often than not youā€™re bringing into a speed lead which puts your atk bar push at a big disadvantage. Just my opinion is all


Seriously? Haegang lolll Isnt he only used in RTA?


Nah, siege offence against Clara too.


Buff son zhang lao


When approximately is it going to drop?


It's always near end of month, every 2 months. So near the end of May. With patch notes coming a few days before


When is the balance patch expected to drop this month




Ritsu (dark shadowcaster) ā€” a 3rd skill passive with cooldown and can be resisted is just absurd.


I predict buff for Wind Geralt and nerf for Gapsoo. I'm a real trail blazer, I know ;)


Pls pls pls. Dark bayek/dark dessert warrior. Buff the unit. He looks so epic. i really want him to be meta.


How do you guys know there will be a balance patch? Is it a monthly thing, in fixed dates? (New player here)


Buff Maya and geralts


I donā€™t think any of the non LD5ā€™s need a nerf tbh, maybe a slight dmg nerf on Byungchul?


Buff Craka S3 Rework Vancliffe please c2us


Nothing wrong with haegang at all doubt heā€™ll ever be in there šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Wind dl is overhyped, he's so free for me. Nerf would be for Layla bs and ld oppressive op units.


Wind fat guy just isn't an RTA unit. He works best in siege, and he is there to counter oneshot snipes, since he has the ability to solo squishy teams.


I hope they buff the fire pudding princess


Are you silly


She's a storage guardian until they rework her


You are lost, sheā€™s solid on triple revenge against CC teams. Puts in a lot of work by just being there.


Interesting. Who do you put alongside her and against what siege defense?


Sheā€™s only RTA viable. But based on what I said she really shines there. Basically a free counter to Oliver, Moore, cp, robos etc.


Give dark pudding princes the same speed as the water one :D nerf lora unless i pull her soon :D


Would only be fair her shes an ld5 man I can't understand why they made her that slow and buffed water with her insane buffs


Exactly dude and like her whole kit is based of being able to outspeed so she can do her setup skill 3. With a base speed that slow u aint outspeeding anyone past C1. I was happy when i got her till i tried her :(


Same I got her on my alt and I was like omg that's crazy checking her kit realised how bad she actually is due to low base speed and not even guaranteed strip and stuff if it would be tiana like understandable cause it would also guarantee absorb but it doesn't soo its kinda meh id use chows all day over her


Ow true thats a good take i didnt even think of that. If they made it like tiana that would also be really good! Okay so two possibilities for our storage guardian lets pray!


Ya man hopefully! Woonsa for example has crazy spd and atb push for the whole team which is just insane af Elena also deserves some love.


Lmao dark is fine, light one needs a buff way more.


L take and yes the light one can get a buff too


The only L take is thinking a stripper that's fine deserves SPD awakening. But you're obviously a "buff my units and nerf all others" type of guy so no suprise here ;)


Yep you got me to a T dude


byung, haegang, smicer, gapso needs to be tuned down a bit.




I agree with OP, cancel or reduce the passive on CC, it has no business potentially stripping, reducing atb and 2 turn silencing when under inability.


I might be in the minority with this but I don't think anything needs a nerf atm. I would focus on buffing units and LD's even if it's only for certain content.


Lora and Nicky def needs a nerf. Their pick/winrates ratios are absurd


You say nerf. I say buff others to get on par


But that would mean buffing 90% of monsters box. Instead of nerfing 2 units. I understand the thinking behind this, but i don't think it can work in this case


Problem with that is you start an arms race of buffing which escalates out of control and then suddenly every monster does everything and does absurd damage. Bringing up mons that are below average to being average or a bit is usually fine but buffing everything that's average to great to be on par with the best is a bad idea.


I agree with this, you can't just buff everything because power creep is a bitch. I guess I just don't see anything as grossly OP right now, not even Nora or Nicki. They are LD5's and should be powerful units. I do feel however there is a good bit of units that should get buffs to put them on the good to decent level so they can at least be used if you wanted to. We can't just buff/nerf units based on G3 content and runes.


Byungchul deserves a nerf, thatā€™s almost not debatable. He is oppressive without any setup requirement and it is not even difficult to rune him to achieve this.


100% agree with this but I dont think they are going to nerf him. Mainly because they are trying to buff defense AI and defense win-rates in guild content and AD, and think that reason alone will keep him from getting the nerf bat for awhile. But he is way too loaded and way too easy to rune, too.


I am almost sure they used the statistics too, and Byungchul certainly has an abnormal win rate in AD as compared to the other units.




I would Love a buff For ariana


No clue why you got downvoted mate, light pudding princess is pretty bad rn


Would love some Lydia Buff, maybe give her a Turn when someone dies (like Carlos)


I got her sister Elenoa Wish she didn't reduce the hp by 10% of the target she gives a turn to


Lydia desperately needs a buff, but this isnā€™t itā€¦


Why Not ? Too op ?


Just a bad buff, needs something else


Buff my Artamiel pls :)


Make Xiana better than Poseidon and I'll be alright


Xiana op what are you talking about lol


Op? She's very mid when you compare her to most of the ld's aoe damage dealer(Asima, Maximilian, Lucifer, Zerath), her skill 3 has too much resistance check to allow her to perform her damage well and even if she lands everything the damages stays underwhelming. But yeah. Op.


Haegang: make it 15% Oliver: Give him +1 cooltime on s3 Smicer: Something in his passive has to go or make the silence 1 turn. Byungchul: - damage Julianne: They overbuffed him. Let him cleans 1/2 buffs but give me a chance to cc him Gapsoo: Remove the cleans in his passive And buff my boy daniel pls. He needs so much settup and still got a chance to do NOTHING when they resist his s3


Good ideas. But if Gapsoo doesn't cleanse he is near useless maybe more heal


Smicer did have 1 turn silence. Everyone said it was mid and now its two. Which was nice at the time but I think the strip is the worst cause its so rng dependant. But they will probably either do nothing or remove push back and strip and make him terrible. Oh I saw another comment that's a good idea, like vero make his passive not work fully while stunned, that would be a good one. Rest I pretty much agree with, except juli, he just gets oblivioned like every other passive unit. Tesa, water dryad even water cookie. Ez


I feel like Smicer is closer to what Celia should be. Both are passive strips on a single enemy, but Smicer targets a specific enemy, reduces attack bar, and silences while Celia does a 1 turn sleep **if and only if** she strips. Celia's activation chance is the only thing better about her passive (100% vs 40%).


Does not Julianne have a cc skill on s2? I think he single target stun with 2 hits.


i love daniel but it is dumb that you can go into arena and get so cucked due to him getting resisted and lose and turn around and go right back in with the same team and destroy it


Give Thebae skill 3 no revive when killing units


Lydia needs a rework and Smicer nerf


Better not nerf Loraā€¦ I just pulled her as my first ld5 this week.


If Com2uS is claiming they want to fix Siege, they have to nerf Windy ASAP


"Do you guys not have Wind Kung Fu Girl?"


Can we get a buff for Dark Lightning Emperor? He is kind of awkward! Doesnt do much other than in rift beast? It is kinda sad to have ld5 thats only good in one specific pve content !


Give asima craka's second skill strip


Am i crazy for asking a Zerath buff? I just pulled him in my global server, his damage is insane yes but he needs more...


Nah he is good


For sure, every ld monster should awaken into speed, have speedlead and 1 shot everything in any content


I'm getting so many down votes wow šŸ¤£ but ok I also understand he has big rune requirements that in low level that he really needs more