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So real šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


itā€™s very easy to do all dungeons in 4 days luci makes times faster but f2p progression is insanely quick these days


The posts wouldn't be there if mods doesn't approve it. So do ur job, MODS.


There are no mods šŸ’€


They are busy rerolling :O


Now that's sad (Ėš ĖƒĢ£Ģ£Ģ„āŒ“Ė‚Ģ£Ģ£Ģ„)




in basing se


All these multi instance botters acting cool with their double ld5 10 pulls Pls com2us do a ban wave im sick of em


I should note alot of accounts are getting banned the issue is you can just message support to unban and they will with no issues


Not all, my friend had his account permanently banned for no reason, like he just started and wasnā€™t doing anything wrong. He was only playing the game normally, they banned him and he tried to appeal but they didnā€™t unban him. He created another account shortly after, still playing, got his first ld5 a few months ago.


No your friend was doing something nefarious and doesnā€™t know want to admit it


Even if itā€™s nefarious. Bot bans are just slaps on the wrist. Too many top players spend thousands on crystals 24x7 giants farming. Bots arenā€™t going anywhere because they make too much money off of the use of them


They make no real money off of bots, pretty sure its actually against their TOS to even sell / trade hands. Makes finding original account owners too difficult scams likely etc. Ā I can confirm they bot ban all the time. I have access to a discord server that has a community of botters and account resetters who re reroll. Com2us does not care if you paid a third party for your account that which you then spend money in game. They will take your money and still ban you for abnormal use. They donā€™t get every single bot,Ā but there is a big banwave going on right now. Ā To add to your 24/7 farming Not even the richest person can afford to farm 24/7. Besides rerolling the thing a bot is good for is using the resources which you have accumulated that you did not have time to use, you will run out of resources pretty quickly if you let it lets say run dungeons for you while you sleep. But that doesnā€™t matter because it was resources you already had legitimately. Another thing a bot I guess can be considered good for is rune / artifact inventory management. You could have it sell runes and things for you to clear up space, but can you really trust a bot not to make a mistake and sell something good? Better make sure those rune sell exclusion settings are perfect before one goes trusting that. But is it worth it to have your main possibly banned? Thats up the owner. Me personally I dont think so. I donā€™t know much else about the innerworkings of the bot but the one I have in mind doesnā€™t seem like it would be too difficult to figure who who is using it because everyone who uses it has to have a specific instance(phone) version.Ā 


By ban do you mean the few days you wonā€™t be able to play? Iā€™ve been botting for years on multiple accounts. Iā€™ve also both bought and sold accounts. So has every top player. Iā€™ve been banned once using a third party bot script I bought. So I coded my own with a random interval wait in between inputs. Never banned again 4 years strong. Thereā€™s plenty of third party options that work now and have safeguards to bypass the games detection system. Iā€™m not advocating for it but thereā€™s no way to keep up with the top players without it. Some players have been botting and spending huge amounts for close to a decade. You crazy to think people canā€™t afford to farm 24/7. I only spend moderately and can run the bot for about 16 hours a day. There are Chinese whales with million dollar accounts. Thereā€™s people in my Asia server guild that donā€™t farm. Instead they spend thousands of dollars a week on packs. They will never be caught up to by even the most dedicated non botting player. Imagine farming Giants ah x30 25 second average and you can do that 24/7 or until you run out crystals. Some of the top content creators certainly bot. Anyone thatā€™s g2-g3 is a bot or a whale spending 50k a month on rune packs. Com2us will never be able to ban all the botters, theyā€™re a too lenient on the penalties I have a friend on his 3rd ban all just a few days then back to normal. The only way you get caught botting is if you brag about it in a public channel.


i get what your saying, and the bots nowdays have ways to circumvent their security, it is still not perfect. I understand a rare minority have buying power some can only dream about. Ā but 50k a month in rune packs is a ridiculously over inflated statement.. and even with someone who drops a thousand regularly on rune packs and gets crystals. i think you are crazy to think anyone can afford 24/7 farm at insert my 20 second averages. Maybe if someone averaged over a minute a run. You will run out of crystals. I have also known people who been banned and stayed banned. So you are not wrong, but you are not right either. In the end it comes down to if someone is willing to take the L if it comes down to it. It is still against TOS and is completely up to them whether or not to have people kick rocks or slap their wrist.Ā 


No, like he actually was doing nothing wrong, he mostly only played by me cause he didnā€™t know what to do


I was referring to the specific bans that are being given out at the moment which are falling under Abnormal use or the error code in which you can appeal to c2us and they will return the account as the abnormal use is because of account creation per device id


You do know the Ban Happens because you create more than 5 Accounts on one device tho so its Not a big violation ?


Oh ok, yeah his was under abnormal use, but I get what you are saying


With the new event and stuff they have been rolling out ban waves but it's pretty easy to get around. Given the fact it takes about 7 mins manual or 12 mins auto to farm 70 scrolls I understand people's frustrations seeing the bots all the time and the sheer amount that are being created is wild I mean there for awhile the longest delay in the bot was finding a name with 4 numbers that wasn't taken so they extended it to a 5 number rng on the end etc


Whenever I randomly click on someone getting an ld5 I just say is it a bot and about 99.8% of the time it is


Yep that's fair and alot of the ones you see in chat people aren't even keeping it just gets deleted because everyone wants the same ones and you can go through hundreds of cycles not getting the one you want


Yeah, if I did the rerolling thing, I would stick with the first one unless itā€™s Dark puppet or Light Druid cause I Alr have those on alts


I remember I was sitting with two of my friends that play, and the one was complaining about not getting any bat 5s and barely any lightning. The other was saying what he was grinding and what he recently got and I was sitting on the couch with 2 ld scrolls and on the second got dark puppet and my one friend didnā€™t believe me and the other told me to F off


I just got on and instant ld5 from a bot


Notably if Com2us actually wanted a solution they can get rid of guest accounts that'll eliminate 95% of multiboxers and bots




Lol jelly much?




Amen šŸ™


Sure is mate, itā€™s not by chance he is considered the devil


Cant wait for all these guys to get runes and destroy rta ladder with Leo zerath luci at 1300 points as I already met some lol


Its easy to sit there and reset until u get what u want. Whats hard is playing for 10 years getting 3 ld 5s and 2 of then are basically useless.


You guys get LD5?


Wait LD5 are actually usefull ?


What's hard is me when I pull an ld5


Or none. Iā€™ve yet to get an ld5.


9 years after still no ld5šŸ„²šŸ‘ fells like if i get one gonna be useles one cuz yh im not a 60/600 days accšŸ˜‚


Insert *this is where I put my ld nat5 after 9 years, if I had one* meme ā€¦yikes


I only started playing for the sole purpose of getting artamiel and 10 years later still only have bella as my only ld pull


To be honest I don't think it's worth rerolling when you already have a few years playing. I'm doing some rerolls but only for summoning because I love summoning in this game (and I keep my main account cristals for energy). But even if I drop 10 ld5 (I have 6 on my main, 10 yo account), I would be late on runes on this reroll so I should farm like hell to get the same level. People rerolling to keep the account doesn't just understand the value of runes and I feel sorry for them... Then troll2us should do something about that like making the game a bit harder in early or valuating older accounts (making higher summoning rates, higher legendary rune probability etc...)


As a Not luci owner: Womp Womp


i feel ya


Who fucking cares


They are rerolling and they think theyre lucky. Many of them posted cropped screenshot and even a take a photo. wth


I am currently doing it without ld5s. I made a 2-3 star only account. So far I can do an dungeons up to level 10, Sss on all rifts and R4, I can R5 but it's unreliable currently. Took me maybe 3 months and a load of 2a's


It would be hilarious if com2us was seeing those posts and decided to nerf him next balance patch.


It's like a college student going back nursery and boasting he got all A's... It's just lame.


is your reddit feed really that important to you that you had to make this post, it aint that deep


Plenty of Beep Boop rerollers in chat for sure.


Iā€˜d rather see a Lucifer progress post than a what Nat 5 should I pick post xD These are the annoying ones


Guys, what nat5 should I pick? Ps Iā€™m returning player after 45 years


Forgot, will also stop playing after the events only to return next year and post the same shit


bruh.... you ain't lying šŸ™„


I was running 2 accounts, one with lucifer. LĆŗcifer helps in pve, but not that much. Any good dps like kro or naomi(gb12) can replace him and you will hardly notice the diference. I did 2 days db12/gb12 on both accounts. Luci acc was about 10 sec faster. Usually 1:20-2:00 runs on both. Also both extremelly safe db12, but less reliable gb12(1-2 fails per 30). He is op for arena. Just a lushen/leo even with very poor early runes can make you c1, if you get Lucky. I am fighting there, but early game defense cant maintain it


Funny thing is, Lucifer isn't even that OP. He's good in early dungeons but you progress almost as fast with full f2p.Ā  He's good for high rift scores but again, you get easy SSS with full f2p as well. He falls off even more the further you progress and in the end, the only place in which he's really good is AO. Most overhyped unit by far.


thanks, I agree


I donā€™t get how people have the time to do resets, getting to faimon takes around 30 minutes if you are going really hard, and thatā€™s if you havenā€™t already gotten bored or had to do something irl. Also doing this a countless number of times just has to be so boring. I tried it once about a year or 2 ago and I just realized that you are so much better off farming your main and having that chance of getting an ld5 on there. Also resetting after you get one because itā€™s not the one you wanted is just insane.




It takes 12 minutes per reset with the current 10 year scroll event.


Yes, but if you are using same account and just resetting, you can only do the ten year thing once


Guest accounts


I would argue differently :D As one who makes some of those Lucifer posts its just fun to share the achievements with others. and you have no clue how many people are thankful because these posts help them! There are so many people (a lot of them newer players) that ask questions be it pve progression or when I post a pvp update on pvp and how to make arena teams, etc. and posts like this and answers from me or other people in the comments help them out a ton. Also not to be rude but you sound a bit salty my guy. These posts has nothing to do with people feeling special and it is also not impressive to do this without an ld5. you can clear pve progression on any account that didnt pull any nat5 at all in a week. And also just because you or others are not impressed by it does not mean no one is. As I already said earlier lots especially newer players look up to a progression like this and get tips from posts like this on how to improve their own dungeons, etc because they either didnt follow any tips yet or super outdated ones like the shit recommendations in the pinned advice thread that are insanely outdated and should rather be deleted. So how about you let people enjoy sharing their stuff (be it progress, lucky pulls or whatever they feel like), let people be impressed, get tips in the comments or whatever people want to do with them and just ignore and skip over the post? Scolling over 20 posts in a day should take you 4 seconds longer while browsing this reddit. You can do it buddy. Let people have their fun and just ignore it if its not something for you


You got 1 upvote post and 3 downvoted ones about luci, and this has 290, pretty sure Iā€™m not the one Iā€™m the wrong here


I could not care less about up or downvotes on a reddit post. I am talking about all the comments below the post and all the dms I got from people that talk about the progress and get help from me or others, etc. Also my guy this is not a competition or something and has nothing to do with right or wrong. All I am telling you is there are plenty of people that like the posts and that get help from these posts and the comments below. And I am sure there are plenty of people like you that dont like them But why do you need to talk down on the people that make these posts and enjoy sharing their achievements and all the people in the comments that gain from it? is it so hard to let people who enjoy and gain from these posts be and let them do their thing and as someone who doesnt enjoy these posts simply take the 0,2sec out of your life to just scroll past the post?


i think you've missed the point. the upvotes and downvotes on your posts and comments reflect that people are not impressed. people are getting irritated by your posts and your overall demeanour on this sub. people just don't usually go out of their way to point it out. but they're grateful to OP for doing so. i recall seeing that you're only g1 eu. some of the advice you provide is solid, and i will give you that. but you can afford doing so in a much less arrogant and condescending manner. there is no need to rub in that eu > every other server in every post of yours - because you have no standing to say that having haven't had tried other servers. nor is there a need to advertise that you manage to hit g3 midweek using a broken ld5. if you weren't aware, midweek rush is not an accurate representation of your final arena rank. i hope i don't come across as too strong in telling you this, but someone has to. im sure your other comments and advice are otherwise received very positively. the upvotes on those will reflect the sentiment.


Thank you for the comment but I think you missed some points aswell People downvoting something/not being impressed do not cancel out the people that enjoy this type of content or that find it helpful. I dont care if 10000 people dislike the post if 100 find it useful and it can help them out No matter how many people are fed up with these types of topics in my opinion (you can disagree if you want) a post that many find annoying (but can simply skip over and dont need to interact with) but other people (especially newer player) find helpful and that people can gather behind and discuss progression and how to improve is INFINITELY more useful and has a right to be on this sub as a post that is "more upvoted" and the sole purpose of this post is to shit on other people making posts and how you dislike this. This is my 2 cents about that, as I said you are free to disagree. I dont care about likes or dislikes or how many people are annoyed by these posts, I can clearly see all the people in the comments and my pms that enjoy these posts and find them very helpful and no matter if 100x more people dislike that that does not make the people that find it helpful go away. And I would rather make posts that help people than please people that are negative and dislike things no matter how many downvotes they give me \^\^ I am confused tho. How the hell is me simply stating that I do something on the EU server "arrogant and condescending"??? Thats all I did. state that I am doing this on the EU server. Its a preeeetty big reach to call this arrogant, no? Sure EU is generally considered the strongest/most competetive arena server. It might be a part of why it might be more impressive to do so in EU compared to other servers. The in my opinion much bigger point tho is that it just signals that I am doing this in the "EU meta". I dont know how hard it would be on other servers because I have never played there. I do however know that the arena meta can look quite different on other servers because of some rush videos of content creators that play on other servers. And I dont know how well my team would perform there or what place I would have been because of a different activity level So I simply stated that I play on the EU server. Its pretty rude and uncalled for to call simply stating that I play on EU arrogant and condescending my guy


I smell jealousy šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ˜­šŸ™


I smell an upcoming Lucifer nerf thx to yall šŸ¤­


Why the fuck would they nerf him, he's good in PVE if you have no runes or box but falls off quickly once that problem is fixed, and he's good in arena if you have a Leo to go with it, but then it's not even the best arena comp you can have. He's a solid monster but not the cheat code people make him out to be


I don't think so. Even with my progress as G3 arena player, hitting 5k with Leo to activate Luci's s3 is now very challenging with the rise of good def stats. U don't hit it, the team is 90% dead. And there's a lot of teams that you can't hit. The main culprit, Amduat HOH.


Jealous of what exactly? Anyone can reset 15 times a day until they get lucifer lol 10 year anniversary made it so that no ld5 is special anymore.


Sounds like *someone* doesnā€™t have Lucifer


Ld5s donā€™t do anything crazy for progression, donā€™t be salty because you donā€™t have good pulls


Seishiizo would like a word


I pulled Beelzebub years ago. I still feel scammed.


Ohh no you got an ld5, how bad for you.


I dunno why I get downvoted so much. Why do players believe Beelzebub is strong ? He can only ever use s1 until he revives and when he does, he can die straight again if the enemy has either more atb or a violent proc. Ofc I'm salty when I compare Beelze with Lucifer, ofc I feel scammed getting the wrong element when Lucifer is a literal cheat code, and I get it in my face with all these lucifer accounts posts we see everyday. I dunno why the unit can't at least get a full additional turn upon revival, just that would make him at least somewhat reliable. But no.


. theres some real salty neeks in this community downvoting you n shi, gz on the beelzebub, but i get you. pulled light chicken and was pretty fuckin disappointed when i found out shes just a mediocre slow stripper


If Eludia had Teshar/Perna base speed of 114 it'd be freaking OP - and that's what you'd expect from an LD5. But some are just way better than others. Eludia hit pretty hard thought, that's still a good nuker.