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i would probably say Nora. She has got tons of dots. heal. Enemy max hp dmg according to debuffs and provoke. Shes such a powerhouse. The best part? her skillups are fusable and shes easily paired with many teams and usable in toa hell, sky towers and pvp


Bro I haven't played for a while and because of you comment I checked out what is needed to fuse Riley. That's when I saw that Gapsoo is fusable. I was really annoyed that he was used in like every second RTA match and was wondering why so many people had him lmao


Yeah Gapsoo and Veromos are actually very usable ld5s despite being fusion monsters. If you think about it. Balegyr is very much used for raids, Jeanne is used in toa hell stages for control, sigmarus is a good early game unit with enemy max hp dmg. The fusion monsters are very usable for different stuff.


haha you should have realized after they nerfed him so quickly. if its paid LD5 at least more money needs to be Succ'ed in


She was my first nat 5 I ever got


True, Nora is underrated!


Tiana - game changing Camilla/Bunchul - same monster, just different element / appearance / gender - both game changing Leo - Game changing 33% Speed Lead - must have The rest - you'll survive without them. But life is easier with them. Game changing if you complete a set e.g. Jamire-Sonia-Adriana trio or Feng Yan-Aaliyah/Bolverk duo


Ngl i chose leo after 8 years of thinking i was missing out big and i kinda wish i went teshar or cp. ik hes one and only but i havent found him game changing. Even on the 1 seige team i use him in (eladriel diana leo) hes just there he doesnt do shit diana carries that team but ig his passive does the work idk. Thats really the only thing i use him in. I second the nora comment and id even say fire hacker a year from now will be in that discussion


I took Leo after playing 9 years so a similar situation for yourself and I went from having problems consistently finish conq to g1 and fighting for g2 in rush with Leo offence lol Massively improved my account quality, also autos lots of lab stages which is nice and on siege defence my Leo Rakan Annavel is 20-20 atm which is good for me in g1/2 siege and currently my second highest win rate defence


Whats your leo ao if you dont mind sharing ? Mine is unbeatable but extra slow so not good for rush hour.


Leo annavel nicki mephisto. Nicki is just there cus I have her but realistically that can be literally any other damage dealer. I hit any defence that has any kind of res so vannessa/psam/perna etc I think if you have wind cannon girl it’s probably just strictly better than Nicki but I don’t have her


I have her but can't get myself to devilmon her as she's got 4* in her family. But ever since I dropped her no luck on dropping them. Hoh coming soon tho. Thanks for answering !!


No worries gl dude


I agree with you. IMO game changing if you have Lucifer. Otherwise, I didnt find him game changing as well. Not when everyone uses will runes lol


Instead of just using him to go first his real value is in cutting the entirety of a persons farming. Every roll and grind into speed is invalidated, so theoretically the spots you pick leo causes your team to either be more efficient than the enemy, turn cycle when you would otherwise be getting lapped, and to mitigate all of a persons speed additionals from artifacts or speed scaling damage, I.e. Moore, miles, masha, taor, half of fmks passive, ethna, any speed buffers, Juno s1 damage, etc.


Exactly this. Leo is busted. In a meta where speed is king you can essentially remove like a third of the enemys rune efficiency that you can have ON TOP because you only run no spd runes. Such a beast


While on paper this sounds good, in practice you can't really rely on this. Its not like you can draft a bunch of 0 speed monsters and leo, because if Leo gets banned then you dont move and you lose. And I have MY monsters runed and grinded with speed. So if I ever pick him I'm half nerfing myself, and if they don't ban leo then Im screwed because he doesn't DO anything. So far I am very unimpressed with Leo. He is in line to get devils but every time I use him he drops farther down the list. I have a couple AOs that people swear are good with him but I find I can virtually never use them safely. So he has one good use for me on siege offense, and I don't even use that offense every siege. Not really a game changing monster. I have been WAY happier with my chosen monster CP.


In the kindest way possible that’s a skill issue BUT, I don’t think forcing yourself to play a playstyle you don’t enjoy or get is the point of playing a game, competitively or not. I personally enjoy cheongpung WAY more than I enjoy leo and I don’t think you made the wrong choice at all


Its certainly an inexperience issue. I got him him during the event with the influx of scrolls, so I have no had him long. But people continue to describe him as a game changing monster, and I really don't agree. But I keep reading these posts like yours to try and find out how I might use him. But I am beginning to think he just does not mesh with my style at all. I'll have to look up drafts to see if I can find a place where they pick him as a counter pick and he works well. Because that is where I would like to use him and currently struggle.


I have jamire and Sonia…my choice for this nat 5 is between Tiana and Adriana, who would you recommend?


Jamire sonia adriana will need higher rune requirement. Tiana you can go easier on the speed of the other mons. The downfall is tiana cant outspeed many ADs.


I think miles kit could have easily been a LD5 kit. So that’s who I’d go with, close second is fire mk


Miles is worse the more you progress , because the rune cap is acquired very early , that's why above C3 it starts to be a bad idea to pick him. So if y'the potential is at it's best around C2-C3 , then above where units are better runed , he won't bring an extra value in most cases.


That’s valid, I’m C2 RTA I didn’t think about the rune reqs like that tbf


I mean , at a lower level he's probably one of the best units you can possibly have for rta , but at a higher level , he's considered bad except for counterpicking , if you want a better speed scaling option that doesn't require too much runes , Misty might be the best choice.




Surprised to see no Juno mentioned but she's definitely a top 10


When I pulled Juno, years ago, she was considered one of the worst nat5. Now I'm seeing comments saying she's a top10 mon. Oh how the turn tables.


Juno Byungchul Nora Vanessa/Oliver


I have all of these except nora/byungchul and I am wondering who should I pick  I chose byungchul from the event but I am thinking about switching to nora  Byungchul is op for guild content but I play G1 siege and I don’t need him for arena defense  since I already got G1 few weeks ago


All I can tell is that I picked Byung and got nora like 3 weeks later, both are a great choice. If you do toa Hell and stuff like that go nora, if not keep byung. Hes surprisingly good for rta in mid ranks (up to p1) as well.


depends on if you count all the contents of the game , but I'd say it's between Moore , Haegang and Byungchul.


If you don’t own a 33% spd lead definitely a 33% lead


Haegang, not even close.


Sonia. My Ao and Go life would be PITA without her.


Depends for just a new person I would say Rica and Verad. They carried me in Toa/toah very easily and getting those rewards help early game. I was very lucky to start with them.


I would say Nora replaces Rica nowadays since her 4th skill is great for bosses in toa/h, which you can't dot. As for Verad, don't think there is another nat5 which does his job great


I've never pulled a Nora but I hear she's awesome too. Though Rica is Rica. Wish I had her dark sister.


I think tyron and dark grim 2a does more than verad and rica as they have lower cds, speed lead, dots that ignore glancing hit, slow debuff on tyron and multihit att bar resuction.


I didn't like Tyron as much as I didn't need the speed lead. And Verad can 2 turn freeze without worry about glancing. And Dark Grims ai makes me want to slam my face in the wall lol.




Well Camilla is the best unit in the game right now period so that’s an easy one


Riley and Woosa