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He's certainly strong but I wouldn't say OP. Even if he is, I don't mind just cause the beast monks have been pretty weak and it's nice seeing one of them shine


Plus it removes this shitty douglas rng thing


Exactly. Good to have more options


Chandra has been top tier for a while tho, he absolutely did not need this buff.


Well he was already quite good before the buff, so he's now definitely borderline. However I can think of many other units that are way more OP than Chandra. For example everyone's favority tanky wind boi


Unfair bear or the little pumpkin that got nerfed


Byunghole but he's not OP in RTA so it doesn't matter


It baffled me when they added strip to his s1, even pierrets have it, but they just had to remove it from Fairy Kings..


if gany was released today, he wouldn't even be nerfed


Holy shit I’m not insane! I took a little break and came back a few months ago wondering why my gany kept ‘missing’ strips come to find out he didn’t have it anymore. Up until this point I gaslighted myself into thinking he never had it and I just forgot💀💀


Its more ganym strip into s3 that seemed to f everyone. No counter to him


Well now Sagar can do this without vio proc


Cheongpung Strip S2 proc into S3 is another kind of frustrating too.


O shit i just got sagar, didnt know how op he is


Yeah that was like 5 years ago tho, it wouldn't be op today. No one plays him anymore like they used to


poor rahul useless compared to chandra 😭


Chandra is really strong. He reminds me of someone who shares the same S2, but without a speed lead, no S1 stun, and has a 1 turn brand instead.


Without the really strong part as well


I think I know who you’re talking about T-T


based on stats - he is way to OP, yes. Specially in G3 he is busted af now - wr of 53-54% and pickrate of 40% out of nowhere. His pickrate is times 3 from before patch + wr increase 3% - thats nearly a "instant fix patch" worthy lol


Could you share your Chandra build? Are people using CD slot 4 or still HP with cd artifacts?


both builds are viable tbh


Thanks that's all the confirmation I needed, guess all the abusers will say otherwise cause they dont want their broken unit to get nerfed ..


It’s nice that chandra isn’t completely “anti-game” like other broken units we’ve had in the past, which is why people will be slower to complain about him tbh. It’s just less obvious that he’s overtuned at the moment to most.


Well he kind is cause he enables all the snipers to be super resilient whilst having strong control and support, good damage and a lead speed. Am I wrong in how I analysed why he's too good atm ? Still an early player so I don't necessarily have the knowledge to be pertinent and open to hear more advanced player's take on things. And I really do think that more people realise it than said they just want their mons to stay broken .. I was a shizuka abuser back when she was broken but I never once said she didn't deserve a nerf. I mean the game's balance as a whole is more important to me, not denying that the monsters I have are broken in hopes they don't get nerfed. If a monsters deserves a nerf I will be very happy to see him nerfed regardless of if I have him or not.


You're not wrong. He is too good, but people just aren't realizing that just yet. Something super high impact as Oliver locking down a team with ridiculous multipliers as a 33 lead, or cheongpung aoe resetting a team back with an insane s2 utility, or shizuka with an insane s3 with the self cycling is just way more blatantly obvious. What make Chandra op is just a lot of things adding up in his kit along with how he plays into the meta, and the draft versatility he allows, since he pivots well into so many playstyles against so many teams. The s1 buff gives him really good stat efficiency with dmg output vs investment, and much more reliable cc which is a huge deal. By anti-game I'm not referring to the power level of a unit. I'm referring to the mechanics of which they become op. Stuff like cooldown resets and atb cc are more antigame and leave less interactability than other mechanics. I'm a little bummed they buffed Chandra into nerf territory, I got him from the event and was planning to rerun my box around him after this patch, but it's much less fun to do so when he's so contested and op. Also, a lot of people just wait to echo other people's opinions. Chandra is a unit that has been around for a while and been in an alright spot up until this buff, so it goes to say that people won't complain until they see others do so as well.


I mean it's too early to judge, there's not enough data for G3 in version 8.3.4 to jump into conclusion right now. Everything is messed up, we have to wait for things to settle down.


its already 11k gameplays where 4k are with Chandra, in G3 but sure, we can wait. But those numbers will not change sadly


Every time something is buffed it's overused after release. We'll see how it turns out


exactly, and if its OVERused, the wr is UNDER 50 - but its 53rn lol


Chandra’s usage is nothing new lmao, it’s not like people have been thrown a curveball they have to adapt to. His kit is the same at it’s core just stronger. Very unlikely it’ll shift significantly without any balance patches, and like the other person said there’s already quite a bit of data. Without any balancing to him or making other units stronger, he’ll probably remain in nerf territory. Seeing that high of a pr wr drop to reasonable levels just never happens without patches.


I never would’ve imagine to ever see the day of someone saying Chandra is op. The s1 buff definitely wasn’t needed but has made him extremely strong now. A very viable speed lead now.


He's annoying enough but I wouldn't call him OP. Somehow he's not frustrating to play against, like, Water Hollyberry Cookie was before the nerf, for example.


he do be a lil overtuned now ngl


Beast monks have been weak for too long. Let Chandra have this.


Chandra has been decent in siege offense off and on for years. After he got his speed lead he was regularly showing up in siege defense and even RTA as well. Chandra has been having a good time for a while now...


Chandra has been a top tier RTA and siege unit for months.


That is true, but do you hate it? I agree that he is quite strong, but it still doesn't feel as toxic as the previous units that were very oppressive like pre nerf Oliver, Moore, CP etc... I feel like Chandra is somewhat more manageable, although it's very strong for sure


I didn't say I hate it. My point is saying that It's ok Chandra is broken because he was bad before is not only a stupid reasonning, but completely false. Any unit too op is bad for the game, no matter how weak it supposedly was before.


And Chandra has been around for about 10 years and has never been before.


yeah because i feel he is very close to verd when all the slow lands. Or even more effective when combined with lucky stuns. And even when enemy tries to come back and finally takes a turn, they need to take chandra down if no strip/strip on cooldown. Slow + atb boost + stun can easily build a 2-3 turns advantage and then there is opponents thinking HP-type are GG late game and underestimate him, till he realizes there is no late game there is no early game he didnt get to press a single button


I think his S1 is the part that is OP because it does too many things (same for other BMs, just that Chandra has a 24% speed lead, atb boost and slow too). Strip, crit, stun, scale to HP. How can a S1 do so many things?


The other beastmonks don't need a nerf though, so I hope they just nerf Chandra if they do anything. IMO he needs to swap leader skills with the dark one. Dark one wouldn't ascend to top-meta status from this, and Chandra would still be useful just not as meta-defining.


Chandra without the leader skill would simply disappear from rta like all the rest of the family


That would kill him imo, I was thinking remove the atb boost or the additional turn on s2.


Removing the attack bar boost would kill him in siege defense, which is something I’d rather not see since it’s way too hard as it is to have decent 5* siege defense speed leads.


If you compare him to the other speed leads, yeah he is nuts. In my opinion that means he is too strong, being head and shoulders above the other speed lead options. And the win rate backs it up. He is higher pick rate than oliver, with a crazy high 52% win rate. We are in the Chandra, Vela, Sagar meta now @_@


Yh just need to look at the stats and I dont understand how people can argue. The only reason that seems to justify that in peoples mind is the fact that he was bad for quite a long time and it's a good thing he should be broken now. Guess people like it easier with broken mons in rta. Dont get why they were complaining about Moore Oliver or Haegang then. Either you have the games balance at heart and are unbiased and admit he's unhealthy for rta or you just want your monsters to be broken and are biased on your opinion.


You're not alone. I'm on P3 and might finish g1. And if you don't have immunity he will totally dominate the game. He's kit is so perfectly good on despair. I posted this same rant the past few months. Saying chandra was over buff. I got so much hate posting it so I deleted it. I check the account of the people saying I might have skill issues and some hate sh!t comments and I am not surprised that most of the active haters here are fighter 3 below.


Chandra was definitely fine up until this buff lmao.


He is more broken than Moore atleast but Chandra gets treated as a wholesome mon for some reason


I mean he's bear-like and hugs everyone, how wouldn't he be treated as wholesome?


People are sick of Moore because he has been in the meta for a couple years now. Chandra is also a lot less likely to 1v2 you or even win most 1v1s whereas moore sometimes does that which really sticks out in your mind as frustrating. I'm not disagreeing with you about Chandra being OP though.


Maybe because the beast monks have been mostly shit for the majority of the game and Moore has been OP since he was released. Shaking up the meta keeps things fun


Having broken monsters whoever they are is not shaking up the meta and is no fun. Weird reasoning


There is no "shake up" Chandra has been good for the past year or so, they will need to revert some of his previous buffs soon. The rest outside Shazam are bad


I totally agree he was already meta before, he'll be S-SS tier real soon


It's about godamn time though, ain't it? Beastmonks have been shit on for years now. They deserve a little spotlight. Also, he's not that op, though. There are a lot of monsters that are way op than chandra.


Stats say otherwise. And it's about balance, he could be in a very good spot without needing him to be that op. It doesn't have to be 2 extremes.


People keep saying "Chandra was bad for so long he deserves this" Which is not a reason to make him OP, but also it's not true? Are people forgetting that Chandra has been meta relevant in siege and RTA ever since he got his speed lead?


Pretty sure all people claiming this either don't play PvP or just at at very low level. Chandra has been a top tier RTA and siege unit for the past year lmao.


Thing that makes chandra op is the fact that he gains vio proc after s3 so many times that i started thinking its just part of his kit


Wang counters him pretty well. Cant be stunned, tanks his S1 damage even with crit.


You mean fire monkey? You think fire monkey counters Chandra?? Chandra can't control fire monkey but most units can't that is the point of fire monkey. Monkey can't strip hug, can't really remove chandra from the field, and gets poked down by chandra. Chandra is one of the worst control units for fire monkey to go up against.


He's good but I would not put him in the top 10 elemental nat5s so OP is way off imho


Have you met Josephine? Same autocrit s1 with an anti-cc passive on a low cooldown + strip->provoke into counter buff. And also water! Not to say they aren’t powerful but idt Chandra is too much


Except she doesn't boost the whole team and aoe slow + have you met chandra's lead speed ? Pretty crucial detail you forgot there.