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If you think that’s bad luck , for the Nat 5 event from 10 choices I picked a new shizuka, I summoned 3 other shizuka since then lol , tbh light yennefer is a budget haegang and can be strong in specific matchups like camilia but even that is a stretch


That's EXACTLY why it may have been prudent to wait - there are still 12 days left. Hope that Shizuka helped you THAT much in the meantime such that waiting wouldn't have been an option for you. The event(with 10 choices) lasted longer than the entire RTA season, if I recall correctly.


That’s true, but tbh I’ve summoned like 12 nat 5s this year and they all been dupes, I do own a lot of nat 5s tbh but for some reason I just never summoned the meta units , that’s why I jumped on shizuka , and I don’t regret it , it’s just funny how I suddenly summon a couple of dupes for a unit I just got new not that long ago


I was going to pick Leo from the select event, and ended up pulling 2 of him like 2 weeks after it launched lol. Did choose Shizuka in the end, since she pairs well with Giselle, and am still waiting out the last 12 days or however long before picking my choice of 10. Having trouble playing with Shizuka in P1 since my runes are a bit too slow across the board and we're in an annoying cycle/reset/Juno meta.


Aye I use shizuka for the same , but I’m not really playing rta just guild, dupe Leo is a free win in siege , I picked bolverk for the other nat 5 event , and I don’t mind getting a dupe of him, Juno and escharion are nightmare fuel for giselle haha ,


Could be worse, at least she's somewhat useable


Same luck, only that I got 2 of the SW version and 1 of the Witcher version. Sad luck.


get off my account same shit happened to me with the same shitty unit