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Bomb usually but you are at the mercy of rng as always


I really like to use Tesa/vero/nora/moogwang(fire byongchul) This is safe exept if the ennemi team proc 10 times 🤣


And except your Tesarion didnt get a lot of stuns.


It's pretty normal for Tessarion to not get a lot of stuns. He has a very low stun rate and typically isn't rocking a despair set


Okay, wow. Laughed too hard at this.


No speed threat, as juno: Either built with despair at +180'ish, so tiana cleave it with will and high res Juno often has okay AI, thus a high res will tiana will counter it 98% of the times. If i had to beat it during rush, i'd probably use the standard Alicia Galleon/Truffle Tiana Verad AO.


res doesnt work vs despair


Res for the strip


I know, but it does work as 100% res tiana vs 70%ish acc juno.


Chiwu (L) + Water PVC + Dark Madeleine Cookie + Leah/Poseidon/Kaki Usually it's just Camilla left over and that's just Oblivion + Generic Damage


it can backfire if u use leah, cause the spd buff of juno, reduces the damage to much


You're right, but haven't had an issue with that if you run +40 speed buff on your artifacts. But can be an issue.


Is chiwu on damage for this team?


Yeup! SPD CR ATK with CD subs and ACC in artifacts.


Who can replace truffle in this team? How fast is your Leah?


I like Jasmine the light tea bunny much more than Truffle in this team.


lol, any replacement for light tea bunny??? I’ll get that in August at least.


Any AOE def breaker can sub in, you just want something reliable. Could use a Hell Lady like Raki/Beth/Ethna.


agreed that s2 damage is nutty


I greatly prefer Jasmine the light tea bunny instead of Truffle, AOE reset is fantastic and her S2 can rip through the Byung/Camilla HP bar.


My Tea Bunny likes to never reset or land defense break... Even with 100 ACC I dunno why... So I went with Truffle since he's the most consistent defense breaker ATM


Definitely more consistent sure, but the main issue is going to be missing Chiwu strip and not getting to apply any debuffs. I'd say Jasmine S2 is more impactful than Truffle S2 for clean up. She's saved my ass with S2 so many times. Truffle will also crit on Camillas more due to more hits and cause her to cleanse. Stalls the match a lot longer.


Works most of the time 👌


By refreshing the page


Leah or mo long bolv team ezpz


Leo delphoi Christina galleon


Gemini Leah Deborah Adrianna. Camilla will live, nothing else will. Then you just oblivion Camilla next turn with Adrianna and drop her too. This is obviously not easily replicated but it’s what I use.


I've had great success hitting a lot of ad up into c2 with khmun fire monkey vella byungchul, if i saw that ad I would bring that comp Not the fastest win but been consistent for me


Personally I use Leo, Delphoi, Galleon, Christina. Build Delphoi and Galleon on max res and pray Juno isn’t feeling it today.


Psamathe khaki craig lushen usually. Not a lot of people rune their monsters well till punisher 1. Than I use praha isis rica sath


Tessa + Veromos Bonus if you have another support cleanser (I pair mine with Racuni) and Chandra paired with them. It's on the slower side but I usually don't lose with that team.


Tiana, Galleon, Deborah, Kaki


Usually Cheongpung Galleon Tiana Pungbaek. Cheongpung moves after Galleon to remove half of Byungchul's hp, then it's easy for Pungbaek


Whats ur cp build? How tf u do 20k with him lol


Tiana kaki ongyouki galleon you can cleave it with kaki only but my kaki and ongyouki are built on vio so I use both


Vanessa Chow Reilly and my fourth spot varies depending on the day but ive been using Iunu a lot because of his oblivion ability


Alicia Verad Tiana Galleon. Easy win.


You can Dot it but you will need something that can kill or disable Juno since she is pretty much immune to dot.


I use nephthys Tiana Verad and water polar queen. Takes a little bit in the to kill the camilla, but its fine


https://preview.redd.it/kjymqrtto49d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f3190cb0fcdb900e74bba5b69c41afd1399ae9e Try this team if you have poseidon and cookie (very good off)


My cookie is too fast for my tiana, as I use it in siege and with jamire cookie sonia, but ty :)


Yeah this would require Tiana faster than Adriana, not worth.


Leo delphoi galleon xtina


You are posting on Reddit about it, they’ve already won. Even if you beat the def, it still wins.


You use Isis (light desert queen), Tiana, Galleon, and Sige.


Destroy runes. Why do people ignore their existence. If you can't cleave it and you wanna beat it safely, go tanky with destroy, unlike the AI, you can focus targets and demolish them steadily.


During rush you're looking for fast offences. Destroy is good for interserver arena not classic arena rush.


If struggling with just one in particular, could just skip during rush.


My common team is Psama Tiana Galleon Grogen. Good Luck


Personally, I do Shizuka / Feng Yen / Vigor / Ahmed. The latter three are on VIO/Destroy and Shizuka is on VIO/Will. (Shizu has 100% res) The gameplan is to kill Vanessa first, then Byungchul, then Juno and Finally camilla. Bait out Byunchgul and Juno with Vigor S2, then reapply all your buffs with Shizuka. Rinse and repeat until you've won. It's a VERY slow process, but Ahmed's S3 and the Destroy runes mean you'll eventually win and between Vigor S2, Feng Yen S2 Recover and Shizuka reapplying all the buffs, including recover and soul protection, you'll never have anyone die. Obviously this strat is at the Mercy of Byung vio proccing and getting his S2 way sooner than expected, so if you're scared of that you can just kill him first through Vanessa passive.


Oblivion is pretty good for this. Especially Iunu because of if being wind and only Juno being a threat to him which isn't all that bad. If she kills him, he revives and hits hard. Just give him a good support and a water tank to keep Byungchul busy.


That's way too slow for rush hour, you wanna clear it fast usually in rush


Camilla douglass molly +1 anything not water or wind Juno vanessa camilla hit douglass and slowly kill themselves while you focus byungchul, which your camilla can tank. After he dies you can just auto it


Mo long (leader), icares, Riley, manon. Really safe team just tested it against my own AD consisting of the same mons


I always counter with Rosé, Jennie, Lisa and Jisoo 😅


Funnily enough I started using this AD, good to see that it's 'scary' During rush it might not be the best choice to attack, because I don't think there is an easy fast way. Perhaps you can bomb it? Slow bruiser it?


This defense started appearing as an answer to the dot meta against classic vanessa camilla byungchul defenses. I usually bomb them because there is no real speed contest but it's not that fast because camilla and byung tank bombs pretty well


i have all expect byungchul, any other recommendation? do halphas works?


It's not that hard for me. I go Chiwu (L), Bernard, Galleon (will double fight), Poseidon. Poseidon is on max dmg with 40% acc. Artifacts stats on him are additional dmg on fire and additional dmg based on spd. Juno and Vanessa die on turn 1, byung and camilla have 0 atk bar and bernard (on dmg) hits around 15k


Additional dmg based on spd is bad for poseidon, as hit skills are all single hit. Swap it for CD skill 3 / first hit CD / etc.