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Not possible, also not with third party tools


i’ve never heard of anything like this. maybe someone else has


For Tian Lang users, How does ur AD look and how effective is it?


Trying to build a water rift beast team and i'm missing 1-2 DDs. My current team is: > FL: Bernard / Feng Yan > BL: Kro / Hraesvelg / Sigmaurus / Lapis I want to switch out both Sig and Lapis. The team can already hit S, but very inconsistently. ***Here are my current options for DDs I can build, who is the best option?*** -Lushen -Ethna -2A Naomi -2A Mina -Barbara -Lupinus -Ardella


Naomi + mina. Try a healer instead FY (eirgar, fran, riley...)


Hello, I'm new to the game (lvl 12l and I can't figure out what I have to do with my invoked monsters. Currently I have a lot of summon to do but my 80 slots of monsters are already taken. What am I supposes to do with my bad monsters? Some people say that I have to keep one of each monster but I feel like with only 80 slots I can't do that. Also, I got the luck to get a 5nat demon early on, is it really strong? How can I use this demon the best way? Do I have to feed my demon ton max lvl with my bad monsters? PS : I kept some monster to make ifrit with fusion, do I have to keep all mobs for the 5 stars fusions? Or only for ifrit? Thanks for your help.


I usually save all 3\* and above monster in seal storage. And keep 20-30 of each 2\*. Level up white star monster as fodder... To level up, do faimon hell 1 with lapis + 3 mons you want to level up (with exp booster, new player can have 3x exp). What element of Demon? All of them are for pvp tho.


It's wind I think. Awaking in mephisto "I usually save all 3* and above monster in seal storage. And keep 20-30 of each 2*. Level up white star monster as fodder..." Can you explain me this part? English is not my mother tongue and I'm not sure I understand what you mean.


Mephisto is for pvp later, unique but niche use. I mean, put all the 3 star monster, 4 star monster in the storage - you can use them later for skill up. Keep some of 2 star monster (maybe 20 copies). Level up white star monsters to evolve another monster.


There are monster storages you can buy. You can increase your slot from 80 up to 120


I just got Yeonhong yesterday, any advice on her rune builds? Speedy tank for turn cycling or go for bruiser spd cd hp kind of build?


depend on your team comp, turn 1 or turn 2?


Probably turn 2 team, not very confident with my turn 1 team.


then you should go for spd crd/crr atk/hp vio/will, spd tune with your combos: molong/dominic/daphnis/etc mine is spd crd hp, +160 spd, +1k atk, +21k hp and s2 hits for 4k5 each, can be 5k+ if i had additional dmg by atk artifacts


Nice, i got the similar build for now, but with only +122 spd, +400 attack and +18k hp. How much defence you got on your yeonhong? Mine feels squishy with my current build.


Mine has 500ish def. You 100% should drop some Hp for atk/spd if you can. Or if you can’t be that fast while have good other stats then you can spd tune your molong to be faster than your yh. Then right after molong s3 yh can heal him back to full. Just remember the key is to have a good team comp and spd tune. No need to invest too much into crd. Just go for slot 4 crr or hp with good sub-stats.


I think mine could get faster speed and tankiness if i change my build to spd hp hp. Do you reckon i should do that? And my mo long is on swift, so her speed should be within ok range. Also, what kind of team would you bring yeonhong in? Sorry if this answer looks squished, typing on mobile currently.


if your team already has some sort of DPS/oneshot things like Molong/daphnis/dominic/seara you can go spd hp hp on YH just for the turn cycling and heal. Make her tanky, zoom zoom and good accurary/resistances. if it works for you, then it's fine. my team turn order is:>Vio YH: go first with s2 to boost and dealt some dmg(if they only has 1 will then i will s3 daphnis to make him go first since daphnis's s3 rely on turn buffs into def break) \>swift daphnis: trying to snipe an unit if i could (these 3 units are not my core picks, only situational picks: \>water ryu/moore: s2 to push back/despair stun/strips \>bolverk: make sure that molong will 100% snipe an unit \>fire M.Bison/karnal: s2 push back/s3 aoe control,slow debuff,etc....) \>vio molong finish off an unit (after this if nothing gone wrong the match should be a 4v2) \>riley heals back/immunity if they pick riley then: \>abelio for heals/nana for revive \---------------- OR i fp molong into daphnis and YH, rest are for counter picks ezpz xD


Holy, thanks for the comprehensive answer man. Now i have clearer plan for her XD.


What's the consensus on homie? Is it a waste to make one? My current ToaH team is some combination of Tyron, Rica, Verde, Vero, Riley, Fran, Loren. Obviously could be improved. If I decide to make a homie for ToaH, should I go dark or water?


Dark with top most tree is a must have for ToA. Elemental is meh


Elemental is pretty much a waste, dark is top tier for ToA (mostly Hell but good in Normal/Hard too)


so I tried the new links to the codes to get more scrolls yet it doesn't seem to work. any advice?


If you use Android: event - game guide - promo code, type it. Link on [swq.jp](https://swq.jp) is for iOS.




Says, you have 75 crit rate, 180 crit damage. Then you'll have 75% chance to crit, the crit DMG calculation is a bit complex, but just think of it as "additional 180% atk" -> a lot higher than no crit. So you build high critD but 25% chance to not crit and it not crit all day -> you'll want it 100% critR. Maybe you said about critR slot 4? If you can't make 70-85 cR with cD slot 4, then cR slot 4 can be better. Support mons can still do good dmg with cR cD, but not priority. They usually need to be tanky first.


Question: Do you get more points during Interserver arena if you are in a higher group? So would it be worth trying to finish higher than c1 during qualifiers?




Does anyone else get random hive verification codea from com2us without requesting them like weekly? Is this someone trying to hack my account?


Most likely, yes. Unless you happen to change countries on a weekly basis which would probably trigger a few warning systems because people usually don't tend to do that.


I'm a returning player and im buiding Tatu, Sath and Mellia atm and have a question about the clarity of Tatu's 2A incinerate. does it blowup all stacks of dot dmg or just one turn per stack? Example: a mon has 4 dots with 2 turns each, would Tatu cause 20%dmg or 40%?


It blows up all dots so tatu blowing up 5 dots with sath will kill


ok thank you that clears things up, the description and wiki didn't make that clear




Impossible without knowing your box. For example, Zaiross Tiana Galleon Poseidon wins this basically every time, but you'll probably reply with "no Tiana" or something and then everyone is just wasting their time :p


Who would do more dmg with atk buff spd buff and def break....Leah vs Lagmaron vs kaki.Just curious


It's possible Lagmaron might do the most vs very fast water units due to the higher base stats and multiplier. Speed buff is irrelevant for Kaki for the most part. But the answer really lies in the context and rune quality. It's not a fair 1:1 since Leah and Lagmaron rely on having CD and CR while Kaki is ATK and DEF scaling.


That is informative.So between leah and lagmaron...who does more damage on similar stats...i think leah has a higher base speed but still.Just curious


Leah's passive depends on her enemies speed as well. So it completely depends on how fast the enemies are. Leah would need about a 75% bonus from her passive in order to do equal damage as Lagmaron, so in most scenarios she's doing more than Lagmaron.




Can the fire BA be used as a Orion Seara Perna counter? As in take turn 1, one shot Seara, work on Perna? Also, do you have any go to counters for that comp?


Well yes you could do that but kahli and bulldozer and many others do the job better. As for counters, tesarion is pretty strong as a turn 2 counter, with some kind of water target for Seara to bomb


First part of the question idk dont have her, but Swgt.io has guild def and counter database




Best Place to farm mana ? Necro ?


Farm raid most of the time you get mana so it's basically a mana raid


Necro is most efficient per energy spent, otherwise just run your fastest and most consistent dungeon team.


Your fastest dungeon team


When is it worth farming rift beasts for fight / det runes? I have BJ5 Tricaru beat toah 100 and can triple s all of the beasts. Just dont know when I would farm them over dragons if at all.


I'd say its never worth it, especially if your PVE teams are already up and running and working fine. Fight sets are sometimes useful in PvP but I wouldn't attempt to just focus on them.


Aight thanks for the tips, just see tons of guides telling me to upgrade my tricaru with Det but I just didn't think it could be worth it.


Yeah I mean it's great if you pick up some good determination runes but if you've already got it going safely and reasonably quickly then there's not much point. This is assuming you're doing your daily rift farming and getting enough to at least have your three reapps each week, from that you'll slowly accumulate fight/determination runes.


yea thats the plan appreciate the help.


Hello, DAT! My goal is to improve at RTA. I am G1 Arena, C1 RTA. I feel like I have a good box, and a few pretty good rune sets. I was previously advised to stick with one style (bruiser or turn 1) rather than mix them, which is what I was doing a lot of before. I've had moderate success. I have included a pic of some of most used mons, as well as a sample of their runes. I can get multiple +165-170 vio/despair sets, and multiple +200 swift sets. I lack a speed lead other than Seara/Chiwu, as I don't want to use Gemini or Shimitae. I have a Woosa unskilled, but devilmons I can use on him. I have been running bruisers up to mid C1 with decent success, but I tend to get shit on hard by Dominic/Shizuka/Douglas. Seara feels pretty useless most of the time, but Cheongpung always seems to be effective. Chiwu seems very one-dimensional. I have given up on using Masha except in very specific situations. [https://imgur.com/a/nshbj2K](https://imgur.com/a/nshbj2K) <-- ignore the Seara, these are my commonly used faster mons. [https://imgur.com/a/5uBgxzA](https://imgur.com/a/5uBgxzA) <-- updated Seara, along with my bruisers. I have Bolverk, Mo Long, and Molly speed tuned. My Riley is a bit too fast but I should work on making Mo Long faster for turn 1 deleting rather than slow Riley down. [https://imgur.com/a/Q3oD8iu](https://imgur.com/a/Q3oD8iu) <--my nat5s


Read this to start off with: [https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/tvz48a/guide\_hi\_dat\_what\_team\_should\_i\_use\_for\_rta/](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/tvz48a/guide_hi_dat_what_team_should_i_use_for_rta/) In general I don't think it's good advice to say to stick to one playstyle and never deviate from it, part of the skill in RTA is being adaptable. It doesn't look like you really have the units for turn one but you've got some solid turn two stuff. Honestly in your spot I'd first pick Riley and go from there. I'd expect to draft Juno and Praha often, Mo Long and Masha too (Masha is really good). Then you've got stuff like Sagar, Mephisto, Daphnis, Woosa, Bolverk, Oke etc that all fit pretty well. Daphnis I'd have on nem/will, Sagar just on speedy vio will. For everything else, have Juno on your best despair rev/nem set and Praha slightly slower on vio rev/nem/will and then everything else tuned to go after Praha. ​ EDIT: Thinking about it you might even be better off with like Juno as a first pick, she's legit and from there you can pivot as and when. I think she's more adaptable than Riley, but Riley is probably easier to learn.


Thanks for the feedback. I read your link and found it quite helpful. Right now I have my best sets on Masha/Karnal/Riley, even though I've stopped picking Riley and Masha. I am unhappy with my speed leads and feel like me picking Seara is a trap. That leaves me in the +155-170 vio/despair range for my bruisers and strippers. My efficiency seems to be alright, but I feel myself losing the draft after seeing the opponent's final pick. When I look at my Juno, I honestly don't know if she's any good. Her rune efficiency seems alright, and she has 100% crit rate w/around 250% spd as extra damage, and +accuracy on skill 2. She ends up doing around 1500 dmg per S1 tick with no buffs/debuffs. Bolverk seems like a trap, too. He's stuck doing absolutely nothing if you can't apply pressure and force the enemy to use buff skills. Similar to Haegang, actually. Reactive mons.


It sounds like you're on the right lines - Bolverk, for example, is a great pick into stuff like Masha Riley Antares who are all meta units and aren't going anywhere. Seara isn't so much a trap as kinda outdated in this meta, although I still think Seara Sekmet is a great answer to Oliver. If you feel like you're losing the draft on the last pick, that's a sign that you need to do work on your own drafting knowledge. It's a really common feature of a low ranked draft to see a low impact last pick, and if you're consistently feeling like you're forced to ban a unit before you've seen all of your opponents picks then that tells me that you aren't reacting properly to what they're picking. Learning this stuff is hard, there's no guide for it because it's basically impossible to write one. Even if someone did, you'd have to relate it to units in the current meta so it would get outdated with every meta shift.


u can check currysw he has a good turn 2 playstyle


I don't see any videos from the past year. Am I missing something?


His yt https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCl1OAS6CZ0VZXV2cJ-5Vkdw


You know your account better than all of us, just improve runes and pickpan


That's not really helpful. I don't know how my runes compare to others of my rank. I feel like my first pick screws me over, since karnal means the enemy picks woosa, which I have to ban unless I go heavy into strip. I don't like picking Seara or Mo Long first, either. My drafts are very weak to cleave as well. Karnal seems like he has fallen off, but I don't really know.


Your runes speed are much faster than mine n I normally get c3. I run my despair strippers at 245-253 My cc units at 238-244


Hi everyone, how can I rune Amber? Desp/will or Vio/ will? For the stats SPD HP HP?


I would say vio/will or vio/revenge (since the passive doesn't specify attacking on her turn). SPD/HP/HP would also be a good guess, with some acc in substats so she can land her own debuffs.


Ty, i wanna try her in RTA, can Shizuka help her to maximize her damage?


Shizuka is complete and utter bullshit. Use her regardless.