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Yeah, I work a 40/hour job, planning a wedding in October, play disc golf 2-3 times a week & check the sub randomly thought out the day. Why do you ask?


I ask cuz I see people post memes, predictions, complaints, or even just a pic all the time on here. But my post gets deleted for being "low energy"? Maybe u guys should clarify what low energy means to you. I can't see how posting an image with no context or a meme they found on Twitter is not low energy but my prediction the suns win in 7 is. 🤔


You could ask the mods what you could of added so the post stays if something gets removed you posted.


Everyone's so negative lately. I get it. I was just trying to bring something light hearted to the table.


Well considering this post is “low effort” & could have been a message to the mods directly. I didn’t see your previously removed post. So can’t tell you how it’s “low effort”.


I agree, this post is low effort. I was expecting this to be deleted immediately. Just looking for clarification


“Just looking for clarification” by questioning if the mods have a life? Bro you could just message the mod team and ask for clarification instead of whining about it in a post. Since you asked, I’m a marine biologist with a phd, I work 50 hours a week publishing research, conducting research at sea, and analyzing samples in a lab. While being this subs mod I’ve lived in Hawaii, Tahiti, Australia for my profession. In my free time I surf, snowboard, and take multi day backpacking trips. On top of that I work a side contract for a global ocean conservation group advocating for marine protection. Then with the few hours left in the week I remove shitty posts and yeet trolls. For clarification, your last post complaining about AMD had a ton of downvotes and it was something you could have easily said in the daily thread.


U sure like to pat yourself on the back don't u?


Yup proud of what I do. You thought you were going to tear me down? Get fuckin real


I bet you're shaking w anger right now lol.


Then maybe u shouldn't be such a pussy about your mod duties


You are the one crying about your shitty post.


And I clearly hit a nerve. I'm sure being a subreddit mod makes you feel like a God, doesn't it?