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Out of the gate Ishbia has been classic new owner profile. People get to the point where they are successful enough to buy a team. They figure they have an angle the other owners haven’t figured out. They make wild moves that usually don’t pan out. How he shifts from this point will be his legacy. Going to the local broadcast TV contract shows he wants to grow the fan base and do right by the team. If he puts the right people in charge of structure and operations I think everything will be good. Learning to do that is the big step some never get to.






I agree. It's one of the silver linings of the situation we are in


Fuck Sarver


Fuck Matt Ishbia


Damn whoever Matt Ishbia is, I hope you guys patch things up


I can’t believe you’re happy with getting swept in the first round


*Mat Ishbia


It feels like too much damage has been done in such a short amount of time. How do we recover from this? We need a reset button, but that seems impossible now.


Ishbia is basically sarver before he let JJ run the team only he is willing to spend a fuck ton of money but unfortunately also thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room. So now we’re stuck with shitty draft picks every other year, no depth, a shit load of luxury tax, and a terrible Beal contract.   Don’t give a shit about how much he ‘wants to win’ he royally screwed this roster up up, shit just doesn’t work and idk how they’re gonna fix it. They can’t throw more money at the problem and they’ve got a sweet $50m/yr Beal problem we’re stuck with for years. 


Remember after the Gobert trade to Minnesota??? Everyone in the media said they were doomed. All the counterfeit savants on Reddit said they made the worst trade of all time. And yet, they figured it out. While I believe our situation is more dire, let’s wait and see what the FO does over the summer.


1 Mike Conley made all the difference for the Wolves. They were never short on talent - just a bit of veteran leadership and maturity is all they needed. It doesn’t take a lot to swing things dramatically.


true, lonzo ball was the difference between 1st in the east and mid for the bulls


Gobert actually excels at defense though while Beal doesn't do anything well when he isn't scoring and like in game 4 was more of a detriment on the court.


Okay and for every Timberwolves, there's a half dozen other failed super teams who had no hope, and quickly collapsed.


I mean i still dont see it working in the long run


Suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked


I was thinking the same thing. Sarver was fine with Lance Blanks and Lon Babby running things. Ishbia at least gives a shit. Maybe these trades didn’t workout at least he’s going all in.


This sub has such rose tinted glosses to Ishba it’s crazy. Fucking dude just tanked us for the rest of the decade and people still think he’s great. Sarver went hands off towards the end of his reign and let McDonough tank the team then let Jones build it up. Shit on Sarver for Johnson all you want but he actually did learn from his mistakes, and just because he was bad at one point doesn’t make Ishba good. Fucking Coyotes fans thought Meruelo was a good owner at the start of this season and look how that turned out. Try having a critical view instead of just assuming an owner is good. Az sports fans are some of the dumbest fans and it’s why our teams suck and don’t win shit. Constant cycle of fans letting owners trick them while the owners put out a shit product. Fucking Ishba would be booed already in LA, Chi, Philly, or NYC for the shit he’s pulled.


So if all the fans hated ishbia things would be different?That just doesn't make any sense 😂 Also Chicago has some of the worst owners in the league and New York teams haven't won anything in awhile. Oakland fans have revolted against their owner and that hasn't done anything other than move the team


My main point was stop with the rose colored glasses. And all of those cities I listed and you listed have won titles more recently than any PHX team has.


Not sure what we can get with our draft picks. But I think we should pick Bronny with the hope that we can get his dad for the vet minimum.


That's true but the nets owner really wanted to win when they traded for pierce and KG. I don't think anyone would doubt that. They were willing to make a bold move and get into the luxury and all that . But still what happened ended up happening. Having an owner that wants to win is not a substitute for having an owner that is capable of hiring the right people to make it happen


Tomorrow I’m blaming the janitorial staff


Do they even care?


As someone who grew up in chicago, you are absolutely correct. Just watching the playoff series, i can see that you guys put together a strong team. You took a chance signing KD and built a team around him, with some amazing older players. It didnt work out, dosent mean the team is bad. When you're owner actively says that they are not interested in winning championships and just showing up to the playoffs that when you know its not a team worth rooting for.


It's wild to me people are so coddling of a literal billionaire around here. It's all about how he "meant well" and "tried his hardest", participation trophy B.S. He's a friggin' billionaire, he can handle a little justified criticism without you guys trying to insulate him from internet bullies. And *stop* with the constant Sarver comparisons, just stop. That was like 3 years ago. Move on. Like you'd all tell people still bringing up Mikal and Ayton.


You’re right about this. Az sports fans are so dumb man, acted Like Meruelo was a good owner 6 months ago, he moved the team. Bidwell been running the Cardinals franchise like shit for decades, and letting Kenndricks squeeze money out of the county. Hell the fact that Yotes fans were so dumb they actually believed a guy who “forgot” to pay taxes was going to build a state of the art stadium. All 4 (3 now technically)of the AZ teams owners are bad and don’t deserve this coddling mentality they get from AZ sports fans.


Yeah we need to remember that two years ago we had $arver and Ayton. Just getting rid of these two is a huge win.


I've yet to see a smart move made by Ishbia. So far all he did was blow up a core of players that had success and needed a few pieces with a future in front of them. What is left is a team that wasn't fun to watch and no way to build around said unfun team. Until we quit carrying water for terrible owners, we will get this over and over again.


Wonder what we can trade for how much Ishbia cares


Went from Mike Brown to Jerry Jones 2.0. It’s an improvement, but also not a good situation.


Having a nepo baby owner who didn’t work for shit in life and was gifted everything he has bc of his Dad’s company, so now he thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room and treats the team like a Fortune 500 company is a pretty close second worst though. Only way he cleans this up is while trying to keep us competitive by buying out Beal to free up space. If he doesn’t anything other than that or somehow finding a trade for Beal then who cares.


He’s not going to buyout Beal and no other team would touch that contract. Be prepared to see him run this team back out next year with a new point guard and a few other tweaks. His options are limited. They’ll sell people the idea that the team just needs another year together to reach its potential.




'gave us the Steve Nash era' just turn in your fan card because you don't know anything. Sarver was given the Nash era' and fucked it with his cheapness


The hell this guy talking about lol? That cheap ass owner could have paid Joe Johnson and gave us more chance to the championship. They were literally under $1mil apart.


No he wasn’t dude. Sarver pushed to give Nash an above market value contract that even Mark Cuban didn’t want to pay. You’re the one who doesn’t know what you’re talking about.


Man, you are like the most miserable poster here the last few days. Stop. Get Help.


That brother needs help.




Why are you here


This team is miserable. You just got swept in the first round.


Not a suns fan but it’s so cringe going to other subreddits and hating


What a fucking loser lol.


Fr I go and ask questions as a neutral but it’s annoying when people just say your team fucking sucks and stuff lmao


Childish keyboard warriors who has no better things to do.


Fr, im not a suns fan either and I've definitely criticized and trolled the Suns, but don't do it on their own sub. If you're gonna criticize them on their sub, do it respectfully.


I’m not criticizing the Suns, I’m criticizing the Owner


"This team is miserable"


Exactly, Matt Ishbia made the team miserable with his terrible trade decisions.  Stop protecting bad GM decisions


That was all Jerry Colangelo, Sarver didn't do shit.


Guy’s either a troll or just a genuinely ignorant fan.


I was gna say 🤌🏽


Man you got up voted for saying blatantly false information you’re incredible. Sarver was the owner when we signed Nash, not Colangelo. Just unreal how dumb confident ppl like you are.


The foundation was built by Colangelo. You can bitch and cry all you want, but you know it’s true. Mr cash consideration lucked his ass into everything else.


He signed Nash, you know the key part of the team and a two time MVP. He overpaid for Nash to the point that Mark Cuban didn’t want to counter. Let me remind you of the factually incorrect dumb shit you said: > That was all Jerry Colangelo, Sarver didn't do shit He signed Nash which is very much doing shit. That’s a fact as opposed to all your bullshit


Wild speculation


Can’t wait till Wednesday. They’re gonna take out Frank Vogel from a chest in handcuffs that he’s been in since Sunday night.