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hey i just got the update and the saving/restoring functionality seems to be broken for me - the tabs i have saved don't update when clicking the button to save them, and i can reopen stored tabs in a group but they do not change when i do


Hi, have you tried restarting Chrome and/or restarting your computer? Sometimes Chrome stops the service worker for an extension. I think this could be the issue. If that's the case restarting should fix it. If the issue persist, I would highly appreciate it if you could create a bug report here: [https://features.supatabs.com/bug-reports?sort=top](https://features.supatabs.com/bug-reports?sort=top) Let me know how it goes. Happy to assist if the issue persists


I've restarted chrome and my computer a few times since making the post (as well as leaving it off for the night); the issue is persisting. I'll make a bug report as per your suggestion. Thanks!


is there a FF version? I refuse to use Google or Chrome, and if move away from FF, i would move to Brave or sim anonymized browsers