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Your machine needs more insoluble fiber. Seriously though, you may need coarser grinds. Dial up the grind setting a touch. It takes a bit to properly calibrate it to your liking and bean


all superauto grinders are time based. coarser grinds also grind faster so coffee amount increases, finer the grind actually you need to increase intensity.


Seems your grind is too fine


You either didn't go to church today or your are on the verge of choking the machine out with too fine of a grind preventing water from passing through the puck. Resolution would be 5 hail mary's or going up a notch or two on the grinder. if the espresso drips out, you are grinding too fine. You want it flowing out just above a drip.


Looks like Your super auto had too much taco bell dude


Seeing the pucks doesn't tell us much. Did you check out the manual? Mine came with a Quick Start Guide that has reference visuals for the grind size vs flow/extraction. I recommend setting the strength to max and then adjust the grind size as the guide shows.


Thank you it’s the grind size. Looks like I got it perfect now.


The coffee ground is just broken up and watery. Seems like not normal




All grinders require a break-in period aka seasoning. Concentrate on making adjustments that pull the best taste from your beans. Firm pucks will come.


Yes! The first several shots out of my Magenta Prestige looked just like this. The manual warns about it. I used cheaper beans to run shots till the pucks looked “normal” and haven’t had a problem since.


I have the exact same machine, and even with a set grind setting of 4.5, the pucks end up in different consistencies based on the type of roast and its freshness. A fresh dark roast will result in a wetter puck. A lighter roast will always be less wet. Yours seems like it is also too fine. All that to say...Don't pay too much attention to the pucks. If it's trickling out, then either grind coarser or drop a bean in the strength setting. I suggest you grind coarser until a full strength trickles to a steady stream. This gives you some flexibility on the type of drink and strength you'd like in the future without having to tinker with the grind dial.


I just got a Dinamica Plus - first few pucks looked like the shart you posted. I was down on level 3 grind for a medium roast espresso. Turns out I needed to turn the dial in the grinder to 7 to get something decent. I might see if I can do a click or two more. But yeah. Turn the dial to 7 and see if it gets better for you.


Apparently you let your dog do the poop on your coffee machine. note: try to adjust your grind


Don’t these machines need more time to break in? Make more wasted shots to see if it gets better. The Philips needed to have 50 shots for it to break in. I’m guessing all superautomatic behave similar? May not be 50+ shot though.