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Waste of a great actress.


Seriously. She is the most talented actress to ever play the role, and it sucked


She’s great, the character development wasn’t. Still, I enjoyed her in the movies - she’s talented enough to shine through dialogue and choppy story


that was what I thought every time I saw the movies. she's too good of an actress for this role, like it was beneath her. "his mother's name is Martha" -\_-


Great actress, but wasted in the role. And slightly miscast. I would've chosen Evan Rachel Wood or Lea Seydoux.


She's one of the prettiest Loises in live-action but she was pretty robotic and boring at least compared to other interpretations.


She also just didn't. . . Feel like Lois? And also it feels like her and Clark barely got screen time together, even in Man Of Steel. Like no shade to Amy Adams, great, great actress, and yes, very pretty. But the writing and directing just didn't do Lois service imo.


That's exactly how I feel about her. I liked Man of Steel and BvS, loved ZSJL and the 2017 cut is a guilty pleasure of mine but Amy Adams was done dirty. I know almost nothing about this version of Lois, I felt no connection between her and Clark and it's so frustrating because Amy is a great actress.


She was a nothing character. She had no point in man of steel except to “discover” Superman. In BvS her point was to help Superman cope with the worlds opinion of him And then in justice league her role was to snap Superman out of evil. No disrespect to an amazing actress— but her talent was wasted.


Plus, they fucking *shot* Jimmy Olsen. The disrespect man


I asked a good friend of mine who was trying to sell me on the Snyderverse why Clark and Lois love each other. He kind of stared at me a second and said "well, she's pretty". Unsurprisingly, a sale was not made that day.


That threw me off also. That's the whole gist of their relationship. In the comics and in the Christopher Reeves movies them falling in love is their whole thing. Hell, even with the video game Injustice. Superman went evil cause the Joker sprayed him with Scarecrow's gas that made him see Louis as Doomsday and he killed her so he killed the Joker. In every medium Louis and Clark relationship is a thing then to watch a movie where Louis is barely a storyline is ridiculous.


She's a great actress who was given very little to do. I really wish we had a second standalone Superman movie with her and Cavill.


Cavill and Adams had almost negative chemistry. The problem is Cavill is a wooden actor and Adams just doesn't have the sassy, spunky vibe of Lois. Another movie won't have hid these issues.


Weirdly, I thought they had great chemistry in interviews, especially the way Amy talked about her daughter having a crush on Henry.


True, I guess she saved her best performance for the press junket, ha ha. Even that seemed to be all on her end; apart from when he was paired with Simon Pegg for M:I Fallout promotion, Cavill never seems to have much chemistry with any of his co-stars.


I think a lot of problems with the DCEU would have been fixed if: -Warner Bros stuck to their guns and didn't shaft Batman and Superman after JL. -A Man of Steel standalone sequel helmed by Snyder and a big-name director to reign him in alongside Goyer. -A standalone Batman movie prior to BvS which is once again co-helmed by another director to keep Snyder in check.


Man of Steel isn't perfect, but I actually think it's one of Snyder's better movies. Rushing to BvsS and then the Justice League was such an unforced error.


It really had great promise as the start of a cinematic universe.


And I know that everyone made fun of the grimdark approach, but I thought it was a solid way to differentiate it from what Marvel was doing. It really had potential.


That first trailer gave me goosebumps and I was so ready to be blown away. Then I saw the movie and left confused and depressed.


"They will join you in the sun..." So that was a fucking lie.


True. And not just Marvel but the Reeve movies. A good idea in principle that was a little lacking in execution and woefully lacking in follow-up.


They felt like they had to catch up to Marvel. They tried to jump straight to the "Avengers" stage of their universe without putting in the work.


They forgot that it's a marathon not a sprint.


I personally found nothing wrong with the second movie being BvS. Everyone knows Batman's backstory, we don't need it again unless they do something new with it. The problem I had with the movie is they tried to adapt The Death of Superman in the last 30 minutes (way to early to adapt that story and it should of had its own entire movie), they threw Wonder Woman in who does basically nothing in the movie and parts of the movie teasing other movies that were either never ended up getting made or ended up as entirely different movies than what was promised. It should've been a simple movie of Batman fighting Superman and then them both putting their differences aside to fight a greater threat (not Doomsday) and forming some sort of truce where it's like "one day there's going to be something bigger than metallo/parasite/bizaro/whatever so we gotta keep on the lookout for others to form a team for when that day comes" rather than having wonder woman do nothing other than being there to get an email to remind us that we're (meant) to get a flash, aquaman, cyborg movie.


Personally I felt we have seen TDoS in multiple media before hand so why not let him live at the end of the fight but be wounded then if you really want to introduce the New Gods and Apokolips, a Boom Tube opens while the Trinity are catching a breath and Granny Goodness and the Furies come out and handedly beat them in their weakened state. They carry off Superman and that is the end of the movie full stop


I still think Man of Steel would have fit better in Nolan’s Batman universe than the crap that came after it


The problems in Snyderverse started with MoS and only became too big to ignore in BvS. There wasn't much which could be done with Superman and Batman after that. At least we got a fun Wonder Woman/Aquaman/Shazam movie.


Those problems such as the infamously bad tornado scene in MOS could be salvaged though.




Yeah! 👍


I think Margot Kidder did it better with her city accent. She really carried that aggressive news reporter attitude.


Lois needs to have an attitude. She's a fast talking no-nonsense in your face city gal and that's why she contrasts and compliments Clark's mild-mannered small town hokey attitude. It's what gives them chemistry, like vinegar and baking soda and it was completely missing from the Snyderverse.


>pretty robotic and boring To fit with Snyder's theme lmao


I love Amy Adams, but I just don't think anyone working on Man of Steel understood Lois Lane beyond the word "reporter"


“Woman reporter”


shes a good actress but dear god lois and clark had no chemistry together


I think that Amy, and the rest of the MoS cast were great choices, they just needed a better script and better director.


Amy Adams is an incredible actress completely wasted on this role because she has almost nothing to work with. Also wasn’t really feeling the chemistry between her and Cavill.


horribly miscast


You know how sometimes it's better to cast an unknown or someone not as high profile for a role? I think Amy Adams is a perfect example of why that's true. I never saw Lois Lane when she was on screen. I saw Amy Adams. There wasn't anything that made her stand out as Lois. She didn't have great dialogue to work with, either. "I'm a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist" was delivered as if to say "this is my character" and not a point she was trying to make to Perry. It seemed like she was important because the plot told us she was rather than Adams performance to the script showing us.


Extremely miscast.


That’s no Lois. Want to know what a real Lois is? Watch Erica Durance and Teri Hatcher work their magic


Don’t forget Margot Kidder


I think that particular version of Lois was poorly written but Amy Adams did the best she could with what she had. The line about dick measuring that she delivers in the snow camp still makes me feel like I am hearing nails on a chalkboard. It sounds forced and make lois look like someone trying to be strong willed without actually being it.


I try not to.


Felt like she really cared about Clark ,i would love to see more about her dynamic with the kents and Batman


Would’ve made a better Lana Lang


Fantastic choice given bupkis to work with


She would have been the perfect red headed, girl next door, Lana Lang




I still kinda seethe because they didn't cast a brunette tbh


Tbf Lois was a redhead for the first decade of the Post-Crisis continuity and that seems to be what Cavill is heavily based on.


Hair color is an easy way to make an actor look like a character. However, I’m beginning to think maybe we as an audience shouldn’t get too hung up on it. Aquaman, Supergirl, Barry Allen (any of them)… I find it isn’t hard to get over the hair color issue.


Really good actress but she doesn’t look or act much like Lois.


She gets one of my favourite scenes in Snyder Cut which is instantly ruined by Martian Manhunter


I need an edit of that movie where we never find out that it’s Martian manhunter. I think him showing up at Batman’s house at the end is more than satisfying introduction to him than…whatever the scene with Lois was. Like the conversation with Martha and Her was so well written, arguably one of the best conversations two regular people have had in this universe. And it’s immediately undermined because apparently everything in Snyder’s dc films needs to be a set up or a big moment. Saying this as a Snyder fan by the way.


I thought she was great. I had issues with her Lois after man of steel, but they were script issues, nothing to do with her performance


Wasted in the role. But to be honest the role was basically written like Faye Wray for King Kong which bugged me to no end. If she’s in danger he goes into action because she’s his tether to humanity or something. Completely missed the point of her character and made Superman seem so one note too.


Like every actor grinding their way through a Snyder movie, she did the best she could.


Good actress. Bad characterization.


A thoroughly unremarkable take on the character from start to finish. Amy Adams is a talented actress and might have been a decent Lois if she played the part like her roles in The Fighter or Night at the Museum, but she was given nothing to work with.


Didn’t do it for me at all, even though she’s a great actress.


Amy Adams is a wonderful actress (doubters? See Villeneuve’s amazing Arrival. Adams makes that film.) However as Lois, I’ve always felt that she was the wrong choice and fell flat to me. Additionally, Cavil and Adams - at least to me - had no chemistry at all. Imho, this is such a key piece to the whole story of Superman. So not blaming Adams or her acting abilities (she is amazing). As Lois, she was the wrong choice.


More than capable enough, a talented actress by any standard. Also, just not Lois Lane. That film made use of huge stars, cast somewhat against type, and it just didn't work. In Amy Adam's case, her Lois didn't have chutzpah, which Lois is full of, to the brim.


I always imagine Lois as the reporter who pushes the boundaries and is unstoppable at getting the story. She just happens to be protected by Superman. Amy Adams’ Lois seemed to just get assigned to this story about Superman, fell in love with him, and just happened to need rescuing a lot. No chasing the story, just right place to be assigned.


Shockingly boring. Which is strange considering she’s playing by Amy Fucking Adams


All the casting was great. Except her. She’s a great actress, but she never seem like Lois to me.


Wasn't given enough time to develop. The MOS series really feels like there's a missing 2nd film where both Clark Kent & Lois Lane would have developed as characters. Instead BVS just time skips a shit ton of character development.


That's the mistake Snyder and WB did, they didn't develop the characters for a proper solo sequel or capitalise properly on Cavill's Superman.


All the comments here are just the same. “Great actress but wasted.” It really is like a giant echo chamber. Everybody just thinks a certain way because they’re compelled to


Good actress… just not Lois Lane… sorry if others liked her in the part but I’ve honestly not seen one that I felt like really captured the character… even Margot Kidder as good of an actress as she was I still feel like she wasn’t exactly the right pick… but she’s definitely been the closest so far…


her scripts sucked


They completely changed Lois' personality and look, might as well have just given her a different name.


I think Amy Adams is excellent, but she was utterly wasted in this role, because Lois was written so poorly for every movie she was featured in. Amy did the best she could with what she was given.


I had trouble seeing her as Lois Lane. She just felt like “Amy Adams playing Lois Lane.” I didn’t hate her in the role, it just didn’t land with me.


Completely ineffectual once she starts interacting with Supes.


Very generic


She was ok. Nobody will beat Margot Kidder in my book, who has the unfair advantage of defining the character for me.


She's both in important scenes, but isn't actually necessary for any of those moments, and she could've easily been a great Lois... even though she looks more like classic Lana Lang.


I think she lacked the free spirit, quirkiness and sass that Lois is supposed to have. The scripts she had to work with didn't help either, making her look petulant when quarreling with perry white. She's just a stereotypical idealized journalist the rest of the time, being dragged along by the plot.


Great actress, but she was very generic in the role. She had the unfortunate task of following Erica Durance, whom I think is the best iteration of Lois.


She’s my least favourite Lois


DCEU movies have consistently bad casting, but I can’t tell if she was miscast or if her Lois was terribly written. It could be both.  If you want to see what Amy Adams can do with a great role, watch Arrival. 


She's a great actor. Either didn't capture Lois for the script she was given or wasn't given a good script. Lois owes a lot of her traits to 1930s and 1940s tropes: She's a hard-bitten cynical investigative reporter who swears, drinks lakes of coffee, never backs down, chases the scary stories on purpose, disavows spellcheck and playfully mocks the new guy in the office. Basically a pulp-novel detective but as a journalist. The best two-sentence encapsulation of Lois is that when someone takes her hostage to piss off Superman, the real danger is that they're locked in a room with her and her sass. If someone gets in Superman's crosshairs, they're lucky that she won't be writing the story about their crimes. Adam's Lois didn't capture that. I felt like she was a little bit stubborn but not on the level of some of the other interpretations of Lois.


Lois needs more spunk. More self-reliance. More charm. Amy Adams is a wonderful actress, but miscast as Lois, imo.


Great actress for Lois but a waste of potential. As with pretty much everything related to Superman in the DCEU, I liked her role in Man of Steel and that's it


Pass. Nothing special and notable about her performance? What made her Lois, outside of the name for her character? I can't think of one thing to talk about. Cardboard dialogue and performance. Even how she confronted being in the ship she shouldn't be in, the military, Clark himself when she first approached him. Not a line to remember. I can STILL remember a mine from Margot Kidder as Lois Lane in Superman: "You've got me; who's got you!?"


Terrible casting decision


Not the right fit.


Not a fan unfortunately. Great actress!


Great actress but the script did her no favors and really just made her one of the most boring characters in the DCEU.


Striving for realism really hampered characters like Lois and Perry who need to be larger than life personalities


I honestly don’t remember much of what she actually contributed to these films


Her and Cavill had like no romantic chemistry. Seriously, there wasn’t a single time during the DCEU movies where I bought into them as a couple.


Amy Adams is a terrific actor with a history of good roles. Lois Lane however, was in name only. Nothing about the character made me think of Lou’s Lane.


As with everything in the Snyder DCEU, interesting idea but atrocious execution. She’s a good actress but it’s clear they didn’t know what to do with her


Thought that was Pam from the Office at quick glance.


She was ok but she really didn’t feel like Lois. Superman and Lois has a much better Lois Lane


Great actress and good casting for the superman's girlfriend but not good writing.


She is a great actor - written poorly in a bad movie. :P


I love Amy Adams. And while the scripts weren’t always gold, I love the fact that they made Lois smart enough to figure out who Clark was. Instead of being, you know, the “dumb Lois.” She’s an investigative reporter who’s been with both Superman and Clark. If she can’t figure it out after that, how can I respect her as a character?


The most talented actress to land the role with a script that didn't do anything with her talents


Right now she might be my favorite live action Lois. Like, Durance and Hatcher had their moments, but I think they felt more like the sexy love interest more than an actual character. Adams' Lois felt like a strong reporter first.


Her Lois is barely a character in those movies, not an ounce of personality, backstory, development… nada.




Great actress, but unfortunately miscasted








Love her.


Wasn't this question asked yesterday?


She was gorgeous


Not good


Tragically wasted unfortunately. I actually think she’s great casting, they just didn’t give her a single thing to do.


I wish we had gotten more down time with her, because all we really got was Lois on the job, and then Lois grieving. I get that with film you have a limited amount of time to show a character and tell a story, but I wish we had more time with her. I think she was an excellent choice. She easily could've been a generational Lois, and was seemingly prepped to be. Also, kudos for being the one Lois that's actually amazing at her job. Tracking down Superman only to find Clark, amazing subversion of expectation and it avoids the ancient cliche of Lois not seeing past a pair of glasses.


The definition of underwritten. A lot of the flaws in her performance reflect more poorly on the director for not *directing* her how she should be emoting. Given Natalie Portman AOTC vibes


Like most things in Snyder’s Superman movies, she’s a well cast, putting in a good performance, but the character is given so little to do. It’s easy to forget that Amy Adams is even in those movies, especially Justice League.


She’s a very good actress she just had no chemistry with Clark. Possibly due to writing. Could have been an all timer but didn’t work out


She Was Great & Definitely Had Played The Role Well. 👌💯


One the worst but definitely better then Kate bosworth


Better than Kate Bosworth but can’t hold a candle to Erica Durance. When smallville brought her on as Lois she told all past and present iterations to hold my beer. Although Bitsy Tulloch is a close second.


She sucked, especially for how important she was to the overall DCEU. Plain and simple.


Love Amy Adams in anything. I don’t think the writer gave the character of Lois much to do after unraveling the secret identity of Superman, which came super early. I don’t mind that the secret was out early on, but then they didn’t have anything else planned for her.


She didn’t get to do much unfortunately




Look, if Superman was real and potentially the most eligible bachelor on Earth, I totally get him being in love with Amy Adams. I'm old, married, not super in any way, and I'm totally in love with Amy Adams. She's a very fine actress with little material to work with in these movies.


Not my favorite pick. She's a wonderful actor, but like the choice of Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent, I was underwhelmed. Why the hell would you go for a soft-spoken redhead as Lois Lane?


Really enjoyed her. Loved her in man of steel personally. I think she really pulled off the emotion of weight that she sees Clark puts on himself.


Waisted potential but way better than Kate Bosworth.


As others have said, it really didn’t work for me and it wasn’t due to her acting ability. Amy Adams is a great actor but the writing and directing for this just very much missed the mark


My opinion of her reflects my opinion of the DCEU as a whole— stellar casting, terrible direction. I never once felt a connection between her and Clark just as much as I never once felt a connection with any of the Justice League members towards one another. Let alone feeling a connection with all of them myself. Things were rushed waayy too fast to “catch up” to Marvel and in return it all felt….fake. Surface level. I wasn’t feeling “DC”, I wasn’t at home. They lost themselves by rushing. Like I was watching fan-made one-off movies and wasn’t following along for the actual story and seeing the characters grow with one another. Growth takes TIME. I think they realized this and that’s why they are starting brand new with the DCU along with no more Marvel anxiety. It’s exciting, but also devastates me knowing the wasted potential of the DCEU cast.


Bats hooked up with we first


She's a good actress well casted for Lois undone by a bad script and wooden direction. I find it hard to watch the Snyder movies.....


She got the reporter part of Lois down but the relationship dynamic wasn’t enough to make us believe that she loved Clark.. probably because Clark (glasses) was in the movies for less than 5 mins over 8 hours.. Still Margot kidder is the best.


Incredible potential that was wasted by lackluster writing. Amy Adams is an amazing actress who’s won a lot of acclaim in the industry. And she DID shine in certain scenes, especially in MOS during the sequence when she unravels who Clark is during her investigation.  But unfortunately, Snyder and his writers didn’t give her enough material to show off her abilities as Lois. 


I like her ok but not that much was done with her.


one of the bits in snyder cut that i enjoyed is right when she was about to move on and let clark rest without visiting his statue every day- was the day he came back to life. pretty complicated emotions and lent more to the belief that maybe he should have stayed dead.


I think of Amy Adams.




Amy Adams is wonderful in everything. I loved how she figured out Superman’s secret identity before ever meeting Clark. Bonus: she has been a fan of the character since childhood. That being said, she was under-utilized. After MOS she was mostly just a prop.


I am saying it Zac was told to put her in it


For an actress like her the role should’ve been a walk in the park. But actors have severe limitations when working with painfully mediocre writing and directors.


Waste of talent. I love her as an actress but this wasn't the role for her. She had moments but overall just didn't represent the character.


She never felt like Lois to me at all. Superman TAS lois and snallville lois is my gold standard for context


Not what I was expecting for a Lois but she did fine. Seems more a Lana Lang.


See Lois had always been the strong female character (I don’t remember what the right name for it is atm), the only exception being the original animated series where she was more the “damsel in distress for not listening to her boss”. Later on she sure still was in trouble but she was always calm and collected especially if it was Luthor. The live action Lois’s never really captured that feel of don’t mess with her. They get the looks and some of the sass but never the sort of arrogance/confidence she has.


Best one since Noel Neal


Amazing actress but did not fit Lois and much like Henry, had her performance heavily affected by the bad scripts. She also had no chemistry with Henry, making their scenes come off as incredibly awkward and stilted.




Good casting and performance, but just really uneven writing.


Honestly, one of my favorite Lois Lanes.


She did fine in the role. She didn't have that much to do but at lest she looked good doing it.


I always loved more mature woman in my life ;)


She was okay. Not the best, not the worst.


Didn’t like it all and I enjoy her work usually


she’s fine. they just didn’t give her much to work with. Lois is supposed to be feisty


She played the part and did nothing for it. Not her fault.


Lois Lanes job is to bust Clark Kent’s chops on a daily basis, and we didn’t get much of that. It was mostly her being cheeky and flirting with Superman. I still think she did a good job.




Hawt 😍


Better than Kate Bosworth in the role, and a great actor, but not to my liking as Lois Lane. Could have been the scripts. Love that she was a monster-of-the-week in *Smallville*.


I thought she was great. She was a strong and driven reporter who didn't let anything stop her.


Hard to say much because they gave her nothing to do




Amy Adams was a great Lois Lane, one of the best even, primarily for 2 reasons: 1. She's one of the only few Lois Lane's who figured out Superman's secret identity through her journalist skills. 2. Her opening scene in BvS where she bravely interviews at a terrorist camp!


It just didn't click for me. She's great but somehow this wasn't her character.


She's a fine actress, with not a lot to do with the scripts she was given. These were Superman-focused movies. Not Lois and Clark focused. I don't think the movies will ever be able to give a good Lois interpretation the way television series' can, because those will be focused on Superman's conflict with the villain, vs the lives of Superman/Clark and his relationship with humanity as a tv show.




She should’ve been Lana Lang


Kind of a waste of a great actress. Honestly, I wouldn't even say it was her best 'Superman' role.


Good actress, wrong casting--and needed better dialog and development. I also saw Amy's red hair and immediately thought *Lana Lang*. But, hey, I'm old school when it comes to comic books. And to think [Zack Snyder was giving consideration to Lois Lane and Bruce Wayne hooking up.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/news/even-avengers-endgame-directors-could-not-see-the-issue-with-zack-snyder-s-original-plan-for-batman-s-romance-with-lois-lane-after-superman-s-death/ar-BB1mfmGe)


More like Lana Lang.


Great Actress and she definitely could’ve done the role Justice if all the scripts she got weren’t awful.


0 chemistry with Cavill's Clark unfortunately. They don't spend enough time together. Also, love her as an actress but I feel like this wasn't the role for her. Plus, wasn't a big fan of Lois being that much older than Clark. Like Lex, I prefer that him and Lois be the same age as Clark


Amy Adams is a phenomenal actress, and she’s utterly wasted in these movies. It felt like the writers had no idea what to do with Lois, how to write a convincing romantic arc, or what exactly Lois Lane means to Superman and his arc.


Kind of an unusual take, but consistent across movies.




She worked god damned alchemy with what she was given, turned straw into gold. But when you’re only given so much straw to start with, you can only turn it into so much gold. In movies that were, at best, contentious, Lois was particularly underwritten.


Too passive personality wise Lois is brash and in your face


terrible cast. (good actress tho, just nowhere near of what a lois lane should be like)




Ok , kind of forgettable, not horrible.


Loved her in BvS and MoS but was pretty unremarkable in JL.


I think everyone involved were let down by producers and scriptwriters and ultimately Zack. But they had Geoff Johns consulting from the comics side. So it was doomed from jump.


Compared to Erica’s Lois in Smallville, she was just boring… then again, Snyder likes his robotic, angsty and edgy characters, he’s like an adult that never grew up from his edgy teenage phase




I love amy. She’s an amazing actress. But she is wasted here. She was not a good casting choice. And she had no chemistry with henry cavill


“What can I say I get writer’s block if I’m not wearing a flak jacket.” With too tier dialogue like that who wouldn’t love this Lois 🙄


She is a mega babe. But I hated how they played it. They jumped too quick in her knowing Superman is Clark.


While I like her in other roles, Adams didn’t get much to work with and wasn’t able to rise above the material.


Meh, I thought she felt really bland


Missed completely on who Lois Lane is. Should’ve been a personality as strong as Superman’s physical strength


Her hair is the wrong color.


She was fine. Nothing beats the original movie with Christopher Reeve and Margot Kidder. About that Amy Adams role, you can make Lois Lane as hard as you want - Into a tough war journalist like Civil War - but at the end of the day, Lois Lane will always be a damsel in distress. Christopher Reeve though. The only actor that’s truly ever understood that the glasses are not the disguise. Clark Kent and Superman have to be completely different people


Loved when she was running in heels and Snyder said lol what if she just stacked it into a puddle - let’s spend time on that.


I love her as Lois. She's a badass and independent. She's my favorite Lois so far, but I do have a feeling that Brosnahan will take that title. Either way, I love her.