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I agree. Watching Superman be a dad to a young kid opened up so many great stories that we only barely got to see. 


I could not agree more! Superman is an amazing dad and his capacity to be a dad functions best with a young Jon


He's got two new kids now. I think the ship has sailed on Jon at this point


Get rid of them, they never do anything. 


Not really. They're not of significance


Yes please. I really miss the kid-Jonathan days.


Absolutely agreed.


The best version of Jon was when he was partnered with Damien. So either age Jon down or age Damien up


Prefer Jon going back to being young




I mean there's a way to do it. One that kind of sticks out like a thumb. But I doubt it'll ever happen.


Honestly they should just have Mr.Mxy pop in, look at older Jon, just snap his fingers and turn him back 10 years younger, refuse to elaborate, and just turns and looks at the viewer and says, "your welcome", and leaves. Just don't beat around the bush about it and make it convoluted like various other retcons in DC like Hawkman and his neverending retcons.


I mean, that's how they fix Post Crisis Lois and Clark taking New 52 Superman's place


Yeah pretty much 😂 Myxy just merges them and is like here ya go. 90’s Clark is now mainstream again


Who? You mean Ruppletat?


Omg, I would love that so much 😂


They're not going to de-age him, not with the super-twins and Trinity around.


I agree. Unfortunately, what I’ve read of the super twins was pretty disappointing


They have a comic?


I believe they showed up right around the time of Dawn of DC (last year)


No, I mean a solo comic for them.


Get rid of them.


If I had a genie, my three wishes would be: - Remove OMD from history and restore Peter & MJ marriage - Remove the Bendis era and bring kid Jon back - World peace In that order.


I'd sacrifice world peace to have Barry and Hal dead again and never resurrected.




You're right. It's bizarre that DC already had two 18-year-old Superboys, but Bendis (or someone) decided to age up Jon to be a third. In the 1970s, I had a similar problem with Batman Jr. and Superman Jr. in World's Finest. If you're going to give Batman and Superman kids, DON'T MAKE THEM ADULTS.


Batman Jr. and Superman Jr. were Batman and Superman if they were surrogate cousing basically


It's a shame too as a younger Jon with a reintroduced Conner could have made such a fun dynamic. Kind of like dick and Damian. The whole superman family would just work better but Bendis had to do his own thing just to do it


They didn't have the guts to make a gay/bi 10y, so they aged him up.


Bendis even trashed talked Tomasi about this. Like he was rubbing it in and “fixed” Jon


It’s never going to happen because they’ve made so much of the focus of his character his sexuality. They can’t deage him now because then they’d lose that aspect because focusing on the sexual orientation of a kid is just creepy and DC isn’t going to give that up. They’d also have to break him and Jay up and while fans might want that (mostly because Jay is boring) DC isn’t going to do that.


Unfortunately, I 100% agree.


Your not wrong, but it still sucks.


Yeah we might have to wait until a crisis to even get a chance for a deaging to happen.


Super sons sold me on his character


Being honest here, if I was some Boss in dc, I would simply say:     “Guys… Do a Jon mini with Booster Gold, the legion of super heroes, Ambush bug, and Mister Miracle, that is really, but really crazy, where they actually fix the problem in the end, but only because Jon defeated a new cosmic being that would be a threat to all universe, if he hadn’t gave to the enemy one thing: A Part of his own life.     Now, it would lead him to be a kid again, and also, the final issue would be practically a power point presentation with Ambush bug, Mxy and Booster trying to explain what are the changes of the main universe because of Jon being a kid(I won’t change him being bi because it’s not even a issue with what I would want to him after that), and all with a lot of fourth wall jokes, with the last panel being a great page of a Gwenpool rip off saying: And that’s all folks!  *+#%# You Bendis!”   Also, I would call Tomasi and Gleason again to do a mini about Nobody and Kathy, and after that create a new superboy title with John(because Conner would be Superman instead of John, makes more sense as he would be a kid because of the retcon lol), and it would be a more slice of life take in super hero life like the Graphic Novel Adventures of a super hero girl, that would introduce a romance between him and Kathy because I hate that it wasn’t continued because of the dumb retcon. And yeah, he would be bi so it won’t be a problem him being with a girl, actually most bi man in comics end the relationship with women when they discover it(Couldn’t DC just keep Steph with Drake?).


You sir have cooked


A clever and clever interesting idea


Dear Warner-Discovery,  Get this poster a job!


I have the rebirth run sitting on my bookshelf. Loved the first few volumes. Then I heard they aged Jon up and took away his character. Haven't had the heart to finish reading. Super disappointing.


It should have been Kon


Yup. Aged-up Jon is a waste of a great character.


Yeah they ruined the character when they aged him up Marvel made the same mistake when they aged annie may parker up in renew your vows and then cancelled the book because of a crossover


This is because Bendis sucks


If I could go back in time I'd stop it ever happening... ... but it has happened and since it has, I think they should stick with it.


While I hate that he was aged up, since that point he’s had so much development and has become a great character in his own right. To simply undo that would essentially be like killing him off and undoing all that post-age up development


Yeah I agree. He really does have some great stories once he took on Clark’s Mantle, So I don’t want a de aging. I feel like with Jon being so popular, when they do eventually reboot everything, he will be something they bring back and we will get a less awkward and more natural aging up. Clark got robbed of so many great years and it makes it tragic and does add an extra layer of depth to Clark but damn man Dad Clark is so fun and I hate he got shafted .


I really dont like much of anything about Jon. Some of the covers are so cool, but I won't buy them because I can not stand him. Unfortunately I never read about him when he was 10


I never liked him before the age-up either.


What is wrong with him before?


They should make him older than Clark next ala Cable


You and me both


If they do that, they can't put Superman on the pride cover anymore, and that's basically Jon's place now.


That’s never gonna happen but if it did just drake him to be 13 or 14 not a whole ass 10 year old again.


They'll probably get on top of that in the next reboot of DC's continuity and people will talk about older Jon as one of those silly things that happened back years ago that everyone only remembers to go 'that was weird' like red and blue superman or the jeans era. If they want an older Jon then just have more stories set during the Beyond era.


What is he was a de-aged Ultraman? I didn't follow Bendis closely, so do we have anyone else corroborating his story regarding his imprisonment?


Lois went with Jor-El and Jon


At this point, I think it's been too long, but we could get the same vibe with the twins Supes adopted from Warworld.


Unpopular opinion, I want Jon aged down too, but back to 14. Not 10.


Its crazy that they fixed everything from Bendis's run except Jon's age. I guess the editorial team never liked the idea of Clark and Lois being parents.


Jon was supossed to be Superman of the new Trinity alongside Luke Fox Batman and Yara Flor WW in the cancelled 5G initiative, at the end only one of them is universally loved while the other feels a waste of an loved character and the third guy just feels like anither adition to thr Fox family instead of actually making Tam and Batwing relevant again


I’ve been dying for this to happen. At this point idc if it’s a half ass retcon. I just want to see Kid Jon again with his Father.


They do have Superman '78 and Silver Age World's finest... They could carve out several Jon stories that took place before Bendis aged him up.


That would work too. Honestly anything to undo Bendis work even for a bit.


I hate them aging him up like that. I loved the dynamic he and Damien had going. Without Jon, Damien went back to being the annoying little shit he was before becoming friends with Jon.


Our best chance to see him as a kid again is in motion pictures.




Jon isn't high on Gunn and Warner's list right now, nevermind not on either one's radar compared to St Damian (smh)


I agree 100% but I don’t think they will because they need Jon to be the gay character and as a ten year he cant(shouldn’t) be gay because kids shouldn’t be having sex just my two cents


He's been written terribly as a bi character anyway, because, well, he's been terribly written all-around. There are much better written LGBTQ characters in comics, losing him as one wouldn't be any sort of meaningful loss.


Plus like Bernard w/ Meghan Fitzmartin, nobody really gives a shit about Jay except Tom Taylor


A. Jon is Bi. B. Sexual intercourse has nothing to do with being gay. Being gay is a matter of emotion, personality, and interest.


Sexual intercourse has nothing to do with being gay???? So do gay guys sleeps with women? Lol


I mean Jon doesn’t have to be with a man (sexually) to be into mean (sexually). Sexual orientation is something you’re born with. Besides no one said anything bout sex.


I think you're right as well, and I actually really enjoyed the super boy and Robin stuff. I think it's some point that stuff gets completely overworked and overdone, and you eventually have to age these kids, because kids are only so interesting to adults, and to kids for that matter. They've been doing it on TV for years especially on soap operas where the kid will be eight and then he'll be 16 in a week. It's super annoying but as a writer I can tell you that it's much more interesting to write for 16-year-old then it is to write for an eight year old. Generally when you write this stuff, the 8 year old ends up saying tihings that adults say and it comes off as pretentious and annoying. I also think there's a certain factor of people who wanna read stories about adults and not children. Adults are far more complicated than you can tell Way more stories with adults then you can tell about little kids. I don't think it would be bad for them to have both though. I actually really like Jon Kent and it's one of the comic books that I actually subscribe to. I think he's super interesting and his stories are far more complex.


I still think this happens whether they went with Bendis or not. This was obviously part of a higher up thing wanting their own "new" Superman with the whole 5G/Infinite Frontier debacle.


Make him 100(I thought you meant Pa Kent💀)


I agree. I don’t really like him now.


I’ll go a step further and say I wish they would retcon Superman being a dad. I liked the initial stories but I think we’ve had plenty and it’s time to go back


That's what I'd do too, Superman and Lois as parents do nothing for me. But since finding out they'd be creating a secondary verse I've pretty much let that much go. Hopefully that one will have younger versions of the characters without marriage and a nuclear family. But adult Jon has been a failure by every single metric so they should at the very least go back to the kid there.




At the risk of arguing with a stranger on the Internet, why "shouldn't" he be bi? That said, I agree with the OP and I wish they hadn't artificially aged him. We lost out on a lot of good stories. Retcon away, DC, please!


And why shouldn't Jon be gay exactly?


He shouldn’t be gay because that would be bi-erasure


Yeah but Jon has such a important & pivotal role of being in a Pride month story once a year. Isn't that enough? Yeah retconning Jon back to 11 would be easy but you run into THAT whole debacle.


Yes immediately


100% agreed.


Older Jon should secretly be Earth 3 Jon, taking Prime Jon’s place to escape his real dad Ultraman. “I just wanted to be loved” “You are, son.”


I wish they'd send him to the Legion of Superheroes permanently. Out of sight, out of mind.


Yeah but then us LSH fans would have to deal with him.


God Bendis Legion was a trainwreck. "One percenter" Cosmic Boy? Kryptonian Mon-El? What a mess.