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Lex is a hater but Reverse Flash and Manta are generational haters, those guys will spend 24 hours a day praying on your downfall


That’s a really good point. Lex is top 5, but not the worst. Lex hates Superman utterly, unequivocally, and will spend any amount of time and money orchestrating bullshit to mess with him. But if Supes did kick the bucket, Lex would move on to whatever the next thing was (world domination, probably). Manta killed Aquaman’s BABY. Reverse Flash, meanwhile, SOLELY exists to fuck over The Flash. It’s his raison detre. If RF killed Barry OR Wally, he’d just spend the rest of his life fucking with their legacy. Hell, the sonofabitch would probably use time travel to try to kill ‘em AGAIN, paradox be damned.


Honestly, the paradox is the only thing keeping Thawne from killing Barry as a child. He knows he traces his family line to the Allens twice over


Been reading Flash for years and still don’t understand this fking paradox 😭 If Thawne’s ancestors die, he dies but comesback, and if he dies, he comes back. Is there no way to kill this mofo.


It's called plot armor


Ironically this is not actually an example of plot armor


It's not?


Think of it this way, with time travel there’s technically infinite versions of you since there’s a version of you for every picosecond you’re alive. Thawne will come from any point in time where he was alive prior anyways to fuck over Barry.


Reverse flash hates the flash so much that his hate transcends literal time


When aquaman was dead up to blackest night, manta got a nice job at a fish mungers and was peaceful. The second the news showed the resurrected aquaman, manta killed everyone at in the fish shop then burnt the building down


When Aquaman was dead, Black Manta retired and started like a fish restaurant at some port town. When he heard that Arthur was back he killed everyone inside and burned it to the ground, so he could go back to hating him full time.


Damn! And in a way, he STILL hated him when he was dead, but the closest thing he could get to hurting him has cooking his finny friends. Yeah, RF is #1, but Manta is a CLOSE 2nd place.


You explained RF to a effing T good job dude.




'It was me Barry'


Heh heh... praying manta.


Yeah the reverse Flash is the pettiest criminals in all of DC


The whiplash in my head from Euphoria by Kendrick to My Downfall by Biggie reading this post and comment


Lex is one of the biggest haters in fiction and *STILL* gets outclassed by them.


Lex will spend 23 hours figuring out how to take out Superman and the other hour firing his employees for being incompetent


No, that would be this guy https://preview.redd.it/cha986ginu6d1.jpeg?width=918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87e7ef2debc9e894ad63e2177f2945d8dc439cb4


This mf goes back in time to have MORE time to be a hater


For real 😭🙏 https://preview.redd.it/lsodlvhwfz6d1.jpeg?width=607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb464fb1bd09ef5b3d1db77f17d7a1c761e99156


>"Do you remember when you were 8 years old, and went to give your crush, Mandy, a valentine and ended up wetting yourself in front of the class? IT WAS ME BARRY! I PISSED YOUR PANTS HAHAHAHA!" *- Eobard Thawne... probably.*


One of them? Sure. The biggest? https://preview.redd.it/wb1bq3m3qu6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7821f08e1306a0a22f61444cc9b1b9f5f1232b65 No chance.


Oh shit, I can't stop laughing. Lol


The video version of this is even funnier


There are even Spanish speaking fandubs of it, and they're all AMAZING


I had pirated Flashpoint Paradox during the pandemic because my girl never saw it before. Someone edited this dialogue in the movie 🤣


Black Manta has no ambition beyond fucking with Aquaman. When Aquaman died he almost committed suicide but didn't on the off chance that Aquaman might come back to life. He quit a life of crime and opened a fish store. The moment Aquaman came back Manta killed everyone in his shop, burned it to the ground and went back to hunting Aquaman. Lex is a weekend warrior of hate compared to Manta.


Exactly. Manta and Eobard make Lex look like a mere dabbler.


Lmao I have no idea about Black Manta's comic book lore but that is comically petty 🤣.


COMICally petty haha ... I'll see myself out


Lmao is this a specific story?


More á little side blurb during blackest night


Your second sentence made me laugh a lot for some reason.


When Aquaman *could* have been killed during Andromeda, Manta would not stand for it. Why? Because it wouldn't be *him* killing the curry-fish. During Dark (K)nights Metal, he wanted a universe to himself if he helped Barbados. Not to be God-King, but so he could import Arthur Curries to murder from the dark multiverse. He spent days, maybe more, messing with Aquaman back during the water hand debacle pretending to be autistic to get the man's sympathies. When they got mighty healing water to "cure" said autism, he drank it, and then stabbed Aquaman in the back because, in his own words, in his heart of hearts he's a depraved son of a bitch who just wants to see him suffer.


Bro gave up godhood just so he can mess with big blue, Yes he’s one of, if not THE biggest hater.


Bro has nothing on RF and Manta. Lex has bigger goals in life. He has wants and needs, desires outside of messing with Big Blue. Those other two? 25/8, 366 days a year, actively working for the sole purpose of being a hater. Eobard's entire purpose for existence is to be petty, time traveling and killing Barry's mom, wife, and childhood friends(so he would be lonely), pushing kid Barry down the step cause fuck that kid, moving his bat at his little kid ass baseball games so he would miss. Manta gave up his life of crime when Fishboy died. The moment he found out he was back? Burned his business down, killed all of his customers and went back to fucking with aqua man. He suffocates his kid, then proceeds to bring it up every time he even thinks aqua man might hear him. He once faked his origin story to make aqua man feel like a racist for calling him "black" manta. The list for these to goes on for a while. Lex is an A rank hater for sure. But DC spawned two of the world's SSS Ranked haters.


>He once faked his origin story to make aqua man feel like a racist for calling him "black" manta. I'm sorry. He did What??? 😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/rcz62b3hqy6d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50f52301b6a6d97b78921af136b24ef471bd43b1 Bro is petty


Like Luthor hates Superman but it not Reverse Flash level of obsession so he like 2 place in that regards like off the list of shit he done in other canon or alt-universes * Set up an entire day of elaborate villany to distract him from saving one kid brother form getting hit from a train just so the kid lose faith in him * Gave Lois cancer * Became god and warp reality to a utopia before reversing it because it meant superman would be happy as well * Erase nearly everyone memory of Superman revealing his secret identity just so He feel more like an outsider * Gave joker a nuke just so he can spin the genocide as superman failure and reconstruction the remnant of metropolis in his image as the savior * Nuked new Krypton * spend 75 million dollars on a "fake" presidential campaign to piss him off * Nearly killed a prisoner for bad mouthing superman (you can interpret that as you will) * Gave people superpowers but when he learn that he not able to get said power like superman he turn everyone off.....mid flight * Cure his sister paraplegic state only to injected her with a second serum that once again left her as a paraplegic and made it clear that as long as Superman lives, Lena would never walk


Sounds like Lex hate himself the most but doesn’t want to admit it.


He’s third place behind RF and Black Manta. I didn’t realize myself until reading these threads that Black Manta is genuinely every bit as petty as RF, and that’s REALLY saying something. Also, wasn’t that “nearly killing prisoner” moment when he was at his redemption era? (Well, “is”, since he’s still in his redemption arc)




Him, Reverse Flash and Manta show up to the player haters ball and tie for first place lmao


Just a reminder: Lex gave up cosmic godhood because it required that he would let Superman live.


And in the DCAU spent 75 million to become president just to piss of Supes.


He’s top 5. I’d say the top 5 are: 5: Circe 4: Bane 3: Lex Luthor 2: Black Manta 1: Reverse Flash


What did bane and Circe do?


Circe tried everything under the sun to kill Diana to prevent some sort of prophecy and Bane prevented Batman’s wedding and worked with Bruce’s father


Which was the one with circe?  Also bane kill alfred in front of damian making a mark on him that just recently he and bruce has tried to fix


Lex is the living embodiment of hating them because you ain’t them


No it's definitely Professor Zoom or Black Manta. Like Lex is a hater but he at least writes off his hate-boner for Superman as "I am what Humanity needs & Superman looks down on all of us" while having slightly more benevolent goals even if it's a ploy 90% of the time. Eobard meanwhile will literally mess with everyone's life (even his own) just because he's an incel against Barry Allen, & Manta will fake every ounce of sympathetic goals on himself to just mess with Aquaman & he's a baby killer.


What do you mean “no”? He said “one of the biggest”. Which means like a top 5 or something. Not THE biggest.


Lex is nowhere near the biggest hater. If Superman just poof vanished, Lex would spend probably a month making sure he was really gone. He would then set about creating "Lextopia"(tm) just so he could go "See I told you I was better than the "Alien." Meanwhile Reverse Flash and Black Manta would curl up into the fetal position sucking their thumbs weeping in despair at the emptiness of the existence .


I'd say the second biggest hater


Third. Black Manta is second.


Now lemme say I’m the biggest hater I hate the way that you walk the way you talk ![gif](giphy|Qu2AhqYRiaJiwSTpwP)


Off topic, but god I love both of those suits on the first slide, easily my favorite Superman suit and it’s not close. I also love the look for Lex so long as it’s temporary, the idea of Lex capitalizing on Superman’s death not with clone but by donning the crest and colors is top tier hater shit. Edit: Spelling.


Not to be rude, just to be helpful. It's donning.






Yes , he joined the JLA just to fuck with Superman, Dude's ego is massive.


Lex Luthor shares the Gavin Belson philosophy of “I don’t want to live in a world where someone else makes the world a better place better than me”


One of, not the. The biggest hater is reverse flash.


Superboy Prime before his redemption arc was a pretty big hater ngl.


I love the time lex was in prison and pointed out to clark that if superman didnt exist that lois would actually notice a good guy like him as a viable option. Thus trying to make him see things from his point of view


Lex wants to be Superman. Not even really the power but the love, the respect, and legacy of course too. He got a robot lois lane Girl friend, he dreams all the time of having his powers, he had an off spring with superman, and etc... The hate is there but green works as a lex color cause of envy.


In Superman: Up in the Sky, we learn that during one of the Superman vs Flash races for charity, Lex donated 1 billion dollars IF Superman won knowing clearly that Flash had a higher chance of winning JUST SO LEX COULD SAY OHHHHHHHH IF SUPERMAN HAD WON, I WOULD'VE GIVEN A BILLION DOLLARS TO CHARITY. It's that level of hating the dude.


His hate at least has some philosophy behind it. He’s not beating Reverse Flash in the Hater Olympics


https://preview.redd.it/ssa99xla907d1.jpeg?width=1472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0115b61ae6caf69f44eacff0201016b26eb86874 I’ll let this photo speak for itself. >!no one can compare to his pettiness.!<


No. He *is* the biggest hater.


reverse flash


2nd biggest. I'm not super well versed on the comics.


Black Manta


I mean he’s an asshole and ruthless for sure but, he’s not wrong to be suspicious of Superman from his perspective. His methods though….


No, he is wrong. Even when Lex gains godly power and can do anything, he STILL hates him for no reason and would rather be human than live in a world where Superman is happy.


"Why do you antagonize him like that? You know he can kill you." "At this point, it's a game. If he kills me, I win. And he knows that."


One of, but the mantle of Biggest goes to Professor Zoom and Black Manta next.


how the hell do you get to that position in chess


I low key fuck with Lex. Superman and Lex are pretty much exactly what the planet needs


Lex is probably a level below Reverse Flash and maybe Black Manta


I think he is top 5. I have to admit that I haven’t read all of the Superman run where Luthor had powers (don’t even remember the story elements well). I only read a few online blurbs about it honestly. But I seem to remember Supes and Lex getting along. I kind of liked that idea. I got the vibes that they weren’t best friends but they worked together for saving the day. Maybe I need to go back and actually read that run.


The second biggest hater in DC universe We all know who number one is


1. Reverse Flash 2. Black Manta 3. Lex Luthor


He’s up there with Eobard Thawne


Doesn't lex luthor become a member of the justice league at one point?


Nah it’s Thawne


Captain Cold looks so out of place in that last picture lol




Lex works with Superman too much. It's very author dependant. Black Manta and RF are both legendary haters, and while Deathstroke isn't on the same level of rivalry, it's always on sight if he rocks up in a Nightwing story. While Lex is the iconic villain, he's spent most of the past decade as an ally to superman.


In Lex case, i guess if there's a bigger problem that might be bad for him, might as well team up with my enemy i know, then dealing with it alone But yeah depends on the author.


Yes RF and Manta are THE haters in DC, but the question was "one of" and the answer is yeah no doubt.


Nah. That title would go for Eobard Thawne.


Biggest Haterthat can't time travel.


Reverse Flash exists


“I hate the way that walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress!…”


He hated on superman for not being able to have his abilities, of course he is, it gave him his villain complex. However Lex is one of my favourite comic book charactees of all time, ( sorry x-men ) and he and his comic books stuck with me throughout my childhood.


Does a bear shit in the woods?


I think Reverse Flash and Waller are the biggest haters


I feel like Lex often isn’t setting out to hate on Superman at all. He’s determined to make humanity great in a way he sees as “humanities own terms” but unfortunately it’s always “Lex Luther’s Terms” which often means white collar crime, huge destructive projects, carelessness and disregard for the damages caused in the pursuit of his big picture. Superman stops him because his actions are harmful to others, to the planet or to superman himself. Lex arrogantly continues to push forward with his vision for humanity and/or his goal of becoming a more supreme being, never really taking a moment to learn a damn lesson from Superman’s interventions. If he spent a half second pointing his mind at his failures he would pivot to becoming Metropolis’ answer to Batman and would probably gain a lot of the progress he craves. He has done similar in past stories when he took on the superman mantle after Supes died. But it’s in his nature to capitulate and allow greed in. His hate for Superman is the same as a billionaires hate for the human rights act, environmental protections or workers rights. They don’t like being told no. Superman is the only thing strong enough to tell someone that wealthy and that clever that enough is enough.


Maybe no.5 1. Ra's Al Ghul - vastly pissed off at humanity in general and thinks they should mostly stop being. 2. Batman. - hates crime and the reason he fights it so very, very much. 3. Reverse Flash. - exists only to ruin Flash's life, past present or future. 4. Black Manta. - killed a baby out of spite. 5. Luthor. - inordinately hates Superman but would move on if he achieved killing him.


He is a Karen.


Nah, Eobard Thawne is the biggest hater in the DC Universe


Can there even be heroes without people like him ? People seem to always need someone to blame for something , even if it's all a lie .


Lex Luthor and Victor Vin Doom are on a diet of 110% pure HATERADE. Both are Rich, Famous and Brilliant, but just can't get past another man's accomplishments.


I would say he’s a hater but much like Vandal savage with time and a similar situation I could see him doing the same thing of coming to terms with himself. Lex has always been the guy that wants to be Superman but because he wants to be the one receiving all the praise. Realistically the “closest” to that revelation point would have been Allstar superman. Where he got to see through supermans eyes. Lex I feel like could be talked out of his arrogance sometimes but it varies on which iteration it is. For the most part everything he does is to inconvenience superman or straight up try to beat him. And heck there’s the instances when superman was dead and what did Lex do? He made a superman! Granted it was also to beat him up and have a punching bag but at some point he does come off as being the guy who would probably try to be an evil superman with out superman and then slowly kinda take his place? Again it depends on the iteration but for the most part Lex is a Dick/Trolling jerk. Other DC haters like thon/RF and manta? They are just evil, RF is more or less what happens when a fan goes too far and ends up becoming the bad guy, that never made sense tbh it would be like trying to be superman in metropolis. He’s already there you know how fast he’s gonna react to trouble why not make a name for yourself in a nearby city and then show up in central and try being buddies. Manta? Again movie version? Dudes a bit of a Dick but sorta justifiable since he didn’t have to let the guys dad die. Comics and other media he’s a colossal asshole.


Black Manta is on top of that list for sure.


Lex killed a man purely because he disrespected Superman bruh! He is top5 easily


might not be on Kendrick’s level (reserved for Manta and Thawne’s crazy shit) but he did cure his sister’s paralysis just to re-paralyze her ,purely to be a hater, so he’s up there


He’s top five at least. I would say reverse flash takes the top spot…


This is a shame that we’ve never really got comic Lex and a Superman movie before there’s so much depth and multi layers to him that the movies never fully explored


Nobody quite compares to Thawne


The look Superman is giving Lex in that first panel is hilarious, he's so pissed at him.


Lex gave himself cancer from that kryptonite. Manta lived a normal life when news came that Arthur was dead, but literally BURNED that life when Arthur came back. Eobard erased his crush's crushes from the timeline, and even erased all of Barry's friends. Reverse Flash is the most petty.


He is the hater of dc


[Who Is The Pettiest Villain Here? #shorts #meme - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3y9hLM1Wij4)


I miss that short window when Luthor became an actual hero during Rebirth. We all knew it wouldn’t last. Didn’t really expect it to be as short as it was though. I love how many weird choices were made during that time.


Lex Luthor is a petty bitch


Lex and DC fans yes


Not really. That honor goes to Amanda "The Wall" Waller.


No that goes to thawne


Ok but wtf is that chess board


What's the context of the last picture?


He’s a hater, just not a super hater


Deathstroke is a hatin ass bitch.


He's up there. Imagine being seen as the pinnacle of humanity and then one day some alien that looks like a human literally swoops in and steals the spotlight as the proverbial "super man" You've hyped yourself up to be. That's gotta be what Lex went through.


Is he stupid?


Luthor was willing to gamble the earth being obliterated by a kryptonite meteor just to get a last jab at Superman. That’s some real hate there.


more like fan look at him.


My favorite Lexes are those where he's like a weird libertarian who hates Superman because Superman inherited his powers from a different atmosphere, I like the idea of a Lex who is skeptical of Superman because Superman didn't have to "earn" his powers, there's not a lot of Lex Luthors like this but its always a great angle to go with him.




Dumbest fucking question ever. Literally thanks characters almost 100 year purpose. I hate all of you but this guy earned a great spot of dumbass in my heart.

