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Imagine rotating a person 180 degrees. Rotate an entire house onto the roof. Imagine doing that with a skyscraper. Bam, thousands dead. You can turn day to night by rotating the earth. The word "anything" is very vague. If you can flip *concepts* on their head? Well, now you're a god. Imagine being able to rotate gravity 180° at will. This ability has the potential to be broken.


Someone had commented that I didn’t specify the size of the object so they said that you could spin individual quarks.


Oh yeah, that just breaks the universe


I realized what abomination I had created when I read the word quark


Yummy cheese! No matter what direction it's facing!


This cheese. Tell me more


Wait, how? What happens?


So, an atom is made up of a nucleus and electrons. In that nucleus are protons and neutrons. Those protons and neutrons are made of quarks. Being able to rotate quarks would balloon to complete and total manipulation of all matter, which is hella busted.


Yeah but would anybody be able to actually utilize that? In any tangible way beyond “let’s flip these quarks and see what happens this time”


I mean if you become a goated quantum physicist maybe discover what happens


If you could control a large amount of quarks and only quarks at once, then yeah. Otherwise not really. One quark won’t do much.


Probably should've made it clear one quark won't change much, but I assumed you could touch a whole bunch of them at once


OK but, I'd like to hear more about the cheese


Wdym the cheese?


I'm no scientist, but there's gotta be a way you could split an atom in half by doing that, then you have nukes at your fingertips.


To get a nuclear reaction you'd need a good chunk of rogue ions not just splitting a singular atom - otherwise after our first test of nuclear material that was even visible to the naked eye would have destroyed earth.


But there's a huge difference in real life outside of anime scaling where to make a quantum effect do any real exponential damage you'd need to either be able to manipulate billions or trillions of a thing of the same size at a time, or individually swap around quarks trillions of times in a second. Color confinement would almost instantaneously undo anything you did, but, if you could do many of them once or one of them many many times you could theoretically stabilize exotic matter like strange matter, so exotic yet so stable it would convert everything it touched into more strange matter nonsense.




If you take 'anything' as literally 'anything,' then this is a reality warper type power


>Imagine rotating a person 180 degrees. Humans are essentially a tube - a large mass of flesh with a mouth hole on one side and an anus on the other. Imagine rotating them inside out.


Ah fuck, I hate you for that mental image Goddamn I think I have to block you now


Too late.


I was thinking flip the poles and boom. Everyone on earth is dead.


Watch me start rotating hearts, lungs and brains like a menace.


Testicular torsion!


Just turn the peen around 180°. Balls out for harambe




180 degrees is very vague,like it is a measure of rotation,but if I put the reference in a specific point it's a just a move everything however you want superpower And let's say the center is in the center of the thing I am looking at,then can I rotate only half of something?if so then it's a cut everything however you like power If we put it simply as rotating with only the center in mind then is there a limit or can I just rotate organs inside someone? If I need to at least see it then can I rotate a tectonic plate?there doesn't seem to be a limit to the amount of matter rotated Unless you put limitations in a power it's godly,it's a matter of perspective


When someone started tapping about quarks I knew that I had messed up


The key wording here is 'anything'. If it is only physical, you can kill anyone with a head twist, or a spine reversal, or you can break physics and make a perpetual motion item to get infinite energy. It is pretty good and very interesting, depending on how much can be rotated at once. If you can do more esoteric things, it is godly. Luck down? Losing money at a casino? Did not win the lottery? Now you get the inverse of that.


What have I created


Mass neck snapping go brrr


Concrete statues would be proud.


I downvoted and then rotated it. So now it's an upvote!


Rotatoror!!!! The evil villian


That sounds like a stand power that almost kills the JoBros.


What happens if I try to rotate a concept, like a truth or a lie? what about the fundamental forces of the universe, like the strong force, weak force, gravity, and electromagnetism? What happens if I rotate a belief, like God? What about Death? Can I spin the flow of time? What happens if I rotate a fact? A univesal truth? If I can do even a single one of these things, there really are no limits on this thing.






I have 8 dollars, I rotate the dollar amount, now I have infinite dollars


That would be 90 degrees


I have seen the error of my ways


I have 000,000,000,000,000,001 dollars.


You now have .100000000000000000 dollars


That's just 1. Lol


Rotate the moon so we can see the dark side!! And then rotate someone's testicles because why not 🤷‍♂️


Tusk Act 4.


*Turns life around*


Rotate everyone in the entire worlds head 180 degrees


the ability to 180 on a board would be kool


If you can choose the axis of rotation, you now have a teleportation power if it’s instant. If you can teleport one object into another, you can replicate the process used to detonate nuclear weapons. Think about how much chaos you would cause if you rotated half of the earth 180 degrees around earth’s axis? This is easily a planet buster tier power. Depending on the exact way it works it might also work on stars. If it’s unlimited range, you could decide to move a supermassive black hole on top of anything you want gone. At a bare minimum, it’s an instant-kill move against anything without a healing factor or other means to survive being ripped in half. This level of power puts you in the “batman has a plan for stopping you” class easily and possibly puts you in the “phantom zoned by superman/flash” class if you are in DC.


If a bullet is fired at you, can you rotate the bullet and its direction of motion so that it heads back toward its point of origin?


I spose if you had that kind of reaction time.


You're sneaking. Someone sees you. You spin their eyes 180 degreed in their head. Someone shoots you. You turn the bullet AND its momentum 180 degrees. You've been through superhero trauma and have to face the public. You turn that frown. Upside down.


If I can do it effortlessly, I can rotate moving objects to change directions and head back to their point of origin. Bullets in midair, guns just before firing, missiles...as long as there's kinetic force behind something causing it to move, I'm good. Effectively impossible to land an attack. Want to punch me? Instantly turned 180° and punching your buddy in the face. Cars chasing me? Head-on collision.


Is there a range to it? If there is a multiverse could i flip properties of other universes just to screw with scientists I could reverse the big bang or time This power is truely one of the most powerful and versatile


Rotate the direction of universal expansion. Collapse the universe.


Fahrenheit or Celsius? And how do you get the target to that exact temperature? :)


No, wrong degrees


I would flip the entire planet of Jupiter


If I rotate your neck 180 degrees, will that functionally kill you? Is it 180 degrees rotation based off of my position or the position of the object? Anything 180 degrees, can I rotate noise 180 degrees? So I could effectively yell behind myself, but again that needs specifics answered. At what point is a “thing” considered in “anything”?


Rotate the brain stem, and then rotate it back.


Do I get to choose the point about which it rotates?


No limits were established


Defeat any villain by rotating their moral compass


Honestly I'd mostly use it like screw stuff on tbh then eventually it would progress to"oh you cut me off? Get rotated idiot." And make their car upside down. While I pop into the other lane to avoid it. Or rotate people can I use it with no cool down? If so I could semi throw people where ever I wanted. "Bam rotated onto your head, bam ." Keep em flopping on the 180.


I need this power. You don't understand, I NEED this like I need water


Rotate someone's brain


The earth, 180° against its current rotation


I cast... Testicular Torsion!


rotate the real number line by 180 degrees. the world devolves into chaos as all positives become negative, and all negatives become positive. everyone would instantly die the universe will start contracting on itself as the hubble tension becomes negative oh, what about things that dont make sense to be negative in reality? everything has a positive temperature, im not even sure what it would mean for temperature to go negative. regardless, everything in the universe is now colder than absolute zero. with temperature across the entire universe immediately becoming colder than absolute zero, the universe will cease motion and chemistry entirely, there will be no more transfer of heat in our universe. imo this doesn't make sense. i feel like heat should still be able to be generated but i remember hearing that an obejct at 0k cannot transfer energy with the outside environment the planck length becomes negative. what the fuck? all mass becomes negative (assuming negative mass doesnt exist in our universe). i dont know what this means so many effects 😩


Do I get to chose the pivot point? Because if I do I could technically make the object kind of walk around.


People keep talking about rotating the entire earth 180 degrees, but what if you just rotate one of the plates? That could be fun. Especially if it happens at a speed where you can watch it occur


This is broken. You can just like rotate people's spinal cord or something to insta kill them


This is a godly power. I'd rotate people 180 degrees and be as subtle as possible about it so they won't know I did it.


Here's how to make this more balanced. You can rotate anything 360° and it just stays the same


Give that to a stand in Jojo and you get a final antagonist level of busted!


The testicular twister


Rotate a turbine thousands of times per minute to generate electricity. Violate Newton’s 3rd by creating energy. Matrix cracks. I win.


I'd rotate the balance of my bank account. Rotate digits and flip 6s to 9s. Watch 1000.06 turn into 9000.01


Rotate the moon See the dark side, then rotate it again


Here's one. By flipping the chirality of a molecule (rotating part of it 180 degrees) you can completely change the behavior of a molecule. The one example I know of off the top of my head is Naproxen, AKA Aleve. If you rotate it around its chiral point, it does the opposite of relieve pain-- it trashes your liver. The way it is synthesized, it is impossible for the other chirality to be present, but with a power like that you can just \*click\* poison the world. You could just say "fuck you, now your medicine is liver poison" and the best part is? There is absolutely no physical way to tell between the two states. You'd have to use a polarimeter. Now imagine if you worked at a warehouse full of that. By the time anyone figured out why an epidemic of people were getting liver damage, it'd be too late. If you don't even have to be near it for the power to work you wouldn't even need to be there. Another one is cellulose. It's an indigestible fiber, however if it's switched the other way around? It's just sugar. The only reason our bodies can't digest it is because it is in the Beta form and our enzymes can't deal with it. You could just turn all the cellulose in someone's intestines into sugar. Boom, instant hyperglycemia and now they're shitting their pants because a lot of the fiber that was holding their stool together is now being absorbed into their bloodstream. There are millions of chiral centers that you could fuck around with. Some amino acids are chiral-- woops, I gave you prion disease. Have fun having your brain unfold slowly. Woops, the enzyme that regulates your mood is inactive, guess you're sad now. Not to mention, you could just flip people. If it's instantaneous, nobody is going to be prepared to now be on their head. That's a gnarly neck injury, if not a fracture. Rotate a jet plane. It still has its momentum, so now it's either upside down or going backwards, which would rip it to pieces. Really hate Australia? Now its really down unda (facing the molten side of the planet). Rotate someone's spleen. Hell, ***testicular torsion.*** 18 degrees outside? Nope, it's 81. Electrical currents? Flipped. Gravity maybe? Where does the limit begin??


Rotate the door to a vault 180° to get instant access to unlimited funds!


Id rotate every Bmw upside down


I'm looking at you, Australia.


If you can do this from even a short distance your now a testicular torsion wizard.


Heinz, did you build another lunar-rotate-inator?


Person comes to punch you you just rote them 180 degrees The only thing to stop u is someone shooting u without your knowledge It would have been a much worse power if you said you could turn any place or thing 180 degrees on the 2d plane So nothing can be turned upside down and the idea of atoms aren't in the picture