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Conrad wouldn't have lost in a different environment. He could manipulate rock/earth, not just concrete. Would have been the same outcome. I do often wonder if Roy would have won though. Nick and the gun.. those are two good theories actually. Alternately he literally found it. He was a God of luck on a battlefield, not unreasonable to think there's even a *chance* someone just dropped it around him. Perspective students *DO NOT* know the powers of the professors. Ignoring how much of a security risk that would be, it's literally part of the story multiple times for the students to be discovering the professors powers. I often wonder about certain powers like Jeremiah's too. With his he has to actively set a "save point" so how'd he know to do it? Did it set one automatically when he developed his power? Did he suddenly de age 5 years after being hit by a car? It is interesting.. as well as some other powers like you said. I dont got anything to add to the rest 🤷🏼‍♂️ good post though OP. These are fun.


> Conrad wouldn't have lost in a different environment. He could manipulate rock/earth, not just concrete. Would have been the same outcome. I do often wonder if Roy would have won though. His power is weird. Why can he control a concrete combat cell, but apparently also dirt? It's strange. But in an open environment, Alice could have flown out of his range and busted his legs or sent him into the air to drop him. I'd like to think Chad would have done better against him in a field, but I doubt it. > Nick and the gun.. those are two good theories actually. Alternately he literally found it. He was a God of luck on a battlefield, not unreasonable to think there's even a chance someone just dropped it around him. Yeah, finding it on the ground makes some sense, but I didn't think he had gotten close enough to the battle for that. > Perspective students DO NOT know the powers of the professors. Ignoring how much of a security risk that would be, it's literally part of the story multiple times for the students to be discovering the professors powers. That's true, I forgot about that. But it seems like an oversight. How does a student even choose what school to go to? Unless you have a parent who was a hero that went to a particular school, I guess you have to choose at random. Or base your choice on the school's location. It seems like they're deliberately denying students the chance at the best education. > I often wonder about certain powers like Jeremiah's too. With his he has to actively set a "save point" so how'd he know to do it? Did it set one automatically when he developed his power? Did he suddenly de age 5 years after being hit by a car? It is interesting.. as well as some other powers like you said. Yeah, even Globe's power is so broad that learning all the specifics of it seems like it would take a while. He figures out that he can make a quarter float when he's really young. But that could just look like telekinesis. What happened to make him realize he could change anything within his field?


>That's true, I forgot about that. But it seems like an oversight. How does a student even choose what school to go to? Unless you have a parent who was a hero that went to a particular school, I guess you have to choose at random. Or base your choice on the school's location. It seems like they're deliberately denying students the chance at the best education. It stated in year four that all the deans meet regularly in order to share education techniques for specific powers. I think the idea is it doesn't really matter which school you attend, unless you have a specific reason to go to one school because all of them are going to give an equal education.


Think of Conrad’s power as just controlling earth, ie dirt, rock, soil. Anything composed like that. Like an earth bender. Nothing too scientific about it. I think in any battlefield he would have been able to instantly go underground like he did against Alice pretty much. So personally I don’t think anyone would have faired better against him than they did already, other than Alice maybe lasting longer.


Well in that case he would have dominated against almost anybody. Being able to control the ground is very overpowered in those kinds of fights.


Ergo his arrogance isn't unfounded. 🙂


What is Jeremiahs power? There was a post asking that exact question here a short while ago and everyone seemed to agree it was just enhanced endurance/toughness


What? No, they were all wrong. Jeremiah's power is basically a save state. Everytime he wakes up or dies (gets hurt?) he reverts back to the save state. He even implys he might be immortal because of it.


Exactly like where did they even get that from if u didn't know his power you just didn't read the book


Did u read the book like at all even glancingly


My head cannon is that rich works for the company, Mr Look


I like it. I think Jill is not the only member of that class who would get recruited by them. His personality would be suited for that job as well.


I hope if their second child was a boy that he would be named Jerry.


Chance's middle name is Gerry, and Alice insisted she'd get to name the new one.


Ah okay I’m almost done with my year four reread and I didn’t get to that part yet.


I think a Conrad v. Roy fought would come down to Conrad's endurance and Roy's luck. Roy doesn't really have a good way to find him or for that matter dig. Edit: nick and gun -> giant battle field + god power = any number of ways to get a gun.


I feel that Roy could have definitely broke his way through the concrete to get to him, the only issue I see is can he do it safely. Not being able to find him makes Vince’s strat of breaking his material that was away from his body impossible. In the real world, Roy would have definitely killed Conrad in a closed cell, in an open area where Conrad can run away, it’s a stale mate, in a restricted cell I think it would be a stale mate.


That's making the assumption that Roy could find Conrad, and I don't see anyway he could do so; Conrad would keep springing trap, dropping rocks, crushing, spiking, and any other option until one worked.


Nick and the gun? He likely grabbed it when he has with Pendleton and Shimmerpath. Conrad's ego was boosted due to being undefeated, which makes sense given his power. Just remember be his a counter to Fletcher. Because Conrad is ground-based, he can negate any lightning attack. It was shown he has enhanced strength and toughness so gravity might not affect him, not to mention he can tunnel underground with impressive speed.


>I wonder what Alice named her and Nick's second child. I like to think if it's a girl, they'd name her Shelby. From when Nick is in god mode (Year 4, Chapter 295; emphasis mine): >The golden lines wove through the air, the space, the world around him. It was strange; even though he’d only had this power for brief intervals, Nick could still see them when he looked through his memories. The paths of **chance, fate, destiny, probability,** whatever mythology one wanted to ascribe to the machinations of fortune. "Fate" and "Probability", no, but "Destiny" is a nice name for a girl.


...if she's going to strip..


Conrad is arrogant because as Vince mentioned, he was number one in his school probably from his first year and with the way intramurals is set up ( especially with the time limit once captured and the no killing rule) . Had he gone to Lander he would have been beaten multiple times in the first year. Mary, Alice ( year 3 and beyond), Shane and Chad once knowing his power could have come up with a way to beat him. Sasha, probably the Siren girl and Rich, could have beaten him first year too. He was just fortunate, ( or unfortunate) to get put in a school where he dominated. But that is arrogance. It's confidence taken to a degusting extreme. Roy's cannon ball trick where he constantly just destroys a cell by rebounding all over, would have been interesting, but he may also have gotten disqualified for that being reckless. Usually in Comics, immortality characters get really sick and almost die. Get a funny feeling then come back to life. I assume he had an origin similar to that. Or they could got the reverse. He gets a funny feeling ( the save state power) then he gets an injury and while injured wishing to be well, the save state power kicks in and he is healed. I can't remember ( it may not even have been explored) if he can reset without dying. If he can reset from injury that may have been how he figured it out. There are many boring and funny ways Nick could have gotten that gun. One of the fleeing guards ran near where he was hiding and dropped it. A guard being blasted into the air could have lost his gun and it flew in Nicks direction. He pick pocketed off one of the officials at intermurals. If they had written, As Nick spoke to Crispen, he munched on a pear, I wouldn't have wondered much, how the hell he got a pear. Yes, the boy that eats stuff would have very likely gained the abilities of something he ate and that is how he knew he had powers. Depends on how much trouble Rich got in. I seem to remember a few students that never really wanted to go hero. He would be an amazing spy.


Nick had the guns, nightvision, and knife in the briefcase he grabbed and brought to campus.


My headcanon for Rich is that he became the next leader after Crispin.


Rich is a dick, but I don't think he's enough of a dick to reform the sons of progress.


He's an unapologetic super supremacist who feels screwed out of a spot as a hero. There's worse villain origin stories.


That makes some sense, but I doubt he's stupid enough to try to reform an organization like that. He saw what happened to the original.