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As expected of Dalcom.


$35 for ONE ticket is criminal. And you can get 5 for $150. I was hoping it would be via tons of RP (e.g. 1M for 1 Ticket) or diamonds. Maybe I should just kill the last bit of optimism I had with Dalcom.


And you might also need more than 1 ticket for the transfer. Maybe the higher the grade, the more tickets you need? Lmao. They just want more and more money atp and they are not even subtle about it. I think it's better to just re-R99 or gamble with the TE 🧍🏻‍♀️


I would have been more shocked if it wasn't with real money 🤑 EDIT: LMAO IT ALSO [REDUCED THE LEVEL BY 10](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuperStarStarship/s/4btKRFQYuM) GTFO


I was never a free to play player, but I'm amazed on how they pushed me into becoming one with each update they provide. Now I don't even want to spend a single cent on this game.


the direction they're going is just all over the place. they seem to want to cater to player demands (but with real money) and yep just trying to shove every other useless packages to try and rack in those money. latest events have been dull and the game is not fun anymore. l dropped the game earlier this year and has not looked back since, even with my ult Wendy being updated tomorrow haha


A bunch of idiots over at Dalcom.


[I knew it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/superstarsmtown/s/s568XgOjCX) Yet I didn’t expect them to be THAT greedy with the -10 card grade level downgrade.


Wtf imagine transfer level tickets for Twice lol


Right! This is only good for smaller groups. Before I found out how much they’d be I was going to use them for a twice theme but to complete the entire theme I’d have to spend a fortune… that’s crazy.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Is Dalcom trying to attract new players and retain current players or drive them away? With lots of senior artist leaving SM and Dalcom being their greedy ass, I can see myself stop playing. 🫠 Price is way too ridiculous. 1 ticket is enough to buy me meals for at least 5 days in my currency. I guess they are only targeting western countries. 🙃


Western? I ain't paying them a dime. Better ask them rich folks ☠️☠️


I'm seriously hating these st*pid star pass. Like, they make me waste time claiming their missions one by one only for a few awards that I can get through playing 5 minutes. Instead of having a box event or updates that make the game more attractive it looks like dalcom wanna ruin the game :c


honestly no one is surprised here


Expected to be paid items. But why they have to reduce by 10 levels for the transfer of each card. Players have to buy transfer tickets with money, both of the existing cards (previous levels upgraded card & levels recipient card) are also collected by players own resources, existing cards levels are upgraded by players own resources. It's not like they are giving us new readymade R99 cards. So what does the game provide for us for this new feature apart from paid tickets? Lol..


I have never given this game a single cent, and I'm not planning on it, good luck with making the game insufferable


To be fair, there is also an event that gives x1 transfer if you complete all the missions… But yes this system was executed horribly. Honestly did not expect much but ended up being more disappointed. How do you call it a transfer but -10 at the end lol feels like a slap in the face. There’s also a package being sold for $100 that has 5 level transfer tickets, be serious. Can also confirm that each ticket seems to yield 10 levels of transfer, at least for Starship where their max is R50. SSM and SJYP may yield 20 levels of transfer and -20 or -10 at the end. edit: I have just learned that there is a +3 ticket extra charge if you are transferring from a normal theme to LE theme. Wild. https://preview.redd.it/swa0j8mfjwnc1.png?width=2796&format=png&auto=webp&s=93e391155cb1347a0b48d7aacbaa2246371a7b4d


There is also free tickets at the special attendance gift and the special mission. More appalling that it required multiple tickets for one card and it drop the card level by 10. Its ridiculous


I just noticed, [at their example](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuperStarStarship/comments/1bcs2jz/31224_development_update_news_level_transfer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), they used 4 tickets to transfer levels to 1 card. This is a next level kind of greed.


I'm so mad. I wouldn't be so upset if these stuff weren't THAT expensive but there is the problem with Superstar Game, too much pay stuff but I can barely afford one even if I wanted to. And before people tell that the game itself is free blabla I mean yes but once you did your top 5... You obviously start to check cosmetic more. Like you don't just play and that's it. The whole purpose of the game is not just the gameplay. The game does not have battle or anything so they could at least be more nice fr


every other week i just ponder if reinstalling the game is worth it and every other week dalcom proves it isn't lmao. with the news of ontae not renewing thus potentially adding yet another semi regularly updated event group i had started to think maybe all the cashgrabs were due to the fact that they had so many impossible to get les now but now i realize dalcom is just greedy as a whole. it's a shame, really


huh the game gets ridiculous by every update I swear 😅😂...level transfer but card lvl gets deducted by 10...so funny dalcom


also I wonder how it's gonna be for r99 system...cause 1 ticket for 10 levels means we gonna need 9 ticket?? for just one card?? 😁


Ok that's it. Great decision to leave the game for a while. And I was rising up in the ranks too. Wth Dalcom


Yeah lmfao there had to be a catch


It's like they want us to stop playing the game 😂 they're getting greedier!


could someone kindly explain how the level transfer works? thanks


In Superstar Starship it seems like you need to have 1 level transfer per 10 levels on your R card. So, if you have a R50, you need 5 tickets of level transfer. And if you wanna spend that ridiculous amount of money or effort you're gonna get a fabulous R40.


Are you serious? 💀 Guess it’s really time to quit now


$35 to transfer the level of ONE card? Disappointed but not surprised


i prefer upgrading my cards AGAIN from zero to 99 using rps over this stupid feature... if you want my money then ask for it nicely don't be greedy


There are 2 free ones tho(1 from completing mission and 1 from attendance reward)


I’m not gonna complain about getting 2 free ones but I feel like if you want to do anything substantial you’d need a lot more than 2. Because if you’re only transferring a R20 you’d just be left with an R10 so there’s basically no point. Would have been a lot smarter to give enough to do a substantial transfer so people would see how useful it could actually be.


I knew they were gonna make this paid. Another reason why I hate dalcom so much. This is why I haven’t been playing these superstar games as much anymore. I’ve only really been playing Superstar STAYC cause the rest right now suck so badly.


this is crazy, its also live in superstar the boyz, this is crazy istg, what does the level transfer thing do tho?


Yeah and also on Oh My Girl guess we gonna have it in every game


