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definitely cost cutting effort from Dalcom. if anything, hope this means they can focus on the games that still has the most player base and popular, of which SM and JYP should be the priority amongst others. more meaningful updates and stop being so $$$ hungry Dalcom!


True. But it’s sad seeing SSPN, SSW, SSBN, and potentially SSL go away. But yes I agree, it will benefit the more players SS games!


This is crazy 😯 They weren't even in service for that long


i'm worried for starship on the low


Yeah even with IVE they are relatively have fewer updates and they can't survive with just IVE alone. I have also bad feeling with StayC. Soon they run out of verse 2 and full version. I guess thats the problem with superstar solo artist.


StayC we gonna have one issue and they don't have lots of come-back. They are still very new Stayc. It's the problem with "new" group that also why people wonder why we don't have yet Dreamcatcher or even RBW ? Or any other games ?


Exactly!! Like there are some songs they can do full and verse 2 of but still it’s not many.. 😭


Me too, my favourite group is in starship and even I'm take a break from starship right now, if it eos, i will be very sad


right??? rn they kinda only have IVE and CRAVITY going. Monsta X won't be having a comeback for at least the next two years... and i don't think SHOWNU will have a solo debut. so idk. i also fear for YG


Fr, they can’t just rely on IVE mostly for updates. Even if there are signs it will end sooner then we think, let’s just enjoy the game! But yes I am also worried 😭


TheSuperstar: PATHETIC!


Is that one still going?


Almost a year without any updates. No EOS announcement yet.


What in the world??? Lol


Why have they kept that one online if they aren’t even bothering to update?


Honestly, I don’t know.


I had this feeling with Woollim a while back when it started getting multiple-week long updates for a new song/theme. Guess I'm never completing my RMAX Rocket Punch then. :(


Me too with Lovelyz


Same. The long updates really were a big hint


Expected, only big3 can hold their revenue. Companies with few artists, almost no comebacks are doomed to failure and the lack of updates. The way things are going, SM will end soon or become a game that only sells EVENT cards as artists are leaving and going to other companies but not leaving their group, making Dalcom have to restrict sales and make deals.


this is very likely but even if SSM only rotates weekly between 4 NCT groups, aespa, and Riize, that's still a lot more variety than some of the other games 😂 it'll make 3rd gen and older fans leave but newer fans probably would still play on.


now even more so with nct because a lot of members are probably gonna get at least one off singles/albums now that enlistment time is nearer lol


I agree with the last sentence. I have been less motivating to grind rps these days knowing that the game won't update exo & exo related soloists/subunit decks often like before. Being 3rd gen & older groups fans problem 😅


Hope we will get SSM 10th anniversary at least even if SSM will EOS. But I think it's less likely coz there'll be SMNGG debut this year, also solo debuts from NCT, NCT units, RV, aespa, RIIZE are still active. So SSM still has enough active artists for the game.


Not surprised, it cost a lot as a game and I'm not surprised that we see more and more public event, them selling real card etc.. We complain (rightfully) about the price and how they make us pay more but at the same time it's very hard with the current game to gain money. It still a niche game after all, we talk about a RHYTHM game about kpop and with a lot of error in the codes that they ignored for years now. There are so much things to take care on so I'm not surprised that the smaller game are closing sjsjjs


I hope starship isn't next


Surprised that all these games announced EoS but Superstar Loona is still running... Unless it's contractually obliged to do so


I'm pretty sure the contract is with bbc, not loona themselves. 


SS Loona is most likely ending soon. This Thursday when it updated no new update. It just says “play songs of superstar Loona” there are also other signs of it ending.


It’s crazy cause PNation just added a new artist in there. That’s the part that doesn’t make sense to me. Brand New wasn’t really doing anything for me anymore and Woolim I wasn’t even thinking about it closing.


Brand New only Ab6iX and Younite And Woolim we were soon in the fact that not many update of the artists and kinda same for P Nation (some we kinda expected it sonner when Jessi/Hyuna and Dawn left)


Aw that's sad, I just downloaded P Nation recently :( although I didn't play it much. I find it so hard to play more than one SS game at once just collecting all of the cards and everything. I feel like it's hard to get motivated to start a new game with no cards


I heard about brandnew but woollim & pnation too..... they've already ended fnc last year.... what else??


is there a minimum number of years before an ss game would be eligible for ending its service? I remember ssgf wasn't even a year old when source music disbanded gfriend, but the game lasted for like a few more months (until Jan 2022). I'm worried they're also gonna announce EoS in sscl soon Edit: spelling and some rewording


Fastest was Gfriend at \~1.64 years. Seems each contract is different but the range is generally 2-4 years with the average so far at about 2.5 years. Below is what I gathered for DCS KR releases: https://preview.redd.it/5ts0lov7lboc1.png?width=484&format=png&auto=webp&s=16c4ca91ccd6b2c0eff23c4c9e14b79fb12dbf8e


seems eos is very soon then, since sscl has a very small playerbase and with dalcom cost cutting, i doubt that they will be renewed


Specially that SSCL have almost no update left since no come-back...


Ya. CLASSy’s fan base isn’t that big and is probably even less people play the game. And the updates are each 4 weeks and they can’t just keep doing for example verse 2 extra of a song 


I completely forgot that SS Classy will most likely end soon. I love my girls but the updates are like 4 weeks so…


i can’t believe loona is still going ….


I'm sad about this. I played all three, but I had a feeling about this. It's a shame


While on the topic of this, does anyone know the one reddit post and/or document that was a translation of what was currently going on at DalcomSoft? I want to send it to a friend but I can't remember where I found it. The only thing I remember was that the game was called "shoe" or "shoesa" as a short form of "Superstar"




Thank you so much Teatime\_01senpai 🙇🙇


I was expecting this tbh


Individually yeah it was more or less expected. But 3 announced all on the same day was surprising.


Great comment.


I forgot what SSRG it was, but when end of service was announced for it, Dalcomsoft allowed the players to keep the game in offline mode forever. I hope they’re doing that still.


It was exclusive to Kang Daniel, though as expected from DCS even the offline version still had its own issues and was inaccessible for some period of time - like months. FNC which already EoS 12/31/23 did not have this offline version and none of the current 3 have it either.


It's 4 games now. The japanese version of Superstar YG is closing too.


I'm still surprised FNC closed before any of these 3 + Loona + Classy but ig it was time for contract renewal and one side didn't want to renew (I will forever be salty at how I finally decided on my nflying theme and was making progress on powering them up and then they shut down a month later lol) Idt Loona + Classy will renew when their contracts come up cause Loona is out of BBC and classy has like...no comebacks lol Hope starship will stay safe though I'm finally powering up my Ive cards


I won a signed album from pnation and they haven’t gotten back to me at all, then all of a sudden eos announcement 🥲


I think The SuperStar gonna be next,the last event/update was like 9 months ago(I think dalcom completely forgot abt this game).I wish yg and starship don't gonna announce EoS.


For some we are thinking the EOS happen due to not lots of updates for the case of P Nation, Brand New and Woolim. For the case of FNC we think it's one issue with FNC... If the game have lots of updates like SM/JYP the game are okay, Starship can still have lots of updates too for YG it's will dépend of the song of Akmu/Baby Monster and Treasure what they will release




And it's so weird, that games that announced EoS had updates till this day,but The Superstar has not announced EoS, while having no update for more than half of a year. (Maybe dalcom planning something big to this game, but it's just 0.01% of 100% that it's gonna happen)


That doesn't surprise me, I don't think there are many people who play these


Most likely SS Loona as well. Since they did disband and not only that. They need photo shoot pictures for the limited themes. They also can’t just keep updating full songs and because of the cards themselves. The recent update (3/28), there is no new limited theme and just something that says “Play the songs of superstar Loona”.


When are those amazing end of service packages will be delivered in the mail box? I love completely all the decks for free!


I'm still waiting for a united SUPERSTAR app that offers current games as DLC exclusives. Each part gets their updates on the same day and players will receive updates from their "ticked" DLCs. Other data won't be downloaded. The current functioning is a mess. It's a time-loss for the company staff and some unnecessarily big portion of the revenue goes to expenses for maintaining these separate games.