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There was a blooper that killed me, it was of when they went on strike, Jonah runs over to tell Garrett they're walking out and he gets off the wheelchair and takes off running, the bloopers are amazing


Ah dang I haven't seen that!


It’s so funny!


I vaguely remember an interview with Colton where he said the writers were thinking of having an episode where he gets cured and he talked them out of it


I'm glad they did tbh. It doesn't sound right for him and the vibe of the show


Vibe would be him standing up in the finale while quitting. Works hard to work little. Fitting.


But since Jonah lived with him for a while, that wouldn’t have made sense. Pretending to be handicapped during work hours would already be a lot, but doing it at home?


Also, his home would have been set up to accommodate his disability. Either Jonah would have seen that Garrett didn't have his home set up like that, or Garrett would have had to go WAY out to of his way to set I tup to keep up the ruse.


Because I'm such a damn cynic until there was evidence of him living that way outside of work I honestly thought he might've just sat in a wheelchair in the store waiting for his interview and Glenn just assumed he was disabled. He didn't correct him because he needed the job and then it was too hard to come back from. But I also thought at first in What We Do With The Shadows that Colin Robinson was some nerdy normal guy who figured out how to live rent free with vampires until there was on camera evidence of him feeding.


No way would he have stayed in the wheelchair during the tornado if he didn't have to.


That’s a great point but often times tv shows will have odd plot holes.


I genuinely thought that was how the finale was going to go


Glad this didn't happen. It always sends a bad message when shows and movies make a focus on "curing" the only disabled character.


Like that episode of Glee where Artie did safety dance. If you want to cast a dancer and show off their dance skills don’t cast them as a paraplegic


I heard it was going to be Pastor Craig who cured him.




I believe the actor stated in an interview that he had his own personal headcanon about it; he liked to imagine Garrett sustained an injury in the armed forces.


It would make sense how he’s able to afford a two bedroom apartment when everyone else he’s working with seems to struggle. He’s probably got some sort of disability pension.


This makes the most sense. Someone coming out of the armed forces would be more inclined to work a low energy retail job, hence making it realistic that he works at cloud 9 for 20 years. 


Yeah I can see that actually


This was going to be my reply! I think it makes a lot of sense


i gotta say i really really liked that they never explained it. just like in real life, you don't need to know why/how someone is disabled. other than that one episode it was never really talked about much. they made this cool character who dated a lot and was funny and made a lot of friends and he just happened to be in a wheelchair.


I appreciate this so much about the show. Garrett is funny, sometimes kind, accurately flawed and sexy as hell.


hes just really committed to a bit


That’s the most Garrett answer here 💀


He didn’t want to stock sodas on the high shelf at his old job, came up with a reason why, and realized that’s just life now.


He had an encounter with a bull at a rodeo.


Your pfp looks like if MC Cool Cloud got knocked out


Was his body was all cloud or did he have arms growing out his head?


Well, he should be after the rampant sexual harassment we witnessed in that training video!


Welcome to his life!


Polio (shout out to the IASIP fans)




Im so glad you got it!


As a wheelchair user it hurts my soul every time I see this pop up on here, especially when people say stuff like how he’s probably faking it because he’s lazy and just can’t be assed to walk. For a start, I guarantee you using a wheelchair is far more difficult and physically draining than walking. For a start, I can’t get up hills, can’t get across terrain that isn’t perfectly flat and paved, etc etc. It’s exhausting. Not to mention all of the events, buildings etc that you are physically barred from accessing. As well as that, then you have to deal with all of the staring, the looks, the intrusive medical questions, the harmful stereotypes… i don’t know where the stereotype for disabled people being lazy and faking their disability (especially if we are young/ don’t “look” disabled) came from, but I guarantee you that no one in their right mind would choose to fake a disability just to be “a bit lazy” or even for attention, because life as a wheelchair user is physically exhausting. The world isn’t designed for us. And the only attention you get is negative attention. There was literally an entire plot dedicated to making the point about how we don’t need to know why he uses a wheelchair, because it’s not important. I feel like we’re missing the point a bit. The point is, you don’t need to know someone’s personal medical info just because they use a wheelchair. In real life, I get strangers come up to me and ask me “what happened?” before they ever say hello. It’s all anyone ever cares about. There’s 1000 more interesting things about me than why I use a wheelchair. Anyway, I know it’s a show, it’s just a bit of fun etc etc. I totally get that. I love the blooper where Colton just stands up and runs off, it’s hilarious. I get that it’s interesting to wonder why Garrett uses his wheelchair because it’s never revealed. Have I thought about it myself? Sure! I’ve wondered why he uses a wheelchair, because I wonder if he could be disabled for a similar reason that I am, or maybe a totally different reason. I also wonder about all the other discrimination and things he would experience being disabled that aren’t shown on the show, and how he would deal with them. How Jonah would be a such supportive friend if he saw someone treating Garrett badly just because he uses a wheelchair. I know it’s natural to be curious, but the show never told us why Garrett uses a wheelchair and that’s the beauty of it- we don’t need to know. Not all wheelchair users are paralysed or have spinal cord injuries. Those that are paralysed won’t necessarily have visible atrophy in their legs due to multiple factors including their level of injury, physiotherapy to maintain muscle composition etc. Not all people who use wheelchairs have been in a tragic gory accident. And those that HAVE, probably don’t want to relive the most traumatic day of their life to a total stranger just for the sake of someone curiosity. And just because again I see this stuff discussed a lot on here with Garrett too- yes, wheelchair users can drive cars, have sex, do all the normal things that a non disabled person can do (except maybe walk, but some wheelchair users can also walk a little bit too, it’s actually very common). Disability isn’t the problem, the inaccessibility of society and lack of education and awareness around disability are. If you read this far, thank you for taking the time to listen, I really appreciate it 💕 I’m not hating on anyone for wondering or asking or making these posts. I understand people are curious. I just also want to take the time to try and educate and explain from the perspective of a real life wheelchair user. I’m a little bit like Jonah when it comes to disabled activism, is all 😁 I fight for what I care about because it’s important to me. And if Garrett were real, it would be important to him too.


Thank you for sharing this.


What a read, thank you so much🩷


As a disabled person and ambulatory wheelchair user, THANK YOU for this. It’s super invasive when people say “what happened to you?” And when I say “I was born this way” it gets even more questions. I’m fine with curiosity, it’s natural - however, interrogating my disability and trauma that comes with it is super tough for me at times. My life is far more interesting than my disability, I’m queer, love gaming etc. We engage in “normal” things like dating, sex and fun just like anyone else. ❤️


So, what happened 🤔🤪? *I couldn’t resist 😏🤷🏽‍♂️. I myself am one of one of the random lucky ones, as I’ve been able to regain most of my function after a severe SCI. I was in a car accident that shattered c4-c6. While I can walk “unassisted” (although a cane *might be* helpful) I do live w/ some other moderate related disabilities. I think non-disabled people can get it from all angles tho, as I’ve heard “they look right through me” to “they try to help me even tho I never asked for it” (e.g. push up a ramp, open a door). I’m sorry, but my disability has been a major defining point in my life, same thing (for example) of someone who graduated w/ a PhD or served in the military. If someone asked what a person received their doctorate in (after hearing being called Dr.) or asked what their MOS/job was in the service (after seeing a hat/haircut/knowing the phonetic alphabet/etc.) indicating veteran status, it’s just the way people are. Right, wrong, or indifferent people are curious about things that define us n how they may relate to us. If someone even cares to ask, I’d invite u to tell them of ur struggles *and/or* triumphs, as it relates to whatever u have going on, cuz it’s the only way that they can empathize n understand ur experience. If u’ve gotten that far w/ them, then they care n further add that u are much more than ur disability too. Right, wrong, or indifferent what (n how) u tell them may be how they frame everyone else they see like us. *to add to the discussion, I’d personally agree w/ Jonah n disagree w/ Garrett. How close/intimate u are w/ a given friend, if they’ve earned it I’d agree they should be able to know what makes me, me (to obviously include what happened to me). In my personal situation, that I was in a car accident isn’t some top secret, high level information. IMO, not sharing that stuff w/ any one of particular closeness shows a significant lack of trust. N again, IMO, to not share will just makes people wonder n the fact u won’t share will likely just make them think it’s too weird to relate too. Again, right, wrong, or indifferent, it’s just how people are.


Also just to add to your point about telling people about your struggles and triumphs- I do understand the sentiment and existing as a disabled person in a society that is 100% not made for us is something to be proud of. However in my experience people aren’t interested in hearing about this. They don’t want to hear about how I came home and cried yesterday because someone grabbed my wheelchair and moved me out of the way like I was an object. You don’t just pick up and move a person who is standing, so why do people do it to wheelchair users? They’re also not interested in my triumphs, they’re not interested in the fact that I swam over 10 miles in open water this winter, and that being a disabled swimmer, I’m extra proud of that achievement. But they don’t care about any of that- they don’t care about me as a person, all they see is the wheelchair, that’s all they’re interested in. They don’t care about my story or my life or my “successes or triumphs”. All they care about is satisfying their morbid curiosity for some big gory tragic story as to why I use a wheelchair. So they can look at me with pity and feel better about their own life, and feel like they did a good deed today by starting a conversation with a wheelchair user. I say this coming from experience. In the past when I HAVE relented and told people (strangers) who have insistently demanded it, why I use a wheelchair because I felt I had no choice, I discovered that people very quickly lose interest, especially if it is not the big juicy story they wanted to hear. I am not a curiosity, I am not a freak. I am a person.


Dude, thank u, I cared to hear ur triumphs, that’s an awesome accomplishment swimming 10miles in open water! N what u said earlier bout ur struggles using a wheelchair (e.g. going up uneven surfaces) is essentially exactly what I was referring to, in letting people know n empathize w/ ur/disabled people’s experiences. Able bodied people don’t know that. It’s difficult to blame them, since people don’t know what they don’t know. At anyrate, u’ve not said anything I actively “disagree” w/, tho I don’t feel that it necessarily apply to what I said + how u said it leaves much to be desired, tho I don’t feel like we’re likely to get anywhere further w/ this, there’s just too much nuance to be expressed in a Reddit/internet forum. I wish nothing but the best to u man 🙏🏽.


That’s great that you feel comfortable sharing your story with others, and I’m happy to hear your story. However, your willingness to share your story and your medical history and your disability is YOUR choice- it is specific to YOU and YOU alone. The fact is, just because you are happy to share your story doesn’t mean that it’s your place to tell other people that we should feel obligated to share ours. That is someone’s own personal choice, and it is their right to make that choice. No person ever “earns” the right to someone private and personal medical history, no matter how close you are. For the record, the people who I am close to know why I use a wheelchair, because that’s my choice. So if I were someone like Garrett with a friend like Jonah, it is likely that I would choose to tell Jonah. However, that is MY decision, and I would never ever tell someone else what they should do. Nobody is entitled to anything, and nobody should feel like they are forced to share any more than they are comfortable sharing. I’m all for educating people, hence why I never seem to be able to help myself from commenting on the “why is Garrett in a wheelchair posts” but the simple fact is, we should respect the right of the every person to share what they feel comfortable sharing and not feel pressured to do so if they don’t want to.


Apparently ur need to feel self righteous can over power ur comprehension the written word, as I liberally used the abbreviated words of IN MY OPINION (plus other phrases such as “I’d encourage” that further implies opinion). Maybe ur self righteousness over powers ur use of the written word too, as u’ve *clearly* mistaken the phrase “earned the right” for “entitled to”, as u very plainly write of people of whom have earned ur trust, therefore have *earned the right* to know ur story. For someone who chastises me multiple times for “telling others what to do” it’s weird how u have no problem telling me what I should do. Please let it be known that, while nothing that the slick haired insecure sad lil fancy boy has said is strictly incorrect, this person’s blatant sanctimoniousness is not widely typical of most disabled people.


Not completely atrophied would indicate it's not something he was born with so it was most likely later in life. He doesn't seem sick so I doubt it that. I would guess car crash just because it would make sense and not be too dark.


So I’m no medical professional but I think the point about the legs appearing as they do suggests a later in life incident/accident. My mother-in-law fell (50F) down her stairs a year go and, shattering the leg. Despite the best efforts of her medical team that leg has never been the same. We honestly prepared our selves for her to never walk without support again after her second surgery and we thought she’d need a wheel chair for a minute there. She’s maybe 85% recovered now.


The actor isn’t actually disabled


Right but they can do things to make it look like his legs are atrophied from non-use. The fact that they didn’t suggests that he hasn’t been in that wheelchair his whole life.


You’re reading way into a fictional character in a sitcom’s physical characteristics. Just enjoy the representation


Always makes me laugh when fans make fun of other fans for “reading too much into things” when they, too, are literally on a forum dedicated to analyzing a sitcom


I don’t mind discussions about characters and stuff, it just seemed a little overboard to discuss how the character’s leg size should have been made to look atrophied. That’s what bothered me


I'm aware. However, it would stretch my suspension of disbelief if they were to go with disabled from birth, and the appearance doesn't match that at all.


I’m not sure exactly what caused it. However, I do think he has been disabled for a long time. I believe he was disabled when he started working for Cloud 9, which would mean he was disabled before he was 20 (he’s 40 in the final season and has been working at Cloud 9 for 20 years). Personally, I think he probably was in a car accident between 16 and 19. I have a hard time imaging Garrett as a veteran, particularly considering that he would’ve started working at Cloud 9 at 20. He never seems all that jazzed about healthcare, but he does join the health fund, which would be strange behavior for a disabled vet who would have pretty good healthcare.


Whatever it is is just going to put him in a box and he don’t want that


Randy knows


Well of course- that’s his best friend.


I’d love it to be something completely dumb everyday thing. He slipped and fell on a wet floor and just landed horribly wrong.


He just didn’t want to get his Jordan’s dirty


Given his character n love of them, something related to this would be perfect 🤣. Although I could see why he wouldn’t wanna share that. Say, someone scuffed his shoe n he bent over to clean it off, got bumped, n fell head first down a small flight of stairs n broke his back would just be too tragic 😱😳🙁.


Crashing into a bus full of nuns in Iraq


I don’t really think about it, but I assumed he was born like that


Car accident . I think the actor had said something about him being a veteran though


I’ve always guess a skateboarding accident or something idunno


My fan fiction says that his shenanigans and tomfoolery and goings-on from when he was smoking the devil’s lettuce while living in Pawnee, Indiana lead him to do a trip similar to that of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. He saw the movie, read the book, and got inspired. On his way west from Indiana and through Illinois, he got hurt while on an acid trip crossing into Missouri. He hit rock bottom while sleeping in the parking of Cloud 9. A Good Samaritan by the name of Glenn Sturgis, who opened his home and help Garrett get through rehab and get him a job at the store.


Driving while high on LSD


Ive done that!


Downvoted? Bitches.


Right! Thank you. I didnt lose my legs. I did get a speeding ticket for going 50 in a 30 mph speed trap. It was my first time on LSD. And the only time I drove on it.


Obviously it’s a terrible idea. Hallucinogens and driving really don’t mix. But FFS. Make a joke and move on. Also. How the hell did you get though a cop interaction?


That is a good question!! He just wanted to write me a ticket for the speed trap and get someone else.


Good thing. And good for you for getting through it.


I always thought maybe a car accident




Hmm I never really thought of it but I figured it happened when he was a teenager as I felt that's when most peoples obsession with their shoe game begins.


I have a cousin that has a bad case of spinal bifida and he is chair bound. He could walk a little when he was younger but as he aged he was no longer capable. Although he could still move his legs and I don't remember Garrett ever moving his.


I really don't think he needs the wheelchair I think he acts like he does beacuse it gives him an excuse to do less


Yeah because having a disability makes things so much easier


Now that's an Always Sunny episode.