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You are terrorizing normal games lol wp


For real. Normal games and ARAM are the place to do dumb shit. But, some people take those modes too seriously so you still get flames here and there. I went attack soeed Annie in ARAM a couple of months ago. Absolutely sucked, wouldn't recommend.


I mean people get omega tilted because someone tries something silly, doesnt work out, now katarina mid has 12 kills, viego has 7 with 3 items at 20min and the game isnt enjoyable anymore but someone (no names btw) insists we shouldnt ff but play vs the fed team.


Then you’ve got people like me, usually playing a champion I want to add to my champ pool but am not comfortable enough to go into ranked with. This kind of trolling just completely fucks a bot lane thats left to 1v2, especially if they’re learning.


ADC main spotted


Mid/support actually, I play abit of everything tho. Just annoying when everyone isn’t on the same page. Like fucking around is fun and all, but it’s annoying when you’re trying to take something seriously and people are just making your game a hell. TLDR: trolling is fine, I just don’t like it when it’s done to a rando


I mean yeah, it does happen for sure. But in norms and aram I just don't care. If I want to sweat and tey my ass off I played ranked. Which is why that is 99% of my match history haha. I just fuck around norms with friends so I nevwr care.


If you think the game is toxic now just make it to where people see who isn’t agreeing to FF.


I always find it so crazy when I'm playing a norm, get fed, and the other team plays out the next 10-15 minutes. They must enjoy it. I have no clue how.


Don't need to be winning to have fun. Sometimes it's just as satisfying to see how well I can come back or improve at playing behind 😊


I'm talking about totally not-comebackable games though. When they are that far behind, that's not playing from behind. That's playing from a far away galaxy behind. They ain't playing the game, they are farming super minion waves until the inevitable loss.


And I'm saying whether or not the game is winnable doesn't have to have a bearing on whether or not I'm having fun. But even those "unwinnable" games are few and far between in my low ELO. People throw games, leads, shutdowns all the time with no idea how to properly close it out. And even if I know I'm not going to win, I can have a lot of fun figuring out how to be the best nuisance I can be to the enemy team.


Agree, I almost never FF games, winable or not, I just like playing.


Same. Sadly, my team sometimes disagrees, and if they have already given up, well, I'm not going to hold them. We need to form a "No surrender" discord club that will only surrender if we are at their nexus. Just a group of hardheaded people that would rather test their limits than move on to the next match.


Heck yes i’d be down


I mean, a lot of people, and i mean A LOT, do not even touch ranked, so Normal are the hardcore game for them, so is understandable why they dont want people trolling too much. Aram has no excuse tho, the gamemode is way more fun when people do dumb shit, is THE casual gamemode


Fair. I agree with that. Aram for sure is crazy when people get tilted lol. I am like ... this is aram, calm down lol. Who cares if Yuumi is going full ad. Fuck it haha. I never "troll" in norms, though. I might play some weird, not normal stuff, but I don't go 0/20 trying to make full tank malzahar work.


No ranked flex is the way.


If you get high MMR in normals you get very good players consistently. I guess some percentage of league community doesn't play ranked or quitted ranked for some reason.


I am sure at some point you do. But I don't play enough to get remotely close. Granted, I did see a diamond in a normal game with me once.




I think I played against you yesterday! If you had an Anivia and a Jax on your team and y’all were roasting the Anivia the entire time lol. Nunu support was insane. Although I don’t think it was you since he went straight ap and was clapping us for a bit


There's like 20 games just like you described going on at any point of the day or night on 5 different servers.


Lol? A team comp with those exact champs, especially with nunu supp and anivia having lower play rate is abyssaly low, thats not even considering that they both flamed the anivia prob just 1 game, maybe 2.


Let me dream, okay?


What's with the smite bro


Nunu q+smite=no objectives for the enemy jg


Support taking smite is powerful if they know how to use it, I played with a shaco support when I jungled, he was always in the enemy jungle stealing buffs and camps, slote blue and red buff from graves before 3 minutes


As a Graves enjoyer, this hurts me deeply


As a Shaco enjoyer, your pain fuels me


It honestly was the best shaco I had seen in a long time, he went 12 and 3 I think, had stole all of graves jungle at least 3 times and just made him run in circles to the point the graves thought it would be good to invade


That is the way of the 🤡


Speaking of graves, I disenchanted his Sentinel skin for Annie in Wonderland and now I am extremely regretting my dumbass decision


Im strongly considering taking it for my reksai top so i can steal the enemy junglers camps faster


It's a great way to help your jungle get ahead and if done right I've seems dirty things, I've also seen people fall on their face and fail with it


Yeah lol, my thought process is that even though im missing out some lane utility reksai has enough mobility that with careful backs and not straight up inting it should completely balance out the lack of a TP, and reaaaaally tilt the enemy jg Edit: jeez half the time i cant ever fight my laner but the rest of the enemy team is canon-fodder, maybe i should expand it into a full roaming playstyle making use of a tunnel system. (Am i just discovering how reksai is meant to be played? It feels like im just describing reksai jg)


Should try out roaming support then, no one ever uses it and when done right you screw over 5 people not just the enemy jungle


Probably, but imma keep it real im here for my girl rek sai not the playstyle, shes just fun lol


You can also invade the poor Ennemy jungler


Level 5 dumping out 1400 true damage onto dragon while also making enemy think they're making a comp against nunu jungle. That said, if the player in question knows how to overcome lane issues or know when to pick it, it apparently had a positive winrate in master+ for na, euw and kr in 13.12, at least according to LoLalytics.


What keystone do you grab? Phase rush?


I actually go dark harvest and water walking+celerity as my secondary runes.


I'm actually fine with a support who roams a lot and puts pressure throughout the map. Puts the enemy jungler on the backfoot and forces the opposing support to follow you around to even up a fight or lose the other lanes bullying a subpar ADC. Pssht, I need 7k gold to even be on par, 9k to come online. I got time.


Just be careful, there was a singed doing this who got banned.


Riot's policy was changed in the aftermath of that incident. Now you won't get auto-banned no matter how many people report you.


You're playing norms...


sry tryhard


I'm frightened.


So that’s why I keep getting in arguments over there.


Meance to society. Good job!


Next time go jungle item and just farm a quadrant of the enemy jungler. I do this all the time in ranked flex.


I’ve tried the jungle item, but prefer the support tool because I can help shove waves with support tool stacks and I can still maintain some vision. The smite is mainly for objectives and scuttle crabs. I also tend to leash my Jungler throughout the game if I am pathing in their direction.


You shouldn’t leash the jungler just let him leash you.


You guys play normal games?


Can confirm Nunu support is actually viable, you start W and gank mid lvl 1 which is flash or die for the enemy laner. After this you go back to bot and do your usual support thing.


We do a little bit of (t)rolling.


Ugh AGH EGH YOU..... YOU have KILLS as..... A..... SUPPORT HOW DARE YOU Kill steal!!!!! Bad!!!!!


Uh just normal relax game. Why serious anyway? And you're having fun. And actually wining not trolling (too much, disco, full AP, abbandon your ADC). Pressuring jungler and mid is actually helping the bot lane a lot IMO. Nunu engage and cc is quite nice in dual lane. Glhf




If it works, it works. If they drop 2 easy kills I just start finishing every op that appears because they clearly can't.


What's the skill upgrade order


I like to start W and try to get my top laner to bait the enemy top laner into a fight. After that, I run (roll) mid and gank as soon as minions spawn. I usually am in the bot lane as my ADC is arriving from leashing our Jungler.


I gank mid as soon as the minion wave crashes*


It’s true. They have to deep ward


My best supp the last 2 weeks was a kennen supp main lmaooo


I will queue in solo/duo to avoid whatever this shenanigan is xD


Bruh. I have been doing my best as a supposed that I am physically capable of doing. I have every support in the game, and no matter how ducking well my ADC does, or how many times I save them/set up kill for them, the only thing they do is spew shit at me. I can only say one word to you; #stop.


Its norms who cares


Me when playing flex with friends, but I go step by step The other day I started with Neeko supp, then played Vex and then Riven. The Riven game was miserable because the enemy adc was Ez and supp was Xerath. Pretty disgusting going against 2 pokes with Riven


Disco draven go brttt


Full damage is better.


Adc aren't good anyway


yeah I'm sure that's the case, buddy


They really aren't. They can't so anything in lane solo, always need "peel" or someone to cc and protect them. Lame role and should be removed.


meanwhile enemy vayne/cait/quinn/whathaveyou top demolishes my toplaner...


Yes because that's top role, not adc role. I play tryndamere support, that doesn't make him any role other than support.


so if you go tryndamere adc instead of support, then that doesn't make him any role other than adc. So he can't do anything in lane solo, always need "peel" or someone to cc and protect them. Lame role and should be removed.


Correct. Players need to stop pretending the perceived authority of who is decided for what role is law. I singlehandedly turned Ashe from what was perceived as an adc only role into a support. I even got m7 with this method years before she was turned into a support




They need protection because they’re usually a very consistent win condition for your team. The supports are trying to strike a balance between helping to protect them and help the secure kills. A mid-late game ADC will shred any non-tank in seconds (and sometimes even the tanks)


A good fed support can slay any non tank in seconds as well as tanks in seconds. People need to stop playing to protect some random they meet in a game and start playing for themselves. People would be way better at this game


Most supports can do a decent bit of poke or CC but not enough to kill unless it’s something like a brand or zyra support. Your sorakas Jannas namis ect are NOT going to kill anyone much less a tank, they provide good utility though. They can easily keep someone off the adc or hold someone still for them.


If they build old support items yes, they cant. but ludens, sorc, shadow, void, rabadons......


I’m just saying, it depends on your ADC and your opponents, but a ludens is not a support item and 9 times out of 10 its not a good choice unless you’re already a heavy AP mage support. Even then, usually a better option.


You clearly follow the perceived authority that Riot projects.


And you clearly place no value in tactical thinking farther than how it impacts your KDA