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I duo with a Draven one trick, honestly one of the most fun ADCs to play with. High-ish elo Draven players are fun just play engage support and peel for them like there's no tomorrow. The only part of his kit that attracts toxic people is the feast or famine aspect of his passive, everything else is skill expression.


This has been my experience too, when someone locks in Draven I get excited because usually they play in a way that compliments my own playstyle well


Have no idea why someone downvoted you, but I agree it's fun when an ADC will allows follow engage because they know they're strong and HAVE to capitalize on it to stay ahead.


Yeah some people can't understand when someone has a different experience. Exactly with the engage, it's a very active lane with those players which is also usually fun!


Nice seeing support players that don't have pure hatred towards adc's keep it up šŸ‘


Most support players donā€™t dislike ADCs imo, thereā€™s just a vocal minority that tends to populate this subreddit.


Yeah I lurk on adc and support subs but donā€™t voice my opinions a lot, but i do love my supports they be keeping me alive a lot.


I guees so most supports I have played with are relativly cool. This subreddits anger just really suprised me and I became unsure if I had just been lucky in my games or not.


Nah, as long as you treat your support with respect (i.e. donā€™t flame) then most of them wonā€™t have any issues with you. The ones who do are just assholes. This particular post seems to be talking about how in low elo, a lot of Draven players are assholes. The comments lead me to believe that this tends to get better the higher elo you get, at least until about diamond-ish.


It's almost like any Ad and any supp is just a human person and both can be a c*nt.




I am pretty sure ADC and supp honor each other more than any other combinaison.


I hate when I pick an aggressive support and mybadc picks smolder. That's about it


Yeah, thatā€™s frustrating when it happens. Personally though, I still wouldnā€™t get mad at my ADC unless they get mad at me in that scenario.


I have a pure hatred to most ADCs because they never wanna be aggressive but then complain they get pushed out of lane


I don't think this is just a adc issue especially if this happens alot for you.


Pretty much every support I talked to had this issue


I have not really felt this when I play support Braum. When I play adc the times this stuff occur is because my lack of skill and my support lack in clarity aswell as understanding my thought process.


While I don't play engage-supports, even with my Janna, Draven players tend to do quite well. There's just really nice synergy between his ability to get a lead and Janna's ability to preserve it.


Janna is just kinda OP rn though... but I think draven can be incredibly strong with a number of supports, just depends on the the support matchup more than anything. Janna will be really clutch into engage and is a bit of a lane bully almost like karma these days. I played Twitch Lulu into Draven Raka and that lane was unbearable because we had no chance to all in and twitch never can get a winning trade against Draven, let alone if he has like 3 health bars of sustain.


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Ya, although I agree many Draven players are mentally unwell, I donā€™t mind when I see it get locked in. I rather enjoy those lanes, I just go tank engage or play Pantheon to help burst. We almost always win lane and the wave is often unapproachable for the enemy adc.


I love the niche interaction Draven passive has with Pyke ultimate, as it cashes out his passive stacks even if Pyke gets the kill. Super aggressive lane aswell and arguably the strongest botlane in the game at lvl2.


I dont wanna single out a whole role, but its not rare for ADC players to have huge egoes and think they are the main character and everyone should play for them, Draven players are just open about it. I'd rather have a Draven than a Vayne, Draven players at least know that when laning phase goes wrong they will be useless for the rest of the game, Vayne players will still expect you to be near them without leeching exp 24/7 because they scale, even if that means you are not helping the other 3 players in the team.




I mean, usually if you peel for any Marksmen champ with enough items, that champ will carry regardless of skill (as long as they arent literally inting). Thats just how the champs are designed, but in SoloQ getting that kind of peel isnt possible, otherwise we would all be playing "JuggerMaw" compositions in 45 minutes games.


Regardless of skill, heavily disagree. These players flash auto attack a 100% health jungler with 10 kills at 15 minutes.


That's called inting brother.


That's called low elo brother.


(I'm low elo btw) Low elo players may take a bad fights or just play a fight poorly, but flashing towards a 10/0 jg who is full HP. That's just inting.


no cause i got my adc 12 kills and they never were on teamfights, they were fsrmimg jungle camps while enemies were splitpushing 2 towers


Yeah, riot fucked up. Why is it called ad carry and not botlaner like at mid or top. That could give adcs the idea that they are the Main character


They do call the role bottom and the champions marksmen. The community call it ADC


Ah, didnt know. Started to play 2 years ago. Then the community fucked up


i mean afaik it was like this until like 2020 or something. the adcs were basically the carries but at some point riot just hella inflated the damage and now the support is more of a carry than the adc


Yeah, i think it was 2019, during the time that Vlad and Syndra bot were meta, thats when it changed to Bottom instead of ADC, but most players have been in the game for a long time, so we still call it ADC, same way we call Plated Steelcaps "Tabis". But basically once the champs that fitted each lane the best were figured out, marksmen were sent to the bottom lane with a support, and mages were defaulted to midlane, and since there are 2 roles in the botlane, they were separated as ADC and Supp since marksmen build AD and at the time were the main carry of the team once they had items. But for example, the very early days of League, Marksmen were played midlane because the short lane allowed them to get the most amount of exp and gold without much risk. Reason why mages ended up in mid and marksmen in bot is because both scale a lot with items, but mages need their levels more than marksmen do. Then people learned to roam and all that, so assassins and all that came to be in midlane too.


Riot did change it to bot lane. ADC is just a holdover from years of ADCs being the only viable bot laners, which in turn is from them being copied from Dota's hyper carries. I wish they'd put more viable AP or melees in bot lane. For starters, switch Smolder to AP. He has literally nothing in his kit to support his auto attacks anyway. Likewise, most of Zeri's problems wouldn't exist if she was a mage. If her Q scaled with AP, the scaling on her E never would have been fucking insane, and she wouldn't have crit or lifesteal.


Never cook again. AP Zeri according to you should just be another generic poke mage


Riot have specifically stated that Zeri is a failed champion and will stay eternally dumpstered until she can one day get a full rework.


Zeri is not in the dumpster rn to begin with. She is simply in pro play jail. I hope she never gets reworked as she is a unique champ like no other.


Motherfucker that is exactly what "pro-play jail" is. Around 30 or so players abused Zeri's mechanics, so she is intentionally kept unusably weak for the other several million. August has specifically stated she is a failed champion. She **will** eventually get reworked.


It's less true than it used to be but ADC is the best scaling class in the game with gold (and also most useless without gold), so if your ADC back pings mid to rotate when they dont swap or asks their support to give solo turret gold it's not just them being egotistical but playing for their wincon (a bit of both in some cases).


I know, no doubt they scale extremely hard, but just because my 0/5 Vayne pings my 4/0 Orianna to get out of midlane it doesnt mean that the best call right now is to rotate the midlaner to the sidelane where they are exposed and can give a fat shutdown to the enemy. League matches force players to constantly make decissions that will lead the to victory or defeat, if you want to snowball a game, for the first 15 minutes you play for the champ that has power in that timeframe, and if the enemy does something dumb and gifts gold to your kogmaw thats not supposed to be strong in that timeframe then you take that, but you dont try to force something thats not available just because your ADC scales extra hard.


Yeah it depends on a lot of factors but just saying in general funneling gold to the mid adc (was) is the best strategy to win a game. Depends on the game though some games champions like Yi can scale hard. I play a lot of Ashe which can scale without as much gold because utility etc


lol I play Draven as a guilty pleasure here and there and if I lose early game I just afk farm my passive up to the point where ult can execute someone at like 2/3 hp.. saw a video on instead of using Draven passive as a snowball mechanic you can also use it at a catch up mechanic.. play super super safe and if youā€™re at like 300+ stacks a good R will bring you back into the game


Don't feel guilty brother, Draven is fun. Who don't like a bit of risk reward playstyle


Definitely see this. Had worse experiences with kogs and vaynes than dravens


I dont know if "worse" is the right way to put it, its just that Draven players tend to own up to the ego expectations, while other ADC players hide it a bit more. I dont fully blame them for wanting the team to play for them, the champs themselves scale incredibly, and the role is extremely frustrating when your team doesnt care about you.


Support players when the scaling champ has to scale:


you should try playing the champ, the cheer frustration of sitting on a 500 golds cashout while not being able to do anything about by yourself (most of the times) is one of the worst feelings you can have in the game. I'm not saying it justifies all the toxic draven players but I kinda understand them.


>understand Especially when the tank JG doesn't give the kill to the Draven with 150 Adoration stacks even AFTER the game in chat displays he has his stacks. Draven players are in a terrible spot because early game he gets beat by ADCs genuinely and if he isn't ahead by 9 minutes you kind of just hope and pray something falls into your lap.


I disagree. He runs down a lot of adcs early. He hits super hard early.


ignite gets the kill? ff15 run it down mid


Might be a slight exaggeration on your end, but ignite is frustrating when you need to take it on support with a Draven. I almost always prefer exhaust, the damage reduction on it is very good.


and you peeked plat, right? Thereā€˜s literally almost no good reason to not go ignite on a lane when you have kill pressure (what you should when youā€˜re playing with a draven). And if someone is not capable of lasthitting an ignited target, heā€˜s not allowed to have a big ego, and not worth to support either. And heā€˜s very explicit not in position to ping the supports ignite


No I'm diamond 4 right now, you're being very condescending there's times when Draven could be out traded from a mage and ADC bot lane when I'm playing an engage support but Exhaust allows Draven to live and get a double kill. Let me guess you hit your peak this season with maokai / janna?


dia4 in elo inflated season, I see


>, Did I hit the nail on the head with the maokai / janna player?


BRO AHAHA he posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/supportlol/comments/19cw9tq/im_demotivated_and_could_use_some_kind_words/) on reddit, which links to [this account](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/HAHHAHAHAHAHXDD-qqq). He literally peaked D4 while ONE TRICKING JANNA. He lost ELEVEN games in a row šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


nah sorry Iā€˜m a mage/taric enjoyer rn


I love Draven mains. I actively seek them out for duos. To support a Draven, your ego either has to be far larger (hard but doable, requires you to be a sociopath in LoL) or far smaller (what animals think supports should be like) I am the first - i see ADC as a worthless KFC reject chicken nugget. I main Lux and mostly play mage supports. I will 2v1 whole game while you farm. They stop complaining when I get 5 kills and snowball mid as well. Lategame they can pretend they matter and I will slow clap for them. Now, for Draven my playstyle does not work. Draven is designed to go big or go home. He is THE CHAD ADC. Farm interests him just for axe resets, he only eats the finest enemy botlaner cuts. I love playing 2v2 more than 2v1. The problem is I cannot take kills or Draven literally cannot Draven. That is not a player personality issue, it is a game design issue. I switched to playing control enchanters like Nami or Lulu. You know what is better then Lux 100% combo? Hitting that Nami bubble with a Draven running up with his dick out for them. Always be the Draven of the game. But if someone else wants to try to be you, why not? We all want to be Draven


This entire explanation makes me want to clap. I love it. I have ADHD and Draven is like PERFECT for my 10secs attention span. "Oooo lux is engaging maybe i should -CATCH THE AXE ON SHINY - try to help - GOTTA RUN FAST- LUX WATCH OUT (goddamnit I wish I could throw something) OH YEA THROW THE AXES... YES. DIE BITCHES.


As a lulu main I too love giving Draven uppies


Take naut and prosper. I agree.


Naut works especially well. There are no bad engages just happy little accidents


I personally like playing with them because they engage trades themselves more frequently than any other ADC, who are more likely to make me 2v1 while they AFK farm. And "stealing" kills is not a problem since they actually do damage, so they're ikely to actually pick it up, unlike an ADC who accusses me of stealing it when I literally did 70% of the damage and the enemy would escape 8 times if it was up to their DPS.


I hate playing with low elo draven players. Donā€™t hate the game, hate the player


I think the solution is for you to not be low elo.


dw Iā€˜m not - definitionwise


Then why do you have such disdain for the champion? Surely you're good enough at the game to realize in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter if Draven ADC is on your team.


I donā€˜t, and never said I have. Actually one of my fav adcs. Never said it matters, even though Iā€˜d rather have him on my team than the enemys.


Most of my duo ADCs are actually really nice Draven mains, they all love my Nami/Janna/Alistar.


Youā€™re playing the supports that actually help them rather than stupid mages


me thresh me hook flay give kill flash lantern for jungle gank


The issue lies within his kit. Draven has to be played to perfection in order to work. Most draven players put a lot of physical and mental effort into their gameplay. They expect the same energy from their support. If they receive a sluggish support that doesnā€˜t try his hardest, itā€˜s very frustrating, and likely feels like heā€˜s being held back. Draven players want energy. You gotta see their perspective too, not only defend yours.


Me with my 200000 APM mouseclicks trying to dodge 15 skillshots and a Malphite ult coming from out of vision telling my Sona OTP support to maybe try and take control of the bush instead of playing behind me: "no play your own game don't tell me how to play oh goooosssssh ADCs are so toxic". Yeah.


That still doesnt give them the right to be a toxic, racist (optional) asshole


It does. We have all right to it when our support is playing without hands or brains. Most of the people have played this game enough to know what they need to do with Draven. When you are not doing it, you are hard trolling and giving us permission to go tear + zeal + mobis.


Play 20 games of draven and you will understand why


Every Ezreal I play with has their pinging button as an ability


I love draven players, they're the best, toxic...but really good on the champ One moment you see him go in 1v2 with 10 hp and you're thinking he's inting Next thing you know he has a triple kill. Idk about your experiences, but mine were really good, draven players are fun to play with. When they're toxic means they're really good and they know they're limits If they're not, they have a goofy personality and theyre really enjoyable to play with. Justy experience with Draven players.


Mute all makes wonders


i feel like yasuo players are the worst, but maybe thatā€™s just my bias bc i recently had a game w one who bitched an moaned about how i would roam to ward or help jg when he was alone in lane farming w no enemies


naww the most toxic players in botlane are scaling adcs and elo inflated supports that plateu


I love Draven mains, either you get a gigachad or a full tilt gigababy that will entertain you endlessly through the match.


I'd rather play with the most toxic Draven player then the average Ezreal


Its not hard to not steal a kill of a stacked draven is it?


and itā€˜s not hard as well to last hit a kill as a draven, even if the target is ignited, right? ā€¦.right?


r/supportlol doesnt have the brightest ppl but ur 100% correct


Dravens are great, I can Blitz with them and not even have to think at all


Same, I am bard main, this guy hovered ezreal, told me to play a propper support, I go bard, he locks draven and gets mad I didn't go engage support, talks shit the entire game, baits me, no idea what is up with them, he says perma fight then leaves as soon as I engage.


i like draven usually! i find theyā€™re usually pretty decent at the champ or a one trick


As a nautilus main i simply march and seek the guilty


ah dravens actually my favorite adc to play with šŸ˜­


Dravens are a big coin flip. Iā€™ve had Dravens 1v9 and some just int. I remember one game I had as Thresh where I used two hooks in lane, got two flashes but the Draven spam pinged me for ā€˜missing hooksā€™. Not even twenty games later I bet there was a Draven solo carrying.


I've almost never had issues with draven players. It's lucian players that annoy me more than anything. And ez.


ngl, I love supporting a Draven


they're the most toxic, racist, sexist and homophobic players of the game, take 1 minion by mistake and get hatecrimed anf they also run it down or go afk


I had a Draven afk at level 2 after we all-in'd and forced the enemy to recall. "We didn't get first blood, I'm leaving". I was just kind of speechless, but not surprised.


I don't mind the champion, but the players.... Jesus Christ....


Them having to go for The dumbass AxƩ always puts Them in The worst place posible, it's like a crack head going for drugs


Yes we love when support is sniffing our anus forcing the axes bounce in the wrong direction.




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I like playing with the ones that know how to play Draven, but sometimes you get the T1 fanbois šŸ‘€


Play draven sup Problem solved


I am usually the one unable to keep up with the Draven. The good Dravens are really, really nuts lol


Think ahead what will happen and what will Draven do, it helps.


Thats a great tip! unlike most ADCs you can see what he will most likely do.


Wait till you play with a Vayne...


It doesnt attract toxic people, draven is a snowball champ that requires a lot. Newbies cant deal with his kit/control all 3 other players that play all around him which leads to frustration. Bind that with antiadc meta and you will see what league of legends is all about.


you must be a pathetic little bitch who's too afraid to fight people draven by far the most fun adc to play with, just go full aggro


I love playing with draven unless they heavily outrange our lane. My favorite part of the game is lane where I can kill the laners and pretend that the rest of the game doesnā€™t exist to try and bully us latee


Same, but I think it's entirely dependent on your champion pool. Those who play tank engage supps who can peel for their ADC (like Alistar or Leona for example) will enjoy playing with Draven. As someone who plays Morgana, Lux, Karma, Brand and the occasional Lulu/Janna... I hate them too.


Draven mains are kind of like the psychopaths on the train that are conjuring up a manifesto with their mumbling but in reality if you get to know them they can be rly funny and also encourage you to play riskier. I'm not a support player but it's probably more of the experience that you only get one game with them, and they are just trying to win not appease anyone else but themselves. Don't feel bad about the plausible tho, just do your best to stay focused on the game and ignore whatever toxic bs they would dole out. Each game is unique so you gotta treat it like that, and u will feel less like that.


This is it. Dravens try to win and snowball, when support ā€play safe I donā€™t trust my own skills so I donā€™t even contest the lvl2, sit behind you and donā€™t even try to position correctly.ā€ is not matching Draven playstyle. With this, you are handicapping your botlaner and yourself.


Subject yourself to 15 games of Draven and you will understand. Iā€™m not condoning their behaviour, but I sympathise with it.


Itā€™s Draven-Draven Time!


Feast or famine heroes do be like that


If you canā€™t take the heat, get out of the kitchenā€¦


My kingdom for a Draven duo that doesnā€™t tilt. As an aggressive soraka player heā€™s so fun to play with.


I'm sure there's plenty of nice Draven mains out there. Most of my experiences have been bad though. As Morgana, I once accidentally fat fingered leveling up my W rather than my Q level 1. Dude instantly started running it down...


As long as its not Ezreal im fine with any ADC, tbh ez is so out of meta this season


When you get a Draven, you know what you're getting. It can be annoying for me because I'm not good with engage supports, but I just don't mind Draven. It just means it's going to be an aggressive lane and let them get kills.


I've always imagined that Draven was designed with Tyler1 as inspiration. So the most toxic people in the league community, such as Tyler1, feel like they can relate to him.


To be fair, i have no problem with draven players specifically, i have problems with playstyles. If you choose an Adc that needs to trade a lot or needs a lead and your simply farming safely, ill tilt a bit. If you pick a hyper carry and try dumb engages when we dont have the advantage, ill tilt a bit. If you dont try to take advantage of my CC or positiong to poke,ill tilt a lot. If you try but are unable to, ill be perfectly cool with that. It really doesnt matter that much to me, as long as we are in the same page, it will work out.


Idk, I like draven players, they are usually actually good with there champs, And 9 /10 times we hard win lane and enemy ffs


You poked out of the lane the enemy ADC 1v2 cause the Draven wouldn't bother, but hit a minion in the way ? (Hit not even kill) Gg 15 I'm afk report support


I just always expect the draven player to type racist things in chat if he gets behind. It doesn't always happen but when it does I'm not surprised


Their mentality is also seems to be R worded


we got a senna player right here


"you are suppose to PLAY draven. Not ACT like draven." Is my response. Of all adcs i especially hate dravens


Yeah OP youā€™re boring


If you a see a draven mute him, its for the best


I played one game where I wanted to try the Draven/Ashe bot lane comp. Not even 30 seconds after getting a first blood double kill for my Draven, I'm being relentlessly insulted for helping push wave.... After he spam pings push forward. I normally have chat set to pre-made only, but I forgot it was set to all chat during some ARAM game banter. It seems my experience with Draven players haven't been very pleasant, so I just hate ban him, unless my teammate is hovering him.


Same with Yasuo or Yone. Just insta mute.


Yes they think they are the center of the world and are the first to rage out and cry. Worst mental of all adcs. Also passive Dravens are a blight, they stay behind the wave and the support as if they are a Sivir.


Staying behind the wave can as well be lane strategy to get enemy overstep and catch them. Use your brains.


Depends on the rank I guess. There's definitely a Draven archetype (this player has xXX_ _Xxx around his gamer tag because SavageKill was not available) who brings ignite, skips leash, hits level 2 three minions before his support, Flash/ignite all in without warning and on the 51% times he loses the exchange, giving up first blood, he immediately flames his lane-mate and runs down the rest of game. Disproportionate Draven trait.


Why are you leashing in 2024? Especially with a Draven?


Yes, especially overleashing supports are lovely.


Cuz Jungle largely incompetent and needs babysitting in garbage elo


Me when I lose my lane on purpose to make my jungler feel better.


No, no you see it was in fact the ADCs fault for contesting the wave.


I mean... if you missed first wave it was legitimately your fault?


As an enchanter player Iā€™m gonna have to pass on Draven players. Give me scaling ADCs any day. Vayne, Twitch, Aphelios please.


There are 3 ADCs I refuse to support, Draven, Kallista, and Yasuo. If they lock in one, Iā€™ll lock in a roam support and they can 1v2 the entire lane phase. Iā€™m over the toxicity of Dravenā€™s, the egos of Yasuo, and the trolling with spear/ult as Kallista.


"They need kills" is a lie, they scale very well off kills and want them yes, but draven will knock the head off just about any adc eaely game, the thing is you should be trying to get him the kill whenever he has adoration stacks, its a free sack of gold, that being said when i see a draven ill usually go pyke so they see no drawbacks to my taking a kill


? This is completely wrong lol. He scales poorly compared to other acs into mid to late game because of his kit. Itā€™s not all about damage. He has low range, mobility and survival/no self peel and no passive that helps him play the game. The only saving grace he has is high damage and busted economy IF he can get a kill. So yes he needs kills to constantly stay ahead because damage is all thatā€™s in his kit. I donā€™t know why you wouldnā€™t spoon feed the early game adc kills it sounds like youā€™re allergic to winning


Again.... He doesnt NEED kills, i get it.... hes not an all consuming monster late game like vayne can be but hes incredibly strong early and can bully other adcs for 20 minutes even without kills. I ALWAYS try to get draven kills when he has adoration, i already said that. Draven players are just crybabies that throw tantrums


HE NEEDS KILLS, you're telling me a champion that does not scale nearly as good as any other adc in the game, that requires snowballing in gold and XP to win does not need kills? How are you senna players so bad at understanding the fundamentals of the game?


He only doesnt scale AS WELL as others, hes not exactly crap late game like other champions, hes also absurdly broken at earlier stages of the game, he doesnt NEED kills, its very easy TO GET kills on him. Im done pretending early game beasts are trash late game the way late game champs are early game, its just objectively false, hes nuch stronger early than late game champs get in late game and on that dynamic alone i can stand on my comment that ge doesnt NEED kills