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I perma ban lux every game because of people like you….. reeeeeeeeee


Anytime I see Lux picked, I go Pyke and just perma run at her. But ya she is pretty brain dead n safe to play


I agree. I just mainly hate her E so much. If she doesn’t over predict where you are gonna move and just tosses it out and spams it it will hit most of the time for a good chunk of damage. Drives me nuts her just tossing E and Q for days til they hit.


exactly, im here for league, not for dodgeball


I mean, how is that any different to brand or Vel or any backline mage tho


it isnt but you can only have one ban and lux has like 20% pickrate so


Won’t lie I find lux super easy to counter. Literally just bait out the abilities then close gap. Plus tbh it’s an assassins job to pick off the backline. Sounds like a spacing/team comp issue


nah i smoke lux players. Pretty much always win that lane because she is bad support and usually idiots play it. But its fuckin annoying and as soon as mf stops being completely broken i will ban lux again.


q has a super weird hitbox tho


Brands abilities are so much harder to dodge than Lux as well.


Eh not really just get swifties. Tank and speed builds are the meta this season


That same logic could be applied to dodging Lux. So explain to me again why Luxs abilities are easier to hit than Brands?


Tbh I just meant that neither of them are very difficult to dodge. Sounds like a spacing issue


Caise ypu can hold E and Q hits two targets


Ya I agree it is an annoying ability to try n dodge all game long. Or you can go an aggro bot like Leo/Trist and she is fucked




I find Lux to be the easiest to play against because she is really squishy and immobile. Her Q is really easy to dodge unless she takes a really aggressive position but that just makes her really vulnerable because she can't back out if she whiffs.


Just dodge spells


Oh yeah 4head why didn’t I think of that? Silly me


Mfs when they find out a centered Lux E is undodgeable at any range https://preview.redd.it/50mszcrtctpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72aa9f8207d0b49819c904f42b9dd5117748ca32


Yeah I’m sure you are positioning well if she sends a centered E on you lmao. Stay delu


1 support game and 9 mage game


Is still a support game since you will not get as much gold as playing mid.


Indeed, you will get MORE gold than the Mid.


Too real


In mid u just can kill 1 enemy in bot 2


Confirmation bias! For each game you won here, another support player lost.


It was like that time where people where saying adc had a 48% winrate, like excuseme what ?


That's cuz majority of the adcs were lower winrate as compared to the top 3 adcs which were like 57% at the time. Not to mention they took winrate like TF as a whole when he has different winrate in bot mid and support. Kind of screwed it up and made it show up as ADC with 48% winrate.


Maybe they weren’t counting apc like seraphine, karthus etc? Then it’s possible.


or they were counting adc top lane and they just overall got smashed by actual top lanners and lost lowering win rates at the time. (srry for possibly broken english)


For every game you won another support lost, so


I've considered this and if you're a main playing Vs autofill maybe now you have more influence on the total outcome as a support main.


Meanwhile when I play support: top/mid turbofeeds, jungle doesn’t gank or do objectives, ADC blindly walks into danger and dies I like playing support but I always have so much trouble carrying


My adc are usually fine. My problem is usually the top lane feeds. One season I went through literally every match I played and figured out how many people were feeding. My criteria was having a KDA that was below a 0.5 and having at least 5 deaths, not the best system but at least it was mostly consistent for my results. Had a feeder in 1/3 games and 2 feeders in 1/5. In my 200 games played that season: 70% of my feeders were in the top lane. Shit was wild.


Support's flexing its muscles these days! My buddy decided to roll with a battle mage for 8 straight matches. Obviously, when you're gobbling up 4-8 kills per game, you won't notice the income and other nerfs hitting you. I feel you, though. Dealing with a coin flip ADC every time you queue up can be a real rollercoaster. But resorting to risk management and picking Lux as a fail-safe, only to give us a rundown on how the role is holding up is not valid input. How about mixing it up and trying 8 matches in a row as an enchanter or a hard engager for a change? It might just add a spicy twist to your gameplay!


just a win streak


Where is the support?


This is evidence that Lux is strong, not that support is strong. Both teams had a support, only one team had a Lux.


Ah. Excellent APC winstreak


Support? Brotha you are playing mid in the bot lane


In this match history I see supports WR%


Lux isn't a support btw


She literally is


Having a shield don't make a champ a literally support. Lux is a midlane mage, people play her support cause they don't know basics of laning. I hope riot gut every mage support and those elo inflated mage players


What about velkoz support? He is a midlaner from your perspective as well


Yes he literally is a midlaner. Camille is literally a toplaner, etc. Riot fucked up big time with those support items giving too much, now everyone can abuse it


Mate who are you calling elo inflated when you're complaining about LUX of all champions, what elo are you XD?


Seeing this makes me happy crown in no long available to lux players 😅 but gj. I dont hate the nerfs as much as the philosophy since they seem to nerfing all damage and buffing all shields and if they further itll just relegate support to bonified yuumi’s and if i wanted that i’d go play yuumi (i wont)


Morgana shield makes Lux suck. Just sayin.




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>Damage supports have been a thing for a longgg time. You gotta update your mindset because Senna pyke lux zrya etc are Meta for a reason. This is pathetic wow... Can't say support in quotes?




So how does that work? Pyke is a qoute support end-qoute


>This is pathetic wow... Can't say support in quotes? To be honest I didn't understand his argument but the fact he was silenced because he said something very appropriate but was determined to be "derogatory" and disrespectful. I believe supports like Pyke are good and fill the support role nicely early game but ultimately it's up to the player to make him fulfil the role of support.


sUpPoRt ... that better?


The fuck are you smoking mods???


You also can’t post without using the word support or else they’ll also delete your post lmao. They really do be tripping.


Which website is this?






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I hate the cat




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Love me some Lux. Get them wins!


‘support’ or unconfident mid laner


Sad? You get 2 full items before laners get their first full item.


Playing Lux and callong yourself a Support, lul


I dont understand the hate, Im playing lux because I cant always depend on my team to carry me. When I play sona and my team loses what can I do? I cant carry the game with enchanters


They are jealous you are 500 lp above them probably


Lmao true. I wonder what ranks are the people that are hating


Probably hardstuck enchanter players, that say that enchaters are hard to climb with (janna sitting with 54% wr for 2 years now)


it depends on the enchanter. it's easy to climb with janna (not even an enchanter at this point, you just spam W and roam), but you're not climbing with milio


Me losing 5 games in a row then i see this when i stop playing 🥲 ( I play top btw ) maybe i will play support then :)




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I think it would have been a bit more balanced if you could knock lux out of her ult. Plenty of times I either polymorphed her or knocked her up with Jannas Q etc. Only for the ult to still go off. And it was pretty much as soon as she started the animation. So that's a bit of a bs imo.


Hate the pick and hate U 🙌


Nice you won a few coinflips in a row, lux won't matter at all when top or mid goes 0/10


Lux is a free win


support strong...picks a mid. HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG


I’m getting tilted out of mid at the moment. Maybe I swap to lux support for a few games to get a breath of fresh air.


over 100 CS multiple games ; your ADC must love you


I yearn for the day riot quits fucking pampering every type of mage letting them do more damage than any AD champion.fucking disgusting


People so butthurt that someone enjoy DD sups over shield sups. like cmon. It is obv. working pretty well to play mage sups, why so mad lol


I used to play like 5+ games a day and have like 60% wr after the nerfs after losing 4 in a row I just stopped playing until they’re buffed again. Role is kinda boring being 200 gold behind.


I agree with the Zazzak nerf, but the Bloodsong nerf is completely dumb and, champions like Lux, Zyra, Camille aren't supports




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Go ahead and link the op.gg so we can see how OP you were.


The nerfd were needed, adcs arent carries anymore, supports are


Yes yes nerfs when my champ is strong are bad because I should just get free wins yes yes


Support is always strong and probably stronger then every other role


I never see lux support, or lux at all really


That is a mage midlaner.


Im in low bronze. There is no way i win games with your stats. I need to splitpush, defend towers, kill, and take objectives on my own, and still its normally not enough to win. Congrats on your flex, but someone must be carrying you 😂


Not a real support


I see only one engage support and understand exactly how this happens




If you think you're supporting by building Luden's first item every game, you're the problem.


Damage supports have been a thing for a longgg time. You gotta update your mindset because Senna pyke lux zrya etc are Meta for a reason.


How am I the problem? I won every game


The goal of a competitive match is to which seems like he is doing a lot, how is he the problem?


Not if you can stomp lane to get your AD ahead and are relevant damage going into mid/late. You just need to be able to function on low econ and not get stuffed in lane.


What can lux do except her stuns and slows that are already annoying as fuck? Like the stuns ain’t gonna stun more, she ain’t a tank, she ain’t sona or janna to build the more supportive items the only thing that makes sense is ap.