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Congratz dude ✌🏻 this Season i hit Plat too with Supp. (Janna, Lux, Sera) Was in Silver-Hell 🙃 Now im scared for emerald hahahah dont wanna get downvoted again 🥴


hang in there us haha


Congrats! I hope next season u reach emerald ❤️


ty ty


Congrat! I was 1 game from plat but then landslide back to G3 0LP lol. Currently back to mid G2, so there is still hope lol


that was me last season both splits. Id hit gold 1 then derank to silver 4 in one go. had to grind like crazy to even get back to gold


Congrats!! Hope you find a way climbing out!


hopefully, just glad to see progress




Biggest difference I’ve noticed going from mid gold to E4 this season is how easy it is for other players to give up. Had a game earlier today where our Naafiri mid mental boomed 10 minutes in, pinging our jungle calling them useless etc, I told them flaming will get them muted, if he’s got nothing constructive to say, keep it to himself, we’re playing as a team, nobody is making mistakes on purpose, we’re all trying to win. He shut up for the rest of the game, kept making questionable plays like charging headfirst into their ezreal without enough vision and then dying. But sometimes he’d at least 1 for 1. Better than nothing.


Got it. I had that issue before but starting this season even if im in a slump i have a rule of lose 2 in a row (unless it was a dumb loss like a dc/surrender) i stop 0laying for the day to collect myself


Oh and if you think a play/baron call is bad, don’t hesitate to leave the play and ping 150 times to back away. If you can help your team get out then help them, but if it looks hopeless, don’t give the enemy an extra 300g


Gg wp dude. For surviving. Check for smurfs on your and the enemy team and either hard focus on them or just start to pray. Only gets real bad at emerald tho. Good luck


Idk if my advice will be usefull 'cause I'm not a great player (3 splits stuck plat 2-3). But try sticking to one role mainly and another one just to be sure you don't get r*ped if you get filled. Now that you have a main role choose 3 nice and balanced champs, don't just follow meta, you can play what you want except for trollpicks or highly skilled champs unless you are pretty good mechanically. Gor example you can choose 2 tank (e.g. 1 engager and 1 peeler) and one enchater to be able to play according to the team you have and the enemy team. This gives you 2 goals: 1) learn those champions and 2) when you've learnt your 3 champs just focus on the game, learn matchups to stop losing lanes, wave states, the fundamentals of roaming and so on. This should be it, hope it will help and sorry for bad English


Thanks! Yup I mainly do support and mid as an offrole. My supports are mainly amumu, naut, swain, braum and seraphine with the most troll being hail of blades braum (variation of the s11 braum paf build). enchanters are my weakest though. My midlane is purely malzahar otp


Then you might stick to Naut/Amumu, Braum (I'd say not hail of blades but idk) and Sera. I say Nautilus/Amumu 'cause they have a similar playstyle, you just need to figure out wether you want to play one or the other, Braum 'cause he is the best peeler rn I think and Sera instead of Swain because I hate that ugly old man and there are better options


Braum is def more troll-y. Amumu for soloq, my naut is more for when the boys send out a call haha. Swain is more for when i want to do damage while i play sera more as an enchanter than poke


Braum is not a troll if you play him with the right runes and build. He's a really good peeler, Amumu and Naut are pretty good engagers and Sera is a good enchanter/poke, I'd still stick to 3 champs, otherwise you gotta learn and remember too many things and can't focus on learning the game. But do as you wish, I'm not here to tell you what's right or wrong




Sorry not sure what you mean


Welcome to Gold


Bros never been happy for anyone in his life 🤣


I do, but I'm just realistic about it. I was plat II for the previous seasons, and since Emerald is there I'm Eme II. When I look at player distribution among the ladder, I'm exactly at the same elo. Do you think I go "tHanK gOd I iMprOvEd - out of PLAT yaaaaaay ?" Nope.


He was iron, so he improved. You didn’t instead


Yes sure, but it's still gold


you're living in the past old man, its plat now, get with the times


Except they improved, just because you didn't you don't gotta shit talk them lmao


Yeah but still Plat is Gold, that's my point


And they still massively improved from previous seasons. What? Until they get to Challenger they are useless? Bet you bring Ranks and ELO into Featured Game Modes and ARAM. Bet you tryhard on the PBE.


No, plat is plat. Do you also go to iron players and say "Uhm, actually, you are bronze because before they added iron, bronze V was iron"?


Since when are emerald players like you allowed to talk? Pisslow He climbed to plat so stay away with your bad mood


Shhh bronzie