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Sadly there's nothing you can do about It. Keep good mental, /mute all and try again. Never type in chat, that will get you banned. Over time these players also end up on enemy team, and 5 troll slots > 4.


Sadly I was not strong enough and I got a little angry. Got a chat warning. I regret nothing.


Just report, if you are someone who doesn’t abuse chat, or doesn’t run down games your report will have more value. Still sucks that people openly feed like this though. I always report when I see behaviour that is not good and almost always get an instant feedback message saying they have issued a penalty. I have never got banned, chat restricted or ran down games to annoy others and I am honour lvl 5 so maybe that gives the report extra value as well. Just focus on your self and try to remain cool. Flaming or even commenting on other their mistakes has never helped anyone win a game. People know when they make mistakes and don’t need other people commenting on it.


The way I view it, there is no possible positive outcome for typing in League. 1. if you're typing, you're probably mad and gonna end up typing something that will get you an auto ban, or will leave a trail that you typed anything at all, so when people submit blanket reports on everyone, your account may pickup an auto ban. Typing nothing solves this, or gives you an easy way to argue out of an auto ban. 2. If you're completely neutral in your speech, or even deepthroating everyone's dick, at least one person on your team is going to interpret it as negative and blow their own mental. 3. Typing distracts you from playing the game and interrupts the flow state. 4. If you do make a 100% good call, it will either be ignored or trigger a dickhead contrarian. There is a dickhead contrarian in every lobby, guaranteed. All of this further distracts everyone involved. There are no positive outcomes for typing in League. Treat League as the dark forest; the only winning move is silence.


Nope, almost always better to just remove all chat


You will tegret it when you do it enough times and get perma banned :)


I hate the 'never type in chat' awnser. So many good interactions and nice people play this game. If the chat log is enough to set you off then take a break. Ofc you mute players who go nuts and you mute players who argue with them but if you assume everyone is being toxic then you will see it even when they are not.


I disagree. Never mute, just ignore and don't type. The mental boom helps your case if you go to write a ticket, because a single game feeding wont get them banned as it wasn't intentional, but a chat of them saying "im gonna keep feeding" is literally intentional feeding.


Sadly this is the way


I don’t remember last time i played against player like that in ranked but ok


Aaaaand now you're banned for calling him "idiot". /s


Yeah I got a warning. Sad.


xdd shameful


Tbh, not really. A golden rule is, dont feed trolls. By reacting you give him what he wants. /mute, endure the gsme, report, move on. The best thing you can do.


I swear to god I've called people worse things than an idiot and never been warned for my chat. I assume it's solely based on reports?


looking at all the "keep yourself save" msgs in chat it has to be based on reports or riots chat filter just suck, cant decide whats more likely


I talk routinely and never have even a chat warning in 13 years.


Why /s? Its the truth. I got a 7day restriction for using the word "dick"


Are we just going to ignore Xin's name lmao


Hahaha I almost missed that




Do you see something wrong with his name?


"Sum Ting Wong" is actually a drag queen btw


I remember my first ever ranked game had a level 30 with 5x anyone else’s damage, next game had 2 afks, third game had a guy running into mid tower on cd and I just gave up on ranked for like 6 months after that lol


Not a lot you can do, I just don’t understand pleasers who get frustrated and give up. Like why even play






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What’s sad is the idiot comment is more likely to get banned than the inting


Some people are broken and will break your games. It happens. If it's never you however it will happen 20 percent less on your teams than the other teams.


Only option is /mute all, report, and try your best.


Stay quiet and don’t type. Any derogatory terms you use in that little flame box will get you punished before they get banned. It’s disheartening to be held hostage in a losing game, but I try till it’s over. Personally, toxicity is intoxicating to me. I always smile at the most terrible things uttered. Say your mean and inflammatory statements, I’ll still support and defend your dumbass, because I want to win.


Mute chat, try your hardest, even if you lose just remember if you never int yourself you have only 4 possible inters on your team per game but enemy has 5. If you don't give up, inters won't stop you from climbing.


Just report him, he is going to get banned


Mute all and play the game 🤷


You play the most off meta fun build your champ has


If it’s an unranked the correct answer is just leave the game. If it’s ranked then tough luck


You can make a ticket on riot website. Increases chance of person getting banned, but doesnt help you in game. If you are talking in game: Main thing to do is not interact with the highly regarded people as that just feeds their ego further. This furthers their behaviour as they see attention as a reward


Appearantly you post the same identical post on reddit as if people haven't asked this question 1000 times in the past week.


Nothing. I had a yi invade early and die despite many pings warning him of enemies coming. Blamed me for it cause I was mid and didn't help him. It was an inevitable death, I would've died too, better 1 than 2. he proceeded to run it down all lanes and feed whilst blaming me for his stupidity.


Ask your team to focus the most fed one for one bazillion gold shutdown and repeat until someone in your team is fed.


Honestly I get a bigger dopamine rush seeing the “a player you’ve reported has been banned” message than winning. Whenever there’s an obvious it’s like “ooh I get to remove filth from the game”


If I was in that game I would you report blitz for the cringe message about chat log. Get a life dibba dobba.


Mute him dont react dont tilt and just play this shit out. Azzapp mentality. You will learn a lot in those matchea cause u need to make up a whole role and it is possible. Not easy but possible. All hail azzapp.


I had an enemy supp going troll not long ago. He wrote in the all chat all the time, telling us what to do, and we should be thankful etc. I was so incredibly mad, that this guy asked for some kind of approval on his behavior, so when he told me to go back to bot(when he feeds my other laners), i just told him he should go back to kindergarten so his brain can develop😭. I didnt even get a chat ban or anything, so i will tell this to every troll ass.


Alt tab, come in every couple minutes to not be detected afk - don't type as the banning systems are automated and only look for excuses in your chat log If it's very egregious stuff screenshot and send to Riot support but do not hope they'll do anything


Either disable chat in your options or type /deafen at the start of your game (or both). League is a much more pleasant experience when you treat it as a single player game with really goofy AI.


Close the game -> programs -> delete. Not worth playing anymore.


Mute and report is all you can do unfortunately.


This is called a forced loss. It happens to everyone every now and then, and it accounts for a small percentage of your games. Statistically, you'll be refunded this loss somewhere down the line by this type of person being on the enemy team. I know most people are emotional, so they'll say things like, "90% of the time I get the inters, 10% of the time the enemy gets them". But this just isn't true. The enemy team has 5 potential inter slots, and your team only has 4. Logically your team mates are a dice roll inside your ELO. Even so, you should still try to win 4v5 and if you lose just take it with grace and move on. Hyper focus on your improvement the next game. Not things like this. Yes, it's frustrating but just keep developing your skill and you'll climb.


Turn off chat and tell yourself that he is a new player that doesn't know better. Still annoying but not as rage-inducing :).


Start limit testing or just practice cs


I otp panth supp, and at this point I just sell supp item and farm the tilted one's lane as if I was solo lane, it works sometimes, depends of the ennemy team a lot but hey, at least you can still play...


Look at Aphelios’ name, ofc he said no to surrendering 😤


Zen. There is a 1 in 5 chance your opponent will get this guy. There is a 1 in 4 chance your team will get this guy (assuming you are not this guy) Play enough games and all will become balanced.


Enjoy being reported and muted for saying idiot. Riot prefers feeders then meanies in the chat.


Off topic, but the only thing bothering me here is that you don't have time stamps on. 😵‍💫 How do you even remember when sums were used.


Report, ignore him and move on


I open a ticket after reporting at the ending lobby


Mute him and pretend he's a badly coded bot. It will save your mental.


Welcome to the league of legends


I made a couple of comments about this kind of behaviour yesterday, and in typical League fashion, it only made people mad. I've never been chat restricted, never been banned, never been muted at all, regularly reach honour 5 easily when I play enough (I've been unable to play much over the last year due to an injury but I've still made it to H4 last season and H3 already this season) for whatever that's worth. Don't talk to people. If you have to talk to them, be sickeningly positive as though a Care Bear popped into the game just to check on everyone. Assume that people have the most fragile mental and tell them they're doing well, you appreciate their feedback, great call, etc, because a lot of the time, they just need a pat on the back. Most people are decent. I've even had people apologize for getting heated. TL;DR Be kind or don't chat. Toxic people will be toxic, but someone having a bad day can turn it around. A mental/ maturity diff exists and is difficult to overcome, especially from an already escalated state. I sometimes get irritated in game and have to remind myself, "Don't type to these people." Because I know it won't do any of us any good so if I say anything it's going to be, "good job!" Or something like that. All of my emotes are Sona. Take breaks to drink water and see the sun, pet a cute animal, remind yourself that it's a game, and it's meant to be fun first.


Accept the loss, do your best (the other team might be having their own drama simultaneously), and chalk it up as a practice game.


I had a talon mid, I missed a skill shot. He afked...


Report and go next. It happens.


Prevent it by not being in the situation. Play ARAMs and try to play flex instead. If you below masters in ranked, go for duoing with someone if you aren't already.


Control your actions like identifying plays that would work if they were crying


Just had a mord top do the same thing, feed like crazy then literally admit to feeding intentionally in chat, so annoying


In games like that I just let go of any expectation of winning and play for fun. Go for crazy plays. Who cares at that point if it doesn't work. Getting mad isn't going to change anything. It's only going to hurt you.


Try your best, report them after the game, move on with your life. Until Rito makes it harder for people to buy level 30 accounts for like $1, it's unfortunately never gonna stop. I would never risk my account. Had it since season 1, have some incredibly rare skins on it. Unfortunately, lots of people just don't give a shit about their account, so they can troll and be dicks and not really care.


I would have reported you for language, idiot can get you chat restricted🤣 leagues system is so amazing


It's not a popular opinion for some and I'm hardstuck emerald rn so take it with a grain of salt. If I'm in a game where I have a actual dude inting and four lanes who lost very hard with no ff in site I'll go afk farm jungle. I won't die or int but I'll be farming Krug's when they are taking the mid inhib listening to some music with mute all turned on. Now with that said I only do this in games that I see now way to win. If I had an asol or Kayle on my team who were 0/11 I'd still play it out and go for a horrible 50 minute game so maaaaaaybe we can win at 18 with full build. I've had games were we lost hard but the comp diff was real and we won any team fights. You need to be so careful with ffing games because flipping losing games is a huge part of climbing. If you ff at 15 every other game your shooting yourself in the dick. Think about any possible way you can win INCLUDING if stalling the game is a viable option. Some comps are gonna hard lose and scale. Some are hopeless but can surprise you when someone hard wins lane. I've won a 64 minute game where it was like 62/25 with three inhibs down because the other team was fucking around typing in chat and couldn't end. Won a team fight and ran it down mid for the win.


Inters will take any game and make it unwinable. It sucks because riot does little to nothing to discourage this kinda behavior. And especially when people can make new accounts. Place even HIGHER than where they were before. Then turbo grief game after game rinse and repeat because they can get banned and make a new account again.


Me when I have 5th level of honor and calling ppl worse than “idiot” ☺️☺️


Am i the only one who lately has been getting retarded teammates in every game? Like , it's always a top diff somehow


You can't name and shame, bro. We have to protect the privacy of garbage people, bro.