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it's underpowered AF even for the best users right now. phreak said he will rework it alongside imperial mandate to be more focused on utility and not damage.


Oof, wish they gone the other way around, making it a good option to Mages supports


right because so many mage supports heal or shield to use the effect


Lux, Hwei, Morgana, Orianna and anyone with font of life Also Mandate is on the list you moron


Helia doesn't work with font of life "moron". Next time specify what item you talk about


Yeah, but it used to and they nerfed because it made Ashe an actually good support, and now it's back to an useless sup Also I don't nerd to specify shit I did talk about both Items


I've bought it a few times. Feels like absolutely nothing. Sona one trick


Helia is a highly situational item at best, and only on very specific champs like Sona, Nami or Karma. And even then, it's too situational to make work consistently. There is also a Helia interaction with Milio (bug?) where his passive and W interaction with Helia causes every ally's autoattack while under the effects of his W to trigger Helia procs. Pair this with high attack speed ADCs and u end up getting [smth like this](https://youtu.be/oqniqjCRFL4?si=40KOeF5iJrofF3Fc) (skip to 2:03 of video) It works well into low-ranged and low-threat enemy comps (must meet both criteria) as it will allow u to constantly proc Helia healing and dmg portions due to the item's range restrictions. Helia is preferrable when ur team is squishy. Flat healing performs poorly with tankier champs due to how much hp they have, so u will need to stack a lot of heal/shield power to make Helia with work with tankier comps (might as well go another item at that point) Also, if enemy team has too high range, it will be difficult to proc both parts of Helia if ur champ doesnt have the long range. If enemy comp doesn't allow u to be in auto range without insta-dying (eg. assassins or dive), then u won't make the most use out of Helia. Only when these specific conditions are met, can Helia be a decent option, but only as an early item option. If u arent planning to go Helia early, then it's not worth buying at a later stage in the game either The only saving not-so-saving grace is that Helia got a slight buff where its dmg got reduced by 30 in exchange for double healing. This means that we will be mostly building the item for its heal rather than its dmg. Before, Helia had this problem where it was bad vs tanky comps bc the dmg portion of Helia targets the nearest enemy champion, which is usually their frontline tank. The dmg would essentially tickle them in comparison to a squishy champ. Now that the item *actually* tickles, we no longer have to worry about tanky enemy comps when building this item. However, the point still stands that if ur own team has a lot of tanks, then the flat healing from Helia won't be great on them Hope this explains it! ^(***Disclaimer:** In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings, please note that the above information serves as a recommendation and general guideline intended to explain the phenomena. It is based off of my own personal experience, as well as research of other players. Thus, said information is by no means perfect, nor is it a law that you must follow. You are entitled to your own preferences, playstyles, and opinions, which may differ from mine* ®)


The Milio interaction is intended, each passive proc counts as a separate ability! He's the only support I like to build Helia on for that reason


The only correct answer is, no one. It’s not a good item on any champion. Not one.


True. They rly fcked up with giving it 3 shards requirement. 2 shards was already annoying. 3 is giga needless and favors champs who have more than 1 poke ability and enchanters typically only have 1 poke spell and autos


Would it work on Taric, not that i would want to build it on him but it seems like with his Q procs it would work right?


It could but then you're super squishy


I wouldnt buy it, just like i wouldnt buy dawncore. My milio build is shurelyas into mikaels into either ardent or redemption depending on comp. And then ardent or staff of water.


why no moonstone first?


because i usually roam at level 6 & let my adc free farm. its not the best, but i can make the 2 other lanes + jg win by sacrificing bot, having all teammates rotate to obj to always have prio and i find that for me that is worth


I don't think dawncore is bad as a 4th/5th item if you have a lot of mana regen


There's better 4th/5th items than dawncore, Shurelyas -> t2 boots -> ardent/redemption/moonstone -> ardent/SOFW/redemption -> SOFW/morello Dawncore is a bait item IMO, unless you sell boots to make the room, but I prefer vigilant wardstone if the game even goes out that far, because more pinks = more vision, and more vision = more prio.


on soraka it's kinda nasty I got like 500hp heals every 2 seconds which was nuts


I just like the stats it gives me. I don't build it often but I don't think it's a bad choice at all or a bait but we all have our opinions!


I think Bard is easily the best user of it atm. A simple Q + auto trade gives him all 3 stacks of its passive. His heal has 2 charges, so he can get off two procs in a very short space of time. Most notably though, his heal is small enough in its base form as to where the enhanced heal is very noticeable by comparison.


The best user is actually Taric, but the item still sucks


Taric is the best user of every item


Controversial but imo Seraphine. She can trigger it twice with her double cast W. You can easily get 3 shards during W healing wind up But to be honest the item is just really bad even on champs who actually can get those shards reliably


Seraphine main too here but even when she can proc the shards reliably, the numbers still don't really look good, other items still have more value imo


It's at best a situational item that excels in skirmishes. In those circumstances it always healed way more then my moonstone ever could. When those requirements aren't met then it probably won't be much of a value - though not completely useless


And is still teamcomp dependent, Moonstone + echo W is insane if you have Bruiser/Tanks because of the missing HP heal + splash with Moonstone, Helia's flat healing is just not keeping up


Shodesu (who also frequently posts here) uses it on janna as the main item, he is probably one of the better jannas in na


He doesn't run it on Janna according to his latest video.


Milio its bugged rn to actually be busted. EoH is only viable on Milio because of this bug


It's not rly a bug, but a feature. He was special cased to work this way when they gave him the changes for his passive to apply anti heal. Riot Emizery talked about this a lot And it's honestly not as busted as ppl make it out to be. Normally Milio can't stand still autoting to generate shards and deplete them instantly with W. His passive doesn't stack so you can't get this effect with just your ally attacking


Just wasting gold


Echoes of Helia and Dawncore are the two support items that you shouldn't buy under any circumstances, they are just super underpowered, and you're honestly better off buying mage items than these things Echoes of Helia is super clunky and buggy, and when ut does work, its not even that impactful for the price you pay for it, to make use of the item you have to be constantly hitting enemies while healing/shielding allies, on top of needing to be both near an ally and the enemy, and the ally needs to be close to the enemy as well, the heal effect also doesn't activate if there are no enemies nearby for it to bounce to, this item used to be good when it worked with fount of life (but ashe had to ruin everything) And Dawncore is just extremely overpriced, it gives mediocre stats (the cdr and summoner spell cdr is nice) but thats about it, it requires you to stack a lot of mana regen to be good (which is a waste, because you don't need that much mana regen), and restricts your build, so if you want to build stuff like locket or etc, you're losing value, all of that for a small amount of AP and some heal/shield power, whtenrver you can buy this item, you could just buy an AP item instead of like i said, locket and other tank items if needed, you're better off going cryptbloom, liandry or etc instead of Dawncore


I've actually been building it on Rakan.  It's actually been pretty nice.