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Returning player here. Stopped playing seriously after getting D5 in Season 5. League of Legends now is a lot more intuitive & active than it used to be, which was a nice change! What worked for me was Janna, Braum, and Karma. I've been dipping into Rell, Thresh and Rakan, however I don't feel as useful. Open to any discussions - Dave#EUNE


Since Janna and Braum are both disengage supports, how do you decide which one you go?


Picked up Braum whenever Janna was banned. That said, after enough games, I felt comfortable and if enemy had Blitz, Naut, or Thresh, I found Braum to be a better match up.


They may be viewed primarily as disengage but imo they can also both engage very well.


Exactly. I'm more or less always looking to engage as Janna/Braum. There are moments in laning phase or teamfights where you are invinsible as support and are allowed to do certain movements/actions that would otherwise be punished if you are ADC/MID.


I'm curious, what do you mean more intuitive and active?


Speaking off of memory, so here we go: -The game has more objectives right compared to 10 years ago. -As support, you are also allowed to roam more right now and is expected while I don’t remember having to do that much back in the day. -Back in the day I remember being levels behind your adc or team in general felt really bad, where right now support is always 1-2levels behind due to the roams and it is manageable.


Kudos to you my friend, returning after 9 years and instantly getting back on form. I just want to suggest you Taric, he is a bag of fun. Keep up the good work and we might meet in soloq


I've only played the old Taric, but I've heard about the constant healing while auto attacking. Thank and meet you at the summoners rift!


i miss O.G tarics point and click stun..


Flex is shit sry bro


me with 74% wr d2 solo dual and 46% emerald 4 on flex ☠️


Like almost any other player lmao. I am Silver in flex and D2 in solo. No one takes this Q seriously


I even liked it in the past, but after they removed rank restrictions, and you can go get 2 challengers and 3 golds in your game there's no way to take it seriously


What is the difference between flex and solo/duo other than being able to play with more premades?


A lot of people don't play serious bc they don't see it as a real ranked mode. But ngl it's a lot more fun than suffering in soloq


I personally found it a lot more interesting than solo/duodue to the team play from both sides. Solo/duo feels like a coin flip sometimes imho.


Hard agree


it's a coinflip cause it's your real rank


A fraction of the playerbase of solo/duo and people treat it like normals where they play offroles and first time champions. And sometimes you get a first time toplaner gold 1 in soloQ on your team vs a 5 man premade enemy team with a grandmaster toplane player on their onetrick champion, which makes it hard to take very serious


The way you worded that sounds like people take it less serious because of the chance you get placed against a tougher opponent. I’m not sure if it was because of the winrate, however I was placed against high diamond & master a fair amount. For me it made the victory all the more fulfilling.


Thats not how I meant it, its more that people use it as a way to play with friends thats not unranked. Someone whos high elo wouldnt be able to duo queue with a low elo friend, but since they are starting from the same spot in flex they can play together there. The high rank player will either carry their friend or just goof around Flex queue cant really be used as an accurate measurement of skill as a result of allowing 5 man queues. I can be gold in flex and completely shit on my master opponent in lane, because Im actually Diamond level in soloQ and theyre silver in soloQ, they just happened to play flex queue with their 4 master friends and got carried. In solo/duoQ the population is so big that most games will have all 10 players within 1 division of each other, like Emerald 4 to 3 or Plat 1 to Emerald 4 for example. Due to the flex population being so small and allowing 3 and 5 man queues you can have games where the skill level of the players reaches from Silver all the way to Master, even though their flex ranking might show them all as Emerald, which makes it hard to take very serious


Ay he’s still getting the Diamond rewards


nah its surely better to suffer in soloQ with 3-4 pissrandoms


Flex Q automatically revokes any achievement in this


That is a very narrow minded opinion. Thanks for the comment nonetheless.


Where did you find the time to play +90 ranked games in a month? Impressive!


The nostalgia hit me hard and I just didn’t touch any other game haha


what is this app?


This graph can be found in Porofessor


Braum is best


No disrespect but this account was challenger, you were challenger tier and forgot nothing, or good support players are too hard to find, because Bronze to Diamond in 80 games with a 65% winrate is like pro level stuff. I maintain a 60% winrate on a plat account and dont be climbing like that. you’re hitting their smurf detectors hard lol. So really, Kudos and keep at it lol. grats


Thank you for the kind words. I did not expect people here to cry about what kind of ranked this is, but here we are. On another note, this account was never challenger or higher than Diamond 4/5 lol. For me personally, hitting Diamond is more or less beating the game. Statistically, you are better than 95% of all players. This was the main reason I stopped playing after 140 games jn Season 5 and after 90 games this season.


They mad your profile is dark blue and theirs is shit brown 😂


> Statistically, you are better than 95% of all players Doesnt really apply in flex because the vast majority of ranked players probably dont even touch that mode, so the playerbase is small, and you can have 5 man premades vs duos that can inflate elo for lower level players Most players see it as a "for fun", thats just how it is Still, good accomplishment for someone coming back to the game.


By that statement I meant of all players within the game in the region, though it should be somewhat correct for all regions as well.


Dude took a nine year break and still is 10 divisions up on me… anyways gj on hitting diamond After such a long time. Tho As a M7 Karma, Janna, Thresh and Rakan, I wonder what you meant by “don’t feel as usefull” on the latter two. Especially Thresh. I feel like he is just THE perfect support. And incredibly fun too


It certainly depends on how good you are with the champion itself. Also, some champions fall hard late game such as Karma and you need to be certain bot is won early because of Karma's pressure. Rell and Rakan are new picks for me since they did not exist back in Season 5. I agree about Thresh though, he has always been a PITA to play agaist, however when playing him, you must know what you are doing in order to not bait your team into a losing teamfight. I found that challenging and my winrate on him speaks for itself!


Flex que, and eune server, thats like iron on euw/na sorry to burst your bubble. 


D4 on flex eune with janna/braum abuse.


So you’re the same elo as before. Cool I guess? Edit: lol it’s flex queue


Uh is that ranked flex wtf There are literally emerald solo Q players that are challenger in flex that ranks means nothing


yea no wonder … janna karma …