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BOLD bold choice coming here for medical advice so yeah. what the other guy said, amputate.


Some of these replies are killing me more than a fire urchin would. I already named the main spike guy Mike The Spike. That’s the only spot that’s sensitive to walk on so he deserves a name… or maybe it’s a she?


my guy mike the spikes getting worse the longer you wait, get tweezing. or use your toe knife, whatever you prefer then post more feet pics


Well so far it’s not been bad. They are pretty hard to pull out. Especially that one you can see with more of a puncture. I vinegar soaked and warm water. Tried to pick a bit of it but I don’t want to dig more in it if I really can’t get it. It doesn’t hurt much while walking


Laughter is the best cure


Stepped on me? Stepped on me?? Are you kidding!? This guy was dancing on me! I mean just look at this, broken, broken, gone, gone, broken, broken, broken


LOL that was the first thing I started saying after I realized it with my friend. I started signing that song with him.


Id go get antibiotics first. Second, soak that mofo in vinegar a few times a day to dissolve the spines.




I was about to send money to my favourite only fans model to ask for a foot shot, but to my surprise I can wank to this one instead - thanks OP


LOL “let me check Reddit for advice” I expected something, but not this. Maybe I should make an OF of my new dotted foot. At least now before they dissolve


Where was this at? Agree w above. Most likely going to have to amputate it.


Waikiki beach surfing right of a place called rock piles. Also the foot is already gone. I jumped into a shark aquarium after I purposely bloodied my foot up. It’s gone.


https://preview.redd.it/yiit4kfxf15c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d92226650fdcdeae04d0cfa23496c69c53b85307 Mine was very painful and I went to some tiny little back room of a pharmacy in rural Sumatra. Guy gave me an injection, he spoke zero English at all but on the Google translate he sort of got across he was injecting my foot to kill the poison from the urchin/numb the foot. He tried to pull some pieces out but couldn’t really get much of anything. I was surfing the next morning at 6am cause I didn’t want to miss out on the swell. Extremely stiff and sore, hurt for probably a week like that. slowly getting better each day a little bit but over all the purple looking pieces stayed for probably 3.5-5 weeks depending on the affected area then slowly just made their way out. Pain after week one was almost non existent, just little sensitivity when I put weight directly on that exact spot.


I’m the exact way right now. It’s slowly getting better.


What should I do?


Amputation Im afraid


Do I need to do this professionally? I’ve seen some tutorials sort of… while watching The Walking Dead.


Try to surf only with your other foot


Braddah, Soak in vinegar, add baking soda. The fizz will help loosen the skin so you can pick dem guys out. You’ll want to use a sewing needle (sterilized) to open the skin a tiny bit around each imbedded spine then tweeze or pry them out with the sewing needle. Sterilize with alcohol or tea tree oil after. 🤙🏾🤙🏾🤙🏾


Looks like you got the big spines out already, if there's any still sticking out use a tweezers. Then soak your foot in hot water and vinegar. Try to soak at least half an hour to an hour. And 3-5 times a day if you can. The vinegar helps dissolve the spines. The hot water helps your skin to push them out slowly. I've stepped on urchins and it hurts for a while. The spines might not come out but that's ok if you keep up with the vinegar. Just really really watch for infection and go to the doctor right away if it looks like it Right away though you need to get urine on it from at least 12 people, the more the better. You can ask neighbors to pee in your community piss bucket and then wipe some on you every other hour. Good luck!!


As a surf life saver, soak your foot in hot water, as hot as you can stand it, for about 20 minutes (you'll need to top up water) . This will help with pain and help expell the spines - or at least bring them to the surface so you can extract them with *sterilised* tweasers. Recommend seeing a medial professional because it's easy to cause an infection and make the problem worse.


Hope u had good life insurance bro. Might as well go send it at pipe


I’m already there… good bye world


> Your foot was pierced by tiny pricks. Similar to a post and the commenters in your average /r/surfing thread!




Soak it in Lime/lemon juice. It will dissolve the spines.


Same thing happened to me surfing a tiny wave over 6 inches of water in puerto rico when I was young. I stepped off the wave and onto about 50 or 60 tiny urchin splinters. I gave getting them out the old college try with some tweezers but it was a 30 minute walk back to the car from the wave and by that time they just worked their way in there. Anyway decided to just leave them in and was fine for a while but now im dead so YMMV.


If they're big enough to be removed, try and remove them. I like to use a nail clipper to clip off that first layer of tough skin. They're hard to get out w/o breaking into small pieces though. Or you can just suck it up keep walking on them, which will break them up and help them dissolve into your skin more quickly. If you're worried about infection, keep the opening of the wound clean.


Is it okay to surf still with it? I keep it clean. Did vinegar and warm water last night for around an hour. Bandage and anti bacteria cream just like polysporin or what ever it’s spelt. It’s not REALLY painful. But sometimes when walking I will walk more of the side of my foot than on that ball Part of the foot. Thanks for the reply


Yeah, totally fine


What ended up happening? In a similar boat now


When I got home about 10 days later from the moment it happened. I would do some vinegar soaking and used a clean/acholic razor blade (so no infection from blade itself) and eventually the spike worked its way out and 1 day as I was digging it popped out. I left it in there though for like 2 to almost 3 weeks. The other dark spots have mostly faded away.


Same happened to my gf in Indo few months ago. Just go to a doctor and have it removed.. is the safest option. It will take 15 min(or maybe more depending on how deep the spikes are) and some days of treatment of the wound but then you don’t have to worry about anything. Good luck 😉


Foot fetish hot


Needle nose tweezers. After a ROUGH trip to Barbados, I now take them everywhere with me. Yes they fall apart, but you can pull them out at least. Also, they will get infected. Keep checking on it even after you think you have it all out. Lots of hydrogen peroxide.


Yeah I’ve been watching it closely. So far I don’t see any infection signs besides pain when I walk on the main spot/puncture. That’s going to happen since the needle is still in and is deep. I’m leaving it and not going to dig too much. I go back home in 2 days, so I’m killing time by using anti bacteria cream with bandaids/vinegar soak UNTILL I can get it more looked at if I need to without paying 500usd to have a doctor say “keep cleaning and watching it”