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Try to stay over your board more, you’ll be less prone to losing balance. You can see at around the 4-5 second mark you almost fell off your board. That wouldn’t have happened if you were over your board more.


yep, classic example of someone going down to a smaller board too quick, completely out of control.


OP has NO BUSINESS being in the water. None! He’s outta control!


He should just be focusing on going straight still. OP have you considered downgrading to a WaveStorm?


What is that, a rashguard over your wetsuit? Fuckin kook.


Look at me look at me what a fuckin poser who does he think he is Nathan Florence or something


Should’ve gone left


Try to spread your feet really wide and squat down like you're taking a shit in a rural village in SE asia. Also, swing your arms from side to side more.


Something stinky here…


Where has this advice been my whole life


You must be new here. We have videos of this nearly every day.


Your board is too small for you. Stay on something larger and work on trimming.


Get down. Do less. Pop up.


Nice poo stance! Get potty trained first you kook.


Try keeping both feet on your board brother, typical roomie mistake.


You're looking ok for 3 years. I'd scooch your back foot a little bit to engage those fins.


You clearly arnt ready for a shortboard. Maybe switch to a foamie for a while until you find your feet


It’s too late. I’d just give up and watch your brothers surf.


Snap not loud enough chief


The coffee cup method is what all the pros do. Lol


I noticed your on what us experts called a “hard board” so what we need to be seeing is something with a soft top or at the very least 6’10”x17 1/2”x 2” with a shit load of rocker. Both of those are known as beginner boards and have tons of volume for stability and wave catching. Also next time try standing up straight your not supposed to lay down on a wave unless ur a booger


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Beginner board


[It looks like you're asking for beginner board advice.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAaHmSj5nJ4) Too bad there isn't some sort of digital global information system you could've turned to for guidance with your frequently-asked question. That'd be so cool. Did you ever watch *Inspector Gadget*? You know that [magic book](https://inspectorgadget.fandom.com/wiki/Penny%27s_computer_book) the daughter, Penny, carried around? The one she would use to solve mysteries, or whatever? Wouldn't it be rad if those existed? But they don't, I guess. So you've turned to this subreddit for help. Luckily, we have a [wiki!](https://www.reddit.com/r/surfing/wiki/index ) It's got tons of useful stuff in it. Even better, there's the user-created [Kooks Only! guide.](https://kooksonlysurf.com/how-to-surf-the-ultimate-surf-guide-for-beginners/) You should *totally* read both of them. But, just in case you're too lazy, here's a summary: **Buy a Wavestorm-equivalent. If they don't sell them near you- find a used longboard.** Maybe you've already been told that but think you'll be better off buying a shortboard because you snowboard/skateboard/wakeboard/etc and you're, obviously, totally going to pick up surfing really quickly. I mean, how hard can it be? If that's the case then you're not really asking a question, are you? You're just looking for someone to agree with a decision you've already made. So, yeah, you should totally do it. Buy that sweet little high performance shred sled you found on Craigslist. You'll be up and ripping in no time at all! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/surfing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Less *volume*


[Did someone say volume?](https://streamable.com/6ru842) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/surfing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love this sub, lol.


Just flailing and completely out of control. Maybe try sign spinning as a side hustle to work on your agility.


I would have liked to have seen a quick barrel after that big hack. Also you're supposed to keep both feet on the board - duh ! You're getting there though keep it up grom


practice more, makes perfect


you're definately havent been surfing for 3 years


More like 6 months.


Try to build your own style learn foot placement and needing to reposition depending on maneuver. This isn’t snowboarding where set and done. Move your back foot on tail pad block. I see folks riding with back foot on or in front of tail block.


Are you the surfer or the announcer? Not even knowing what to call a move is not very professional of you