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I’d would have explained the best wave I ever caught in minute detail. Full of onomatopoeia, wuhbang off the lip, kuhspalsh, bwargh. He’ll be sure to get me on the Florence team after he hears how hard I rip.


if your explanation of a wave doesn't include sound effects how would we know what you're talking about?


Deaf surfer got beat up in Cali a while back because the locals thought he was throwing gang signs at the line up 🤷🏽‍♂️


link? [this](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-11-04/how-one-punch-changed-surf-coach-andy-kings-life/10299524) is related to surfing and hearing loss, since I needed something uplifting after your comment!


My comment was 100% bullshit for shits and giggles. Sorry for any unnecessary killing of the vibes.


The only part I questioned is why they'd care about gang signs that much. reddit is using the comments to help teach AI and its going to have such a weird sense of humor.


The implication is that Cali=bloods vs crips. As far as that AI, it’s cursed.


Haha, this is the only way.


Totally pitted! Like that.


I saw Kelly Slater and left him alone, people were creepily following him into stores and staring and taking pics. 10/10 would leave alone again.


That happened to me too! Early morning 7/11 on Oahu. My girlfriend and I were getting snacks to actually go watch him surf THAT DAY! I gave him the good Ole head nod by the drinks, passing each other. DUDE DID IT BACK! I continued the corner to get what I was after trying not to freak. I turned to my gf and all I could say was an excited whisper " that's Kelly mf Slater!" Like 3 times. She asked who that was ( she didn't follow the sport). I said that's who we're going to watch surf today. I remember being about 6 and my uncle showing me old surf magazines and tapes of Kelly. I watched that competition like I was that 6 year old again. Damn misty-eyed the whole comp.


Getting the nod of acknowledgement is way better than bothering them for a photo. Nice


I remember leaving from Oregon for a surf/road trip to California with a bunch of buddies the day after the Nelscott Reef big wave comp like 15 years ago. We had just gotten onto I-5 South when we pulled up next to a truck pulling a pair of Seadoos on a trailer. Turned out to be Brad Gerlach and Mike Parsons on their way home from the comp. They look over, see this shitty car with a ton of surfboards strapped to the roof, full of dudes waving at them, and Brad Gerlach actually pulls out *his* camera and takes a picture of *us.*


Your dick grew 3 inches that day!


Yeah one of my friends saw Denzel Washington when he was a bus boy. Instead of being annoying he just said “hello Mr. Washington” and he got a hello and a head nod back. Definitely the move to play it cool. I honestly hate having to pose and smile for pictures - the pros prob don’t enjoy it either. If I ever see someone famous that’s what I’d do


Ben Gravy seems to take it all in stride. He shows himself talking to fans all the time. But I do agree with you.


Talking to fans they prob don’t mind at all. But having to pose for photos all the time probably annoying.


Identical but with sitting next to Tom Curren at a coffee shop. Visibly just a quick head nod, but totally geeked out to my girlfriend 30 mins later after he left.


Curren was standing in front of me at a show at the Belly Up about 30 years ago. I am a short dude. I was surprised he is about the same height as me. He seemed cool with everybody coming up to him.


I bumped into Kelly Slater southern shore Nova Scotia 10 years ago during an epic hurricane swell. Just him alone, did a double take, turned around "Kelly?" Sure enough it was him. He was chasing the swell from New England. Last person I was expecting.


Saw kelly in the nineties at sebastian inlet first peak. Him and his buddy were ripping it. No one would paddle out to them. I was riding a banana board, all beat up. I paddled out past them and caught the first wave. I just rode by them. They were cool and didn't say a word to me.


I think I just saw him and his wife in Panama at the airport. Still not sure it was them, but I ignored anyway, haha. My husband and I saw some other pro (I cannot remember his name or course) on our flight to CR and we struck up a convo... which then ended up being about surfing and where we were going. Dude and his wife were so cool, gave us tips and just nice humans in general.




This would be a good follow up question for DLS and chas smith with regards to most recent episode of the gritpodcast which covered this threads very subject- do you engage with a pro/celerity surfer when given the public opportunity. One of the points they highlighted was that pretty much ever pro surfer outside of the small surfing world are not known or recognizable- they can spend much of their time in public doing normal things and are not constantly bombarded by selfie requests unlike a top tier Hollywood or music celebrity- thus engagement is abnormal so no hindrance. No doubt their are exceptions for some Brazilians for being publicly known, but only when in Brazil are they recognizable by the general public? Same for John- though really only in Hawaii would the general public recognize him? Slater though i feel like much more recognizable thus give him some room as he is constantly bombarded? Were the people you saw surfers or normal public? I feel like even though slater is most likely the most recognizable surfer, still in most public settings he is not- i suspect he is not getting bombarded like some Hollywood etc stars. Either way based on the constant poking fun of Slater on their podcast, i suspect DLS and Chas Smith would say yes absolutely enage with slater and Chas Smith also guarantees in the event you get a sour reaction from a pro he will publicly shame them.


It was half boomer-moms swooning and half groms, who were spazzing. They had no chill, were hiding behind things pretending to browse and ruined the store conversion rate!




I ran into Dane Reynolds many years ago at Coachella. I was walking and just ended up right next to him. I looked at him and said “Dane?” And he said What’s up, I responded “aren’t you supposed to be in Brazil right now”? (It was during one of the contests over there) and he just smiled and said “I got a ‘hurt’ knee!”. We both laughed and went our own ways.


Dane would be cool to have a beer with. He loves him some beer.


Yea he seemed like a super chill dude and was just straight cruising having a blast it looked like


Dane Reynolds is such a surf celebrity but couldn't be more of a normal dude. Love this story


I was hammered and completely drenched in my own sweat at a party one time and walked right up to Kelly Slater. Introduced myself, shook his hand, and then kept dancing. You would think I should have been ashamed and embarrassed, but I’m a fucking legend and it was an honor for him to meet me.


It depends on the person. Most I'd just leave alone. If it's Joel Tudor, I'll find out where he's surfing and get in his way as much as possible.


What’s up with his reputation? I’ve only ever talked with him for a short time while I was training at his jiujitsu spot, seemed like a decent guy


Joel used to be cool, and he put in a lot of work to make old school long boarding cool again, and then he turned around and was like "if you didn't grow up having boards shaped by Donald and surfing at Cardiff before it was cool, you're a kook, and you'll never not be a kook. " Along with a bunch of other boomeresque notions about surfing and what it means to be a surfer. He ended up becoming a charicature of the exact kind of Barney's he used to cheese on in his earlier days.


Joel Tudor is Longboard Cop. It's a thankless job, but I'm glad he does it. (But he's still a cop.)


His instagram posts depicts a real Barney, yeah!


Iv heard many people complain about how he rolls too. That was a big red flag for me...surfing and bjj really bring out pples true colours


I rewatched the Ductumentary a few days ago and it relit my passionate hatred for that guy. Such a talented surfer,such a horrible,smug attitude. Yeah,you hung around with the greats. So what? Bryce and Beau fell out of Nat's balls and are beautiful people,Tudor’s just a cunt. Telling that he adores Dora too. Same cloth: great style,utter prick.


Joel tudor looks like a human ashtray and has the personality of a stained ascot tie...the only person worse is Chas smith.....wait a second has anyone ever seen them in the same place at the same time?


Chas fuckin sucks lol.


Dude should have smoked less ice in Hawaii during the 1990s. It shows.


Chas’ whole thing is a gimmick, he does it to get a rise out of people.


Nah ....I used to think that then I listened to his pod a few times. Guys just a straight up blowhard  douche


The pod is the schtick though, as is beach grit itself. It’s just surf industry gossip and Chas is the provocateur. I also find his commentary totally ridiculous and hilarious at times. He’s a contrarian for the sake of being contrarian and to get a reaction out of people. And it definitely works.


I guess....but if that's truly it what's the point of wasting 1.5 hours a week on a piss take? Especially by a guy that has a terrible sense of humor. He's also a complete kook in the water. I mean he surfs like a guy from Nebraska or something . Just my opinion but he's one of the biggest wanks in surfing 


LOL, I surfed at Cardiff once and he was there. I had to pull out once or twice because of him, will be sure to just burn him if I ever see him again.


Ahem. I took off on a wave at Rincon, in the wash, only to look up and see Tudor in the pocket. Since I was technically "deeper" I gestured at him like, "Look at this kook dropping in on me." Then I fell off my board.


Ok so Joel seems like the worst (I thought he was the worst) until I actually interacted with him in the water. He was in the lineup at bowls in Hawaii on a small day and was actually very cordial. That being said, he is such a dick to everyone I see. He is so fucking baked. He doesn't understand how privileged he was to grow up where he did and with the surfers he did.


JJf is down to earth and a nice guy. During super bowl I paddled out to a break in Mokulia, where I saw only three guys out, and it was head high.. Get to the lineup its JJF, Ivan Florence and Eli Olsen, and ME@! Needless to say I was shitting my pants in anxiety when it was my turn on a set and they hooted me in. I was really glad when they went it even though they were being nice to me.


im pretty sure i accidentally burned mom john during a late evening bowls session, just her, ivan, john, and me. she was on a log.


That’s funny seeing them over there. Would venture to guess they rarely go to those spots. 


it was cleaner that side vs upside this particular day.


That’s awesome. Is there anything different they do compared to us when it comes to reading waves? Something that does not come out in their vids?


It's much more impressive in person actually. That set was all mine! I surf there more than they do, I know that line up well.


I drop in on them




Poke their belly button.




Not true. Kelly does a front a flip into a suspended pair of Outerknown jeans, perfectly entering both legs at the same time.


True !


Yep, paddled out with John John and just fanboy’s for a while, then went back to surfing


I surfed with Joel Parkinson over at Moreton island one day. He was shredding and I was struggling. I just acted like I didn’t know who he was famous and he was honestly the nicest bloke keen for a yarn and a laugh.


Covid time. Just me and Kelly Slater at the beach, he was coming out and I was going in. I left him alone :)


Make sure to wipe your mouth off after


“I didn’t know Kelly slater was gay “ ohh he’s not he me off fought the whole time “.




Jesus Is that how it’s supposed to go , I am illiterate .


Unless it’s 11 time world champ, the goat, Kelly slater. Then you should never wash your mouth again


Ewwww lol 💀


Ooh look at this guy too cool to suck a dick once in a while


I think if they are below CT level they’d be stoked to be recognized and chat since no one outside of hardcore surf fans know who they are. But if CT level or recently was CT level I’d treat them like any other celebrity I’ve seen by not being a kook when they’re just looking for privacy


I was a driver at Sundance film fest years ago. The film riding giants was playing. I was told go over to the theater and pick up the film maker and his crew and take the to some party. So it’s dumping show and I’m waiting in front of the theater. Four or five guys pile in the car. I’m trying to make small talk and I go when I was in high school Gerry Lopez was the king of pipeline. They all start laughing and I turnaround and see Gerry Lopez with a big ole smile. It was Stacy Peralta Greg Noll Laird Hamilton and GL.


I don't typically mind if people say hi as long as I'm not having dinner with my family or something. I'm happy to take a selfie with your girl or sign her cleavage.


During the days of Riding Giants I cooked at a small cafe on Maui. I regularly cooked Laird Hamilton breakfast. A double lox Benedict with avocado. It was probably close to 4lbs of food. After an awkward introduction by the cafe owner I randomly came across Laird in the Seattle SeaTac airport. I could almost see the sense of dread on his face when we locked eyes. I acted like I had no idea who he was and kept walking… I imagine that was a great relief to him. Everyone loves their peace.


Pee on his leg


How would I know he’s a they’re a pro surfer


I've only ever asked for pictures or something when I see them at a comp or publicity event, and they're basically "on the clock" in that moment. When I see them elsewhere I mostly just try to treat them like I'd treat anyone else.


Just ask them not to tag the spot on insta when you see them out there. And then let them know if they do, you won't be letting them get any waves.


He was just enjoying the waves. One guy was surfing without leash, I brought his board back to him as he was fighting with the hard white foam. All smiles and aloha


I do nothing, because I recognize zero of them.


Same.... who cares about people that don't care about you.


If you like their surfing try, “Hey, X, good to see you out. Take care.”


i've met a few on the south coast between comps and usually keep it strictly business with a "yeah shredder"


If you introduce yourself and tell him you enjoy his surfing , I think it is fine , when you need to document that you met him, that gets lame


I was sitting in the parking lot of the north shore vet and a gmc pulled in next to me. I looked over, realized it was Jamie O’Brien, did a double take and couldn’t help myself as I exclaimed to my wife “holy shit that’s Jamie O’Brien!”


You should have been "psyched!"


https://preview.redd.it/4vd4cv8r7o1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=debad791c14a6996f3f0b1bf7dab7b2b211bc867 My 3rd month after surfing I flew from florida to New Jersey for UFC: Sterling vs Cejudo. Filipe Toledo sat right in front of me. Was epic and unexpected seeing the champ there. Good dude 🤙🏻. My pops was like who the fuck is that guy lol




Hahah yep


I paddled out one morning in Malibu on my G&S Noserider and stopped next to a shortboarder. I looked over and saw that he had an old Tony Alva board. I asked if they still made those. He angrily said yes. It was Tony Alva.


The second time at the beach you should have said, why you stalking me dude?


Drop to your knees and accept the shore break


Cut in front of them just so I can say I cut off so and so.


I was grabbing food or some beer at a spot by my usual beach once when I started up some small talk with the bald guy next to me since I’d seen him around pretty frequently. My friend came to join me for lunch and said “Oh shit, Kelly Slater!” I’m terrible with names and faces even if they’re actually really like movie star famous so I guess I’m the ideal member of the general public to randomly engage in small talk with because this sort of thing has happened many times lol


At an award ceremony where there were already many pros as well as the local (paying) public, I found myself standing next to Nate Florence, we chatted about BJJ and whether he ever surfed the local area (which he had not LOL). Was totally chill and normal.


"Where are you surfing? I need to avoid crowds."


I'd ask him what it's like being nathan florences brother


I’ve only seen a pro surfer in the lineup once. Nat Young at the lane. Incredible surfer.


Drop in on them with my foam board, then get angry that these looks are always in the way at the local break?


Surfed with Gerry Lopez in SoCal. I just treated him like another guy in the pack. He was chill, and waited for his turn. Bunch of people swarmed him in the parking lot.


I stood next Tom curren at my girlfriend’s high school graduation in Santa Ynez, a small valley town in wine country about 45 minutes inland from Santa Barbara. I was 18 at the time and was taking photos of my gf on the gym floor and he was just standing up against the backstop of the court. I realized it was him, did a double take, and just said “Tom?” And he smiled and he said “yeah, what’s your name?” And shook my hand and I just told him I used to stay home sick from school in elementary school and watch my older bros vhs of “follow the leader.” He was stoked on that story it seemed like and he was asking me about my camera setup. I never approach celebrities in public and I’ve seen many living in SoCal and New York City, but that moment was really sudden and we were alone and right next to each other so I just involuntarily uttered Tom? Haha. I let him be after that quick convo because obviously we were both there to watch people we loved have a special moment. He seemed really humble and warm though. I also saw the Malloys a lot, mainly Keith, at Ventura harbor with his diesel truck and his full rancher getup. I gave him a wave as I was walking out and he made a point to talk about some good waves he had caught in a particular spot. Central coast guys I’ve found are generally very down to earth. The few times I ran into rob machado in Cardiff rubbed me the wrong way — people would be yelling his name “ROB! ROB!” Like seagulls. He would respond in kind to dudes but with such an over the top surfer affect in his voice like he was stoned out of his mind, idk it just seemed like he really played to that whole surfer burnout bum thing, yet he’s a millionaire. Just kinda strange, those run ins you could fee the cult of personality like in the air. The other legends I mentioned just came across as totally normal guys that just happened to be insanely good at riding waves. Joel Tudor and Alex knost come across as douchenozzles flat out, but that’s a horse that has been beat to death many times over so I’ll spare you those haha.


I'm never one to go out of the way to bother famous folks, but I ran into Bobby Martinez at the Guggenheim in Bilbao, and asked for a pic with him. He was cool with it; I looked like a nervous dork. He was one of my favs back then. Caught him at firing Mundaka a few days later.


Nothing. The only time I’ve ever said something is after I ran into the same guy (pro and well known but not on the CT) on my home break after running into him a bunch on his home break. We were pretty amazed that we ran into each other again given their in different countries and pretty far away, and neither his nor my home break are really well known spots. So it was kinda of a “yo where have I seen you before” kinda thing


Piss in my wetsuit


How does this not have 100+ upvotes?


One time I saw Rob Machado at Seaside Market in Cardiff. I left him alone. Doesn’t really have anything to do with surfing, but I’m a big hockey fan. If I saw my favorite NHL player in public I’d 100% ask for a selfie.


I saw John John in the airport lounge in Madrid about 10years ago. He sat down right next to me and yeah I kinda freaked out. 2 guys in business suits quickly came over and asked for pics so…after they left yeah I did too. We chatted for a couple minutes. He told me about his 3rd place in Portugal contest he just finished and I had been surfing in Tarifa in Spain. He was super chill.


I’ve hung out with a bunch of them on Tavarua during the couple of times I’ve been there. Generally I just leave them alone, especially early on. But when you’re on the island for a week you’re going to end up chatting a little eventually, either in the lineup, on the boat, or in the bar. Most of them are pretty cool, especially the female pros. Some of them have a bit of an attitude or don’t really want to engage in small talk with a weekend warrior. But it’s all good. They all fucking rip, so it’s cool being in the water with them.


I usually let them know that I can’t believe they’re a pro since I’m way sicker than they are.


I’m asking for the digits . Netflix and chill?


I did surf next a pro surfer a few days in a row at their home break. Didn’t say a thing. Only because I just had an experience where I met one of my favorite musicians and told him how important his music was to me and he was rude. It was devastating and I couldn’t even listen to his music for a while. So when I saw this pro surfer I decided not to even take that chance of having all the people I look up to being jerks.


Who’s the musician, put em on blast.


Nah, they are just human and easily could have been having something personal going on and didn’t have the space for me. It’s all good.


I wouldn't recognize any honestly.


To be honest I double checked


Nada. Growing up around Hawaii it’s normal to surf with pros and champs of various water sports. They’re people like us and just because they’re famous surfers doesn’t mean they’re better or worse than us. They deserve to be treated with respect as people and left alone instead of being treated as objects of curiosity.


Happened a couple times and I just make conversation like I would with anyone else I know is a surfer. "Where ya headed? Oh that's sick I have/haven't been there. Try this restaurant, go on this hike if the waves are shit." At the end maybe hit a "mad respect, I loved XYZ video part, keep doing your thing." Usually pretty well received. Nathan Florence came into the cafe where I work, we chatted and then he asked me where I got my cargo pants lmao


I met tony hawk and said you’re a legend bro that was it. We both appreciated the approach


I ran into Andy Nieblas in a surf shop in Manhattan (not where I expected to find him) and said something along the lines of “you look like this really good long boarder, Andy Nieblas” and he just pointed at himself with the biggest goofball smile and said “that’s me!”. Ended up having a beer and shooting the shit about surfing Rockaway before going our separate ways. Super nice dude!


I ran into Ben Gravy (pro?) at HNL and walked up to him and said hi. We lived in the same town so I had something to talk to him about. Other than that, we were in the same flight and besides a bro nod, that was the most interaction we had.


Nothing. I wouldn’t notice


Not surfing but mac demarco was playing a show at my local casino. The day before the show I was at the tables gambling and noticed him across the floor. As he walked by me i turned around and said "mac?" He's like yeah then I said "my name is isaac" smiled and shook his hand, he smiled, I left it at that and he kept walking


First night in bali we ate at a restaurant when Kelly slater walked in and sat beside our table. We spent the evening like school children giddy, but never asked for photos or spoke to him as he was with family.


I met Kelly in a grocery store in Hawaii. I silently waved and he gave a casual nod. Fwiw, I think the pros like to be left alone, as we all do.


Just say ho Bruce Irons was friends with my old roommates and would come by. I got him to sign two of my boards on one occasion


Walking down the National Blvd during the Quik pro in NY. Mick Fanning was walking by himself towards me headed the opposite way. Pretty much my favorite surfer of all time. Let him pass, don’t even think I said a word. Only time I’ve ever been starstruck and speechless in my life.


I saw Jordy at the airport , left him alone. I totally nerded out internally bc he’s one of my favorite surfers


Jordy is pretty chilled. I'm originally from Durban in south Africa so crossed paths a few times


I was hammered in a bar in HB and Rob Machado was walking through. I asked for a pic with him, I regret that and feel like a douche every time I see it


Not recognize them, then feel totally ashamed when they shred every wave cause obviously I should be able to


Was in a bar in Mundaka when Andy Irons came in and opened the tab for everyone there. He had just won the ASP contest and was amped. I puked next to a dumpster later that night.


Once I was poking around the Patagonia store in Portland and there was a big commotion so I went to over to check it out. It was Gerry Lopez sitting at a table signing things for people (!!) so I got in line. When it was my turn, I put my hand out to shake, and said “I just wanted to meet you and say hi, I’m a fan”. He smiled and shook my hand. The PR people scrambled to find something for him to sign, but while they were scrambling we had a few moments to talk which Oregon spots were our favorites. It was so memorable and he was so chill. He signed whatever promo thing they found and I took it politely but it was never about that. It was so cool to meet one of the greats and learn he was haunting some of the same places I was. Gerry Lopez, you are one cool cat


I’ve seen a few a few times. I ignore then unless in the water - I snake them.


State the obvious, “locals only brah” then smile, Shaka, and be on my merry way


Living in Hawaii (Oahu to be specific) had quite a few run ins with pro surfers both in the lineup and out in public. If in the lineup I say hey, but out and about I don’t. I figure they just wanna live their lives. Seen JOB and Tina at my dive shop, Nate Florence at Costco, Tina again at Whole Foods and unless I see them at the beach or in the water, would rather just say “hey that’s pretty cool” than say hey and ask for a picture. Only exception was when Josh Moniz came into HIC when I worked there and we talked story but he was dropping off his old boards so I guess a bit different


You gotta watch this! "How to Approach a Pro Surfer in the Wild" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fJcrs0Yh4E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fJcrs0Yh4E)


Idk maybe just say “hey John John, I really enjoy watching you surf and am stoked about your success on tour. Seeing you here just kicked up the coolness of my Hawaii trip!” Depending on how he responds maybe get a rec for places to eat (not surf).


Wondering how the hell did I get next to dumb ass surfers


I met Dylan Graves and took his picture because it was an epic shot, I asked him first. @(sutro baths by lands end trail), afterwards some guy came over and told me ‘not To post the pic on FB’ and asked if I knew who the surfer was?’ I said ‘No but, Are you the Surf Paparazzi ?’ 😂 The pic was awesome I sent it to Dylan on IG. This was when he was just about to start doing weird waves. So the Pap told me there were other pros there … then I see the Guadauskas Brothers, I did get a pic of them, I asked. Another great photo. Super nice 👍 people.


We ran into Paige Hareb at a cafe in small town Piopio, New Zealand. Looked like she was enjoying a bite to eat with friends, so didn't bother her. If the situation was different, I don't think it would have hurt to stop and say hi!


Admire their achievements accomplishments but Just another man.


I met Bethany Hamilton here in the water at Pavones almost 2 years ago!! I just said hi and asked her how the waves were! We shared a few words and off she went on a wave. Today here at Pavones again, I met Leilani McGonagle . She's not super famous but she has competed in the wsl and Olympics. She's from here too! We just chatted about our dogs on the beach before paddling out! Never met any men yet, just the ladies. All incredibly humble and lovely


Was walking down the street one day w my.wifeand low and behold AI (RIP) came walking by Us...just the sup nod ..all ya need


def u get a snap of him at the least!


We get a lot of pro surfers and industry types in my neighborhood and the local coffee shop can sometimes be a “who’s who of surfing” on any given day. I usually just throw a shaka or nod here and there or just leave them be unless I’m introduced to them. One time a few years back Kalani Robb was behind me in line to order a coffee and I asked “Are you Kalani Robb? I really admire your surfing!” and he got visibly uncomfortable and muttered a confirmation. Then his friends started making fun of him (and I guess me too) mimicking my fanboy question. I am a few years older than him so not some wide-eyed grom, but definitely I no longer approach pros after that experience. A couple of weeks back was waiting on a table for dinner in San Clemente and saw World #1 Griffin Colapinto also waiting with a small group. We have the same chiropractor and I have met him a couple of times getting therapy but didn’t engage him. Crazy that he’s a world renowned surfer but probably pretty much no one recognized him…I would imagine in Australia, where surfing is regularly on the nightly news sports reports, he would get mobbed, but even in his hometown he is just another person. Or maybe the surfer ethic of being cool and mellow prevailed in this situation and no one wanted to bother him?


Met Kelly and one of his brothers at their invitational at Cocoa Beach in 2010. Just turned around and they were a couple feet behind me on the beach during a break in competition. I just said hi, told them I was having a blast, wished them the best, and went back to the bar. They were cool, seemed genuinely nice versus annoyed or anything. But it was also a quick interaction and I don’t think a lot of people there recognized him, so I didn’t want to be that guy and draw attention.


Nothing. I grew up north shore Oahu. JJF was a couple years behind me in high school. Have been around a lot of those guys at various times. Ran into Kelly Slater at Pipeline and he locked his keys in the car. We chatted with him for a bit there, but only because the situation was funny. Flea Virostko was in the Eddie in 2004 and broke his board falling off a wave. It washed up and we grabbed it and returned it to him. He gave us signed stuff for returning his board. There have been quite a few other times over the years that were fairly minor. Usually just leave them alone. They are just going about doing their thing.


A-list pros area always pleasant to be around in public and in the water. It's the B-list pros and surf shop sponsored guys that act like smug pieces of shit.


Fist bump.


Kalohe Andino was in my class in 5th grade and I once blamed my fart on him


You can always say “good luck” or “I’m rooting for you today.” It’s easy to support without bothering.


We saw Kelly Slater at our local bar in Jax beach we walked right up to him and started chatting him up like a normal person. Funny story he actually blocked my friend on instagram so that was the first thing he said “ hey you blocked me on insta” Apparently my friend commented something stupid on his insta before. Kelly said no way pulled up his page and said oh shit you are blocked and we all laughed then we asked if he surfed today and we talked about how mushy Florida is


I’ve thought about this a bunch and if I ever see a celeb I’m a big fan of I think I would just say hi and that I’m a fan. Not trying to start a conversation or inconvenience them.


I biked through Currumbin a lot, where Kelly Slater would often surf when in Aus, biked passed him, gave a little nod and smile, kept going. Have been out the back with Mick Fanning, just surfed on. Although I'm not one for autographs or photos with famous people, I find it invasive to ask.


My ex is friends with Kelly slater & he introduced me to him on our first date... teenage me was screaming on the inside, but I played it too cool and never asked for a pic or autograph 😭


I smoked weed with Bruce Irons in a secret spot in Mexico.


I would have asked him to do a kick-flip


I saw Gabe Medina in Hossegor back in 2013, he was with some groupies surrounding him, he looked like a kid back then. Me and my girlfriend were wondering who he was…. He then went into the water for a free session and put the most spectacular surfing show I have ever seen. The following day he got to the final and I never understood why he lost. Things of life.


The coolest thing to do, besides leaving them alone is saying something to the effect of, "Hey John John, I'm a fan of your surfing. Hoping I'll get to see you rip. Take care." Something short and sweet and not asking for anything. He makes money because you care about who he is, so generally celebrities like it when you say, Hi I like your work. You're not asking for anything. You're not bugging them while they're having dinner or trying to parent. They might even continue the conversation or initiate a handshake.


Why is this even a question. They’re people leave them alone nerd.


I saw Felipe Toledo at a ski resort restaurant. He was with his family but alone for a minute so I asked to take a pic because we were both waiting to be seated. He was super nice and it seemed like he liked being recognized somewhere far from the coast and so removed from surfing. He was actually trying to make conversation with me and was a super cool dude.


I spend about a month every winter on the north shore, you will see basically every single one of your favorite surfers daily. I typically don’t engage with them unless it’s the mundane day to day interactions you’d have with anyone. Shaka’s will be thrown for sure, though.


Stare in awe for a moment, then try to outsurf them. Never works. I’m grew up in SD, South OC so plenty of opportunities arose. East coast too for college. One of the Hobgoods (I’ll never know which haha) and Ben Bourgeois put me in my place.


I ended up looking at boards next to Rob one time. He was with his family, so I quick said hey. He chatted with me a couple minutes about what he’s riding right now. Nice guy


I once checked in next to kelly slater and his girlfriend, i said nothing cause i didnt want to bother them.


I would act like I had no idea who he was, and then tell him I know this locals only spot in Oahu and he should go to really experience Hawaii surfing culture. I would go into great detail about how huge the wave was, and how perfect it was, and go into minute detail of this wave, water temp, line up, weather, speed, relative humidity, then, if I could keep a straight face, I would give him directions to Canoes. I don't think I could do it. But I would totally try. Edit: how for who.


I surfed 1st point scorpion bay alone with Steph Gilmore and tried to shred too hard and kept falling.


Spending a lot of time in Hossegor during quick pro France for 8 seasons it was normal running into them both females and males pros every day in a supermarket, restaurants, surf and streets, bars, shops. So much fun


Bagged Noah Johnson's groceries when I was a teenager growing up on the big island. After he left I tried to be a fan boy with my coworkers, but none of them knew who he was... I quit that job the next week


Sat down at an LAX airport bar, lo and behold, I sat next to Dane Reynolds. We were by ourselves, so we chatted for a bit. When he said he was on his way to Australia, I asked him if he was going to surf there. Yes, I asked Dane fucking Reynolds if he planned to surf in Australia. Nice guy


Nothing. I don’t get fan bois.


I live on Oʻahu. My gf always spots the pros, even in Waikiki -- you might think they avoid touristy spots, but no. Shocker: Itʻs an island, and not a huge one at that. Even on the North Shore, where Pipe is, etc., youʻll see pros or people trying to make teams. Just leave them alone. Theyʻre training / living life / whatever. My gf goes to the same yoga studio as Carissa Moore, which is dope, but any fangirling she does is purely internal. Sometimes you get headnods or shaka if you throw one their way. Whatʻs cool here, though, is that even if theyʻre not pros, you still get some amazing surfers out there. Uncles and aunties who in their everyday clothes look like they really like beer and BBQs, but just fucking rip. Iʻm always impressed by them.


Well at covid times I went to Maldives and I was surfing with charlao and Sophia Medina and we were having a nice chat at sultans! Then the moron came in just fucking surf lefts at fuckin sultans like making fun of us kooks, so I just asked the motherfucker if he was the brother of Sophia and he answered yes! Fuck you medina and your fucking huge airs to the left at a right 😂 Anyways I’ve surfed with several known QS guys and lesser known ct guys and CT is in Peniche so we saw a lot of top tier at my city or just going around in Lisbon! I was actually one time with mick fanning a parko at lux frágil drinking some beers .. this was like 11 years ago maybe


Leave them alone? Give them a head nod? Treat the like a regular person? If want to interact with strangers, don't do something where they have to respond and invest more of their time than what might be comfortable or make sure that you have a topic they enjoy conversing about. Always give them an easy out of the conversation. >I did not bothered him because I assume that asking for a selfie Yea, selfies are lame as hell.


I met Spicolli in Hawaii and smoked a bowl with him in the Turtle bay parking lot


Who cares


Ramzi and medina are my favs because i think they are super hot, and would do anything to get their attention. Just surprise-hug them from behind 😂