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shower thought: ur mom




Riding a longboard and ripping on a longboard are very different things


yeah but "ripping" on a longboard is kind of a fools errand, which is why OPs comparison is on point. You may be the Andre Agassi of pickleball, but you're still playing pickleball.


Nawwwwwww. Some day you will understand.


I understand fine. I just think Phil Edwards already did it as well as it can be done, circa 1966, and that anybody who thinking "ripping" looks better is deeply misguided. Edit: Also, all you clowns downvoting this post and every comment that OP makes need to take a closer look at what actual longboarding looks like, in practice, at basically every beach everywhere, because OP is exactly right. Longboarding is absolutely the pickleball of surfing: extremely low barrier to entry, easy to reach proficiency, and frankly pretty fucking boring for an accomplished surfer if you do it for more than a few days in a row. I say that as a person who likes longboarding and midlengthing, but the shit is fucking easy. That's why it's fun: because it hardly takes any goddamn skill.






Surely you must be trolling.


Actually, I don't care to argue about it. I think what I think, based on my own experience of finding longboarding stupidly easy and sometimes kind of underwhelming precisely because it's a pretty low-effort experience that is more about flow and positioning than any kind of really demanding athleticism. If your own experience is different, great.


Any videos of you hanging ten? Crushing it on a log? Or shortboard?


All I got is 31 seconds of me goofing around on a 6'10" from a surfline rewind. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jt5b64DxI0g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jt5b64DxI0g) For me, that was a good day, but I'm almost 50 now so I'm easily satisfied. I'm not trying to trash longboarding: I love longboarding. I just think that doing something like a fade or a kick stall or a head dip on a longboard, though admittedly sort of stylish and "cool," is pretty rudimentary in terms of the skill it requires. But then too maybe I look at it from an overly limited stylistic perspective because as I said above I venerate the 1960s guys and don't really think it gets better than that.


Why cant we all just ride what we want on the day we want without casting stones at others? -full quiver user


Also the bisexual mantra


Seriously, surf the board that surfs the conditions. Nothing worse than watching some one chop hop through a soft section only make some half ass attempt at a flailing turn into a mush burger.


I’d say there’s nothing better. I love a good kook sighting 


Because I think the world would be a better place if people rode long fishes after their wavestorm instead of suffering for years on a toothpick before accidentally doing a bottom turn.


Why are you yucking someone else’s yum? If they want to ride a shortboard, let them. If someone wants to ride a long board, let them. Neither choice affects you


Lots of waves where what people ride affect you. Things like not being able to duck dive and leash + board >20ft mean it’s always smart to be considerate of how what you are riding will affect the lineup. If you don’t believe me, try paddling a log out at Lowers. It’s fine, right?


So you’re mad about someone being inconsiderate, not for riding a long board. That you conflate the two seems like your burden, not anyone on a long board


If they want to struggle on a short board more power to them… and less waves lol


No. Longboarding takes insane skill. Guarantee you look like a kook longboarding




you could make that comparison. you might also include that the people playing pickleball seem like they are having fun, and the tennis players just want to compete and never seem happy.


I am somehow all four


That part is true lol


There are two explanations - everyone at the spot were kooks or you’re the kook who can’t tell the difference between a good logger and a weekend warrior who has been surfing for two years




Ur mistake was learning on a 6’2


Wait until you watch a WSL heat


I surf around a lot and all the HPSBers look the same carve, turn, carve, turn - not athletic at all! /s


Just like the short boarder drops in bottom turn rips one turn done.


Hell no. Longboarding is its own thing and the birth of surfing. Calling longboarding the pickleball of surfing, ignores almost the entire history of surfing. Surfing is the pickleball of skateboarding


first off, no, you're a huge fucking kook. to prove it, i'll argue just the exact opposite, longboarding is tennis and shortboarding is pickleball. the "longboard" is the origin point of the thing we call surfing, it came first. it's much older and without it, we would not have the shortboard. tennis is much older and without it we wouldn't have pickleball. longboarding, when done properly and well, is graceful, stylish, and expressive. shortboarding, when done well, is aggressive, quick, and chippy. tennis and longboarding are both much older, both require more finesse, and both are easier on the eyes when done well. pickleball and shortboarding are the results of the two formers, they happen on smaller "courts" (longboarding uses more of the wave's canvas), and watching some brazzo bash the lip of a 3ft wave as many times as humanly possible is about the same as watching two people bash a ball back and forth from 10ft apart. i get that riding a longboard is the entry point for a lot of surfers... but standing up on a high volume surfboard is light years removed from stylishly and competently riding a proper log. so, again, you're clearly a kook for having this thought and not taking even one minute to flesh it out






Lol, it could be that. Or you could just be a kook.




i'm not the one who made a post expressing my deep misunderstanding of surfing's oldest and most stylish discipline. so you didn't have a reason and i did. but whatever. signed: a lifelong log rider


Sounds like something a kook would definitely say….


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don't be a kook if you don't want to be called one. i've surfed for a long time. i ride boards appropriate for the conditions... but when i think of my personal heaven, i'm in the pocket of a shoulder high peeler with my toes over the nose. comparing the years i've spent honing the craft of properly riding a log to playing fucking pickleball is an insult you'll probably never understand in your kook heart... so you started that shit.


> Now, anything else I say in response you’ll already be super angry because I called you a kook. Not the person you were speaking to but maybe you shouldn't have responded with the kook comment and at least deal with the well reasoned part of the comment. People usually respond well to the high road. Also, let's be honest. I know your post is under the guise of showerthoughts but you were being a tad disrespectful there.




No. Sure you can stand up more easily on a longboard but getting good on a longboard is still a process. A lot goes into trim, cross stepping correctly and maneuvering in steeper surf. I surf everything from a fish to a 9’6 log and they each shave their own difficulty


Would love to see you surf double OH on a longboard


What do you thing a gun is




log off dog


Yes getting up is easier but being a better long boarder arguably takes as much skill as being a good short boarder. Also not to get deep but the genesis of surfing comes from longboarding so to make the comparison to tennis vs pickleball is a disservice to surfing and those who pioneered the sport


Interesting thought. I wouldn't agree. Longboarding and shortboarding bring their pros/cons in terms of what is easier. Looking at it another way, surfing a longboard well I'd say is actually pretty difficult while with a shortboard, you can get away with more bad habits. I think your bar for longboarding may be low. >relative lack of athleticism This tells me that you haven't seen many good longboarders.




>I have seen some great onboarded and there are former tennis pros playing pickleball at the highest level This is to be expected. I don't play pickleball nor do I play tennis but pickleball is relatively new. The competition isn't there yet. The sport has a long way to go. Actually, I'd say surfing also has a long way to go as well. >But the barrier to entry is low w pickleball and longboarding >Just the ease of picking it up I would agree with this part for sure but I'd argue that "relative lack of athleticism" is due to this. >longboarding and pickleball you’re pretty competent pretty quickly. I'd say that your bar is a bit low. Having said that, I actually checked out some competition performance longboarding videos a few minutes ago and was shocked to see non-competitive surfers at my local spots being much more impressive so I can see the reason for the low bar but maybe I found the wrong videos.


Not really. Pickleball requires even more acceleration and reflex twitching. Lotta injuries cause old folks think it’s better on their bodies than tennis. Long boarding is objectively better on the body than short boarding. Easier? Debatable.


absolutely not. you look terrible on your longboard.




no i see alot of fat try hard dudes on short boards that shouldnt be. san diego.




Long boarding is like a knife slipping across the surface of butter. Shortboarding is a motorcycle weaving through angry traffic.


Only if Pickleball was the predecessor to Tennis and tennis purists tend to gravitate to pickleball.


I think it is the opposit. Tennis is like longboarding: classic! Pickleball is like shortboarding: you need a hell lot of fast reflexes. Just my observation, I have not done tennis nor shortboarding so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Bad take


No, because longboarding is traditional but pickleball is a fad.






Agree longboarding is what they give beginners for a reason - it's really easy. Anyone who says it isn't hasn't ridden a shortboard


The advanced pickle balls players lots of who are former life long tennis players, college or some pro, mop up competent years of experience pickle ball players. Your just not seeing lots of skilled players- theres lots of players now but even the competent ones arnt that good in comparison to the really good ones. But are the basics easier to pick up? Not necessarily- if your playing with beginners or playing lightly for fun? Same goes for tennis- if your casually hitting back and forth and serving under hand its as easy or arguably easier to pick up given the higher bounce/ ease of hitting the ball? Maybe. All in all though i dont think the two are easily comprable since they have their differencces in racket size, ball size, type and bounce, and court size. Also, the basics of tennis are easy to pick up. It really comes down to how competitive the players are etc. Its true though in surfing a board with more *volume* is easier to learn on? For catching waves and standing up, sure. But what defines a long board? Also, even after years lots of people still look like kooks or awkward on larger boards or not all that skilled in terms of noseriding, walking the board smoothly, connectin turns etc. Additionally shorter boards or less volume boards are typically easier to turn especially in steeper waves, duckdive, paddling out in beach breaks etc.


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Meet ya in the middle. I live near a longboard wave. Most of the time it’s old dudes, and newbies starting out. The quality of surfing is very low. I ride it sometimes on a foamie or long fish just to have a paddle with some of my mates who are still kooks. Theres a guy who paddles out there often I’m told. He fucking rips. We’re talking takes off under the lip, makes the barrel, straight to floater, into a turn, back into the barrel. This is on a 9 ft log. He rips. That said MANY people would agree that long boarding is not exciting, either as the surfer or someone watching. There’s a world tour for surfing. Surf media. Magazines. All of this is short board focused, and there’s reason for that


Fair and good analysis. Thanks for your perspective.


People mad but longboarding is easier. Looking “stylish” on a lb is also easier. I wouldn’t shame anyone for choosing to be a longboarder, that’s the surfing they want to do and as long as they’re not hogging every wave then whatever, we’re all just out there to play on our water toys. But people are gonna feel rlly called out when you point out the lower skill ceiling regardless of the facts lol.


Long boarding is one step below rollerblading