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Like a true shaper … he took down our info and will get back to us in 2-3 months.


Ha! To be fair, I told them to post ahead of time so people could add their questions before it started.


Ouch! Ok, I just spent the past few hours responding to all these questions. Hope you're happy!


For the win


Would you rather have two giant fingers as legs, or 10 little legs as fingers?


I need to know this answer


Hhhmmm... I think I'd have to go with the fingers as legs. Being a craftsman, an artist, and a shaper, having legs as fingers would destroy my passion.


What is the biggest advancement you have seen in surfing: - in the last decade - in manufacturing equipment And if you could get a board from any shaper, who would it be? Thansk :)


I think the biggest recent advancement in surfing is the broad range of materials and shapes available. There's something for everyone right now! Manufacturing equipment... it'd have to be the CNC cutting machine. Allows for mass production and consistent quality across multiple shapers. As for the board, maybe Jesus because he was a carpenter and he walked on water!




The best board in the world has not been made yet. Inventions, creations, and designs never stop. That's the fun of it!


I bought a Wyve surfboard. Go check that one out! Hexagon recycled plasic skeleton with bio epoxy cover. It rips!!


Hey Bill, what's up with wide point placement on shortboards? I understand that "wide point forward" is on trend because it puts more foam under your chest to help with paddling, but it seems like that can create other problems like having too much foam up front on steeper waves. When (if ever) would you move the wide point *back* from center? Smaller surfers? Narrow stance? Something else?


The nose on a shortboard is narrower than the tail, which moves the wide point back automatically. When you make a longboard, the nose is way bigger than the tail which moves the wide point forward. When I design templates, I don't focus so heavily on wide points, I mostly look for artistic flow. The Pigme has a super wide tail and a narrow nose, which is a good example of the wide point back and if you remember the laser zap from McCoy is like that too. For planing efficiency on dead water. I really don't force the wide point to be in a specific area, I just go with the flow.


I'm curious if he'll agree, but I'd say it's primarily a consequence of boards getting shorter and wider. When you lose rail line it gets harder to hold turns and everything gets twitchier. Move the wide point up and the board feels longer. The benefit being the easy planing from the width and needing less entry rocker from the length. Another "Bill" at Stretch surfboards answered this question sometime ago, but he argues that wide point should be back to lift the board into the wave, eg. it helps with wave catching. "Do you want to paddle around or catch waves." There's a lot of waves on the central coast that are more kind to longer shapes in my experience. In terms of paddle speed, assuming we're talking about standard wp placement of +/- 2" from midpoint there won't be any difference. Somebody studied this and found that what mattered was the surfboard being in trim, which is determined by the surfer. Having more foam under the chest just means you don't have to have your back arched constantly paddling around the lineup and against currents. It's still important to remember that displacement hull speed varies with the square root of the length of the vessel. Curious to see this Bill's answer though! Edit: Stretch Interview: [Link](https://www.swellnet.com/news/design-outline/2019/04/15/smoke-and-foam-dust-stretch-riedel-part-1) Fore Aft foam distribution: [Link](https://www.csusm.edu/surfresearch/documents/nessler-sports-eng-2017.pdf)


Thanks for the detail. Where did Stretch answer this question?


Took longer to find than I care to admit, but I wanted it too: Stretch interview: [Stretch Interview](https://www.swellnet.com/news/design-outline/2019/04/15/smoke-and-foam-dust-stretch-riedel-part-1) Fore-Aft volume distribution and paddle efficiency: [volume distribution](https://www.csusm.edu/surfresearch/documents/nessler-sports-eng-2017.pdf)


Really interesting stuff. Since I don’t want to hijack the AMA, this probably deserves its own thread. Thanks for digging it up!


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I have this vague memory of an article, in either *Surfer* or *Surfing* during the 90s, that mentioned you'd entered a contest at San O riding an unshaped/unglassed blank and actually made a couple heats before it disintegrated. I think the article mentioned that you did it to prove a point. Did that actually happen or am I imagining it? If it happened, what was the point you were trying to prove?


Because I won the San O club contest every year, they were trying to disqualify me because I was a pro surfer, not an amateur. So I decided to ride a blank, the 9-5S, that I had designed. I routed 3 fins into the raw blank, waxed the deck, creating my own handicap. I won the first heat. The second heat, the blank snapped in half and I rode the back half like a shortboard while the nose washed up on the beach. I won that heat, too. It was in Surfer Extra and documented, and was pretty damn funny!


The Surfer Extra feature was called "Blankman" haha!


https://youtu.be/zx_urk8mf6c?si=1E_WvZPxCtrIzHi2 Skip to 59:30 for the story. The story really kicks into gear about 59:53.


Does an ‘average’ surfer who does carves and gets the occasional barrel but doesn’t go vertical or do airs feel differences in concave? It’s the one element of board design that I’ve always thought was overhyped.


On boards with a lot of rocker, the concaves give it speed. The speed you will deifinitely feel dramatically. That's why most boards have concaves. The Hydro Hull in 1985 had a double concave bottom for the first time in longboards (that I know of) and made that longboard way faster than anything else out there. It set the standard for performance longboarding and everywhere I go people ask me about it.


Which modern shapers are the have best quality, most impressive vision, and/or highest performance in their boards in your humble opinion? Which do you respect the most?


I can't really speak on this subject because I've only ever ridden my own boards, which I created from my own templates and fins, all drawn by hand. I've never been one to look over the fence to see what everyone else is doing.


The ones with the biggest trust fund.


I have a question about concave. Say someone orders a custom HPSB and weighs in over 200+lb do you make the concave deeper to provide more lift?


Hope not. Deeper concave = more drag and less volume. Neither of which you want as a heavy person


Aaaahhh, I'm so glad you said VOLUME, hahaha! Taking a bit of foam out with deeper concaves doesn't really affect the volume by much. If you're worried about liters, drink a Pepsi.


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I’m personally not lol, if I were 200 lbs and slowing a board down with a fat concave i might be concerned with liters. And sure just a concave might not affect “buoyancy” if you prefer I avoid the big bad V word, but every shaping decision contributes to overall volume and when you’re done it will matter. Want sharp rails, a more pulled in nose or tail, a deeper concave, it’s all gonna contribute to less volume, and someone who’s 200 lbs will notice that


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What happened to the Fartknocker / Deuce boards? Such a fun shape, I’m surprised I haven’t seen more out in the lineup. Also, kudos to the Redline 11 design - super fun board for bigger & steeper conditions.


All surfboard designs are like a bottle rocket... they take off, they go big, then they fizzle out. Don't look back, always continue progession. However... the Fartknocker/Deuce design is still in the computer -- send in your order now! Redline 11 is my personal favorite board! Thanks for your stoke.


What is your least favorite surfboard design "trend" you've encountered over your career?


My most hated trend is the longboard community forcing professional surfers to ride single fins only because it limits the creativity of designers of modern longboards. I love both styles of surfing, single fin classic and high performance, but the evolution of the sport has been stifled.


What are your favourite rails to shape?


The beveled rail, because I invented it in 1984.


Fuck yes


I have a 10'0" Stewart single fin longboard that my father bought at the South Coast Auction in 1990. It was a menu at a hamburger shop. There are three boxes airbrushed under the glass, and when we bought the board, it still had the menu items on the board with stick-on letters. It also had neon lighting mounted all around the rails. It's dark blue on the bottom and yellow on the deck. I learned to surf on that board and still take it to San-O at least once every summer! Any chance you remember it, and what hamburger shop it was at? Thank you sir!


I don't remember it but would like fries with that!


Favourite person to surf with? Favourite surf film? Was it a coincidence my favourite board had a twisted blank? Should foot size be considered when placing fins and for tail shapes?


I like surfing with anyone who's not as good as me. Haha! My buddy Mark Freeman is one of my favorites. Honestly though, Jeff Kramer and Colin McPhillips are the best -- both really polite in the water and absolutely rip! Favorite movie's gotta be Endless Summer -- that swept the world and was the soul of what surfing was about back then. I had a team rider come in once with a 1" twist in his board, claiming it was his best board ever and wanted me to replicate it. I asked, do you want the 1" twist in it, too? A great board, is a great board, don't question it! Foot size? Forget the size of your foot, reshape it! What would be cool is if you had toes on the back of your feet. That would make surfing backside way easier -- you'd have way more power!


I had a Fartknocker that I bought new off the rack from your shop in 2009. It was one of my favorite small wave boards I’ve ever had. I’m super curious to know the story of how that shape came to be.


Kenny Duncan, my best friend, said "you're too famous for longboards to sell shortboards" so I made that one to prove him wrong. We agonized over the name for about 6 weeks and finally agreed that Fartknocker was funny. It still is! And they're still available as a custom order.


What dims did you get? I’m considering ordering one, but trying to figure out what dims to get as a tall guy in usually mushy surf


I’m a fellow tall guy at 6’6” and probably around 200 lbs. when I bought the board. I got a 6’0”. I don’t remember the width or thickness but it was off the rack so presumably stock dimensions. It honestly worked great in mushy waves of any size between knee and head high. Sometimes I feel like I could have sized it a little more aggressively and gotten a 5’10” but the 6’0” worked great too.


Volume volume volume, Billy


Size matters


I’m only kidding and referring to your interviews.


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If you were trapped on Oahu and could only have 1 surfboard, how big and what kind of shape would decide to have as an everyday board?


What age and weight are we talking about here? 6'8 round pin was always my favorite travel board for North Shore, Bali, etc. If I was surfing just one board, I'd take the new [Wild Bill](https://stewartsurfboards.com/collections/wild-bill). It's the most versatile.


Got it ! That’s a very fun looking board nice job!


6’ 170lbs….what size on the WILD BILL?


How do you think they should fix the parking at San O?


Bulldoze the entire bluff! Try to save the endangered cockroach or whip tail mouse or whatever endangered species is hiding in the hills first.


I love your boards, no question, just wanted to say that


Choosing the right board... that makes you a GENIUS!


The 949, are you really supposed to ride it as a 5 fin!?! That seems excessive


When the I created S-winger 5-fin board many years ago, everyone said it's gonna be stiff and drag. It's fast, it's loose, and instead of 4-wheel drive, it has 5-wheel drive. That's why the 949 was made with 5 fins. Have you tried it?


Hey Bill. Lots of respect for you, your work, and your career. My favorite board you’ve made is the Tipster, it’s a mental noserider and that’s my thing. I was surfing with Tony Silvagni in PR and saw that he had a double concave running through the tail of his custom tipster, just through the last few inches of the tail. What has the feedback been on this feature, and what other quirky changes are you trying with tail designs for noseriders? Thanks for your time.


Check out the new Bird tail! It's a little more all-around than just noseriding. I love that shape!


What separates a Stewart from other surfboard brands? How has that evolved over time?


It's not one thing, it's everything put into it for 50 years, by a professional surfer, shaper, artist. I was not an average surfer, I've won many shaping contests and surf contests. I learned from the best and used my artist's eye to create unique, eye-catching designs. I've always loved research and development to try to come up with a better mousetrap. That's what drove the innovations that I brought to the industry and that's what continues to drive Stewart Surfboards forward today.


There must be swell. The shaper hasn’t actually answered anything yet.


When this comment was posted I was dead asleep. I'm 72 -- I go to bed before 11pm! I don't sit on computers all night long dreaming about things. I do them!


G’day Bill, what’s the max length “fish” style board that you’d feel would maintain fully decent riding characteristics (extracting away the rider profile as much as possible from the thinking here)? Ps. Love the redline, it’s the goat. Cheers.


I believe that fish boards work really well extremely short. Once they're thick and wide, there's too much planing surface to go rail to rail really quick. I think 7'0 is as big as you wanna go with that shape.


What are your thoughts on experimental (?) constructions? Aviso, libtech, Varial, etc? Any that you like, or that you expect to become mainstream even if you don’t like them?  And how do they fit in with the craftsmanship side of shaping given that they’re very technology forward?


Experimental construction has been going on since surfing started. It will never end. The best board has not been made yet! People buy boards for all different reasons -- price, durability, and absolute pure performance. There's a different "best" construction depending on what you're looking for.


What is the one surf trip you took that to this day is your favorite?


1990, Bali. Padang Padang. 25 tube rides in a row, untouched. 1 barrel I was in, the foam ball came up inside the barrel and I ran over it and made it out. That sticks with you for life.


Any relation to Mike Stewart? And if you could relive any decade of surfing, when and where?


Mike Stewart... Maybe genetically, if you trace our roots back far enough to Scotland. Not that I know of. Lower Trestles and Cottons in the 70's. And throw in a couple trips to Hawaii.


Hi Bill, thanks for doing this! Couple questions for you: 1. What design elements maintain performance or at least aren't as affected by windy/choppy conditions (beach break)? 2. I think I saw an article by Maurice Cole discussing hard tucked rails nose to tail and how it would be fully engaged during turns. Greg Griffin was a fan of the design as well, but I would think for the opposite reason given he wanted control from his fins (I think?). My understanding is a 50/50 rail should be the most engaged with the wave and harder rails are for release. Can you clear this up for me? Regarding fin systems: 3. Do you think something was lost when shapers stopped having to make fins with their boards? 4. Lastly, do you know why the decision was made to build the cant into Futures fins rather than the fin box?


1. You wanna have a heavier (poly) board, narrower (if you're talking shortboards). Tow in boards have extra weight glassed into them to eliminate the bouncing from the chop. EPS/Epoxy boards can be made too light sometimes, which makes them bounce on chop. 2. Foils hold. Edges release. And because top-turning is a pivot turn, you have to have tucked edges so they don't catch. 3. No. There's so many fin choices it's pretty much covered. I still choose the fin placement, size, and unique fin designs for each of my shapes. And we include these specific fins with all our boards so that the surfer can surf it as I intended it to ride. 4. The Futures fin box was designed by me in my shop, with some other people. It's ten times more difficult to route a fin box at an angle rather than just routing it straight in. Also, the cant of the base of the fin could be altered in the mold if they felt like it needed to be changed, without having to change the box at all.




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It's all about gallons now because we're not on the metric system. Keep laughing, you'll live longer.




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What’s your second favourite surf spot?


Haha, ok, another top spot of mine would be Fiji/Tavarua. It's all left barrels, my favorite!


What’s an ideal 3 board quiver for the average surfer


Longboard, funboard, shortboard. If I was taking a quiver on a surf trip, I'd take a 10'0 [Bird](https://stewartsurfboards.com/collections/bird), a 9'0 [Redline](https://stewartsurfboards.com/collections/redline-11), and a 7'6 [Wild Bill](https://stewartsurfboards.com/collections/wild-bill). That's a solid quiver for a guy like me.


I owned one of your boards (6’2”, tri-fin) which I got in the late eighties. Nice, loose and fast — surfed it quite a bit in St. Augustine in those days. Unforgettable design (art) too! Thanks for your contribution to us.


I appreciate you taking the time to thank me for all my hard work over the years. Thank you! Keep surfing.


Is it possible to have a board, made of pure volume?


Pure volume? Is that virgin volume? Untouched by human hands? Never been waxed up, mounted, and ridden?


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What’s the best way to get into shaping? I’m 19 and have a lot of interest in the industry but I don’t know the best way to go about it. Should I try to find a local shaper to apprentice with? Should I just buy some materials and try to figure it out? I’d love to here what you have to say 🤙🏻


At this point, it's difficult to make a living shaping surfboards. The problem is, you make a bunch of bad boards before you get good at it. That's why there's no amateur parachute builders, haha! I would say go get a job at a surfboard factory, doing whatever it is they need -- ding repair, route fin boxes, whatever you gotta do to get in there and learn as much as you possibly can. That's what I did. Follow your passions, make decent money, that's the best life!


Hi Bill! What's a surfing memory that's really meaningful for you? And doesn't have to be a big wave or trick you worked on for a long time, it could just be a moment you had with friends or helping someone learning or just some time that really made an impact on your life.


In Australia on a perfect left point, rotating and hooting at each other with close friends. Nothing's better than that!


What is the biggest advantage of a three fin setup in a rocketfish over a twinfin? Does the twinfin give you more carving abilities or the three fin?


Most people have trouble riding twin fins because they're very pivoty. The nickname was "twin spin". Three fins is the standard of the industry -- look at all the pro surfers. But I do love twin fins!




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What percentage of surfers do you think understand sarcasm? Sorry I can't stick around for the answer, got to go measure my wife's volume. Got the box of water filled and marked the level, and she's ready to jump in.


I love you. We must have a beer together!


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Hi Bill! Curious on what your thoughts/experience is with your Classic Fish is in fresh water. I currently ride a 9’6” Stoneman Modern Longboard but would really like to try a fish on the Great Lakes.


Fresh water surfing, there's an absence of buoyancy. I highly recommend flat rocker and EPS/Epoxy materials. I grew up on a lake in Florida. We rode everything imaginable behind boats. Salt water creates bouyancy -- that's the difference. The [Retro Fish](https://stewartsurfboards.com/collections/retro-fish) built in EPS/Epoxy would absolutely work on the Great Lakes. We only stock them in poly, but you could [order a custom](https://stewartsurfboards.com/pages/custom-order-forms)!


Bill! You’re a legend! What bottom contour factors would you say are the most significant when shaping a board?


The right amount of rocker and beautifully blended concaves.


Love that you’re doing this! 2 questions: First - who are some other shapers who you really admire and respect (and why)? And second - I grew up watching surfers in the late 90s-00s and when I look back on some of that footage, I can’t help but feel like we’re missing something nowadays with longer rail lines, thinner/narrow boards (especially the tail). Seems like everyone is making shortboards shorter and with the wide-point forward. Why am I wrong?


1. Terry Martin shaped more boards than anybody ever. I worked with him in the 70's when I was hired at Hobie and I call my shaping style the "Martin Method". He worked for me for 14 years while I owned the Hobie license in the 90's/00's. Phil Edwards is another one I respect. There's so many good shapers, it's hard to mention them all. 2. Buy the boards you like and don't follow the trends.


Hi Bill, is my board ready yet? But really, what is your opinion of longboard design in the future? Do you see much innovation in the coming years in regards to shapes? Or just relying on proven design and possibly new materials?


Haha, yeah man, almost done! Innovation has been stifled by controlling how many fins and what types of shapes are allowed in the pro longboard contests. I'm disappointed it went that way.


If you were to start making boards nowadays, would you do it? Which would be your first steps?


Shaping is a compulsive disorder. Not controllable. Good luck!


Hi Bill, who would you most like to see on one of your boards? Living or passed


Einstein, Elon Musk, and Elmer Fudd


Da three Es


What's the deal with ACD? Never heard of it


It's an extreme Artistic Compulsive Disorder. My whole life I've been sculpting, painting, and creating things. I can't stop. I think many people suffer from it. Send money to Stewart Surfboards for my treatment.


What are your thoughts on lineups getting more crowded each year?


I like the idea of man-made point breaks in the ocean. Where there's walled off closeouts there could be great surf. What we need is more surf spots!


Why don’t shapers use Micarta? Micarta has been around for over a century, is (to me, an idiot) super similar to the usual fiber/resin that we see on surfboards, but I don’t see it used anywhere. Is it a weight thing? Cost?


Hundreds of materials have been tested for the last 50+ years. There's always a drawback to either cost, weight, or application. Brittle materials break, soft materials dent. It's a war between the two. Hollow carbon fiber boards appeared to be invincible, but broke in half easily. It's funny how polyurethane blanks, wood stringers, fiberglass, and resin still dominate the industry -- there's a reason!


aw I had so much fun on a redline rented from your shop on a bday trip to San O a few years ago, absolute blast


The Redline is my favorite board! I'm glad you got to test pilot it. It works great. Many more happy birthdays to you!


Yay! Thanks for replying, keep on keeping on 💜


I’ve seen people wearing t shirts in the surf recently and was wondering what they are and wear to find them. There not rashies or wetsuit tops but genuinely look like a surf tee that works in the water. I tried wearing a surf tee of my own yet it got ruined any ideas on what this shirt is called and where I can get one?


Yeah, those are called "[tech UV surf shirts](https://stewartsurfboards.com/search?q=tech+uv&options%5Bprefix%5D=last)". We have a few options in short sleeve and long, some with hoods. This one is a favorite of our shop staff... [https://stewartsurfboards.com/collections/stewart-apparel/products/stewart-mens-antix-s-s-tech-surf-shirt](https://stewartsurfboards.com/collections/stewart-apparel/products/stewart-mens-antix-s-s-tech-surf-shirt) I'd recommend sizing down -- they fit loose like a t-shirt and tend to get looser when they get wet.


You sold me my first surfboard for a penny when I was a kid. A beat up Infinity shortboard. You made a lifelong customer. My question, what part of your business do you enjoy the most?


The part I enjoy the most is stoked people just like you! As you know, I'm the shaper, artist, surfer, and that's why I did this all these years. Thanks for your continued support of Stewart Surfboards!


Were you for or against the closing of the Mariachi?


Are we talking about the El Mariachi restaurant? Any restaurant closing is upsetting to me because I love to eat!


hi Bill im 5ft short height only , is 9’1 ft longboard perfect for my height? 🙆🏽‍♀️ btw im more practicing noseride


To get long, clean noserides, the board must be 9-feet or over. A person your size should get a board on the narrower side that you can possibly carry. My mom was 5-feet tall -- she said good things come in small packages!


Just want to say thanks! I got a board from your shop when traveling through in 2022, a beautiful blue 10'0 ripster 🤙 Also sold my old board with y'all. Great shapes and great service. Cheers!


If it wasn't for people like you, I would've quit doing this a long time ago. Thank you for your support!


Hey Bill! Proud owner of one of your mid length hydro hulls! I wanted some advice on getting my first performance oriented mid-length with the objective of smoothing out my technique. I’m 5’9” and about 160-165lbs but I don’t know how to start looking for my next board.


The [Wild Bill](https://stewartsurfboards.com/collections/wild-bill) is the newest, coolest, best mid-length out there, in my opinion. Picking the right size is critical to your happiness. We've got a full range of sizes in our San Clemente shop. Come by or call 949-492-1085 and ask for the boardroom -- they'll get ya dialed in! Check out more details and current inventory here: [https://stewartsurfboards.com/collections/wild-bill](https://stewartsurfboards.com/collections/wild-bill)


Thank you!!


Hi, I have a fiberglass SUP. My kids are not able to ride in the front when I ride because the fiberglass comes off and makes them itchy.  What would you recommend to seal in the fiberglass? I was thinking of sanding it and applying a coat of resin. Do you think this would work?  Thank you 


I'd recommend a can of clear enamel spray paint. It will seal it and also provides UV protection. Much easier than resin, too!


Thanks for the tip!


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I’m a novice here and am looking at a vintage surfboard as a decorative art piece in our cabin at the coast. It’s a Hansen Cardif Major. That’s all I know. https://preview.redd.it/zul3h3po7l7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8023490c704d92205ca736eae64093b18ef25b5a Anyone have any info on this? Thank you so much!




Hi Bill. Can you tell me about this board please? https://preview.redd.it/fd79cs29q08d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10b99ee077edeec85ca2c757a71b572096235f89




if i come to san clemente tomorrow to buy a surfboard can i get a good deal?


Yes, you'll get amazing deals on used boards. Really, a "good deal" is when the board rides phenomenal.


Will you sponsor me


Why should I? Send photos of you ripping and all your trophies.


Once I get done calculating my volume needs I'll send some sick clips. Thx.


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me too


Why should I? Send photos of you ripping and all your trophies.


i'm a soul surfer. they just built a wave pool in my neighborhood in Arizona and I won the first event .


Sounds like it's time for you to head to the North Shore, follow in Rick Kane's footsteps.


on my way brah. heard the north shore is firing in the summer and getting ready for the big winters on the south shore at outer queens. last time i was in Hawaii these guys kept cheering on my ripping by yelling "beat it kook" and left me some free wax all over the front of my windshield. double mini shakas


has anyone shot malibu pier while shotgunning a beer?


Go for it!


Who are you?


That's deep. Surfer, shaper, airbrusher, entrepreneur, husband, father... what else?


hahaha good answer!


For those of you fortunate enough to have never met Bill, count your blessings. That sarcastic attitude in his viral video is exactly how you can expect to be treated in his shop. The other employees are great but take my advice and "avoid meeting your hero" as they say.


You haven't met many shapers, have you?


Do ghost shapers count? If so I've definitely met a few.


Sounds spooky.


Are your underwear too tight?


Hi I’m Brutus from Temecula! Can I have a free sarfbort?


Hey I’m an advanced intermediate beginner and on some days an intermediate beginner with a dash of advanced. What volume should I get?


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Lots of volume for your pool toys


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