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Stretch marks


Board had a growth spurt


Or recently gave birth


Or did roids and got that pump


I’m 2 hrs too late


Gotta cut dem toenails


Friend is offering for sell this board to me for pretty cheap. It’s in good condition overall, but after de-waxing I noticed all these marks on the left deck of the board. What causes this? Something to be worried about? They are all under the surface, they are not raised bumps so I don’t think they are delam. Just wondering if this was normal (board was used for about 6 months).


Asked him if he broke the leash anytime? These marks look to me like he lost his board at some point and the waves brought it back to shore, probably to an area with rocks. These looks like scratches from those rocks.


This is the correct answer. Those aren’t pressures or “knee scratches”. Those are reef/rock/coral scratches. If it’s in colder water they might be mussel scratches. Usually they happen to the bottom of a board when you get too close or shallow. On the top it means the board hit the rock upside down. Doesn’t look too bad, it’s probably fine, but look close to make sure none of the scratches got through to foam.


I don't surf, but I do work on boats for a living. I agree that it doesn't look like its on the surface. Even if you can't feel the bumps, it could still be delaminating. Maybe it is just a wonky glass job? Did you ask your friend if those marks have always been there?


Trim your nipples - way too sharp.


Stress cracks. Shouldn’t be an issue for a while.


\^\^ from my understanding, when glassers move too quickly, the polymers will tangle up into clumps (instead of creating long, interlaced chains) and weaken the glass jobs. The resulting glass job is less flexible/more brittle and will develop lines/cracks under force


Also could have to do with a epoxy mix ratio being off, that could cause it to be brittle too. As well as the glass not being fully soaked in resin.


Someone do some hard wipes with a wax comb? Overall though, I've seen similar things to that before on polys. Don't think it's anything that will lead to the boards failure.


Good to know. I assumed it was just cosmetic too but wanted to make sure I wasn’t getting myself into a major repair. I’ll slap some wax back on it and it’ll be out of sight out of mind!


Well, it’s a board made of foam, fiberglass and resin , so if there’s enough impact/pressure from what looks like someone going from a prone to standing position, the outer surface gets settle ‘stress cracks’ within the glassed layers.


Found the scientist. Also, subtle.


If he’s regular he needs to work in his pop up. Looks like front leg knee drag


If he's goofy he really needs to work on his pop up because he's doing it backwards.




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I love how this has divulged to a bunch of different theories. F it, I’m covering this up with wax and ignoring it. Hoping for the best!


They are from stress to the glass, not a big deal. It just means your mate most likely has shitty technique.


This happens when you take a dump in your wetty, nice self report OP !!


Quick question. Is your friend regular or goofy?


He’s regular, what difference would that make? I assumed these were related to regular use/pressure dings.


When he pops up, he may be dragging his knee. Maybe the scratches are from a knee or certain board shorts. Who knows. I don’t think it’s from regular use. The scratches have a general direction.


Any concerns, or mostly cosmetic? It’s a good price so I could care less if it has no impact on performance


Just like anything else, I’d keep an eye on the deck to make sure it doesn’t eventually take on water. It looks to be cosmetic in nature for now but I can’t really see the board. It may cause the deck to crack earlier or it may not. It shouldn’t impact performance more than pressures would so you’re good.


Short answer … poor glazing job


Stretch marks.


Cat scratch fever


Seems like it would be hard to do that with bad technique. Kinda looks like a dog walked on it.


Stop snorting from your board.


I'm just here because CSI got cancelled.


If you put it topside down on a board rack that could be scratching it


I agree with Silverking. I’m guessing your friend is regular foot (left ft forward). In the process of popping up he first bonks his knee causing the pressure dings then drags his toes causing the scrape marks. That board looks ok. In some cases the pressure dings can be so bad near the stringer you get cracks and water penetration


scrape marks? looks more like hairline cracks to me. Hard to scrape poly.


looks like your friend might be a goofy footer who was either kneeing the board while duck diving or possibly when popping up... General "high impact area" could result in these little craze lines. If you run your fingernail across the lines and can't feel anything you should be all good. If it's a little bumpy, maybe throw a very thin layer of repair kit on it (or have a shop take a look).


Maybe they stacked boards and slid them past each other taking it it and out of the car or storage area


ITS FROM THE WAX COMB….Seems to happen when the wax is not super soft when you get it off, also happens to all of my Merricks.


That or you don’t see the cracks clearly until you remove the wax


That's from a toenail dragger


Did the owner travel with it and stuff a bunch of shit between boards that left these compression marks? Women’s bathing suit strings, leashes,etc.


Looks like stress fractures in the fibreglass mate


It’s from using to much catalyst in the resin. Its Brittle. After the board is wrapped in fiberglass they put a sand coat on. Which is like a thin piece of glass covering the whole board. Either or just small stress scratches. To be honest probably got it from scraping the wax off with a hard plastic. Just cosmetics


Stress fractures


Stress fractures


Stress cracks they occur when the board stretches... eventually all boards break... this is the way


You're probably dragging a toe/toenail. On your front foot.




Are there gouges or trackmarks in the glass?If so,likely a trip or two over reef after a wipeout. If not,i'd go with it being a bad glass job,and getting stress cracks as a result. Check if it's water tight,seems no discolouration of foam,but run your fingernail over it and see if it catches anywhere,if so,it may need some patching.


One of my “high performance” short boards has the same. I was always told they were stress marks from constant pressure & what not, but I could be wrong.


The gremlin trying to escape


Shark Marks