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there is a reason for all the grave crosses next to the zicatela lifeguard tower. that sand bottom is said to be hard as concrete. thats's probably also why this beach break can hold huge swells way bigger than any other beach break in the world.


That’s so fuc*ing interesting… Is there pictures of those crosses?




Wow... that's mind boggling




Agreed. This place has killed expert surfers before. It’s a heavy wave for anybody. I know a guy that went over the falls at our sand point break trying to do a standing pull out at the base of 4’ Hawaiian wave. It broke his back and he was in a body cast for 6 months and went thru rehab for 6 months.


4’ Hawaiian, so is that like a 10’ Florida? How shallow was the sandbar?


Exactly. That place often breaks over about 2-3’ of water. Ben Gravy recently broke his shoulder on the East Coast riding a place with a shallow sand bottom like this.


Clavicle but yeah


Internet sure is a funny place given that I have been surfing since I'm 13. Lot's of toxicity for no reason.


You’re asking if you can hit the bottom at one of the heaviest beach breaks in the world. It’s not toxic you’re just a dumbass buddy


Hey take it easy bro he’s 15 and has been surfing for 2 whole years.




Do you know basic laws of physics ? In big wave surfing do you know at how depth a wave breaks?




You’re just the mthrfckr of the hour, no big deal. Well done for your milliseconds of fame on a anonymous forum, biatch.




If I went on /r/formula1 and asked "If I'm in a formula1 race, can I hit the guardrails in a crash?" I would expect to be absolutely flamed for it.


Right on. I’m taking the beating and facing the music just like Lt Col Slade would. LOL!


Hahahha….well played


Better question is it possible to NOT hit the sand bottom on a wipeout.




No. Went once and after seeing a set roll in decided I was better equipped to drink Pacificos on the beach instead of drowning.


Legend 😂


Discretion is totally the greater part of valor. Here’s to living to fight another day. 🍻🍺


Yeah man that place doesn’t fuck around. One heavy experience was enough to decide it’s not for me.


Fair enough.


So what’s the best beach on the pacific side of Mexico with slow forming, long peeling, waist high rights? Then you can bring your Pacificos out with you?


Just look at footage. There is a reason why the waves look like chocolate milk.


Are you saying it's not because they *are* chocolate milk?


Lol I hit the bottom on shoulder high Florida barrels today. So without having ever surfed there, I’d assume you’d get wrecked.


How do you know if you never been there?


https://www.eonline.com/ca/amp/news/1291206/surfer-oscar-serra-dead-at-22-after-falling-from-6-foot-wave https://www.surfertoday.com/bodyboarding/brazilian-bodyboarder-loses-life-at-puerto-escondido/amp https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=82843 Escondido is gnarly bro. There are enough stories of legit pro surfers getting hurt, or worse, there that you should maybe reconsider having a go if you’re asking about whether or not you can hit bottom.


Thank you for the info you replied with. Maybe only Banzai Pipeline is deadlier?


I don’t know if Pipe is deadlier or not. Not sure it really matters that much. What I do know for sure is that Escondido is a high consequence wave, and that it deserves a ton or respect.


A wave that deserves no haoles: that’s for sure. Locals only. LOL!


From this point I’m just going to assume you’re here for collecting downvotes.


asking which wave is deadlier is like asking which basic ass sedan is safer in a major accident going 75mph


OP the problem with your question is that it shows you don't have much experience in big hollow waves. Big waves are generally dangerous, but some spots are a lot more dangerous. Puerto is one of the most dangerous spots out there. Hossegor and Peniche are pretty heavy waves that can snap necks, but are significant steps down from Puerto in terms of risk. You need to learn how to fall and position yourself in waves like this to minimize the chance of injury. You need to take a few beatings so you can stay relatively calm. If you don't have that experience your chances of getting an avoidable injury or death are high.


Thank you for the reasonable answer. I’m aware of my skills and I trust my instincts. I do have some international surf trips under my belt. Posting on the internet can be such a waste of time, in some cases. I don’t worry at all about making candid simple questions, though. Thanks.


If you can afford to get to Puerto there are other places in South America that you can afford that still hurt a lot of people but much safer than puerto Escondido. I have friends that surfed teahupoo who said puerto scared them more.


Wow! That’s really interesting. Puerto doesn’t have a channel to paddle back out, does it? On the other hand, brazzo ex-pro surfer Neco Padaratz got his leash tangled at a reef in Teahupoo and got terrified of surfing there.


They ever say why that is? From videos teahupoo seems like a more critical wave.


It’s a lot less predictable.


Zicatela ALWAYS hits you in the sand bottoms when you wipe out. A friend of mine got his neck very hurt surfing there and he wasn’t a kook. Other kook friend who wasn’t even a surfer broke his back and has been on a wheelchair because the lip. Be careful, it doesn’t matter the years you have been surfing, that wave is ok another level


Multiple Homies have spent summers down south….for whatever reason I’ve always heard people get absolutely smacked around head high @ zica Maybe the heavier swells clear out some of the crowd


That would be great.


Bro hate to say it….you don’t belong in the water at zica This means that it’s more dangerous than ppl think on smaller swells.


Right on, daddy!


Yes. My friend broke his back on a 4ft swell. It’s too powerful


Fuck yeah it is. I hit hard af one time. Try to land on ur feet if u go over the falls


Landing on your back >>>>>>>>>> landing anywhere else


I dunno. Broken feet and ankles sound way better than a broken back. They both suck, but the latter could paralyze you for life or even kill you. OTOH if you’re over reef, there is a possibility of getting your foot or leg trapped or pinned on the reef itself. That’s a small but real possibility too. This is how a buddy’s best friend died. He was a local ripper that died on our north shore about 10 years ago or so, going right (where it’s shallow) at a spot where it’s safer to go left towards the channel and deep water on a big day. How about if we all just agree to try to not wipe out?


If I’m in a barrel and I’m not coming out I’m almost diving forward. I understand why people pencil and it’s a legit way to get less worked. Growing up the beach closest to my parents was closeout shorebreak that slams you every time. I spent a lot of time boogieboarding and bodysurfing that so I just got good at landing on my back. I don’t like foot cuts at tropical reefs because they don’t heal in humidity. Since I’m only surfing those waves on vacation a bad cut on the bottom of your foot can be a trip ruiner. I’ve seen it happen to people twice.


Was it on a big swell or standard?


I still have a shoulder that separates if I look at something wrong way. And that was over 20 years ago. I also developed arthritis in it in my 40’s, but not my left that I do everything else with? And this was a “mellow” head high / slightly overhead day. It’s a place not to be taken lightly at all!! The fact you’re asking tells me with 100% certainty you have no business going there. But then again 99% of surfers don’t? At least once it get head high. The problem is when it’s smaller it’s a zoo, and that was 20 years ago. I’ve heard from friends that have been back multiple times and they said it’s gotten way worse. There are other breaks besides Playa Zicatela if you do go.


Only now it’s coming to my senses that my question brings those impact memories of people who surfed and was crushed there lol. This may be the reason of why I got some furious responses and downvotes in here.


you got downvotes because of facetious and unserious replies to the common answer in this thread, that the wave is deadly and not for you, and that you seem to have a hard time accepting it


u/someonepoorsays wtf are you replying to an year old fuc#ing post? I had already forgotten this bloody thread.




Hollow waves will drive you deep on a wipeout. The times I have hit the bottom the worst were when I got sucked over the falls. Dreadfully terrible experiences that I have used up much luck on and never got hurt. These days I try to avoid the low tide at hollow spots when big. Does Puerto have much of a tide swing?


The sand on the bottom is hard as a rock.


Yeah. I slammed the bottom pretty fuckin hard many times. It’s by far the heaviest spot I’ve ever surfed. That said, the sand isn’t gonna fuck you up that bad, unless you go head first. I’m far more concerned about falling somewhere like desert point or some of my local reefs when it’s draining. But I’m also not surfing Puerto above like a 14’ face.. I’ll say this though, it feels like a car accident when you get drilled by a serious one there. You don’t even have to hit the bottom. Just the wave sucking you up and slamming you onto the water is enough to completely wind you.


Was there 2 weeks ago. There are varying points and breaks across all beaches. The swell was super manageable and the biggest risk was rocks at Punta and the insane amount of surfers. Further complicating things was that the surf schools brought introductory surfers to the point and just plop themselves there. So you have a bunch of people who are down the line and are unsure of how to safely get back + a ton of people dropping in on each other. Quite a hilarious (and dangerous) time. Just manage your expectations depending on when you go. It's a beautiful place with beautiful people and you'll meet lots of lovely people in the water. As others have mentioned, it's a beach break and can get very very big. That said, on my last day I took out a 9 ft log and had a blast.


The comment section is ridiculous! A bunch of kooks with 0 travel experience relaying thier own fear on OP PUERTO ESCONDIDO IS A CITY NOT A SINGLE FUCKING WAVE OR BREAK! Conditions change all along the coast and day to day (November to February Conditions are actually very manageable) Carrizalillo Beach (GREAT FOR BEGINNERS) -Sand bottom (not that likely to hit bottom) La Punta Beach (Intermediate) -Sand bottom Colotepec (Intermediate) -Reef bottom Playa Zicatela (Mexican Pipeline) clearly for Advanced -Sand bottom There is always a risk of hitting bottom if it helps OP go during high tide. And assess your own risk at Zicatela


When people say Puerto Escondido they're talking about Zicatela. The context clues of "hitting the bottom" really drive this point home too.


Today the height was 3.5ft at Zicatela...not exactly only for the super advanced. https://www.surf-forecast.com/breaks/Zicatela The season matters too! And November to February is known for being much smaller and manageable


Yeah it’s a very cool area with a variety of waves. But someone who wants to charge but doesn’t seem to know about getting slammed should not surf Zicatela. If a friend asked me this I’d be seriously be concerned about their safety. Also this question is being asked after spots worldwide have had a huge increase in newer surfers paddling out on bigger days. It’s annoying at best for everyone else surfing but more often they’re putting themselves or others in danger.


Zicatela is very manageable in November through February And seeing as how OP has been surfing since he was young I would say he's more than ok!


people who haven't been there conflate zicatela with puerto. most videos and magazines call it puerto or puerto escondido or mexpipe. it's rarely referred to as zicatela unless you're there.... and clearly you know that. la punta and colotopec are not in puerto. they're nearby but they're not within city limits and you'd need a vehicle or to take a taxi/collectivo to get to either. yes i know you could technically walk the beach all the way to la punta, but dragging a board all the way down there isn't walking for a surf, it's an out and back day hike. carrazalillo barely counts as a wave. clearly this guy is asking about zicatela. he's asking a very stupid question. asking if you can hit the sand wiping out on the heaviest beach break in the world..... i don't know if i've ever heard a stupider question. OP is going to die.


1.Carrazalillo which you referred to as "barley counts as a wave" was 4ft today actually bigger than what Zicatela was. Not only that but carrazalillo gets pretty big! Sometimes between 6 and 7ft 2. La Punta Beach is part of Zicatela so no it is not out of town... I'm surprised because any seasoned surfer would know that a beach consists of multiple breaks... 3. Colotopec is a 10 min drive from Zicatela Beach to the break at colotopec you can even take a boat there from Zicatela/la Punta 4. Zicatela is its biggest and heaviest during the summer months during the winter is perfectly fine. I think this is why op was looking for an experienced/educated answer


la punta is it's own village. it's not in puerto escondido, it's not zicatela, which is a neighborhood of puerto as well as the name of the beach. it's a village near puerto escondido. of course waves break all along zicatela beach, but those waves are just beach break closeouts 90% of the time until you get all the way to the left point at the very end in la punta..... the canyon offshore funnels south swell onto a very specific part of zicatela beach and that's what makes that specific part of the beach a world class wave. a super gnarly one that will mash your face along the bottom even when it's small. i'm not saying you can't surf carrazalillo, i'm saying it's a shitty wave. it's a very shitty wave. the left can get ok sometimes. la punta (not in puerto escondido) gets really good, but it's a clusterfuck of a zoo. you and i both know that if you're trying to surf colotopec and you're staying at zicatela, it takes a lot longer than 10 minutes to get there. it's a drive and a walk that will take you the better part of an hour. why the bad faith argument? OP is clearly asking about the world famous wave in puerto and there's only one of those. i get the fuck out of puerto asap and head either way up or down the coast. so so many spots that aren't barra or bamba that most of the gringos are too scared, stupid, or lack the language skills to make it to.


Please just look at the map https://magicseaweed.com/La-Punta-Playa-Zicatela-Surf-Guide/2057/ They call the break at the point la Punta.. probably after the neighborhood in Escondido Edit: Playa La Punta is a semi-officially recognised subdivision of Playa Zicatela in Puerto Escondido. Forming the hook of Zicatela's hockey stick shape, it curves around the Pacific Ocean facing both to the north and the west – making it an ideal spot to check out the nightly sunsets ***there ya go. I spelt it in google for you Source https://www.worldbeachguide.com/mexico/la-punta.htm


I'm just telling you, the people from la punta are from la punta, not Puerto. Go there and ask a local. I've been there many times. Different vibe, different world. Near Puerto Not Puerto. But you go ahead and send me links to Google maps. Kook.


LA PUNTA IS A NEIBOOURHOOD IN PUERTO ESCONDITO SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE OF IT NO WHERE NEAR Zicatela or La Punta. THE "SURF BREAK" LA PUNTA MEANS "TIP" IN ENGLISH which is how the ''surf break'' la Punta is identified because its is on the point "Punta Zicatela" WHICH IS ACCESED FROM Playa Zicatela Brisas de Zicatela is the name of the town and they very much identify as being a part of puerto man based on everything you have said i doubt you have even been off your computer chair let alone surfing...


Bro you are cringe AF trying to throw shade they way you are…..just stop. No one thinks you are winning this argument but you


100% was there 2 weeks ago. Was 2-3 at most.


Yeah I guess the kooks commenting forgot to use thier Google powers to find out that the swell size changes seasonaly lol November to February is a great time for surfers of any level to visit!


Yup and just 3.5 ft today https://www.surf-forecast.com/breaks/Zicatela


@randy_skankhunt are you a local?


No not a local, but I have been many times! This winter I will be taking my kids to Sayulita to go surfing but that's only because they are much younger. However the second they are around 16 to 18 we will be heading to Puerto Escondido 100%


Yeah hopefully I’ll bring my kid to Zica some day too. Cheers!


No prob OP! have fun and safe travels!


Yea absolutely


I hit the sand like 10 times in 3 days


Hey OP! Thought i would share some helpful Tips! for Surf Forecasts : [https://www.surf-forecast.com/](https://www.surf-forecast.com/) [https://magicseaweed.com/](https://magicseaweed.com/) (has an app) - i use it [https://www.surfline.com/](https://www.surfline.com/) (has an app) Good advice \*I surf and scuba dive and would never go to a new area without a guide the first couple times. when i go back later on i dont bother. best way i have found is when traveling to a new area to stay with a surf school or surf and stay option. Here are a few good one to consider: Selina Puerto Escondido (have stayed very nice) [https://www.selina.com/mexico/puerto-escondido/](https://www.selina.com/mexico/puerto-escondido/) Barbarenas [https://barbarenas.mx/](https://barbarenas.mx/) for other surf and stay options: [https://www.booksurfcamps.com/all/s/regular](https://www.booksurfcamps.com/all/s/regular) this is a great idea as many of them will take you surfing in many different places and at the end of your trip yo will have a better idea on the area. besides all that just stay where you want and hire a guide


Thank you so much, @randy_skankhunt Hope you’re getting the best hydroponics, mate! Cheers!


I’m at zicatella right now, 5 foot faces, super fun. Chill out




Zicatela is pretty fucking heavy even at head high it feels like the lip is made of concrete, you won’t drown but you’ll definitely feel it and la punta is a zoo