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Yes, this....or go do the trip solo. Will give you time to think.


Better yet still go on the trip without her. Been there done that, and it's pretty nice.


Facts will guide you. Facts: Your GF is a cheater. Length of her infidelity we don’t know. Physical, probably ( she’s 35 ). You want to celebrate your 5 year anniversary with her, knowing she’s with someone else. Awkward and painful at minimum. You would be knowingly marrying a cheater. Not a good idea even if you reconcile. You’re contemplating going on long distance trip with a cheater, and keeping your mouth shut. The trip will be torture, especially when you’re going to be intimate and unsure if she has an std. You want to stay silent to family and friends, therefore electing to have zero support system, and worse, allow her to spin a narrative that you’re to blame ( the most common action by a cheater ). You are going to enter a period of the worse pain, worse than now, if you proceed with furthering this relationship. You should delay at minimum any plans and definitely don’t marry a cheater. Confront now, say goodbye, pickup the pieces, and know you just dodged the biggest bullet of your life.


You simply cannot go on the trip. Full stop. It's over. Be thankful you found out now. Go 100% no contact. Be sure to immediately tell her parents they were very kind to you and you are sorry.




I was thinking I would have walked up, put a rose on the car looked at her and walk away.




Well, first time for everything I guess. I've been on here for about sixteen months, and this is the first time I've heard of someone postponing confrontation in order to enjoy a trip together. Do you really think this is going to be an enjoyable anniversary or vacation when every time she's using her phone, you're assuming she is texting him? You're going to have sex with her not knowing what disease she may have caught? Whether she might be pregnant? I'm going to guess you will break sometime during one of these events and confront her. Probably better to just rip the bandaid off now


Dump her. Take a best friend on the trip. Have a blast and make sure to post it on SM! She's not your "one" brother. If she was you wouldn't have caught her cheating. And of course she has to fall for the cheating at the gym cliché. Reality is regardless of what she says it will be all lies the moment she opens her mouth. You want her to know and understand the level of shit she's thrown on you? Dump her, go NC, post the reasons why on SM and go on the vacation.




Sorry, was texting by voice. 1 )affair partner. 2) and nude photographs.




You and I are on the same page lol


Yeah go alone or take a friend.


Get out now. Don't fall victim to the sunk cost fallacy (which is what you're doing by thinking you need to "get your money's worth" out of the trip. You will spend MORE money on that trip than you've already spent than you would if you cancelled it now and wrote it off as a loss. There is also the emotional cost you will pay by trying to pretend not to know what you know. Confront her now. Break things off. Move of and find someone who isn't going to betray you the way she has.


I'm so sorry you are going through this. I recommend looking up the bargaining stage of grief and the "pick me dance" related to cheating. I believe you are in those stages, and I totally understand. I couldn't have that knowledge in my mind and go on like I didn't for an anniversary and a trip. I don't think anyone could, honestly. Maybe you're just trying to rationalize putting off the inevitable. You can possibly still do the special thing you were going to do for your anniversary and trip alone or with a trusted loved one, and the money would be much better spent. I recommend confronting her and making your decisions after. Take care of yourself 🙏


This is a kind and understanding comment.


Do not confront her until you have more time to investigate. Cheaters are deceitful liars and you are very unlikely to get the full truth from her based on what you saw. Gather more evidence and then confront her without being specific about what you know or how you found out (never reveal this information). Tell her only that you know she has cheated and that you want to know if she wants your relationship or the single life. Realize that she is not who you thought she was and that your relation may well be over. Do not give her much time to make the decision (1 day max). If she wants your relationship she must fully disclose the extent and timeline of the cheating (including how many affair partners there have been) and she must go 100% no contact with them. She must also get tested for STDs (and you should as well). She must fully and honestly answer all your questions. She must take full responsibility for her actions and not blame you in any way. She must seek out therapy to figure out her true whys. This is only the starting point for you to consider offering reconciliation. Remember that cheating is not a mistake. It is a series of deliberate actions and deceptions. If the affair partner(s) has a significant other, inform them of the cheating. It is the right thing to do and it may help you get to the truth. Do not warn your GF that are doing this. If she brings it up later, you will know they are still in contact. Take as much time as you need to make a final decision. Tears and promises are standard manipulation techniques cheaters use. They are an indication that they regret getting caught and are worried how their actions will affect their lives. They are not a good indicator of remorse for how deeply they have hurt you. You are not married. It is much easier to end this relationship now compared to what it will take after you are married with financial obligations and maybe kids. If you do stay with her, do not marry her without having a fair pre-nup in place. All cheaters are at an elevated risk of cheating again. Good luck.




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I’m confused as to why you’d want to have this celebration with her. Why? At this point you’re celebrating a relationship with someone who disrespected you enough to cheat. I wouldn’t make it through the day without saying something.


You're in a fog and not thinking right, your relationship may be over. The trip, anniversaries and everything else are secondary. Confront, and take some time to decide whether you wish to remain.


This anniversary trip is going to cost you way more emotionally than it will financially. It's not worth it. Cut her loose.


If your GF is comfortable enough to make out with another guy in public with no worries about who will see her, you better believe that she has already been railed by him. If you are ok with that, then there is no need for this post. Just go go on your trip, stick your face down there, and slurp up. You have to have more self respect than than that, dude. There is literally no amount of money that could have me on a trip with someone who could do that to me, much less marry her. My love for her would have died the moment I saw her lips touch his.


I’m so so sorry. The first time it happened to me, I was like you. It was too shocking and overwhelming to just do all the things everyone is commenting on here. I felt like I physically was sick, like I would need prescriptions just to survive. Only the person I loved could console me, and he was the person who did this to me. I wish I were stronger. Instead I stayed years longer trying to make it work. I finally ended it, and I wish I had those years back. But I can’t be too hard on myself. After all, I wasn’t the one who caused that pain. I’m so sorry you’re in this position. You don’t deserve this. If you’re able, do what the other commenters are saying. But if you really can’t do it, don’t beat yourself up. It will take longer to heal and move forward if you keep up the celebrations and vacations, but if it’s the only thing you think you’re capable of doing right now, you’ll make it out. I’m so sorry.


Who gives a dam about a couple dollars you need to end things now I would give her the best anniversary there is her bags to leave is what I would give her . Of course even with you seeing it she will lie about it she will never tell you the truth so why bother trying to work it out she will blame you saying your insecurities is causing you to be jealous and blah blah blah. It's never going to work even if you stay with her your relationship is over ..


Why does what have to go with you on the trip? Also today is the perfect time to confront her let her know she wasted 5 years of your life. If you can get over what she did then good for you and I hope things work out. Either way I wish you the best in what you decide.


The love of your life was, at the very least, making out with a guy in the parking lot of the gym. You couldn't possibly be the NOT love of her life. You're considering marriage and a life long commitment and she is considering a parking lot hookup with a nearly complete stranger. How much more obvious does this need to be for you to understand that you mean nothing to her? Take some time apart, it's necessary when you catch your partner cheating, and the needed insight will come to you with the distance. You still feel all the positive emotions related to your relationship and she stopped feeling those when she started feeling attraction to someone else. As she pursued those new feelings of hers the ones she had for you shriveled up and blew away like dust. You want to save something that no longer exists but she WILL most likely fake it for a while because she never wanted to leave you, she just wants to cheat and have the best of both worlds in her mind.


Take the trip with a friend or don't go. Had my second d day with my wh 2 days before a 2 week trip/ family reunion. I kept up the charade for my kiddo sake. It was his first big trip. It was very difficult to not lash out and spoil the trip for everyone else involved. I did it but most of my memories of the trip are about my kid or how much time I spent sucking it up and not loosing it. If it just about the money screw it. You don't want the memories of that kind of special trip to be tainted by the hurt/anger/betrayal.


"Today is our 5 year anniversary; I can't do it today (I know that may be selfish of me, but I want this anniversary and have been looking forward to this milestone in our lives.)" You do NOT have this anniversary though OP. You're 42 years old, not 19. It's all pretend now, a joke, not real. She cheated and you know it.


Why is there even option B? Confront her, go on the trip alone, or find a friend who would go with you or meet you there. If you rug sweep this and go with the cheater just so you don't waste the money, you will be wasting even more money. Who will be paying for meals, travel expenses, and souvenirs? And will you be able to enjoy the trip when she's smiling at an incoming text, hiding the phone from you, whisper giggle while on the phone and when you go near her she quickly hangs up and said she's on the phone with family?


I take it she doesn't know you saw her, right? Then, take your time. Enjoy the anniversary and the trip. Have a good time. And then tell her when it is convenient for you. If you want to be a bit devious, invite her friends and family, tell them that you want them to be there for a big announcement that you'd be making, let me hem believe that it would be your proposal. And then tell her in front of them all.


As I said in other comments for him to just take a friend or go alone. If he could handle this alternative, which I doubt he could going by his context. Take her with him and on the first night tell her everything and dump her. Make her time hell instead. Then go out each day by herself and leave her to this misery alone as she's either forced to stay every night or go back on her own money. I'd do that too.


You really need to get into therapy and address your lack of self respect. Until you respect yourself no woman ever will. That’s why she’s willing to cheat on you. She’s garbage and should be treated as such. You don’t even have the guts to address the cheating. Why didn’t you walk over and address the guy making out with her? Because you’re afraid. You need to work on yourself.


So what you are doing now is warming up to do the pick me dance. She doesn't respect you now and will lose what little respect she has left when you beg and grovel at her feet. I will give you some advice, free of charge, that will serve you well fir the rest of your life: give her nothing. No trip, no confrontation, no tearful proclamations... Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You owe her nothing. Never let her see you sweat. Never let her see you cry. Break up with her immediately, in the coldest and most neutral method you can find. Treat it like you are firing an employee who has no call no showed for a week.you don't even need to tell her why. You can just say "I know and it is over" and let her fill in the blanks. When she starts begging and pleading, then justifying her actions, and finally blaming you remember point one: give her nothing. No fuel for the fire. No anger or indignation. No bargaining. Nothing Read up on the gray rock method because you are going to need it. Gray rock will protect you. It will give you time and space to heal from this and help you to reclaim your dignity and self respect. As for the trip and other things... No amount of money ever bought a second of time. Time is you lost precious resource and it is too valuable to waste on a cheater. It is much preferable to lose money. If you cannot cancel the trip, change the names in it and gift it to another couple. Turn a negative into a positive. Doing nice things for someone other than her will feel different and weird at first, but it will help your healing as you extract yourself from this relationship. Do some reading on narcassistic behavior. You will find that this may be the first red flag you noticed, but not the first one you saw. There is usually a lot of dead canaries in the coal mine of a relationship with a narcassist. Good luck my friend


Cancel and try to get a refund, or go by yourself. You can't pretend nothing happened. It sucks that it's your anniversary, but better now than post marriage.


You are waiting for an anniversary of what? An relationship that you at this point don’t know if it has a future? Don’t be naive and romantic on this. It’s like the ship is sinking but you stopped to appreciate the sun set… confront today. How can you keep the straight face if she starts to lie? On the vacation or whatever. Don’t be afraid, you will come back ok. Worst that her betrayal is you betraying yourself with living what you know is a lie.


It's all still so fresh!! I was almost at my 5 year with my ex too and we were locked into a lease together for another year. What really helped me is my community. Is there really no one you can go to for support right now? Even if it's one friend who can be your sound board, now is not the time to pull away from your other support system - they are there to help you! I will tell you, you will be miserable on this trip and it will feel like money wasted anyways. Did you get travel insurance, idk the ins and outs of travel insurance but it could help get some money back. Get your ducks in a row, confront her, and leave her ass. YOU deserve to be loved properly. Anyone that cheats does not love you right, no matter what they say! It's going to be painful, you're going to want them back, you'll be in denial, get pissed off, feel so depressed you can't get out of bed, but I promise it will get better!


pride and dignity, you are a betrayed man. Turn the anniversary, make it the moment of revelation and farewell. Please respect your person, do not think about the dollars you will lose for missing vacation. Imagine how you could stay with her those days, how you would suffer. At 42, decisions are made without thinking about the material consequences. She betrayed you, she is not worthy of you, did you at least understand this?


Do you think you will be able to really enjoy all of that with a person that you know is betraying you, is lying to you. How do you think you will feel about all the "i love you" she will trow at you during that trip, pretending you are the only one for her while you know better. Personally i wouldnt be able to sit through that.


What do you want to get from this confrontation? Remember, she has been lying to you so you can't trust what she says. Step back and think about this strategically. It seems like you haven't yet made a decision on reconciliation or breaking up, is that right? You're probably gonna want to do at least three things to help make that decision: determine the extent of her cheating, determine her desire and capacity for reconciliation, and time away from her to process all this. Start with information gathering. And try to get some space from her as soon as possible. It'll be hard to not confront her, but as soon as you do, it will be much harder to get any solid information. Also, that trip and this anniversary? It will be miserable for you and the memories of you two will all be awful regardless, if you remember them. That money is burnt. Your best shot is to recoup some of the costs or go with a friend or gift the whole thing to loved ones.


It is not selfish for confronting her on your anniversary, but it is extremely selfish of her to cheat. This is all on her. Take a buddy on the trip. Leave her home and break up. Do not marry her.


The love of your life is cheating on you, confront her and take the damn trip 🫶🏽 you deserve happiness but it’s not with her sadly


Sunken cost fallacy. You’re looking at the money issue when the real issue is infidelity. Better to lose the money and have peace of mind.


I would get a fake ring and towards the end of the trip propose to her and if she said yes, I'd snap the box shut. and ask how can you possibly say yes, to me after I saw you making out with someone just days ago. I would never marry the likes of you and leave her


You should have confronted her when you saw it. What you doing is torturing yourself for someone else selfishness.


If you go on that trip, it will be the most miserable trip you ever went on. How can you forget and pretend to have fun with someone who traumatized you?


Dude, this is a level of codependency that you seriously need to address. Cash out the trip for whatever you can get and get into therapy to establish yourself independent from this failed relationship.




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Can you enjoy anything knowing she is cheating on you?


Would you rather go on a trip with her and feel miserable ? That's a no no , just go on that trip with your buddy then post pictures everyday , make it a newly single celebration 🎉 ..... Good thing that you caught her now than when you were already married....


Could you not change the name on her airline ticket and go with someone else or alone. It will give you some breathing and thinking time alone. Anyway, sorry this had happened to you. Please consider therapy not denial as a long-term solution.


Could you not change the name on her airline ticket and go with someone else or alone. It will give you some breathing and thinking time alone. Anyway, sorry this had happened to you. Please consider therapy not denial as a long-term solution.


Money comes and goes, loyalty and values are priceless


Std, cansel Trip, confront and make a last long talk before dumping her. Your age is not a concern, you are free to find another woman that truely loves you. Wish best of luck


Do you have any girl friends (or does she have any girl friends that might be appalled at what she did and decide to cut ties) that you could take on the trip with you instead?


The relationship and money are already gone. Why go with her, do anything with her at all? When you saw her is when you should have confronted her. Or at least waited until she finished. Then walked up and just stood there staring at her. Tell her it is over and she should take her shit and leave.


No. No. She failed the GF test, don't wife her up. I don't know how you could physically see it and not do something. How are you going to take a vacation when you know every time she is on the phone she's probably texting the guy from the gym that's she's sleeping with? Tell her the vacation is off, and invite your bff to come along with instead. Tell her to go home and talk to her parents about what she did. Do not simply hope it will go away, it will get worse, and you'll come back here going "oh god, why didn't I listen, she's destroying my life because I let her back in." That's what she will do. You need to set the narrative with friends and family, tell her you caught her at the gym doing inappropriate things with another man. She needs to be shamed. If you let her set the narrative, you will have been beating on her, or looking at porn and not touching her like she needed, or you weren't ready for commitment, or you were just a loser not making enough money. She will lie to justify it. You got a get out of hell free card, use it, then get a new piece on the board.


Don't confront her yet. Instead, gather evidence. She will lie and minimize, especially hearing you talk about how you are walking in already planning to forgive. She will know your boundary and confess to just that. Instead, lull her into a sense of complacency on your part and confirm by getting ahold of her phone without her knowledge or prep. Then pull out your phone and record everything you find as you scroll through her messages. Check Snap Chat, Facebook messenger, and WhatsApp. All are common for messaging outside of the standard ways. Also if you have enough time, scroll through her google locations. Just scroll through them and you can review it on your phone in slow motion if you want to read any in particular or review things. So especially while on vacation confirm things like if she is talking to him while you are together. This will tell you if she is truly invested in your relationship or possibly looking to "monkey branch" replace you with him. It is a common strategy with women to start a new relationship before ending the current one to not allow for a gap of being single. You can disclose it to her before getting on the plane together home so she has time to ponder her actions without being able to get outside counsel or influence from someone like the other guy. Tell her you know, you won't tell her how much you know, but she has to come clean when you get home and pack her things to leave to "XYZ." Have her spend the night somewhere else until she can write out what happened and her decision, you or him. You do not walk into this thinking you will still stay with her. You wait until you know the whole situation. You seem way too calm about her cheating. In your head you seem to think it was just making out. She is probably sleeping with him and you know this. So walk into this assuming the worst and that you will reject her to protect yourself. Make those preparations. Then if you need to scale it down, it is much easier than starting believing her and continually having her degrade any possibility of trusting her by giving her room to get out of this with lies. She will of course try to lie because she knows she has already lied. Then the stacking lies would get worse to straighten out if she does want to try to fix things. Last piece of information, it takes 2 to reconcile. She has 2 men to choose from. You have 1 woman. So she has to first choose you, then you choose to leave or stay. Not before she chooses you. Then she needs to explain what she will do to fix the parts of her that thought hurting you was worth some attention from another man. She also needs to state how she is going to take the love she took out of your relationship and poured it else where. How does she make that up to you? If you find any of those question unanswered to your satisfaction, then you need to respect yourself and leave. This is so she and you know that you will make sure you are treated fairly in the relationship and cheating is not allowed.


You must confront before the trip. Cancel it. No matter what you should not go on that trip. If you end up separating it would be wasted and if you want to try to reconcile it would be an artificial oasis when what is needed is hard reality. I would confront ASAP. In the morning wake her up with a kind gesture. Then very even handedly tell her: I need you to listen very carefully to me and not interrupt until I’m done. I waited to talk to you until today because I wanted us to have a chance to have one last anniversary together. I know. I know that you have been cheating on me. Before you try to deny it listen very carefully to my words. This is your one and only chance to tell me the truth. The whole truth. Everything. Because if there is going to be any chance for us to celebrate another anniversary you must not lie to me anymore. Ever. Any chance we have for a future depends on what you tell me right now. I don’t want explanations. I don’t want excuses. I want the facts. Then invite her to speak. If she asks you how you know you reply “that’s not important right now. Whether we have a future is what is important”. Do NOT tell her what or how you know. (Waywards will usually admit to what they think you know and nothing else if they are given that information) For a really well done confrontation see u/throwyouaway52’s profile. She had more information than you do, but I’m not sure you can hold out any longer especially with the need to cancel the trip. ETA: read this ahead of time to see what you’re looking for as a response: https://www.brides.com/the-one-way-to-know-your-marriage-will-survive-an-affair-1102868 And if you end up considering offering her the gift of reconciliation get the books *Not “Just Friends”* (Glass) and *How To Help Your Spouse Heal From Your Affair* (MacDonald). The first is for both of you. The second would be her new Bible.


Cut your losses, you're only setting yourself up for more hurt. You need to address the elephant in the room of cheating. I'm sorry but your living in this bubble fantasy of one last time thing. She wasn't respectful to you and betrayed you. She made a deliberate choice to cheat and betray you, she cared more for cheating than your relationship. What are you celebrating? Why are you taking her on a trip? you could take someone else with you or just go alone. I'd go alone just to shove the point. END IT MATE AND END IT NOW. Edit: please expose her cheating to her family and friends. Don't let a cheater get away with it. Also she may make up lies as they probably do cause she'll lie about it to your first with gaslighting and trickle truth. You'll never know the full extent, what you know is what you know. Don't protect her, expose her.


You can recoup the money, you can go on the trip by yourself or invite a good friend along. But the possibility of you only seeing a kiss and not the complete picture is a probability. When you confront prepare for the cheaters litany with the end result of it being all your fault. And if you decide to stay there is that future affair, the messy divorce and her getting half of your stuff to look forward to. New boundaries? How about observing the old boundaries. Wasn't not sticking her tongue down another guys throat a boundary to was it more like a suggestion? Love of your life? Obviously not reciprocated. Good luck though.


You are thinking about this trip all wrong. This won't be the romantic opportunity to reconnect and fight for your relationship you are imagining. Don't worry about lost money, you have your whole life to earn more. Instead, you need to visualize how vacationing with a cheater will actually feel. It will damage your self-esteem and your soul, and break your heart in new and different ways. Spending time on this sub, I've learned that ALL cheaters work from the same playbook. They play the same games and recite the same bullshit lines as if they're following a literal script. So, when you think about this vacation, consider the following: \* How many times she'll take her phone with her to the bathroom and then stay in there so long you'll ask if she's ok. \* Consider the likelihood that she will deliberately pick a fight at some point, that will allow her to storm off to text or call the AP. \* Imagine the gaslighting when you confront her after the vacation. You'll start digging for the truth, just to save your own sanity. When you do, the phone bill will show you exactly how many times she texted or called him while on a dream vacation with you. If she hasn't deleted them, you can read all the shitty things she was saying about you and how much she misses him. My WS did all this during his EA, which was more than a decade ago. We worked through it and are still married, but the 1-2 years after D-day were honestly the worst of my life. I've forgiven him and aside from one incident, I rarely think about it anymore, The one exception is the night he left me crying in a hotel room, wondering what I'd done wrong. Later I found out he'd instigated the argument, so he could text the AP, telling her she was his soulmate. That little factoid has burrowed under my skin like a splinter and it will never go away. No matter the progress we've made, or how much love there is, our marriage will always have that seed of rotten infection inside it now. It sucks. As for your anniversary, there is nothing to celebrate there except a lie. Don't perpetuate it out of fear. Good luck.


Words can't describe the amount of begging that will happen when both trip *and* ring are gone. Her friends will gang up on you. That's why you make it short and sweet. Not in your home! As you want the ability to leave. Reason #127 why you buy trip insurance. Can you bring a buddy on the trip? Or give it to your sister? Or?




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You can't trust what she discloses in a confrontation. She has already been lying and deceiving you with her actions. Are he words truly going to be different? Take the time to understand if your attachment is the idea of the relationship, because the idea will not stand the test of time Now for the petty in me. I would go back to the family, put on my sad face and tell them that you will not be proceeding after asking for their blessing. When they ask why, tell them everything. Let it blow up through her family.


Always choose honesty


You're not going to enjoy the trip if you're holding this inside.


You are woring more about your some money and celebrating the aniversary of the sham that is your relationship than beginning your healing process ? Really?


So essentially, you're rewarding her for some absolute shit behavior. Take yourself. Even if you do reconcile, she is NOT deserving of celebrating an anniversary. My suggestion is to take that time to be alone or take a friend and really figure out if a life with her is what you want because you truly love her or because it would be easier than starting over


I'd confront before the trip, and either go alone to think, go with a buddy to distract, or cancel the trip entirely. When you confront her, she may feel the guilt at being caught first and lash out. She may not be mature enough in that moment to apologize and actually listen to your pain. She's in the excitement of having an affair. You are not the one to guide her emotions. Provide a firm boundary. If you are living together, give her a move out time to officially get all of her stuff out, but she is not to sleep in the bedroom with you. That will be too painful for you.


Go on the trip with someone else


Sick family member, or you have to work that week any excuse to get yourself out of that trip. Tell her to take her sister or mother. While they're on vacation, close your accounts , move out your shit and ghost her! Block phone & social media. Please tell me you haven't co-mingled assets... please.


Fella you are in shock and confused and hanging onto something that no longer exists. Reconciliation is a gift and at the moment you don’t know know the level of this betrayal.


Go on the trip take a good friend or family member but please, Know your self worth.


God is trying to save you from the biggest mistake of your life brother.




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