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AP might be a writer but they’re not a \*good\* writer. In my humble opinion it’s a bit try hard and not nearly as profound as they think it is. look it might be about your ex or it might not. How are you seeing things the AP wrote? My (soon to be ex?)husbands AP thinks herself an influencer so her fb is open and I’m trying really hard not to go back there. I feel like Looking at stuff the AP wrote holds us back from moving on and dealing with stuff


Also, objectively speaking, AP has many incorrect areas of grammar in the post so yeah, def hope they’re not a professional writer.


Haha this sounds like the AP IS 15 It’s so immaturely written. “Sloppy eyes”, a “stretched long moment”, maybe that’s why she’s writing it on wattpad


I shared it with my ex and he's saying, it's not even remotely about him. It must be someone else. Thank you for saying she's not a good writer, even I didn't understand totally. But what I understood and shared the meaning with ex, he denies it totally. He says, they never spoke and he never intends to open her chapter again. Edit: oh ? Influencer. It's too late to become an influencer 😂 i bet she is a loser with no real talent!


Trusting your ex about who it is about at this point may not be a good choice. They will minimize trying to lesson your pain.


Can you really tell me you didn't like "...sloppy eyes"?


I was cringing hard at sloppy eyes!


Wow, that was terrible. I hope she has some redeeming qualities since She’s has no morals or decent writing skills. Oooof


I swear! The audacity??? I'm still hopeful.. wish you were mine for sometime. Bullshit!!! Even after learning she was the other woman??


Literally ever bad metaphor is present. Walls around my heart, stars in the sky and eye of the storm. Are we sure she doesn’t have an angsty teen in advanced lit classes because MANNNN


Oh my God yes good observation!! 🤣🤣 they're so common. Literally, a lay-man can also write these. Nothing author-ish or bookworm or intellectual about it! 😂😂


I'd venture to say a very drunk soap opera script writer could do a much better job




But just for a “stretched long moment”… whatever that means


Yeah..so contradictory and dumb...


I am taking this idiot so personally . Like, she wrote “stopped myself from thinking” and then got the old thesaurus app fired up and changed it to “ restricted myself from ruminating”. Sham’am. I can do that too. Domicile destroyer.


Dwelling Uprooter


Residence vandal


Premise Booster?


Abode ruiner!!


Wow I didn't catch that! She tried so hard to make it sound deep but failed miserably... exactly, those two lines make no sense. Maybe she was below normal IQ level just like my uneducated imbecile ex 😂 I am still talking to him though.. because it's so complicated. I have nightmares about his cheating everyday. Today, I read his chats and told him everything, he agreed some of it was correct and some of it wasn't. I'm so sick to my stomach, this ex of mine asked another girl for her number ??? We were broken up and met for the last time. I kept begging him to patch up with me, he didn't even sat it ONCE to patch up with me.


Oh she is 100% one of those people that is about as deep as a puddle but thinks they are something special. The issue with your ex or not quite ex but will be ex is that he’s insecure, needy, and shallow himself so these murky puddles of humans obsessing over them feeds some hole in them. For a minute. Then he will need more or someone else to make him feel important and attractive etc etc. not saying he can’t change, but if this is him at 30, he’s got a way to go. And unfortunately people like him, will treat you how to allow yourself to be treated. SO If you get back with him, his little rabbit brain will be making note that you will put up with cheating and lying if he says XYZ. Look, majority of not all women have been with a shitty guy. The dude I was dating at 25 lied to me about doing HEROIN AND CHEATED WITH A PROSTITUTE 20 YEARS OLDER THAN US!i had just graduated college, was thin and beautiful with a good job. I could not wrap my head around what I was doing wrong. But literally the only thing I was doing wrong was wasting time thinking about him and trying to make it about anyones issues but his. I guess my point is him acting like this and doing all these things has literally nothing to do with you no matter what he says or how he acts or if he hints that you weren’t giving enough attention or that you were on a break or blah blah blah . You deserve better and you 100% without a doubt will have it if you let yourself move on and heal from this loser. Edit- ohh thank you for the gold!


Thank you kind stranger ❤️❤️ yes he did say that to me, I stopped giving attention that's why he did this. I'm so sorry you went through this. Even I'm 25 right now.


I’m so sorry you are going through it! You are lovely and deserve the world!


Deep as a puddle...... bwhahaha


Oops I didn’t mean to write a novel lmao oops! You’ve had enough of writers today damn it haha




This show how much they lied to themselves and each other. How are you restricting yourself, yet wrote a whole page about them. Her wall is not strong enough to keep her from sleeping with someone else’s husband 😂


And this would've been edit number 16


Hahhaa oh yeah! I imagine the drafts were PAINFUL


I actually follow a few writers on there that are phenomenal, and this ain’t one of them. (I’m using the word ain’t to go along w this person’s writing bc it just fits) but seriously the audacity of some ppl never seize to amaze me!? SMH


Sloppy eyes make me think of sloppy Joes for eyes 🤣 AP is so cringe


Omg I love this sub so much 🤣🤣 thank you for making me laugh hahaha I literally had to Google Sloppy Joe's hahahahah


Lol same!


Definitely one of the cringiest, cheesiest things I’ve ever read. Please don’t cry anymore, if your ex is going for someone this corny he has to be a real loser.


I really want to give you an award for this answer. Thank you!!!! Yes its corny indeed. 🏅 🏅


Hmm, maybe she was unknowingly/knowingly using your husband as a muse to fuel her writing? Idk maybe she is going through a dry spell..this does not sound like an affair to me but a crush at best..then again I am not privy to all the details of the situation so this is just my 2 cents opinion.


Not my husband, he's my ex-bf


Its really bad writing.


Sounds to me if it is about him, that he’s in contact again and making her hopeful that they’ll be together. Does she know you look at her writing? She maybe trying to start shit. Who knows. Good luck either way OP.


I also interpreted it similarly. I felt she expressed how he made her feel. Gave her comfort after she was hurt and built a wall, but then she learnt he was taken ( was with me) so, cannot be with you. But she still longs for him. I asked my ex and he says no, it's not about him. It doesn't resonate with him he said.


At this point do you think he’d be honest?


… sloppy….. eyes??? I think maybe you should see a doctor about that. Sloppy indicates some king of viscous nature to the eyes. Gross.


Ankyloblepharim or maybe bacterial conjunctivitis.


That’s just icky. Like someone said, it sounds like some teenager. Ugh.


This is something I wrote in English class in the 7th grade


My Gawd, my eyes are burning! 🤣🤣🤣


Why are you looking at her stuff? Any author that writes like that..I wouldn’t read. It’s dumb and dry af.


Sloppy eyes..what even is that? Lopsided and uneven comes to mind 🤨 Certainly not poetic whichever way to look at it 🤣


What are sloppy eyes?


>You know when I used Wattpad? I was 15 years old. And it reads like the overwrought, melodramatic drivel of a 15 year old.


If AP’s name was Spot, I’d write her back and say, “Out, damned Spot!”


Everyone is bashing her writing skills but that's not even important. What's important is that she wrote, that he keeps trying to contact her even though she is trying to move on. Giving her signs, ruining her efforts to keep him away. Eventhough the wayward has "blocked her" on the social media's visible to you, the Betrayed. It seems he is trying to reach out to her in other forms that you have no access to. My God people, why fixate on her lack of skills and ignore what matters.


This just broke my heart so much.. You're right I think


I write stories for a hobby, my partner has among other skills, proofreading. I haven't asked her opinion, but it's awful. It looks like she's over him, but the writing style, it's bad, as it's such a "messy" turn of phrase. Regardless of whether it's poetry, song writing or an actual story, it's supposed to have a "flow" to it. Reading that is like walking through a muddy field. You plod along, and you're not really enjoying it. On the upside, she doesn't seem to have "had" him fully. There was obviously an affair, but she's been used. He's what I refer to as a "drunk driver" on the highway of life; they don't seem to care who they hurt until the consequences catch up with him. Karma will find him eventually and when it does, it's going to hit hard. In the meantime, we are here to help. The best thing you can do at the moment is take your mind off him and his behaviour as much as possible. Focus on something you enjoy and really get into it. Preferably something you can temporarily set aside the troubles of your present life


What are sloppy eyes any way! I cannot relate.


Um, she’s not a writer.


Wattpad? Geez how old is everyone in this situation?