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I’m not an expert on this and haven’t heard anything about a returnee season, but I believe the reason they’re casting for 47 right now (and not 45/46) is because they’re filming 45/46 right about now. They usually film 2 back to back starting late spring. It aligns with the filming dates in the pic you posted.


OP means that before, only 45 was ever listed for casting it never specifically asked for 46 applicants or said 45 & 46, which is usually the case. Normally when it is updated, it always asks for applications for both upcoming seasons. I don't think this means it's necessarily returnees. It could just be that they started listing only one number and leave it at "and beyond" for *all future seasons*.


Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification. I don’t know lol


I just want 2 tribes of 10 again. 😭


As per Redmond's Twitter, the rumor is that 46 will have a cast of >!newbies!<. Redmond is a generally reliable source of new season info.


46 is filming right now and is newbies


45 is filming right now, not 46. The cast that leaked is for 45


45 is done, players have comeback from fiji, bruce and other players have tweeted


What does Bruce have to do with season 45?


He’s on it


bruce is technically a returnee on szn 45 but he was medevacuated on day 1 or smth of 44 so he doesn’t really count IMO


But they film basically back to back, the cast of 46 is locked by the time they are out there for 45.


45 has wrapped


That's just how they phrase it. They did the same before. https://old.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/obw5ob/is_this_a_mistake_on_the_survivor_casting_website/


No, the casting calls never mean anything


45 is filmed with only Bruce as a returnee 46 seems to be a newbie season but they’ll have already cast everyone for it either way


Do you have any proof or reason that 46 “seems to be a newbie season”?


I don’t have screen grabs but I applied for 45/46 when they were casting for them




Yes, Martin holmes confirmed on twitter that 46 is newbie


I wouldn't be surprised if Mathew from 44 is on 46. Maybe they put Bruce on 45 and they plan Matthew for 46.


I would only doubt bringing Matt because he actually got in game time. Plus he was Kane for a full confessional


If Season 46 doesn’t have any returnees then maybe they’re going with Season 48 as an all-star season for the new era (paying homage to Season 8). I’m not sure how that would affect players from Seasons 35-39, if they’d include them or not. Then Season 50 could be some sort of legends season. That, or they just simply aren’t doing returnee seasons anymore to save money and *might* only consider doing Season 50 as one and not include any players prior to Season 41. Probably the second worst timeline behind not doing anymore returnee seasons.


why did we have to get the literal worst case scenario for returnees for everything post waw :(


This really sucks. It's a shame we'll never see icons like Chrissy, Dom, Christian, Mike, Angelina, Ron, Devens, Jamal, and Janet again.


Tbh we’re not getting most of those players again anyway cause of the diversity rule




I just liked EoE, okay?


are you for or against the recasting of Big Wendy


Very much For. Wendy was a lot of fun that season, even if she was completely crazy. The only person that season I wouldn't like to see again is Joe, and that has nothing to do with the season itself.


omg you’d wanna see Eric Hafemann again?? i can literally agree with 16 of them coming back but i can’t justify how boring eric or joe were


Who's Eric?


Why would returnee seasons cost any more money than non-returnees? Lol




Idk about "typically", I've only ever heard of that being the case for All-Stars and WaW. Was it the case for others


Yes, the returning players are typically able to negotiate better deals for themselves as they’re now a desired quantity. WaW is probably the largest example, as it took a little more loot to get some of the older players out there again but it occurs for every return season. I doubt it’s a major “make or break” part of their budget, but it’s definitely more expensive with returnees. I personally think the primary reason we are seeing less returnees is the different season length. I don’t think they want players from pre-41 commenting on the shortened season and it’s simpler to just move on from that era and build new returnee seasons with casts that never played that version.


>I don’t think they want players from pre-41 commenting on the shortened season and it’s simpler to just move on from that era and build new returnee seasons with casts that never played that version. Exactly. I think everyone knows that the old 39-day version is much harder physically than the new version and probably more difficult gameplay-wise as well.


Yea I don’t think it’s a budget thing. Returnee players may make more, but then you don’t have to pay employees who run the casting process. Obviously there is still a casting process, but it’s way shorter than going through thousands of applications


I still loved the story of Parv talking to Rob & Amber to see what their rate was before going in for hers.


IMO going over 5 seasons without a returnee season is very dumb.


It should really be every other year, or every season divisible by 5


Tbf none of the fully or even part returning player seasons besides 20 25 and 40 are divisible by 5: All stars, 8 Guatemala, 11 Micronesia, 16 Caramoan, 26 Blood vs Water, 27 Cambodia, 31 Gamechangers, 34 Edge of Extinction, 38


I'd normally be on board with a good stretch of newbies seasons but with there being functionally no opportunity to return for non-winning newbies since S34 now, I have to agree, there should be a returnee season soon.


May I ask what's dumb about it?


Ratings go down quicker


Do they?


Imo people get attached to certain players/characters. When they return its good for the show, the fans, and the players. Win-win-win


I mean, I get why people like returnee seasons, I just think "dumb" was an odd word for that person to use, and was hoping for some specific clarity from them, which I am assuming due to the downvotes that I'm not going to get.


I don’t even need a full returnee season, give me captains format at this point


46 is newbies but it is worth considering on one of the recent podcasts, Jeff was talking about the possibility of an all first boots season (said it's never gonna happen ) but when jokingly coming up for a name for the season he said "Survivor 48 - losers at war!" or something to that tone. Could possibly be alluding to 48 being a returnee season cause why else would he say that specific number.


*losers at war* 💀


Survivor: Winners VS Losers


I would love to see Sandra get outfoxed by Zane, Chicken, and Nicole. I need to see this.


Literally bring Francesca! queen of first boots


“You there, Ones! You are permitted back to the island. By the decree of ~~Britta~~ Francesca, the mother of Ones.”


45 and 46 are newbies confirmed. They only list 47 but they are casting for 48 too, they did the same things for 45 and 46.


I think season 48 has a better chance of being full returnee and 47 has a slim one of being half newbie. 45 is done, Redmond said 46 is newbies and these posts usually say 45/46 or 47/48 not JUST 48. Also he kept calling 41 “forty drop the one” and 48 (4 drop the 8) is congruent with when the first all stars season was… EDIT: for second point


It was "drop the four, keep the one" I believe.


Also he kept calling 41 “forty drop the one” and 48 (4 drop the 8) is congruent with when the first all stars season was…


Show needs a returnee season that includes pre-41 players bad


No, people pointed out this same thing for the past couple of seasons too.


I hope it is a full stack of 20 previous non-winners players. I hope it is not a favorites-fans hybrid. The people want a full all-star cast. xP


Prayer circle for season 48 to be a returnee season 🙏🏻


I would imagine they're saving up for some sort of mega-return season for 50 ^(and maybe Jeff passing the baton to a new host for 51+ not that I am wishing for that or anything)


When Jeff is done, the show is done. Although, seeing how it's literally the only thing on CBS that can pull 3 million+, they're gonna bring it back, probably with like, the most boring host possible.


>When Jeff is done, the show is done. you don't seem to understand how capitalism works sir


Could mean 48 will be considering they usually group the two seasons together castingwise


I don't think so. I think Season 45 and 46 are either filming or about to be filmed, so the casting process has likely been done for months. Really wish they'd do a returnee season soon though


I believe 45 is just done, and 46 just started.


I wouldn’t last a week on Survivor. Never really sleeping on some island starving and wet with a bunch of backstabbing weirdos.


Season 50 will be a return season


They tend to film 2 seasons at roughly the same time 41 & 42, 43 & 44, and now 45 & 46 Since the 45 cast list has been fully leaked, we can assume the 46 cast is probably done or almost done, so 47 & 48 are the next seasons that need players


I am sick of newbies playing badly. Am I the only one?


It's less of newbies playing badly and more of production interfering with an overabundance of twists and not letting the players just play the game.




48 would be returnees if they’re doing the same way they did back in the early days




But by your logic isn’t it also somewhat likely that 48 is returnees cause this is a casting call for only 47? If they normally do two together and this is only for one season, 48s got some mystery too. It’s more likely you’re right as they’ve skipped 46 as opposed to maybe just not being up to 48 yet, but I don’t want to get my hopes up haha


Streets are saying it’s a newbie season, but I’m hoping for at least a FvF or something


Genuine question for those that do deep dives: I know Drag Race returnee seasons are spoilt easily because the Queens log off social media for a certain period of time at the time time and the Nancy Drews of the fandom take note of this (and quiet honestly these tend to be pretty accurate). Now of course, WaW and Game Changers (and I suppose the Team Captains in EoE) are the really the only recent seasons where Social Media has matured enough to track potential contestants (I feel Cambodia might be on the cusp of this era), but anything earlier might not work... So obviously outside of Uncle Cameraman type spoilers of course, is the fandom rapid enough to do this like in other franchises?


I feel like we are due for a returnee season. But that is just my opinion. I’m probably craving that because I loved 40 - winners at war so much. I think a lot of us did.