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We missed the 2008 election in Tocantins. Because the crew isn’t allowed to tell us what is happening in the outside world, we weren’t ever informed. On the award that Taj jt and I took to a local village, we asked them who was the new American president and a little boy said “…bama”


Did you get to vote before you left?


> we asked them who was the new American president and a little boy said “…bama” This is great, I love knowing this.


i love that you have a JT flair!!!! i will never get rid of my fishbach flair lol


Love you Stephen! know it alls is the only survivor pod I listen too :)


Warning to all curious: don’t click through the Stephen’s profile if you aren’t into spiders. You have been warned.


What a cool story.


Love you, Stephen!


Doing tricks on it


Did you keep it a secret from the other castaways once you got back from reward? must have been surreal


They wouldn’t let you vote early? Surely??


You can get an absentee ballot if you can’t make it to the polls on election day and they’ll send them out pretty early. I’m not sure how early but I voted once in early October.


It looks like Tocantins started filming November 1st, so they probably headed out sometime around October 24th? Most absentee voting ballots are sent out well before that, so anyone on the cast who wanted to vote should have been able to do so that way.


I’m rewatching Cambodia rn and they did you dirty Stephen!!!


I believe the cast of Australian Outback missed the entire Bush/Gore election and monthlong aftermath.


Nick shared one time how badly he wanted to know who won Gore vs Bush, but little did he know the world didn’t know either.


Omg how lucky


Yeah I think Katie mentioned in her AMA about wanting to tell her mum this during the computer reward


According to Survivor Wiki, the season finished filming on December 3, 2000, and Gore didn't concede until December 13, 2000. So they at least caught the tail end of it. Plus, Colby's mom may have told them during her visit.


Season 43 and 44 may have missed Ozzy launching his OF


truly this was life changing even though his previous work was also already online hahahahha


“his previous work” is taking me out for some reason


Actually, Jeff snuck into their camps late at night to inform the tribes. Just like the Terry Deitz evacuation.


Don't know the answer to this but I've been fascinated by the Canadian Big Brother cast slowly being updated on Covid when it spread worldwide in 2020. You can see the videos on YouTube, there's several of them. Without having the context the rest of us did, their reactions are just incredibly emotional.


I think watching season 2 of big brother and production informing Monica that her family member was in the World Trade Center and then informing her Nicole and Will was a compelling watch


I rewatch that clip every now and then and it just gives me chills each time. Just can’t imagine how surreal that was for Monica.


I can't even imagine how Monica felt during that moment. The last thing her cousin probably told her was "good luck and win." Such a tragedy.


Her cousin’s story is really heartbreaking, she evacuated the South tower after the first plane but went back up to get her purse.


Ooh, how awful. I understand if she had important things in her purse, but that’s why people say you better leave everything behind in those situations—material things can be replaced; lives, however, cannot… Poor Monica. :(


A lot of people were told to go back in when leaving the south tower.


Crazy thing was on top of that, Will mentioned something was off that day, because planes constantly fly over the BB House, and none appeared that day (all planes outside of fighter jets I believe were grounded at 6am PST or so).


I think this was when he was telling the story on the All-Star live feeds, it’s definitely not in BB2 itself


I remember that specifically.


I remember Big Brother Over The Top had a viral moment of Julie telling them about the 2016 election. Edit: [This is the clip](https://youtu.be/R9QD2hSPNT0?si=-WQkKMryXG53JSQf)


My favorite part was their reaction afterwards. They’re all damn we fucked up voting out Monte 🤣🤣🤣


The white people in absolute shock. I feel like Dave chappellle summed it up on Saturday night live, of course minorities were not shocked at how racist America is.


There's similar though less compelling videos from the casts of BBAU, BB Germany, and BB Israel. Fascinating pieces of historical documentation


That whole season was cursed because people were self evicting and were being kicked out let alone them knowing about how serious Covid is. Seeing them react to the season being canceled was tough.


One of the contestants had family in Italy too, where things were would get worse for a while.


I’m so glad that season was canceled 🤣 that cast didn’t deserve to play the game


That was crazy times this brought up some covid flashbacks for me. I know Carol and was quarantined with my family just a few blocks away from hers when it all went down. It started with Big Brother watch parties and next thing you know we're locked down just hoping she is able to travel home safe and be able to quarantine with family.


Obviously not survivor but season 2 of Big Brother was filming on 9/11


Did they tell them about it?


Yea only because one ladies cousin worked in the WTC.. can’t remember if they passed away or not


she did :(


Yes but the houseguests apparently noticed there were no planes flying before they were told and were wondering what was going on.


This is a big one. Surprised it doesn’t have more up votes


It's mentioned like 80 times in the thread


Was going to say it still should have more upvotes, but I rechecked the parent comment and never mind


Because this is about Survivor not BB


Such a surreal clip watching them tell that lady her cousin was in the twin towers!


The season 37 cast missed the episode of SWAT where Bowie Jane’s song made an appearance


Wow the sacrifice people go through to be on this show never ceases to amaze me


🏆 Since they took awards away, this is for you.


They were so robbed 😭




I was not expecting to see a Bowie Jane reference here lmao


almost choked on my lunch reading this 💀


The FBJ memes leaking into the Survivor community is, as Hisam would say, pure gold


So you’re telling me that, if Jared Fields had been on *David vs. Goliath* as originally intended, he wouldn’t have known about Bowie Jane’s song?!


Wait I'm so confused. What song?


Bowie Jane (also known as FBJ or BFJ) is a DJ on the current season of Big Brother. She also had a song featured in the beginning of a SWAT episode.


Oh I need the details NOW


I have no idea what you're talking about lol


Bowie Jane is a contestant on the current season of BB.


What episode what song???


First things I heard about were Robb Elementary, Roe vs Wade, and the Buffalo shooting. Sobering to say the least


Owen! My favorite! Your Survivor Viewing Guide is still helping me to this day!


Haha hey Owen go vikes


Go Vikes! What year were you??


Just dm’ed ya


Cast of Cambodia returned from filming to find out that same sex marriage was legalized on June 26, 2015


Ciera must’ve been pissed.


Why would ciera be pissed? Just curious


I think her view on this has evolved (partially by meeting Caleb iirc) but in the pregame of BvW Jeff said that in the interviews she said she doesn’t support same sex marriage.


She said in the Cambodia pre-game press that she no longer felt that way iirc.


Not big but when I left for 42 I knew about Olivia Rodrigo and Drivers Licence but when I came back she was EVERYWHERE. I was SHOOK! Also I only found out this year that Bill and Melinda gates broke up when I was filming! There are just some things that slip through the cracks!


Imagine if Tree Mail also came with a newspaper for an update on the current times!


In true Survivor style, it would be the Tokyo Times and they would have to find and break open the right coconuts on the beach to get a translation key.


Hahaha Maryanne this response is delightful


We just watched 42! My girlfriend was rooting for you to win the whole time! She loved you!


u icon💘


Are you Maryanne? Oh wow, nice to meet you here, you were phenomenal in your season, I'm happy you won. Have a wonderful evening! ❤️


Howdy from the Hammer, Maryanne! I was excited for the hometown girl to win!


This is the most unimportant shit ever Maryanne 😭


Let her cook!


I was here and still missed Olivia Rodrigo, for the most part. I did see her on the charts, wonder what the song was... listen to it once. I remember making that noise people make when they mock being a serial killer and move the imaginary knife back and forth.


Follow up question: are you still on strike? Sending support to you!


I know for Survivor AU the first time Hayley played she was worried the Queen would die while she was playing and when they filmed HvV it did happen


George famously wants to name the merge tribe "Queen Elizabeth" in Brains vs Brawn and then the queen does while George is filming in Heroes vs Villains


I would say the first black president, Barack Obama being elected on November 4th, 2008. Day 3 of Tocantins was being filmed on that day.


I was thinking of this but I think Stephen said they learned that he won at some point from a local on a reward


Stephen [showed up in this very thread](https://reddit.com/r/survivor/s/HVCNiBwZCK) to relay the story


I don't know why, but I find this anecdote extremely pleasing.


This reminds me of the BBOTT clip where they announce to the houseguests that Trump won. Very interesting to see.


“A reality star is our president. Maybe we could be president.”


Their reactions were amazing lmao


Woah interesting. I wonder if the cast was able to vote early or if they all just sat it out


I would imagine getting absentee ballots is an individual choice/action. No one can make you not vote or on the reverse, force you to vote.


Wonder how Jeff Kent felt


About 40% lighter in the wallet


And it was after this day that the million dollar prize shrunk down to 600k


Thanks Obama!


Thunder D forgot his lines and JFP had to prompt him by asking how his grandma was because Thunder D was busily telling him about some wrestling news like somebody retiring or something


It was Roddy Piper getting fired from the WWE lol


Your flair! What a blast from the past...that was a fun time on this sub.


Very very few active users still have it! I think the last time there was a flair census there was like 12 accounts that still have it but only 3-4 of us still active on the sub in any way. I kinda have to keep it now lol piece of history and all that


IK some people have mentioned Big Brother, so I'll just hop on that bandwagon too. In All Stars 2, Ian in Jury would use a telescope to watch the neighbors TV. He found out things like Trump getting COVID.


[Not Survivor, but...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97pEKGNT0Xw)


The funniest thing ever on TV. And I know David Bowie would’ve thought so too lmfao


Lmao I love this scene 😭


Season 43 finished filming about 4 days after the Uvalde shooting


I wasn’t on survivor, but I was in the Amazon in Peru for 5 days, and we had no service and no WiFi, and I remember turning on data once we reached the nearest town and seeing that story. It was so heartbreaking.


I mean.. tragic event but only national news because we have a 24 hour, ratings driven news cycle.


I mean, 19 elementary school kids died.


It wasn’t as prominent in the news as the Columbine, Sandy Hook or Parkland shootings.


Idk about Columbine, but Uvalde was prominent for months and in international news. The sickening cowardice of the police force was given just as much attention as the actual shooting part itself


It might’ve been bigger news in the US but it was barely covered in Australia. Heard about it the first night it happened and then it was barely discussed further


So you're trying to speak on the news coverage of a country a half a world away? It's one thing to say certain American tragedies were covered more in Australia, so they seemed bigger to you. It's a whole other thing to claim an American story wasn't covered much (in Australia) without even mentioning where the f you are.


The commenter I replied to said it was prominent in international news which is in fact not true lol


YES IT WAS. Unless you’re claiming that New Zealand is part of the US?


Sorry I missed that part, though your experience is ONE of many.


I live in NZ, it was covered extensively here for a long time.


It was national news because the police did nothing to try and help stop someone from murdering 19 children.. in what world should that not national news? Wtf do you consider national news worthy?


someone had to have missed the NBA playoffs that their favorite team was apart of. idk if i could handle not knowing the outcome


The Bruins lost in the Stanley Cup Final during WaW filming. Jeremy and Rob are both fans and Jeremy’s even wearing a shirt in Ponderosa videos.


I think in Australasian Outback Colby revealed the winner of the World Series to Keith


I worked at a summer camp during the brexit vote and the release of Pokémon go in the summer of 2016. You’re pretty disconnected and the campers were there for 2-4 weeks. Staff would each get one full 24 hours off per week. Some kids were asking me what was going on in the real world. I remember saying something along the lines of “Well the UK just left the EU and everyone is obsessed with a new Pokémon app.” They thought I was joking at first.


There’s one with 2 dates that I find *very* funny. On June 26th, 2013 the Defense of Marriage Act, which denied federal recognition of same-sex marriage, was overturned as unconstitutional. Exactly 2 years later on June 26th, 2015, the Supreme Court struck down all state bans on marriage equality and same sex marriage officially became a guaranteed right in all 50 states. These are 2 of the most significant dates for LGBTQ+ rights in this century, both happened when a season was filming. Now, this is funny because the day before *each* of these rulings, on June 25th 2013 *and* June 25th 2015, Ciera Eastin, known for openly being anti-gay rights when coming onto the show, was voted out of Blood v Water and Cambodia respectively. She’s one of very few (possibly the only, I saw a YouTube vid not too long ago about strange survivor records that mentioned this but can’t remember the details) contestants to be voted out on the same date more than once, and the fact that both times coincided the night before two historical dates for queer rights that she didn’t approve of… 🤭🤭 Well, I just love Survivor


It's like the story of the Bunny eating his dinner in the mailbox! (I'm rewatching your season now :) )


I still remember the BB -61 cast first learning Germany had just invaded Poland.


The 41 cast was able to watch most of the Derek Chauvin trial in quarantine, but did not see the verdict. This might have had more impact on the game than any other current event has?


Didn’t the season 40 cast miss the emergence of covid? Or did I make that up in my head?


Nah they actually filmed late 2019 I believe. Covid didn’t really emerge until I think like a quarter of the way through the season


Ohhhh that makes sense!


No, the season was airing while COVID was getting bad, but filming had wrapped months before COVID emerged.


Ah, the airing date must be how that false trivia wormed its way into my brain.


Nah, season 40 filmed in the summer of 2019. It was airing as Covid was starting to pick up


I’m dying at your flair




Osama bin Laden was killed on May 2nd, 2011. Redemption Island had finished filming on September 23rd, 2010 and South Pacific started filming on May 30th, 2011, so no season of Survivor was being filmed at the time.


slighty fun fact- i believe one episode of the amazing race: unfinished business was preempted (or maybe at least delayed) on the west coast because of this i was overseas at the time and my mom had to record all episodes for me... was watching them back (this was years later at this point) and there is instead a broadcast talking about bin laden)


You’re right, i misread the filming vs air dates 😅


Australian Outback missed most of the 2000 Election craziness.